TSHE' MICHIGAN DAILY ~E$ IN 'INN FAI Elections for officers of thle Wom,-,en's league, tho Athletic association, and the Y. W,1 C. A. will take place from1 8 'to 5 o'clock, Tuesday, in University' hall. All University women may vote fop league officers, no registration be- ing necessary. 'Votes for Athletic as- sociation c-ucers are restricted to muembers having more than 100 lion- or points, and only members who have registered may vote for Y. W. C. A. officers. Votingr; will be b~y ballot. Candidates for league officers are as follows: president, Dorothy Bishop, '24, Helen Delbridge, '24, Susan Fitch, '24; vice-president, Fried a Diekhoff, '25, Kathryn W~ood ward., '24; treasur-. er, Jeanne Britgs, '25, Alice Powell, '25; recording secretary, Margaret Beal, '25, Olive McKay, '25; corres- ponding secretary, Grace Hall, '25, Dorothy McFarlen, '25; senior repre- sentative, Elizabeth Carson, '25, Dor- is Crouse, '24; junior representatives, (vote for two), -Marion Barlow, '25, Margaret. Dixon, '25; Alphra Ladd, '25, Elizabeth' liebermann, '25; sophomore representative, Virginia Kersey, '2G, Ruth Rankin, '26. Candidates for offices in the atb- letic association are: President, Eliz,- abeth Cain, '24, Mary Early, '24, whose namre was omitted in the first pub lica- ! tion of andiulate s, Flizabeth Lauver, K ' 2n vice-president, Marianna Smnalley, MIarion Bigelow, '26, Norma flowbur, 'P:-ereta-y, !Alma iCrcuse, '2,Dor- Sothy Brogan, '25; senior r;>resenta- tive, TLois Miller-, '24; VWinifred Crai-i,, '24 ; junior representative, AnnseSinms, '2 , Me1rle Rtowe, '25; sophomiore rep- rceenta.,Jve, Dorothy Og!)orn, '26, Alice IL'17itornl, '2G. Canddaesfor Y. W. C. A. offices are: president, Lila Reynolds, '24, FDorothy Jeffrey, '24; vice-president, ILiuvei i llay -,( '26, Rosemary Lauir- e1re, '24A; scyta'y liza:beth rBurns, '2 ;, Helen13rown, '25; treaiurer, Verna Tr ebllcock , '5, Lillian Wetzel, '25. IN FESTIVAL SOCON Jcanette Kru1' a Johnson will pre- Ssent her thlird May dance festival on Tuesday evening, May 1, at Hdill audi-. torium. The fe;tival is being given under the aiusnices of £samm,]a Phi Beta for the benefit of the Women's league fund. Mrs. Jchnson studied in Chica o tun- der Mine. Yourg, formerly of the City under Arex Kosloff, of the Im- SGrand Opera as-ociation, in N.ew, York penial Rsinballet and undler M,. Portapovritch, formerly' of Pavlova's SBallet Russo. The program will include national. interpretive, oriental, eccentric and' toe dances ending with a ballet of seven dancers. Tickets will be on sale Friday, April 27, Monday, April 30,. and Tuesday, May 1, at. booths: in fthle library' and University hall. Extra practice in. spring sports may be taken as follows: Baseball f6r, seniors and juniors, at 4:15 o'clock I Mon day and Wednesday afternoons-at Palmer field; for sophomores and freshmen, at 4:15 o'clock Tuesday and Thursday afternoons; archery for all classes, at 4:15 o'clock Monday aft- ernoons; tennis for upperclass womn- en, at 4:15 o'clock Wednesday after- noon c. Women who wish to take part in the spring tennis tournament are re- quested to register immediately in I3arbour gymnasium. A slip for this; prpose .will be found. on the bulletin board. Women who have received cards from the league rummage sale com< mittee are asked to mail reports to the committee at once in order- that articles may be called for on Mon- clay. Wyvern will meet at 8:30 o'clock~ tomnorrow, eventing at Helen Newberry residence. t f .; E 1 7 I.'Mummers, women's dramatic or- Ciarenice Ilyde, of South Blend, Ind., ganization, will hold spring tryouts' wh'ich took, place on April 13, in this from 3. to 5 o'clock Tuesday and from city,. 3 to 5:30 o'clock Wednesday after- noon in Sarah Caswell Angell hal JATNF1ISICAIJE ti AES All women on the campus are eligible. ('.1NDI DATES F'OR-OFFICES Members of, the club are expected to attend tryouts. Nominations for officers for next year have been made6 by the nominat- There will be a regular meeting of) Michigan Dames at 8 o'clock toinor- ing committee of" the Matinee Mu's-1 row evening at Helen Newberry resi- iae Mrs. Ilarry Bacher has., been: dunce. Prof. George WVilnier will give suggecsted= for president; for vice-pres- somen readings..'icdoutt, Mrs. Ralph Aigler; for second vice-presidlent, Mrs. S. W.' Mower; for entry into the interhouse ba eball recording secretary, Mrs. . N. Men- tmouirneinent mnay be made by sig;!nng efee; for corresponding secretary, on the bulletin -board ins Barbour gymn- Mrs. C. L.* Washburn; fore treasurer; nasim. Mrs. Johin Sundwall ;and for direct- ors,, which is. a two, year term,; Mrs. All -articles for the league rummage 1 arry Hlawley, anid Mrs. Hloward sale will be collected' from the organ- I Faust. Mrs. M. A. Ives, Mrs. Fred. ized houses Monday afternoon, 'MNcOmber and Mrs. Carl Braun were: -----elected for a two year term in this Ansniinc _arri ago office in 1922. Under the newu constt- Announcement has been made of the tution, nomination, cahi be madam from marriage -of Dorothy Geltz, '24,. to the floor. 4 m ADVErTIS YOUR GOOD JUDGMENT WHEN YOU WEARm OUR CLOTHES I Arthur F. Marquardt - 608 E. LIBERTY -, SLE~EP AlY WYIERZBUT i EAT AT REVX' THE CLUB LUN2CH liz. Fear State and Packard Streets U Z1~ Aii~rStre t j fr^a' 606 10t Nat'l [ours, 1-6 pan. DOI ,a 11 ar Knickers Respond to thec Call of the Open Priced $2.95 . o $10.50 An Income of $2 This can be gotten in this fine I O4rom1 just off Washtenaw. The house has been finish. The heat is steam.- There is a fire linen ch ate, lav ratory-all of which make6, it There is a garage with' cem~ent drivews This should be investigated at once~as t. immnediately. 23 Every Four Weeks house that is situated only 4 blocks Tram the campus- built only 7 years and has hardwood floors and oak eplace, sunwparlor, sleeping porch, laundry, linen closet, most m~odern and up-to-date. .y, and the lot is on a corner.- he price and terms are very reasonable. Call us Realtor Phone 835-F-1i Evenings 835-F-2, 2938 =- I~llI~lI!I;IIII~lhIIHI~f~flhllhIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII~jjIIII~tIII .IIlI FI OR: hiking. along. unfrequented roads, rfor cantering through shadowy lanes, for golf or any- other outdoor sport that beck-' on-yu.wtkncesSmrlsyed they give untold comfort and complete free- dom of movenent-lthey add a zest to the If Made. of khaki, velour and tweed, sizes. and. manty colors. Some have foxeed knees' $2.95 to $10.50 in all re-en- SECOND FLOOR MRS. Ga'oody ear's I2"4 SO UTII MAIN " 717 National Baink Sundays andI '- ,IIYh. 1 t ead *The Daily " Classified"' Columns e. 4 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I STARTING f7 e 'N TODAY. IT'S HERE AT LAT The, 8how the whole World is happy about C6OVl CAI PROMISE 01UR PAT6!ROXNS IN AN- ARBOR J1. ST Aj3QIJ? ANY'THING~ COME OUT'AND TL OU THAT iYOU ERIE "OOSAOE ,ST",AN HY C0XEOUANTIITL OUJIE YOU ERI TIE_"SAFTLS"- TUL _____ W. S. BLITTERFIELI) S I "The Rrlnce Skywilarkers, a., I f. it 1 M 4 "" *- AL wL in his i i 1' I t L, THRILL A MINUTE LAUGH A SECOND $PASM OF' HILARITY 4. etter 4Ta 4An CaplinEvrMd '-\ IT SIMPLY CANNOT BE DESCRIBED! IT MUST BE SEEN TO, BE'APP'RECIATED-> In "pulling" this stunrt 12 stories UT), Lloyd risked his life to give you a laugh SEVEN GREAT AAIN REELS SO CRAB -FULL OF ACTION,, SSHIVERY 'IIls~,, ErCEA II-D[E FYING STUNTS AND UPRO~AR. 1IOUS, SCREAMtINGV- ) 1, I, THAT YOU' LL SWEAR THAT IT'S ONLY FOUR REELS INiSTEADl OF SEVEN. We can honestly state. that "SAFETY LAST " is positively the greatest super-comedy ever- - conceived in screen history !OOHS OPEN SUNDAY AT ONE O'CLOCK PI'lCES: ADULTS ANYWHIERE, S0c; IKIDDIES )RMANCES AT 1:30--3:00---4:0--7:00O-8:00 (an Sunday Only) 9ho0 k ._.. ..rc, ..r . - , A Tip 'To Th~e'Wise i1 EVERY SHOW WILL BE CROWDED EXCEPT THE OESATN T130I'YUCNARNE ONE TARING T 130, F' YOU AN RRANE i I ERFO T WELVE stories up. and only one ,R wV% 1114k, IE~I aI~ !" ~