1.1 11 d~ PLAY - WRIT 01 Play-writing Stage wort. ar scope of the club this year posed entirely Stude&tdirec Sarah Caswell Prof. ROY N uric cepartrne writing in She dents interest o'clock any 't 'Inning thisI son hall. A work she the old Fire1 avenue KdO M ing, shops. S Students Undoe Morris of thb a.nd Ar chie lM rector. Membership interested in t bership is $3, ships may be for admittanc4 antes. The t' zation will cc dlor of Univei o'clock rWedni People Awho in play-writin; representative mnodern langu; Library. IiLIUI~ I vi T ON NEW APARTM4ENT' *VII SI~ [ ~ODK(Continued from Page One); W6ashitenaw avenue if Milt,;:; .Os*- I'1Nx AND SC ENiERY borne, 1624 Hill street, Woul1d give hisa [ 1E; '( 1Jl. .R'.permission, it is said. Mr. Osb)orne lip' Ci[ I1A Tlast night (declared that he (ecuid no; 'F QUSEconsider the proposal. I1 is u.er ' stood that the Trigon (lub truse K and practical Back have practically agreed to 7 oat thir e to be included in theI part of the contract. tctivities of the Players M dr. Osborne claims tha. t he is 11o:> F.Iive programs, com satisified with t.he seittlemient. of the of one-act plays under committee and believes that a mo. o ction, will be given in satisfactory arrangom t could be sclktl' I Angell hall.! tled upon by forming a holding: coin- WT. Cowden of the rhet- pany and purchasing the property t -t, director of play- outright from M',r. ~Wetzman Nvho ha,, club, will meet all Stu- agreed to sell. ted in this work at 4 In that connection trustees of theI Fhursday afternoon, be- Acgeia fraternity are expected to lookclirom2,Malveth oprytdyoromrw with A view to buying it if a satis cp has been opened- in? factory figure can be settled upon. I hall, on East University Mr. Carr said he believed it wvasa ant to the new engineer- impossible to purehse the property! cenery will be built byI if the residents in the commun.rity c"en- r the direction of A. P. tering about Hlill street and Washt",,f-I to rhetoric department aw avenue were sufficiently Tinteret -di [eDonald '25 student di- to mlush the matter. Fle declared, ,104- ~ever that he believed the former pl-anI is o 'pen to all students would be the finial one. this work. Active men=' The purpsoe of purchasing the pro- and associate member- perty lying between the proposed secured which provide aaprtinent house and the Trig;on Chiri; e to all of the perform- house is to make it restricted prop)-' reasurer of the organi- erty, according to Mr. Carr. s AA ESk ,F jR - A s nub ti lap '4, ,ih aditior.to1thoEse7 'a-1 sa:z p * h IC" i a m college, bringing thee ttal anunounced iS) ja r Wit:(,er- '24r1, D. A. ;iun,'247, W. 'U F". Sander,'4,IiR. chm, '24, nd J. Page,.'22x1. Scond( sesoJ R..Polihamus, '24E, W.S. 1o-Touel '22E, R, P. Eversdyke,. '24E, C5. r.. 'ust, '24 K{, M. L. Baxter, '22K . R. 1"1 Reid, '24E, 1B. F. ;ousman, '2,1 Vl. 13. Shepard, '24E, and W. Gal- l.:ny, '241x. Three women anid two men in the( Schc'I of Edlucation received all. f'M during 'the last Summer session. 'Their n am-e3 are: Elizabeth Triggs., Agr es Campbell, Margaret Hunter, J., M. Conaat, and P. G. Schroeder. 1 1 CALL B,{ iy'R ETBAriLL1 )IAN.WEX' T I r COMINC MONDAY IF I ±h: _ ;1'." r ,,, L I }/ N. F C o-r Sf $ :' a 'I ' f ; - ..r 2 , 'i r , ; x'' x ~ may. -, :: : , a A Return of that Very Delightful Comedy Drama COMIING MONDAY' "Watch A &'1"IIN~I, 11IERE !:' BI '113'IIE to ',33. i' ib Iadditional s:4ede:3, I-- 39 were 31o~c~ in tue tolega of en- Tryouts for basketball manager- . g~5 nce ngen arhie-nr and 5 in l~eSchel i tunel i. ~ Of ilOship are called to report at 7 o'clockt in I.4ofll SC eels(.fI tomorrow evening at the Varsity lock:- ''" gien"~ ~ii< 11 er room, in Waterman gymnasium. S cf u tftw l R onald P..Selway, '23, basketball man-' "; Co~c's nt' ' lager, yesterdlay pointed out that can-it I ing .3d 5 At _ jdi dates who appear early will have logo ofEagiee;ing nd rchiec-the best o1)poltunity in the competi- (nret -rc: '7. a3. lTachinal, '23Euter"' arah Br-am.,an, G. Camnpbell, tion. It is likely that norfrhe al 3,}. .( 'arr;, F. Y. w~,"" xil 1ewihmks im- Chow '25;polrtant tht. thewc trycouts app 1S tear to- ~. . D~Adon,'22iCii.P. )av vs morrow night, he said. {:EE.XC. 1!liff ,'23E, Gertrude Jack- I-___________ Siti. . Lyon, '22E, C. J. MeClos'- kIey, '22lE, VerdalvMach i-E J. -TE. Thirty-five years of experience at MJack:, '24. 1P. B. 1'e., '2 31,, W. K.! your disposal. at JTulian R. Trojanow, - liidgoc'ZA, G'. A. Spolm, 1. Steg- I Ski IT. of M. Barber Shop 1110 So. x'a' or, '22K lRoa Swian, L.XW. rTllay- . umversity,--_!d . cvr ,'221_1.J. 14. Vos, G. A. Whinery, '24, All of the above were enrolled in Order distinctive favors at the cocurses directly under the faxculty in Flower and Bottle Shop. 115 N.A Ann Arbor. Thayer.-Adiv. The list cef thbe studeni s who earned 11l "A" grade,; durin- the Summer ___________________ ses sions h l at Camnp Davis, the En- "R. W.S MIL ners' srveying camp, follows: IT Frtssio.H . Schiefer, '24E, C. OSTEOPATHIC PHIYSICIAN A. Miller.,'41R . J. Sipie, '24E, It. L. 6 First Nat'1 Bk. Bldg. I ________-Offit e I-ours Plane INotfif p9-12;,1 05321-F1 *We wish it brought to the attentiona our *WITH CHiUCKiLES (CO)11IN vCAR- LOAD iOrTS I step, Cullen Landis- V/ATCH 'YOURI STEP' A GiW v P 04Z' 4 IN ADDITION: MT ,t (.-I c Pictures of Parades and Drill )liect dues in the corni-3 rsity hail from 2 to 5 esda'y afternoon. wish to take the course tg will' find- anum eir of one-act plays in theI !age reading room of the of the lAnd It .Raned- It rained during the Case game yesterday. It started to rain early F'riday evening, continued assidluous- ly throughout the night, and persist- ed cheerfully Saturday morning. The time of the Case game approached, with no signs of a let-up on the part of Jupiter Pluvius. The fans made their way to the field (the game should have been nlayed in Hill aud- itoriuml) under the protection of div- ers patterns of rain-coats, parasols, rubber boots, galoshes, and variousJ bizarre ,makeshifts. Hats that had been "college" rapidly became much more so; elderly gridiron' customers who had been conaervati0,,1y clad=~ when' they left their homes took on a y~uthfully '~rakish appearance. Once the crowd had 'reached the stands, it hog,'1an hurriedly, to con- struct s~han~ties and leaGn-tos from the corugated iron covers on thie sta- d ium. Whole platoons of - drenched porsons ?ormed cc'alitions, cornered all the available iron, and put u.,o - landish shanties, cementing the hoof with umbrellas. These same umbrellas were rather hard on those few loyal rdoters Who, reckless of their personal humidity, wanted to sc.^ the game. Some bear- ers of umbrellas seemed to have the idea that the higher they held them, the greater ,voulc be their ability to shed the deluige. Some of the spec- tators wer'e heard to state, therefore, that all they had seen of the contest was the ton of the trajectory of a few of the highest punts--only that, and nothing more. Tho cheerleader tryouts added' - to 4hec. only natural good humor of the holiday crowd. These luckless fel- lows, many of them doubtless endow- ed with a real talent for their art, had picked a noor day to display their wares. Time. and again earnest young-tryouts stepped hopefu~lly, to the edge of fthe field and bawled at the crowd, only to meet with a dis- gruntling silefice. If it hadn't rained, it would have been a nice game. -Notice Regarding Burning of Uai-es An ordinlnce relative to fire limits and fires -i rohibits burning of any ma- terials oni pavements. The Street Dept. will appreciate tht co-opera;, tion of citzens if they will, burn leaves on dirt streets. No fire -shall be started before seven o'clock a. in. and shall be promptly extinguished at two o'clock n. in., and all ashes resulting fromn the same, together, with all in- combustible articles or substances re- maining thereafter, must be prompt- ly remnoved from the street, A. 3. PAUL, Street CQmmissioner" Michigan Daily and Chimes for $4.50. DR. GUTHE LEAVE S Dr. Carl K. Guthe, associatn directior° of collections in, anthopology in the University m~useums, has sailedl for thef Philippines where hie will arrive C 21. Dr. Guthe will bec eng;agedtlor' three years in a study of the remacins, of primitive inhabitants of the is- lands. Mrs. Guthe and their daughter accompanied him. Marcelling, Manicuring, Sliam poo- ing, French hot pack. Special atten- tion given to curly hair. Florence Wilson Deiiiattia, 240 S. State. Oaver Cushing Drug. Phone 2939-M.-Ad v. is One of the Finest Drilled Squads in the World Also Pictures of Other Commanderies. etroit Commandery Number 1 , E oi anl mci ens ing excllenlt board tt reasonable rates that Mrm. L. Case- ment has reopened1 her dinimn roonms after at year's absence. TIhe new ad- l dress is 1309 Wilruot St.-Adv. Lose something? A classified in the. Daily will find it.- adv. Your ufi ie neatly emibossed In oil :alt PE Purchased at RID)ER'S PEN SHOP 398, So. State St. gold THEF~ PROCEEDS OIL THIS SHOW WILL GO TO THEI~ MASONIC BUILDING, ASSOCIATION FOR AID) IN ERECTION OF 'THE NEW TEMPLE ON 4TH AVE. Fc3 S Puth Miller rin WA/,TC H YOU P (>T ! A GOLOWI(N PIC(AURI' c4 1 -. r '1! 4tr 2t Oll 03" U, }iiill' '1 1 -nr" + y4 3 / N .. . ti1 . ' 'ry, 'I , t r " _ . _- - . * , r , :, r, .;x,:: :: ;.; : . .: x 4,.r >:.. , 4}s L :: .; . : 0 ADACE I RI( C E S ,iy, q - f f.j '!' ~t7tr, v r Tr? Y ? This ik'lrt is ('mines IMYiy hst for theioVited Artists* and ]r° l'l1'nk hlt ~is m i eten)~(tiliU seffort i auli.; S ealest p~ $~(qjT*igi is not uie lI'raiSe - it is aCCt'flillm ~d by HS M AsSTERIECE ---------- >N SU~N)AY SHOWS -2 TO11 Adin., 310, Tax middies . 1. e ; Total 35c s 10 r. ;: F .pr RA ... . 1,,,.,, . . 1,1i^ , 1 ..I .. i r. 1 R , ,: rr' /' r '-IN - Clothe -Make the. mauaeni bus latest-and ret A. Wne-reelVcomiie j tis v pi~jw lpea age you.~n APly picureoi'prsonlit d Cud clothey, lrugeter n i.ai. 1..--....e L . t / . .. :'w f;: ':::. = _..: ,< , " t".. _: ,:: ti x, ., s.9 " ; r' t :: p l e; ..._,__ . . . lP t wry. r Y . : .. ! " ' yv, Y . F....: 4: . : ,n :. # j }'' t 3rh , tid t? ! +l n + J .. _.. / :. II'1 C'r.. .:x. -: J ,. f \ {ys r ' . x 't ,;5x; N- .a. ;" x J'. . /I r , s. i f E.K. ,.'. + i: }' :d 1 ° S l\j . \\LLL lE. :; " t" ' e .: }. Y ' 1 * r 1.v 1 N n d : yy PS.. r Ls .tN 1. S':. ' ' r ? } 1w : 5- i ... } YY T Y.,. , M[f ...:. f 1 .t 2 . ry. #' l .; .: r w 8 DVE OR1OD Hill --ONLY MILD RED tE FIRtST WOM~AN" 'ANY OLD PORT" 40 ADVANCE IN PRF( ' : C ES .lt .J 1{ i J . . i i, ,- .:_ ; r n' " rr,;Y" ", .' l a .... ..:. ::= ", _i 4 I iW : . . :.:_ t L ': " F _ i t ti __xT ,: ,s ,, a