THE MICHIGAN, DAILY NJ WILL PRACTICE Y *RIFLE SHOOTING "Shooting w.Oth the 30-calibre army rifle at1 the miiti rfle range on State street will ),, l-arraged for those wo- men Gft the TUnivers-ity who hadin struction- ist yar"stated, Major Wil- lis Shippam Sturday.. The work at the rifle ranige wvill include firing at a bull's eye target fromr distances of 200 and 300 yards. For those' who have never lmd rifle shooting before, it is planned1 to establish a rangei -at Palmner field w-hcre 22-calibre rifles will he shont. Rtegular classes in be- ginning instruction wvill be held there along as good weather" lasts. Dur- ing bad weather and for night shooting it is hoped to locate an indoor range:~ To find out how much interest the women have in rifle shooting is the purpose of a meeting to be held at 5 *o'clock :Monday afternoon in Bar- hour gymnasium. At that time Major Sippamn will speak,, outlining the plans for the coming year. Arrange1 ments will be made for periods of )rvactice which best fht Major ,Ship- pamzn's schiedule and the programs of the women. f Mlajor" Shippamn states that he is pleased with the work which the wo- uien didt last year and he feels that it (-n lbe made' more progressive if here is regular attendance., "Rifi, sh~ooting is not so difficult as is usu- %ally imnagined*,"lhe stated. "Skill can be acquired by regular -instruc- tion and by practice, and there is no reason why any college student can not learn." AT THE THEATERS A RCAD)E Cecil B3. De Mille's remarkable Paramount production "Manslaugh- ter" begins a five-day run at the Ar- cade Sunday. The picture is an In- tensely dramatic romnance of today ces in order to invite them to the par- All entering upperclassmen are in- men, are urged to attend. Tryouts 'y vited to a party to be given from 4 consist of four-minute -exteruporan- 0V1ClIto 6 o'clock Wednesrlay afternoon in eous speeches.} 1lleey. practice will be held for 1B arbour Gymnasium- ______________________Isophomores at 4:45 o'clock on M'~on---Graduate women are invited to tea Thefirt hgiee lctue Wll e aysan~ Wenesays frshmn a IMortarboardl will mueet for thec first at. 3:<,0 to 5:30 o'clock on Tuesday, givefiat 4h'clock Tecdyternoon 4:45 'clock oIetn Tesdayr,' shn a ths-time athis seacon at 8 o'clock MonT~wday Oct. 10, in Barbour gymnasium. AllI givenat 4 'clok Tueday fternon hevening at Ma irtha Cook dormitory. graduate women 'whether personallyl in Babu yn~im l rs-dys. All girls interested are urgedI tnoBaobouandytrysout.forlteaes.--- rnvited or not are invited to be pies- me n neigsophomores , are re- I j Tryouts for Masques annual playf z. quired to. he present.wllbheda4o'lc.tmro f-j-' I hockey practice will be held for wl ehl t4ocoktmro f ternoon i aSarah OCaswell Angohll hall. 11_- raiage of Students 1s Announced i s e n i o r s a t 4 :1 . 5 o 'c l o c k o n T u e s d a y ,' ny.)e F~a r l g b l .A n u c e e t h s e n n u ~ e o h All women interested in' rifle()lyzenbasae.el;iae aorceethsben ae'fte shooting are requested to meet at 5j andl Thursdays; juniors at 4:15 cO'- -- marriag~e of Marion Levi, '24, daugh - o'clock Monday afternoon inI Barbour! clock on M ondays and Wednesdays.' Athena membership tryouts will beI ter of Prof. and Mr1,s.. Moritz Levi, to Gymnasium. Hlonor points will be given, for per.. held atl 7 o'clock Tuesday evening iic Nevin C. Fisk, '23, of tLudington1, Mich. feet attendance when trying out forf the Alpha Nii rooms. All women in-l Mrs. Fisk is a member of the Alphal Senior and sophomore advisors are teams, terested in debating, especially fresh-1I+;psilon Phi sorority reminded of the party for entering- upperclassmen which will be given lip from 4 to 6s o'clock Wdnsday. after- Ti onn tdn adIcm eefrtig. Ims lasfn noon in Barbour gmasu.Advisors Twhatis wann atuloerncst.d-Iismafactre o hselm osterything fornless are requested to .consult lists postedwhtIwnatalwrcs.ItiafcedoelmstvryigfrJs; in Barbour gymnasium to find the I and whe have, so many items you fellows buy every, day : Hosiery, Sweaters, names and addresses: of their adlvis- . 'Underwear, Ties, Collars, Waiters' Aprons, and Coats, Whisk Brooms and on all booEmn TRY THIS STOREt; Purcasedat C7 RIDER'S PEN SHO P' 209-21 1 EAST WASHIN4GTON STREE T *I .Sa o. ~.Stte St 6 MULLISON SADDLE STj 326 EAST ANN STREET We keep the highest grade of saddle horses to be found for hire SAV E ?!NY BY BYING A C:OUPON TICKET Instructor for ladies if desired PHONE 8 ANN ARBOR CIISTOJT SHIOE FACTORY ,ES .. . 0 4- P) 0 THIRTYINUTE SERVICE Get your repair 'work done when y'o'u you want it. Tl irty mnute service; Sh~oes called for and deliverecd at the H. W. CLARK, 534 Forest Avenue' tPhonfi ,3043 o. .r c d rs r r+ 0 y ... ANN ARBOR CIJSTOX SHOIE FACTORY ri . a o Div. ,aus. tyi, ' Starzting. Today Suday.- Thursday An x a mp le pf the J7otion Picture Supee t °' . ..,. .. , Anthony fHope's Immortal .Classic Enxt railing Potoplay of Sheer Romance and Lnchantmen---- -Now an 6 Z;h'e F" j rk (r iL r :_ Ru pert of1 Hentzau, whose 'villainy was so perfect. it was attractive. u N / i L Masterfully Created by theGenius of. Cinema Expre ssion Antoinette de 1 Mau br, ad- vexnturess an iioblecwonian, reckless of all save Black Michael's f avor. 7homasI~e.& aria Qeatrce o9 in CedIi B. DeMille's an icentoers; ~iaund .a wealthy girl who ha1,u become a speed maniac and mutpay the penalty. Lavish set- tingrs mark this spectacular success aend an excellent cast includes Thom- as Mig hn, Leatrice Joy, Lois Wil- so1Cas-;son Ferguson, and John Mil- ter"' The love affair of an authoress whwoe friends declared she "couldn't gect a man in the entire world-if some other womtanl wanted hbim," is thle .tere of Kiatheine MacDonald's latest comedy-drama, "Heroes and fluhans~"the attraction for Friday and Saturdany. A pair- of shell rim glas ses, wor"n in the opening .scenes, al: ,.t conceal the features of the' fa;mous beauty. "The, Prisoner of Zehnda," adapted from the famous novel: by Anthony ITope,, opens a five-day engagement at the MIajestic today. This Rex Ingram prodtuction is one of the most bril- liant of recent screen romances, full (Continued on PA~ge Eigh~t) r-l. '*n ..-4 ,,_ . ex s . "y4-, . ;f y ..., s V " "THE PRISONER OF ZENDA" HAS ALL THE ELEMENTS ,OF A PERFECT PHOTOPLAY, CROWD- ED WITH- ACTION, INTRIGUEAND EXCITEMENT.~ IT -HAS ZEST - THE DEVIL-MAY-CARt SPIRIT -* FOR IT WAS WRITTEN 'CIEF LY FOR THE LOVE" OF IMAGINATION THE.AUTH'IOR HAD; IT WAS AS GLAMOROUS TO HIMT AS TO HIS READERS. "The. MotPplrRomance of a, Gene ration Who also made r "The Four Horseinen of the .Apocalypse," "Turn to the Right," and "The Conquering Power." IT HAS STEPPED OITT OF TiiE PAG~ES AND VOME's TO A SPLENDID LIFE ON, OF IE jBOOK THLE SCREET 1 WITH A SUPERB CAST Ilice Incluiding i ferry AS PRINCESS FLAVIA AS RUDQLPH-.THE DUAL ROLE AS RUPERT OF HENTZAU AS ANTOINETTE *- * ** * Rudolf Rassendyl, English adventurer,. whu so loved life that he risked it daily. *K4 I Intrigue and devilish plotting is matched against heroic endeavor and ultimate victory for the loyal adherents of King Rudolph. The settings are .magnificent; the coronation, the processions, the royal ball are massive, beau- tiful and impressive. Here is sword play, excitement, danger, plots, beauty, Princess Flavia, wi oil":- dolf loved and(1 .na ::__a- gerously near marrying. 0 It Ha tti or1U 11t11 7/4 Black' Mich ael, who hated Rudolf and loved Flavia with equ~al ijntensi~y. IN VASE OF FIRE THE STUDENT ROOMERS USUALLY Exceptional Pre~entatioti with ORIGINAL NEW YORK MUSICAL. SCORE Juterpretedl by the Greatly Elarged ajostir sir m mu 4 m~x~la T DIETERLE, Baritone, And a great surronding Program of Short Subjects ARE THE LOSERS 4 BEviiuqs they carry no in1sur- nnc i1 , :ed yet, mjark thiis:. FireJInsu~rance on stuit en t ,.. z