______ ~TH E MICHIGAN DAR"iL_______ _w.__k_...__. ._.._,- ._ FBULLETIN i on InA the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of rty. Copy remvdmii ~ . .M(1-30 j.. m.Satiiria.) r yrivdAY, APi 3*,TL 1D. 2 I _ _ 1 I the Deans: There will be a conference of the Deans Thursday, April 19, at 3 p. in. M.;I4 BURTON. IvrsXity Lecture: Professor Henri Eauser will deliver a University lecture upo.n the sub- ,t "The Present Eiconomic Situation in .France" in the Auditorium of the tural Science building Friday, April 20, at 4:15 p. mn. The public is cor- Uy luvited. P. H. ROBBINS. multy, College of Literature, Science, And the Arts: The attention of instructors is called to the rmid-semester cards ich have been distributed through, the messenger service. Instructors trequested to report P.IIOM.PTL.Y every student whose- work has been atisfactory up to and Including the mid-semester examination. It uld be noted that these reports are not on the mid-semester exan.una- a alone. Additional cards may be had on application at my office; or they will sent if telephoned for. W. R. HUMPHREYS, Assistant Dean. The Students of the Graduate School: Dean Alfred H. Lloyd, and Mrs. Lloyd will be at home, 1735 W4Vasbtenaw a., corner Cambridge Road, to students of the Graduate School on Friday ernoons, from four to six, on the following dates: April 20, May 11, and e . Itkcl Science 14, lie: The Journal Club in Political Science will meet April 26 and not April Political Science 14e will meet April 19 at 3 p. in. J. S. REEVES. inopolitaln Club: Members are invited by. the residents. of Martha Cook Dormitory to Sun-. revening supper at '5:15 p.. m., April 22. A brief program will be furni- ed by members who took the Spring 'Trip. J. A. C. HILDNER. DChi Society Prize: Rho Chi' Society, in, accordan ce with the plan adopted last year, -will Lin award a prize of $10.00 to the ft rst year student of the College of irmacy who has made the best sch olastic' record based, upon results of, first semester and a competitive examination to be held at 9 o'clock, Sat-! ay,~ April 28, in room 300, Chemistry Bldg. The examination questions will b e along lines of general information «ell as scientific subjects coing within the scope of first-year students Philrrnacy. Students who desire to 'take this examination. will make it so known the Secretary of the College of Pharmacy not later than Thursday, 11 26. L. R. WAGENER. Minnesota Boasts American To Play Perfect Student HAT'S GOING ON In Paris Opera t t Ti(--Copy for this column should ' tbe subnmitted by ai a30 o'clock of c te day beore pbielatci.j_ i ~THURSDAY " 12:1--1)eutal faclty lunch in pri-........#. }vate dining room of the Union. " ~4 0-Mariotnette Shoe in Srak CS- u well Angell hall x1 # ' r ti ~700-Engincerlng wlcety meets ii as-'M fvf ; o :""semblyhllo heUnon. S..7 : 0-Cxle. club meets In upper read-' r iag romnofthe Uin 7 4 .,d?--iltary ball comnmittee mets in t room 302 of the Union." 7 :5--Pl lDelta. Epsioniimeets ik Un-4 ~ 7 :3i-Chinese student program un- 1- der auspices of the Engineering so- ciety.i 7 :3"-a Soeedad lispanica neecis i( W111.1 a Martin roam 205, University hal. illam M1tati, 24-year-old Massa- ihss Amelia Scherfcirerg ' :00-Christiaji Science society meets custts lad, has been given a con- MisAeiaShrebeg t Pui.in Lane hall. ract to ape~r in the Opera Co- 1 zmei morfo 1gSt c~1 S0-i.-iI concertiIn. 11111 aditr-I ique in Paris. Martin, a graduate of Minn., winner of the state competition at. Phillips college, bas been studying in for-. betscholarly rexcellencehaagrada a, evero nwas {8:03)--jiarlo:acte show !i Sarah Cas- Eu~nrope. Ise beto a rd eo well Angell hal. ."- oloven years.- - ~ 1 1:Thllistor y dpatm n lc i i Cn ~ TSI EN D5IMDB 1110PEh iNd I room 319 of the Union. I- 12 :15-Law faculty lunch in private Enre in the Ma- short story con-- Ianeortodsoene taet dining room of the Union. tetc{lctd1yCimsm E i In n efor todisove ne taent6 :00-Alpha Clii omega dinner In room ts odctdb hnsms ei among the students, whimsies is plan- 18 of the Union the hands of the editors of the publi- I ning a poetry contest. Cash prizes 6:4--Sophiomore band practice lin cation before tomorrow night. The amounting to $30' will be given-$15 Newberry hall. Bring instruments., contest will bring the winners of the for first prize; $10 ;for second prize; 7::30-Alpha Nu meets In Alpha Nu first and second prizes, as judged by and $5 for third prize. All mnanu- room in LUniversity hal.i Chimes editors, $10 and $5 respect- scripts must be in .the hands of the 85:00-Daniice at Harris hall for Gu iild ively. WisestfbyArl2.members and friends. Manuscripts for the contest must be 'The prize poems and all others ac- -OCEJ typewritten and double spaced. ;They. cepted will be brought together in aUNTE may be mailed or delivered: to the$ special poetry number to be issued, The first loti of senior literary, eng- Chimes ofice on the third floor of the .ay1. This souvenir edition will be ineer, and education canes have been Union.an mybeotid I- distributed free to all subscribers to Wagner and company's. the magazine, and will be placed on T'r~iii's for chorus parts in nmext UnionlC ies o r sale to the general public at cost. Pte opera will be held from 4 to 5:30 1 -c 1 etry of any type will be considered.! and from 7:30 to 9:30 o'clock todaySetF r mo tf and tomorrow in the Mimes theater.- Sentence 11 to D~eathi in Mioscow 1, giter today to vo~e at spring ele- Chinese studeits o the engineering Moscow, April 18-{By A.P.)- tionas.I college will n)rovide the entertainment Trial of 86 government employes,' Soidhonore engineers-Cuts and pricesi for the smoker o the Engineering so- Itradesmen and commission men has of the suggested memorial are post- ciety which wil be held at 7:30 o'clock ended; charges, bribery; 11 sentenced ed on bulletin board B, near room tonight in the anin assembly hal. to death, 12 got 10 years, 15 got five 339j Features planned for the "All- years, and 24 were sent to prison for European sketches by Edward S. China" program include addresses by three years; the rest acquitted be-' Schilling, architect, in architectural Cieesuet npltclcni cause of their proletarian origin, -corridor case.ICtionesesintnaon,,engieeinal card- Photographs of Chicago Tribune coalins nCia negiern scr Rtefu1gees Protest Shooting 4 petition buildings in Library hal ed on in that country, a Chinese Sofi, Aril18-(y *.P.-Mac- cse.sword dance, and a specialty act by af Idontan refugees. throughout BulariaSnosi l eh~sadclee group of engineers from China. paraded in protest at the shooting of! should place orders for canes with 22 refugees by, Serbi*i orders. Wagner and company before Satur- day to insure delivery in time for IPatronize Daly advertisers.-Adv. senior cane day. J I% ' . AAN ~~RICH : Physi V. 911TI1owf~~i Duncan & Star clo 4 SEAMFITIN 21 .H RO H N 214-Fl Tang' and Tavares, Hawaiian inusi- : imjn%, ,will furnish the musical at- tract ion.l All members of the Engineering Se- clety and other p~ersons interest(ed ini he entertailinent are requested to attend. There will be flio admission' EtCH TO FRIA, DRAMA Look over the values in the classi- D~o you use C~lassified ads system- at icallv ?--Adv-. AT. Barrie, at S o'clock. tonight versity Hall. rrickets for the recital are be foir 50 cents and course ticket4 ',Ile for 1,I As the secopd numbler on the seriesi of programs of plays and ree'ial s which are being given this Sprinzg un- der the auspices of the play produc- ion classes, Prof. Louis Eich will readt "The Will," a three-act"drama by J., OMR ~'I1 INK V IL . 11,YOU RIDER'S FEN SHOP ' f ,, i t' . - r.. , ,.' I - PYR, V " . at " !Y.l (, j ; ; ; , w-- ,,- -- c7ndustialc/lertncss I UNCEASING alertness on the part of in- dustry is essential to its well-bein , and its progress. The concern that fails to dis- patch the duties of today with a' veiw to the possibilities of'tomorrow, is out of line with rpro~,ress. CRESCENT is ever alert to the possibil- ities of its art; ever striving to make its service of ' ncreasin , worth to Crescent customers. OUR ENTIRE organization, facilitated by: a complete and modernly ,equipped plant is interested in puttin,' maximum value into every job. IF YOU DO not know what our staff of capable artists, our corps of trained en- gravers and our compliment of' picked el- ectrotypers can do for your business, yjou may' be overlooking a valuable contact. WE WILL BE GLAD to tell you more about Crescent methods. ri#' "lour Storm~ in Pictures Leaves flothing Untold" re-sent~(I gavin 00 ltIve Board of the Gmaduate SChool:. here will he a meeting of the Executive Board IUr8,day, April 19, at 4:15 p. m;. of the Graduate School A. 11, LLOYD. t, College of Literature, Science..and-tle Arts: he. two committees now at work Will be unable to make any report ;.t it Faculty meeting which was .scheduled, for April 23, this meeting eo omitted. The next regular meetinig of 'the faculty Will, be held :1:. C LIVED ical Laboratory Manual ruing's Physics-HEAT JOHN R EF71FINGE. $m.7 $1650 Don't faill,0 register .todati: .1Don'ft faitl'to register today. Register for spriog electionus today. Register todaiy if you want. to ypte. Read The Daily "Class ified" Columns 9 UNIVERITY '1 Grinnell gBros. Get Your Tickets at Mann's Drug Store Student Supply Store Wahr's (both stores) Graham's,, (both stores) Slater' s ookstore Avoid the rush at the box office for the al dim jL c F ! t , F i -.,1 9t / K. s y,. . ,'i w........ -. of the Il iversity oNiL gan B.ancl ASSISTED BY. BURT HYDE, Maibhoesoloist F= oft inwNlC RYAN, lyr"ic tenor tY GOULD, ecc ntric danger SAXOPHONE SEXTETTE HILL VDI1°RIVM T6Nf gTE AT 8 ADMISSIOK, 50c. mox Office openi at 7.P. Mv. __~YSTE RY - YSTERY-??, __________~nr. 'M m In n liti U IN DWI 'I