. . ...........
XXXIII. No. 144
" n "
a " w v
Merlin ,Ncwspapers Clainm Rab>Is is Not
of Unemployed Buit Organived
M1fuelheirn, April 20.(-By AV. P.)-
The citizens of Mueiheim and its v'i-
cinity tonight are organizing for some'
protection against the unemployed
bands 'which were todlay dispersed
front the center of the town and now
are assembling in the outskirts.
iJi11NIBeaten With Clrh. ,.
Armed with ax~e handles the pecple1
are going about the streets ready to
repel any further invasion of the town
by the mob.
Trhe Red Cross representatives say
that nine or ten persons are dead and
70 woundled is consequence of three
(lays of mob rule, but this count is
not an accurate one in as much as
thojse who live in various parts of the.
town have carried away sonme of their
dead and injured. Most o, tho.;e in-. ,
juredl were beaten over the head withj
30 Rioters Captured
In the suburbs where the bands.
driven out of the town, are gathering,~
it ;s reported that they are holding up
Ga rgoyle's Clever Caricatures ;ADII ~chosen To Hurl
And Poetry "azs B. M. 0.,~NM HIJUIL IntpeningGaneiM/I 4 ND OHIO STATE
Agust members of campus society1 in and razz a1' manner that makes a00 EL CTINgOC AS TO A IN IN TIA
whooccsinaly tkenouliinterest the spectators how] wxith glee The J'
HusnRvrAtooyn the intellectual side of college ex uso iirAnhloythat cal- "I Ip IlII
111 lection of verse of the nature tht
isoc omake use of that hidden Chimes, glories in, is so real that it S O E T O N I
something called a memory haive look-hrsad lae a h1anetm
ed back to the B. M. 0. C. number of j Fault;(of Great Revealedi. JELLORS AND ? SOPHIOMORE ',1 1 R
of he estThe cover is the first of the (Iaw- StEECTEI) TO BE PLACED)'___________________
Issues that that magazine ever p ub- gs y~ by Jame House. It is a perfect- If>?'~~ ~ I fo hy aeEchOhrBCEYE lIAOND MN SEE
fiyhdobvioustedacoverequoledthe typical col- I REVEGE FOR IDEFEAT V
ainhd. Bautpayedsted The equl lege youth in his too large Napoleon-; WILL VOTE WEDNESDAY C OTBL
and coar surpasshadigtdefold.tyThet April Mlbgan Ohio Slate
issue was one or the finest that the ic coradh aigdfut wt OS E L EC T MEMBE.RS. isor.I itetz~capt.).s.Matusoff 3b'
G argoyle has boasted in recent years !he " . . 0. C"BgFOOtaTnwBALIV R N C L A'1
House and Davidson lead Te"31.O .Bul"'htnw-Kpkcf le IV R N ESA DT
And the credit for such an issue as raper that occupies the two pages of , tmaiiguralofN;w Nominating S3btem 0f Kipke, ci. KieURLlFO. LOCAL TE
the'B. M. 0. 0. number goes largely otf the number, conitains more individual " Comnmitee Selection of Shacklefrd, r~f. Michels, lb
JmsHue'2Lantrepnta anis than any one other featuireof Nominees Ash, f. De Long,2b I om Gaet BeCl
FrtHm Gaet e4he wields. From cover to final pageI the Gargoyle. They are spce i tei Knode, 11b Cameron, s ;~0Oclc; sieyan
the Gargoyle faiirly bristles with pie- directness and howling joy in "razz' Candidates for election to the Stu- Paper, 2 Saman, r~f. j ~' Oclc; i to icand
tures from his hand, caricatures alt, They bring out nearly forgotten traits'(ent council were chosen yesterdays 1Blott, c. Marts, C.GretoOele'
that bring forth the "razz" idea of an of eour a great and near pbi great and lam aternoonr by a nominating comiteei} I iverace, p. H. Workman, p
issem on the npublicbauction fblock. Once again Oho Stateo oi~
isuIfti auebte yfrta Of like nature is that page of hood appointed by the council. Members of Substitutes: Mchigr infil, ichgnCnfrne; VS
could the nmost sarcastic articles. Hal- ieifld chgn ofrneseo.
sey Davidson, '25, also contributes a iviws by the notorious Lee O'Jayh next years council will be selected! Giles, Van Boven, Dilnan; out- j memories of last fall's great sta
number of drawings of a scale not far [h author boasts that his greatest! from the men chosen as nominees at ~ field, Klein, Coleman catch, deicainstl.r
behind that of House. f literary achievemient was having an a special election to be held Wednes- Howard J. Liverauce ISwnso, Sagtr(pth emato tl rsh in their mi
The articles are not far from the article rejected from Chimes. but that lyFirst string pitcher of the Wov ein O'H'ara, Gibson, Baker, Noon- fakatbsbllmn oeo
standard set by the drawings. The is no honor at all when placed l ang aSenior councilmen for next year b aseall team and veteran of two sea- I an, Benson, Slingerlind; Ohio jIgiio aroswohv
pomaihwihteiseaons ide of the masterpiece produced insoswo asbe a. selected were W. K. Scherer, '24, T. soswh gsb enasged the State: catch, ohnston, N Work I against the Maize and Blue, he
ar npy neetn n hydgithe Gargoyle hn, smihy.. Lynch, '25L, Calvin Campbel, '24F, Iitching job in Mhichigan's first Con- I man;picH el, ilr. lbyCahS.JnadCptn
aooe snpyIneetn n hydg the isarosle, th as ihtyeoneolaas.reE JckKeleTerence game of the 1923 sasn.Umpire s:iminsey and Green. P~er hod inoAnror Iw
go.Iispsilthtt ee e 24L, James A. Rce, 24, Donald Stek- a-" Starting time: 2:30 o'clock : ' ohdinoAn rbrtw
those on the capus with not a. wide ~Zxpctd4ttnane:1000roining ready to attempta swp
III hI II lUenough knowledge of the men invol- ee, '2, Howard Hoffman, 24M , Dos- Expectedni nrn Ij_________________nce:ne or1ihign'0fotl v
IL I ad~JI c to appreciate tie petty slams. Bu~t aid McCabe, '24, John A. Bacon, 124, vegeLor ichgansUfotbll *1
they are few, and all in all the Gar- Wilim . em [[[241ad1ic1r l_ I'24LU IL and win tle gae to be playa
Igoyle that was out Yesterday was one Kraue , E Six of these men will b 2:30 o'clock this afternoon on
1U00 oPff l pcitdthewidest read eiandone of the e most elected. ; rRENCH__FIeNforANxCEer.!SGU B AN TO SIE T Ofiel.,Mcia ed
______, nominated were Alfred B. ConnablejFN
pre.25, Irwin Deister, '25 John Garling -_Mchanisr_
Two of 'RCecing Airplanes Disapbled I TA.B. 'house. '25.' Franklin Dckmn. '2E. _ fl tlT Ic rad. Coc
,.. n~u., In. .. , ,
and thtier jThre Appairently
re us~trians and plundcering. Sorne of
tl e mess entered a restaurant ownedt Northport, Mich., April 20-(By A.
I y a maan named Rosenthal and ord- I M.--The fate of, the woman and -nine
UcuE meals and drink. When the bill men marooned on south; Fox island
,wa. presented a fight' was startedi and in Lake Michigan; was still unkown
the l~roprietor killed.heetngt Ofheivarpns
Gc-rmian officials assert that ims eetoih.tfteIi aipae
of Ithose engaged in the djso: der' are ; whichi speeded to' the rescue two were
Comnmunists. About 30 of thata have I permanently disabled and the other;
been arrested but sonic of thinm are! three apparently lost.
still at large. Offcials r-t nearby I d Word From Planet.
towns assert that they intend to take At9occktngh 6wrha
n:casures .tomorrow to end fthc Corn- A 'lc1tngtn
"nmirt~moveent been received from thme three planes
Berlin Issues Statement I from Chicago which. set out for thel
Perlin, April 20. (-By A. I'. -Ac- island earlier in the day. Fear had
ccrrf g to newspaper acconts., pub-. been expressed -that they had been
lished here of the disorders in Mumel- disabled on landing in "thie island or
helm there is little doubt that a regu- haed dropped into'the lake.
irar communistic uprising had been Wilson and 'they Chicago, packers,
:ti r nged in the Mluelheim district., who stocked with provisions the Brig-
Those who participated in the ont- uet plane piloted by John Miller had
break, correspondent'? say, were not at. 8:30' o'clock tonight telephoned'
iu'empove ten s teycla>>. to be newspaper men here that no word
unemloye me asheyhad been received at Chicago.
but. o mmunides. elognierune~ At 4: 30 o'clock two more planes
miliaryleadrs. ' Ifrom Chicago passed. over. Northport
--- _I headed for thre' island. One govern-
III Inent -mail plane piloted by Hamilton
HQiuAJHHG N Lee and the. other by "Iieut. H. B.
Woodbridge, of the army, who also,
amnnniicarried a newspaper, representative.
N UVL O IVUVEII IFE Planet CrasIt Through Ie
______Lieut. Russel Meredith of Selfridge
Donald Hi. faines, instructor in Field, Mt. Clements, , Mich., .whose
Iplane crashmed here..thi n mrning wlenm
journalisnm andt associate oditor of Ilihe attempted ;to land for supplies'
the Michigan Alunus, is the 'authorl announced 'th'at he would ask his1
of the novel "Skyline Innf" recently (commanding officer to send another
published by floughton, Mifflin corn-1 plane to attempt the rescue.
li~Y. Lieut. B3. C. -Whitehead's Jenny ar-
This book is a sequel to a. series 'my airplane from Selfridge field whichm
of nearly a score of short stories crashied through the face in Travis bay
which have appeared in "Outlook" in I yesterday was sinking deeper into the
that Mr. flaines makes rise of the wauter tonight.- A crowd of men spent I
same characters as a background. the day in chopping the ice in an effort :
The central figure is an old French! to rescue the plane.
inn-keeper, Theophmile Jeslas by name, Northport,, a quiet little village u5-
wvhe although a perfect host, has a wally, was buzzing with excitement to-!
penchant for meddling ini other d taY.
People's affairs. He becomes involved I- -
and is only extricated through the:¢
timely assistance of a young 'athlete, UIL I Ifr el mli niebu a ep n
forerly Taemillo i u adipn-; TTL1 0,II
nude. The romance element enters A .0 TDNS
when the young man falls in love,
with a guest at "Skyline Inn." A. Registration for Spring. elections I
happy terumination is made possible closed yesterday, more than 2,500 stu-
byv the blundering interference of old dents having registered. The liter'ary
Theophile. college still leads all other schools!
__________________ and colleges 'in thre number of stu-
Sopholmore Band holds -1feetim" dents registered.y
Formner members of the sophomore j The system of checking which wasl
band met last night in Newberry hall used yesterday helped to do away with;
to reorganize that body for the Spring the necessity of giving identification
games and Fathers' day. A business before registering. On election day
mneeting was held in which. W the -list of those who "have registered
Spanagel, '25F, the drum-major, was 'will lie rigidly referred tb, before a=
also given .the duties of manager. The student may cast his vote, according
band will meet for' rehearsal next to John W. Kelly, '24L, of the Coun-
Tuesday night. !oil committee on registration.I
Robert A,'.Hummer, 25, Ray A. Billing- Deelflr Pfmnee or Germiany Faces "" "'' ~ ~ ~ ~ 'i uur~ o i umm
ni n Tlwill be selected as council members. ipaYlilent lion. Henry H4. Curran, of New York prime condition for the big fray t,
[I S oCandidates for' the presidency of l i city, will deliver two University lec- may make or break the Woler
IO lecuclwlleseetdby tha3ECIN AIECLE tres at 4:15 o'clock neat Monday and, title ,prospects. In additionr, ial
outgoingl council from the successfulI BEST SOLUTION TO PROBLEM
C Iv. ~L IVI ougoin ____ 'Tuesday afternoons in Room B of the gives Michigan an even break, a;
1 I The president will be elected in the "IfGraydosntpy e e Law building.OnM da hewl ifLvreis'ig mcr the
-- general canmpus election to take plai~e .paration debt,. sie will escape bank- # speak: on "The Cst of Keeping out of 505'hneo"vcoy oet
4i'acrnatn nd r o Ma 2.a little will depend on the tall ga
I Aium i'rial Wil BeHed i onMay2.ruptcy, but France must' go into bank- Politics", .and on 'Tuesday on "The 'and Blue twirler. The mainstay oft °
Gymtuniu ms thi ,seectisonrof eberstoftire cuclrpcy si rf asr fValue of Going into Politics--and flow Istaff last year, when.Dixcon da
Gyniausiram thi yea is or tme frst imeunder Dijon University, ,France, in a lecture; How to Go in." 'Ipitd ieac esteai
WILM Ltihe mnew system approved by'the Senl- yesterday Afternoon in Natural Science I Mr..Curran, h s big rugt1phat erano gand the eciidtlo
WIL, i,#I.APPLICAT IONS a 'te council by which the menmbers ar~n lAuditorium. Prof. Hauser showed how' ahhsbigbogtti feno n h ~liiix
VoRIt >ICK ETS NEXT Wi'1Eli nominated by a council committee in-I France's main iiustries, tire raising erytepltca cec eat-hrigwihhei ,xetdt
-- i stead of by the entire outgoing counr- of wheat, the. production of wine, and met, was Fusoncandidate for the play should prove socluiv ely .ti
The annual ball of the Senior it- ' cii meeting in a body. Under thle newctlerisn,'ee irutd mayo. of New York city against Tame- he will agin "estblish hnim elf.sit
erary class will be held from 10 to 3 system also, tie memibers selected at;lanyi191ndhsbe France, before 'the; war, ranked ofrsdetaf the Borougiof Mnhatta. I BgoTen
1o'clock, Friday, May 1, in Water man this election..rwill be tie first council futhi te'p oduction "f.woatfb t The sparougrf aduatfotale igNTenly Lvrne n'tell
and Barbour gymnasiums, accord in"'( composed of ntnne mninsuted of tire now, because of.'the; devastation of Tesekrgautdfo ~l"i otol ~sLvxn
to aim announcement made yesterday larger body previously used.;ueaes adbcueoftedah1898 and ince then has had .4 varied today, but the entire Mciga tt
by Lawrence W. Snell, '23, chairnman Iadmiigo ayfrmr h career. He first Went to the New Yo rk must answer toa its owtouted re
f oftheBal comitte. s a speialproucton hs flle of to ' geatex-I Tribune where he served as a; re-I tation as the heavyfiring sqaauad
feature of the affair, efforts are binn ; IIIII IIIH~ tent, Professor Hauser said. The wise 1pte n eerp dtr eto h ofrne-Wl isigns
g ,POIE1su made to secure Paul Whiteman's or UIJ UIIWFI markets of Russia, and the 'United y p the practise of law in 1901 but acclaimed offensive swing into acti
IedLewis' orchestra to provide music ? l ui liTStates are now closed to France, and con tinued his activities as a journal-! with the hoped for power and dri
for time occasion. " I I fI ~j it was' in these markets that the great- ist. z Hoge WCtorkman from the mound fot
T he committee responsible for the FO oC1 U 1111 st sale took place. Tire cattle rais- ce n ct vcoy r wl h
Iball includes Seward C ° amer, 23; ing was effectively stopped by the ! Bnkyetwile"hldthenmuuri
ButnE lp ,'23RbetGb Steps are being taken to provide;'emnBro .Dul oetGb German invasion, imilions of head be- I H ~l r NW IILOL swat kings to a disappointinly s irn
son', '23, Edward Reid, '23, W. Ke'"mm rdi ati c okfor tire members of the ;ing seized bay the German forces. #it~tal' of blows and keep the Mcig;
Inethi Galbraith, '23, Helen Blsters '23,ic dnance unit of the Reserve" Officers'!I France today has. a ,debt of 'over ln n t e so eb ad irw'CIT R
Carribel Schmidt, '23, and leni training corps. The course requires 300,000000,000 francs, and the "French COAmeagreH zli e otescoeor? o
Huff, '23. six weeks attendan'ce, at one camp, tax-payer is very near the limit of Iis L terit~z Is Leadoff Man
Any member of the Senior literary and the men findh it diffilt'to secure contributary pj,weis," Professor Maus-, leMieadBu il.trw
class is eligible to attend the baill and positions for.,the remainder of the er pointed ot. Madison., Wis., April 2.-(BY A.P.) remarkably reputed offensivze nto
s ,ummer. ~In closinmg, lire said 'tAlit if France I ~arm'ed by a nucleus of veteran tii ihteledf rn apt r
Si r the~'Stofscoupleoems e' Many men of the Army 'Ordnance 1 succeeded >in' getting." the nmoney ne- gridiron stars and the confidence of Ueizstptoth ple,,I i
atted. An nnovtio wil bein association are in a position to offer' esary to build up her merchant mla- the university student body, Coachi who follows, is a sluggerofc
ated A noainwl e I atractive work to men who are re-I rune and thus establish a clser con- Johin J. (Jack) Ryan Wisconsin'snw hieHgrtitoheysofA
fteucaee in timh fp arloprtyo I eiving ordnace training. Thre spe-; nection with her colonies, and enough, football nmentor, is entering upon the Arbor fans, an unknow n quntit
Barbour gynsimial feature of this arrangement will: money to utilize the water power that spring training season with the as- However, thlat htF sass
Tickets for the ball will sell for be" that eaclm man will be able to se-I she has, hie imight be able to return surancee that lie has the basis for a fit to bat him third seems suflce
$375uire practical experience along the i to Ann Arbor in -five or six years and strong team next season. assurance that he will do no mean jc
p375ier coupule.Time sale will coin- lines of his college course. slue a lecture on the economic con-; Ryan has coime to Wisconsin as the of it
menice mrextweek at which tmmerap It is expected that it will he possibly nFrnew coudb o ages' first full-time football coach, , Shackleford, batting in the ceani-i
plications will be ua~led to mmmemberto complete arrangements so that. an entirely different type than the oneI after a rapid turn-over of the part-time'pstoiavtenofkwnb
of heclas.employment will be offered during the given yesterday. ' coaches had convinced the athleticI ity as is Knoade. Ahs, another ewcom
--othei two summers. At present af authorities that the task of develop- er to the squad, has yet to prove Ii
HB Irudcnt receives about $200 in cash in / ing:a lvnwsu l-erjb
TOYaddPPPT ition to auniform, tr'ansportation, t iMEfEPAfy ig n elehve wsona-e ardo.mete.HehsuplntdKli
fiftypmn tavenesn de ohscl left field and is claimed tox be a'mrary
aixd ubsisenspringe trainingcap. ativities. inm the gardens and in the use oft
wad.ller Complete State and Fourth, fie-,atscn, ,sue)
TuoreRFRM THtartpen Gieng f !de Dodos To Offer . at tie plate and Jack Blatt is' knoxi
tor _SarleGede to be a creditable slugger as is Li
"Don Quixote," as adapted by Anne I Huo ~plas Originl Pays1 erance. Certainly it seems that Mic
Applause Work will start at once pvigthe iia gnwl rsn nofnieo
SStoddard and Tony Sarg froum Coi'- pvn gnwl rsn nofnielt
vantes' famous book, will be played by Walter Hampden as "Othello" in streets for .which contracts were re- D odors will offer tree original one- mean power.
Tony Sarg's Marionettes on Thur sd'iaShakespeare's tragedy by tha irtnnme,' cently awarded b~ythe. city to tirei act plays in 'their'.presentation series flany Veterans with 0.8.U
Thusda, ;created one of the mrost rofoind im- anna Arbor Asphalt Construction cor-( at 8 o'clock Tuesday, Wednesday and Oios veteran team contains ma
in Sarah Caswell Angell hail. Mr.i hressions on an audience list nightThrdyngtinherpaso.woenmsaefmlar cflo
f? t prducion erei a th Whineytheterevercreted; iThe first of these, directed by Lo- ers of football airdt baseball' 'Mati
under the auspices of La Sociedlad His j through a similar role in Ann Arbor. Granger streets will be coipleted first tell J. Carr, of the sociology depart- off, grid. aptain-elect, 'is leadoff ma
IThis fact is best shown by tire un- ' it was announced, while South Fourth ,met, will be Mrs. Alfred Fscher's "A ."Olie" Klee, famed backfield t
paiuansiluieathamtie l applause given to the 'actor. 'from Lbry to Packard sreswl I Picture for the Paper" In this thesiesi ef iltad bats seor
amid 'an evening performance.,pe
Tieetrfopn a cold~ollowing the next to the last princi- be undertaken: parts will le taken,.by r.Crr Captain Fesler needs no Introductic
for sipotsi h rniino'lal scene of the play, one in which ;Geddes from Washtenaw to Oxford' Charles Hodgman, '24, and Geo'ge D Miichals, too, is a familiar ftu edter figue1msente r fTecridanetariaiyhayra il etels sre ob ineo h ulcsekn e llte'a hog,'ont.t
thia ie swlla nteato part, the curtain was six times raised paved. All work. will, if tire con- "aruent. widely known Workman !pr brothers
manipulating the strings which con-incmlacwihteapas tatarketbefnse yStm-heedngndeevn
trol the actors. Several months of i opinewt h plueoitat r et efnse ySpe-IFollowing this play will canre "The Itesnigadrciig ends of t
lao er'rqie torud th ie audience. her 1. Hero," a melodrama by John Adams, battery, are men whose bilitiest
Tabo wee _equredto oun th shw ito hap afer he ranat_-- of the rhetoric department, and Her- the diamond Are known.
sow in to he aftr hadbedramalted.-' Spray rees in (ity Streets Jury Selection for Trial Incomiplete mannitLyon, '23E. IThe {Buckeye aggregation Is Vile a
tino h okhdbe pee. Tr'ees and shrubs in the parks andi" Washington, April 20.-(BY A. P.) "Odeur," a short farce by Miriam leged dark horse of the Big Ten as
-a2long the streets are mow being --Selection of a ;fury for the trial of i Roelofs, will conclude ;the program, all -race. Xiith only one olegia
1I~fI~ TO "jjJ~jgjjJsprayed by the city part: department. Cha'les W.;Morse, his three sons, and0.CJonnfthreoicdpt-anelydtoaea9o1vit
ILIWS T O ANGE Ol h trees which need spraying' four others on charges of conspirac; met, takes the part of Mr. Jenkins, over, Antioch college, 'there can1
____very badly are being worked on lie-'to defraud the government on war IeMagrtCShmn,'5 no knowledge of' the Ohioans' re
5cause of tie great nurmber in the city time ship contracts was incomiplete! Caroline, his daughter. The person- ability. They have training with t'
j tore Than 2000 Students to Att end: and also because only one, sprayer is' at adjournment late today of the Dis- ifications are Bay Runm, Crosby Rees, Saginaw club of the Michigan-Onttam
Asnnual Crease Dance in use. No spraying of trees on pri- i trict of -Columbia court. 1 25; Anmber Antique, Mrs. Roelofs; league for some time and aesr
vate lawns will be (done this spring.- Muguet, Mary Bicknell, '25; and Sta- The in the best of shape, particular
More than 200 members of the Law;- Ref______' luse Ratilway Wage Increase comb, Joseph Epstein, '25. "Odeur" Imore outdoor work than their totday
school plan to attend the Crease Alpha Nit Trains >6 IDebaters, Detroit, April 20=-(By A. 'P.)-A 'is directed by Howard D. Roelofs, alsoI in that they have had at least a e
dance, to be hold at 9 o'clock ton ight Alpha Nu, debatinig society, held a request of a $1 a .day wage increase of the rhetoric department.i rivals.
i th as e b y al oftm Uno . T e training session for its freshm an de-.I for platfor nm e rm ployees of the De- _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ Green and K inse y o E pr
bating teamm last night in a closed ' troit street railway was refused today, Agriculturist to Speak ioday I The game will be in the hands
dance, which is an annual affair, is :meeting in the Alpha Nu room i yteRiwy tioinwih Ivn .Pu, ertr fteto'mprs Bl"Gen h
open only to students of thle Law; University hall. The nmenmbers of theI held that the salary Paid in Detroit ,. . or isfmlrtoWvrnA t
and Jst then "Utz" stepped to
ther plate and knocked thme first
"hlomeor" for this season on
Ferry %Field,.
The1big ginles wll bi'iir
Arrange for New IL. I0. T.: . Uniforis .
Arrangements are heing made to'
place a contract for thre R. 0. T. C. un-I
iforms for next year. They will beI
made of forestry green serge or whips-
cord and will be made up similar to,
those now in use by the advanced
course.~ Authority has been requested,
to secure similar uniforms for basic'!
course students.