_____________ THE MICHIGAN DAIV~ - - ., T FF1CIAL BULLETINI Llletin is constructive notice to all momberu of .received until 3:-fO D. M. (11:34 a. w. Satrday FIDAY, APRIL 2) 1923 'Numbelr 143, ,oture, Science and te Arts: s now at work will be unable to marke any report at g which was scheduled for April 23, this meeting ext regular m 3eting of the Facity will be held WHAT'SGOING Explore°AfricaI 2P ,XA o'IIwi'"( 1" li il ~i; o 1Mu rniin f esor' Br'ouwer, Awho -5 th? lvex I ,Jit Lo (l 5Qm ill. A ^ 11o Del t, HoP- pro1fessor with Prof.. HI. Hold,.bi cljassiftecd ad wl sell it for ANIy ipa e o Ii ;.. hassn astof inv (retbate 111r geology departmnt, la stvar ,,, ois of the permia,,-11 to ti n a( e iCthe collection ilinte Dutc(.llt im iathaa J M ~tcYn'l izr 1toi iesiygooialms Po- Idis. Adv JOHN R. EFTINGEI. ~('l1C~~%JV lyfor tfi t ur~so:~ tiue day before ibieit and;gt over thec { ( 7 I lo1'1}ln pa r1 t o r iciato 'lef,0 l11" i isi i i;1is' -111 aibrI1 y oil t~utuvc pEri'il hall of the Union. r:lnpi. rei f) rpaneniters. Ie. Masonic temple. First degree iiit- toici t ,Trlioli, Tunis andAle iatan .1 then continue through Spi jL fyEi'f n 11{-t1H1'F" "4) (Frarice and then acron's the cin, of the Union. i England. Tefir Atldl; of senior Ilt4>1 ry, e ag-N I inei r, and education canes have been TPWIE receivedl and rnay be obtained at W, gn er and commpany's. L Tryo-zf fr eborusparts In TnestV1u1 oprwill be held from 4: to 5 :30 olivers and from 7:30 to '1:30 o'cloch todaoy !iith Premier, visible ...... n the Mim-es theaiter. Uderwod............... . European sk('ehes byer rd T4 ienihgton, No. 7 ...... Sohllin g, archIie(.tl in arehi te:tura1l ;emingttin, visible .......... corridor case. ;C oron.................... PhtahID0'VoI l' 0C 14a190T1i0une corn- ii ammnod.......... .. petition b)uildlings i1a Librairyk- .C S~h& Tros. . . . . . rcase. All tma(:hiines fully gaat Senors in all seliooIl mand colleges; We buy, sell, rent, exchan,clean should place orders for canes withi reptair all standard makei.s c Wagner and company before tomior- typewriters. row to insure delivery, iin tlime for senior cane day-. 0. LD. IV1UR ILL Wl7irisc e~x idse 11 lime nit of thme 1? Nickel's ArcadJe poetry contest to midnight, Mondaiy,ThTyertrnd tainy April 23. I'oTpwie n -:!.:lr U.Gh UST A REAL PRICES RIli 8:34A.M.L LUMNU SAL 41 09C&6 15 up1 ear frly hil seh ldassor ttmesco ete-Shafl rabegis at9rdaytsad8:30 enA . M 1 p alywP honsotet scml~-Sl eM 554 r213.at15 30W . Li. SlndS toma!°e or, R-)IIA } A. J. JOBIN. !re will bea q meeting tonight "at 7:30. The freshmen will give their s en the question: "Resolven t hat 'residential candidates should mated by, direct primaries to b e held simultaneously throughout the Mates." Trhe meeting will be open to members or pledges only. ELIMER SALZ MAN. sbers ofthte various faculties who have submitted lists of their pub- -)!,s and articles for the period, 1924-22, are asked to. call at the th~e Graduate school and correct proof ut once. The bibliograpliie9 ie published with the report of the dlean of the Graduate school as the President's Report now in press. ALFRED H. LLOYD* n Clheinmal Society, U. of r. Section: fessor B. C. Franklin of Stanford University, President of the Amer- emical Society, will speak on "'The'Amnionia. System of Compoundls Inmentallyr Illustrated," Thursday, April 26, at 8:00 p. in. in the Chem- . k, r No Need TIo Fear1 itbeatre. lerested are invited to attend. Z C. C. MELOCTIE, Secretary. he Daily "Classified"'Colulir is . -...... 41 3 i * ..." i , E i C a I i. .: ,C I f {fV E t °} when you 1:):-e your g arrncnts in Wayne Cedar Wardrobes Clothes will be safe from moths and free from dust and dampness Prices are $1.25 to $2.50 D do 0, 0 Istilictive. - };.J y .. :. I The Ebrbac 2&roco 200-204 EAST LIBERTY S+TREET Clotbes . Y , I . IT H the opening of the golf season you will, be interested in the sport clothes and knickers that we hiave to offer. t 68 F . Ji These clothes< are the finest Made by the FITFORM Shops and they 'carry all the youthful conser~vatisfn char- acteristic of College Men. Kniickers f 'Golfers P@r tk~ i- pefeet golf weaiter youVllI t i~u'a 1pair of 'c exrcellew ,(ktickers. Thtcv'rc cut a little fvulkr, (is rt knockers should tbe noiar'ad ,ce have, thein heavy rzr to liner ilke ever-popular MWoniine cloth and light col- d ,Saxonay, with a darker o'erline. They'Ire exceptionally 1-tailored and comnfortable. An early selection will insure you finding just wl-hat you'Nwant-It never pays to delay at Corbett's-The store that follows the motto:' "Quality First but . 11 I Economy ,Always." $5 to $8 CC ME TO HAERAI{EuST ICIA Azt 1i6 Last Liberty Stree r, l ,+. 1± To f I I~1 - . ._ _r____._. _ ___ ,.__. dl 'a 0 in raA "-f o- h r° s hn ' 4R EJ. . :x ... f .I ..&' . rhy