___ ___THE MICH1-TGAN DAILY d V P1611W 'to VG'i'Iniversiy Jeetres Tomorrow and Tuesday VyOJH(ERIS ADVOCATE t1' CLEANUP i IN LITICS litician, lawyer, and jo rnlist among the varied vcations of y H. Curran,who will deliver two ersity lectures tomorrow and sday. lie has occupied many po- lI offices in New York city, taught he New York Law school, and ten numerous articles for publi- a. present his articles on "ohn Cit- s Job" are running in The Sat- y Evening Post. The articles are ten as8 a 'dialogue between Mr. an and Mr. John Citizen of ]Every- th ese articles he ais urging the ic. to take a more active part in ls and shows the folly of -staying Hle flails the people wh follow political "bsses" blindly. "They aluting from orning till night," ays. Curran admits that politics 'are but refuses to concede that this aufficient reason for staying out. idvises that more people get .in clean them up from the insid. Curran severely 'criticises the rof non-voters. 'Curran will speak Monday on Costof Keeping out of Politics" Tuesday on "The Value of Going Politics-and Hoe to Go in." lectures will be hegld at 4:15 ck In the afternoon in room D3 eLaw building. LUOGY F IE LD TI PS PLANNED Ma. ould, of the geology depart- :has announced the schedule of ,8 16 be visited by the sections in1 gy .2 during the spring field trip 0. Five tours will be mae, the' in the vicinity of Ann Arbor to the origin of the features around boulevard and campus; the see- trip will be made to Forester's to study glacial action; the third psilanti to study the beaches of at lakes; the fourth to Lia to reskers; and the fifth to Put-in if' this: canl be arranged, to study ;aveiformnations there. It is possi- that another expedition wil be itted. in the:icinity''of Ann ,i.;r- e JjVst trip will be made on Wed- ay, .pril 25, leaving the Natural ce4-building at 1 o'clock. St- aenrolled in the course who are certain. of their sections should giss Stevenson U-1 room 432 N. S. 16 Wednesday. RD ]CEC IL PAYS CALL ON HARDING Robert Cecil presented directly 7sidet Harding and to Sen. Bor- f Idaho made his explanation of eaguge of nations and it achieve- :s and its hropes. e British expronent of the league I rtl a monthi has been advocat- le league course in America had kfast with Senator Borah one of lrreconilables and the went to White H ouise w ihere he bad half Hour's coniference.,with the. Pros- e Wite Hou , ssued no state- aafter the cad" and. Lord Robert acct' hzis comit to the assertion hec had a p lSasant discussion 'DEN DEFEATED) AT 6GE,-RMANTOWVN RllKEI II lP FN A FAME WS LE: T l.R TO IS SON mi deer sun ;-yioure letter recd and MIUTARY__BLI l r eonte~nts noted. yu asted me why ii 0 ' oal-il hthi eo i DACESlviiMR4ITO""',Snt hvenuthin 2rite with.3 ):ND SITRAIES fO REVER"l set down 2 rit.e abowt 2 weaks aggo ati1)S~ltl'hS 011 YEW1 & 1 got bolt of a old fowntain penj A "i'l"VICTORS""()1" whjitch woodnt give down & I kept l r"itin & joggin it & never got no re- Army signal rockets will thunderl zults & finely it giv'down all 2 wunce the opening of the third .unual mill- & splatterd ink all. over everything tary ball1 next Friday night in, the whitch maid mie so mad i almost lost; combined Watermian and Barbour mi temlper. so i took .the danged, gymnasiums. A salute of welcome thing out in the shied and i slkrood it Iwill be fired w;ith these from several in the vice & i sez 2 it, now dang yu 37 millimeter salute guns. immedi- 1 ehrfxy riefxy oen ately following, the strains of the'I "Stars and Stripes Forever" will an- buddy elts kin fix yu, whitch I finely nounce the grand march, to break into dun, so then i cum in the hoWse and "The Victors" before the conclusion started 2 proweling. erround a lookin of the march. for hlcur pencil 2 rite with. yure maw Gorden Gale, '23'L, general chairman sow n-3 a prowlin errotind & she sez of the affair, will be corporal of the no what ar yu 'a lookin fur & i sez firsto squad. leading the march, while nuthi n & she sez yull find it in' the 'others with him incelude Carl H.. Smith,Iju ireteisywzxvtc*a '25T2, commander of the local V. F. WV. jgwaetewskywzIic a post; Major Robert Arthur, professor more; troothfui then . poetical, but i of military science and tactics; Major didn't find me no pensil so i coodent Willis Shipman, assistant professor of rite.' military science and tactics;, John Y. now i got a holt of thet Rider fown- Lawton,' '24, and Paul Young, '24E" tin pen whitch yu giv 2 yur sister There will -be 24 Booths, one for whitch is shore a snaiks hips of a each 'allied nation in the recent war ritin to~ol. mi ideers jest flowys frum and others representing the Univer- sity, Y. M. C. A., Red Cross, and so on. mi lied thru the pen 2 the payper One committeeman will be assigned withowt no hitch of enny kind & 1 to each booth as host. Booths will be find i kin spel better & think cleerer; assigned from 1:30 to 5 o'clock when i hain't aggervated by a Banged Tuesday and Wednesday in the lobby, bocky, pen. of the Union. At this time programs hewlirsvaycader. I d will be given out 'also., The military ball originated. in 1921 ornt pla'nt mi potatos on good friday when the Veterans of Foreign Wars becos i. haint got no pickax 2 dig gar-# den with. if i geot a sight of thet gave a dance toe 225 couples at the dangedl lyin grownd hog. this summer Union immediately, before spring va- lies a; gon coon. wel I must cloase. cto.Ol. F .mn n hi we are all wel cxsept i haint a fealin! guests were admitted. mii oats like 1 orter & i got a getherin . Last year a large ball was given in on mi noze & yur ma sties a gowttn the gymnnasiums for the entire Uni- the izzery agen & yur sister she's versity. At this 700 couples were ad- got the fio epydemick but uther- mitted, and again this .year' the samewie ea.alte&yrm &oe number' is expected to attend. The ws erart u a&m coming ball, sponsored by' the V. F.hpeaintlhad indreel fte ur nelt2dys W., is being.given in conjunction with Lp hsfns yurhfathe-. o the University R. 0. T. C., to whom it p. s. If yui hain't lernt nuthin elts1 will be passed. as an' annual institu- yooseful in collidge yu haint waisted al tion. yur time becos yu shore lernt whitch fis a good fowntin pen when yu got: MARtITHA C(,(O TO ENTERTAIN aholt' of thet Rider fowntin pen. yu COSHOPOLITAN' CLUB TODAY ct to send me won soz ile rite offener. Members of the Cosmopolitan club(Avrient J ,y J _ TODAY-'TUESDAY 9- tusic, such as DEAREST (you're the nearest to my heart j"u peh n STARLIGHT BAYJ his Orchestra GOSH, but we'd like to be gifted With the pen of a Sapho or~ a Bend Jonson or a Kipling_ when, we conic to reviewing Paul Specht's records. As it is Wea feel about as futile as a man attempting to play the Sym'phony Pathetique on a penny whistle. SPAKNGinaPEGGY DEARLITERVRythHapSi 9- PAA B y the appyia I- ;C!'WeAveNGiaso rimtny mfinemawtrcoadstatr 'iacouldznbnamethm part-it ula yo = I_ come and see!1 s- . i =You ate "always rwelcomre at :395. MA YNARD $TRIfT Have 'you Read The4"F:or Sale " Want Ads? will be :entertained at luncheon at 5:15 this evening by the residents of, Mar- thia Cook in Martha Cook dormitory. This will be in accordance, with the yearly, custom of Martha Cook dormi 'tory in entertaining the' foreign. stu.~ dents of the University., Following'the luncheon the'Cosmo- politan club members will present a tprogram with the foreign~ students who took, the,spring trip taping the principal roles. Following the pro- gram XW. L.. Shpu will, speak., Clara,, Eastlake;'~ Color cI ills, parades, 'and. review s wilbe staged 1-y the R. 0.~ T.~ C. every IWednesday aftornoon lfrom now on. Rilfle shocting Iias been the main item on the program during the winter but the excellent spring weather -will make possible the addition of the new activities. 4 ? 4I Major Arthur marched his men around' yesterday in order to find out just, how the various detachments stand. Next week the new drills will be started in earnest. A small bandl will accompany the unit on its marches. Chase Catches Wolverine Detroit, 'April 21.-W. 11. Chase, president of the Alaska Game Protec- tive association, who contracted to. provide a live wolverine for the local loo, says that although rather plenti- ful in Alaska, they are' hard to atch. HT~ obtained one, however. The ani- nial will be the ony Wolverine in the Wolverine state, so far as is known, they having become extinct in Mich- igan. It's-: true effricien cy to use Daily Classietleds-.Adv. REGULAAR PRICES J PRICESON EE T AISNTHARE ,R1 BRTAKi'tK ALL PREVIOUS RECORDS - ANOTVE R RIP-ROA-RINkG ST" RY BY ' "4TARtTS STARTS TODAY TDA , =TUESDAY' FAMOUS SATURDAY EVENING POST.,' WVRITERTIj~A Her's hgh-eardsixcyln-or a modern ice box to an Es der love story that tears along kioaIaee ohcip --over thei~rch~s :.at break-neck speed, rich with , -laughs and chuckles from start'. BUT~ - ~to finish.SETN You remember the old beloved ?' IMEFToAMEITOTY *Wally Reid romances? WelHMEL O T p PRETTY GIRL-WVELL THATI here's another of the same ty~pe..WSAHlE F NTE H'e could sell mittens and over- WSAHREO NTE "shoes to a South Sea Islander, COLOR. ' DIRECTED 'BY - ~~E . It. f R IF. a A CosmopOlitan PrHoducion W r1 T. QOY BARNS, SEENA O WEN, TOM LEWIS and a great Paramount cast ., ________ ' IN ADI)ITION I -°)A CI UL THE DUMB WAITER"' SUNDAY PRICES.., - MATINEE '' #1 T'l AI dV A'SMITHALL S - 1* I -Rt tl- 9 I etin Rr~ i SID) s."ii'rWCSEATS ^n .y I I I t* .; .1' ia, P'ern., April 21.-(ByV Mamn Tilden, II, national1 pien, met defeat today at on of the new courts at n academy, his alma mnater~. hards, holder of the na- es crown with'Tilden was Carl Fisher, Philadelphia chan'ion. They won Land Wallace R. Johnson, L4-5, 6-1, 9-7. a' B. Mallory, miaking her ance on an American court eturn from abroad, casil.y' ~S dohly Thayer, Philadel-. t 'I -I AT THlE TH'EATERS I I Screen-Today ,; Area lc-"The Go-Getters," With T. Roy Barnes' an dSeena Owe n; comedy and news. Yaje.,dce-- "Safety Last," with Hirold Lloyd; animal picture, "Ma<,n Versus Beast"; "Mrs. Hippo." Orpho um - Herbert Rawlin son in "Another. Man's Shoes"; :c-:Cdy and news. IJ IGIVEN GREAT OVATIG. 9, ' I N h. Ital1y, April 21.-(By A. P.)- ay in past years nmarlked by. today w~as the occasion' of an stic ovation .to the facisti gov- I' thousand facisti were re- Premier .Mussolini and took of allegiapice. One hiun - sand others went through iremonies in other import- I '1 t; W'uerth-D. 'W.- Griffith produe- tio:n, "One Exciting-- Night," .wiC?=Carol Dempster and Hlen- ry Hui;; also stage attraction,. Sitor Larel in "hThe Noon Wht tistle." 1 Stage-Ti~s Weol Fires Ifere Last Y ear ndr-oed and eighty two fir s) i,£' tlhe fast V(;r l7 T- ' .; .11~- i . Garrick - Walter lHamnpden in I illI