THE MICHIGAN DAILY _.,,. ; d /. m immm. p k wvft ./ 101111111111w) (rr y I -.000orAlk, . .. MO RAY TIL Le*ks Slow Up Runners In Early season Outdoor Work V AULT "SENSATO; k J IE ILP BEN SHtOW WELL ach P~rrel continued to give his i lgt 'rk" yesrteday ato pre- them 4 the trials that will be 1~L this week 'or early next. It is rini the weight events where there Smuch good work as the men ;do' their best or near it when they Lt~ain Burke and Wittman ran the girds against time. Wittman won 0* and finished a foot or t'o in t'iof Burke. Burke got away to o&r start which he was unable to ° jp later in the race although he cd considerable near the end Both st* hien need work in starting and s~ before they will be in the cor- ,ondition for coming races. Prosser linproves 'pO~er showed remarkable frm for xthne in the season with a vault '.2 feet 3 inches. With fine form tplbnty of extra speed this tal star ;0ery indication or doing conid- )fy higher outdoors than he has ,.,done ,Inside. Brooer is also ing god form around, 12, feet his time. 1le never does his best ractice but has an Uncanny ability eaping to the front when most 14;~ in meets. times i conitihuing his good wonk he' hammn rthowngthis weigt fiet yesterday. Schmidt is also ig wel~ but did not exert himself terday throwing around 130 feet. dte will lay:.otff the shot pt for hil as this evtent hinders him from .g his ,best 'iii the hammer. It is ka4le that he will throw the shot hecomning meets but will do little n1oc% practicing fr it.' Junipers Jiasndiesapped ki hg 'J m es h d t erVbut. since, -vacation and were Atly ' :the soft take- and t 'e w~k".of ractice M~cEl- ~id t'{re° 10 iches ,and Smith b feet'8 1inhs. r'b Marx a~ trll heat in ;the 120 d Sliiburdl'acid looked fie for time. cf; r4"season. His ,time fo; dit-nce , §1 1- ,seconds.Ie i Sul 4 .-low ,1ildles, did up t o. jinnp" L ocis J5 Iromisng ois looked good in the low ales wfh l lie ran a heat' yester- When'he gets so 'he can use his Es to better advantage he will no bt prove to be one of Steve'sb~t aIn the event he half milers ran through a slow finishing in the following order: nke, iattendorf, Cushing. e and %b. There was no time taken. 411al semen looked 'as if they'y cauld ily shorten their time if forced;"'"emlr n w mlr a of distance which they are practicing the relay. slowly as did the' 440 . There was little ativity in the lin and shot. P~o caino Coats City With Ashes ruayakil, April 18-(By A.),, guragua volcano is erupting,'liuge ies rising from the" crater, with wers. of rock sho skyward; white- stones are said to be fallig in the ,urbs off' iabamba, which cty has oating 'of ashes and fine sand. RDWS FUTDNON 'HMON:DAYL ... CWillard to Try oue-Back Againstf Wier T1hrough (race of National ;League ! 1oo St Loi....... ..42 2FLOYD LOOKHS TO PIE EASILY Cincinnati ..... .....2 8 0 VICTORIOUS- IN BOTH ROUTS c Toney, Clemens and Am smith; Rixy c___ and Hargrave. After much deliberation and a ott New ork.........7 ~of talk Fred Fulton and Floyd John-'r Botn.........4 1 sonl have been permitted Uy the New)s Bosto .' 4 10 2;York boxing .commission to hold their' Barnes, Scott ttnd Snyder. Desche-' little fracas next Monday night overI ger, Watson an~d Goutdy. in Jersey City at the Arena A. C. P'hiladelphia......5 10 1 Johnson had been matched with Broln. Jess 'Willard for May 12 at the ;new I BriolnH6be;7edos1ndHe-Yankee park in what isnto Vi a c rie y °;Rng° es ; ndDee i~eer Hn-bout. BMil Muldoon, chairman of the line.Grhns an Debrry.commission, made Johnson agree to E Pittsbrh......2 5. 2 meet nobody until after the Willard CPicag ......... 1 frca but Charley Cook, manager of BoeCic er and Gooch; Alexander and the Iowa heavyweight, had grown am- 1 Hartnett. biticus suddenly and signed up withl the Minnesota plasterer for Jersey AeiaLege;it.moWashington ... ...... ....1 4 21s~ MWu oI~ Oligesi 'A thletics . . .. .. ..6nd 2 = His' m ajesty, M u ld onras f rm i Johnson!ni and R ue ;H ari a d P r-( i decree that there should be no ine. ue ri e- Johnson-Fulton fight, and for a while _____ It looked as though he was going to 01have his way. Consternation arose in; Ch...cao, 12. 'the ranks of the charity organization Cleveland.......6 13 2 for fear Floyd would not be allowed Faber, ac, and chalk; Uhie, Co- to meet Willard also, and the manage-t eleskie, Bnoone, and O0'Neill. nent made a special request of Mul- Bostn.............1f 1loon and his henchmen to allow Fultont< Boston . 3 1to meet Johnson as arranged, " the1 New York .............. 4 '1 1 winner to take on big Jess. Contrary s Emkhe, Fullerton,' and Devorner; to all expectations, Muldoon's heart ' Siiavke andSchng.softened long enough for him to give l Detroit . . .. i set oFodJhsn h 9DeL a..9 15 1 Iowa iron man, will have his mill' with StCois........,.....6 9 e-fred Fulton, the lanky Minnesota Chollin, ranctis, tand otasdr;plasterer. ShoerDnxrhWih eoad. Jess Ready for Anything Seve~ed.Willard has agreed to fight Fulton in the event that Johnson is defeat- ______________________-ed, but this dloes not seem likely, for 7 440.! Se' "Bobo i Fultn's past record and his present ETFI rating as a heavyweight seem to ndi- -Clott lome Runl cate that Johnson's main trouble will f be to keep ' out of Fred's way when 'Fulton starts falling to the canvas. New York,,April 18.-(By A. P.)- IFulton has never occasioned any up-I Bab Ruth came back, into his own sets in the fistic world. Jack Demp-1 today. Wen' the mighty .Yankee .sey polished him off a few years agol slugger cracked his first. home run in Minnesota inside of one round. Her of the season far into the right field went abroad two years ago in search bleaohers. of. the new Yanhee' tadium of .fights but the est he could do wasj ?1,2f0 howling fan§', the larg est.throngI to put on about 35 pounds extra inI that ever attended a baseball game, Iavordupois. Fulton claims he is in rose't acicord thieir idol a.trem end- eari'est now and that he feels certain our ovation.. he can battle his way up to the heavy- Ruth's circuit clout, clinching vict- weight crown,a battle that will be ex- ory for his team .in its opening game tremely long and hard for big Fred. with the .Bostoni Red, Sox, added the ViFts to Watch Illard one touch needed to complete the most Fight fans and. critics will watch, pituresquo drama. in diamond an- with interest the antics of pachydermic nals. The Babe, those thousands Jess on May 12. If Futon becomes. agreed, had come back. Willard's opponent, the charity bout The attendance increased by more is likely to turn into a farce. If John- than 30,000 the "previouA. high mark son remains Willard's vis a vis, and o9f 42,620 set at Braves field, Boston both men are able to do battle with in 1916 in a world's series game be- no stakes in sight, then JohnsonI tween the Red Sox and Brooklyn. should hang another scalp on his rap- ________________idly growing list. M[exican Railway Cut by .Flood Neither man is to receive compensa- Guayaquil, April 18-(By A.P.)- tion. and that may have something to{ 't'he ra~ilway to Quito has been cut do with the quality of the bout. And .by the flood; the city continues with- then, again, there is the possibility of, out drinking water, due to the Chime some promoter fixing things for Wil- bo River's overfilow, 'a temporary pipe line bieing washed away.-- L44 nizratthlig? A classlfied In N o Bands, Seo elasfled "ad will sell t for you-;Adv. Patronize Daily Advertsers.-Adv. ' lard's long-heralded come-back, just a mere iossibility but stranger things;' have happened. Other things equal,' Johnson should take Jess with no dif- ficulty; at least he should hand hilm in awfuil beating, for big Jess; is! throughm, and for those that don't be- liege it let them look back to. what happened to that marvelous piece of fighting machinery, Joe Gans, one of the greatest lightweights the ring has kbwn.. Gains was through and then dlecided to fight again. He was as old nc J,,,c.go ' is ''r n ow n 'a inst asf ia t t0 of~L n vtl~.J4JU(. t J Iatfthig and Fielding: Olyen Greatest, Ni~a~searst LIVER ALNCE PR{OBABLE CHlOiE k .mil M' 4AIM 'Cal "9RWIRL1N CRGNWDATES GEN LINE PR1OTICE erudition but he trained regardles of Mvother Nature, and fought that fight.' It was his last for Gans died as a re- ult of trying to come ack after he Te' should have quit. R pr TO AIDST1 LfUIS xr F ormer Iichigan Star's Illtes Sure r To Hangicap rwns' TEarly h Chances A PECI4R ltSITU IONS ARISE B IN iIOPN4G LE.&GLE RSUjTS m; St. Louis again took hr place at i the top of the American league dope]w! sheet yesterday afternoon when it was v announced that George Sisler, 'I9, E the best first baseman lI, baseball at t the present time, had ,been success-.' fully -operated on for sinus infection nt and would take i place with the Browns within a month. Considerable of apprehension has been felt in the St. v 'Louis cmp during the last week or'T so owing to Sisler's condition, which a it was thought might keep him out f of the game for the better part of the o summer. The trouble was an after ef- t 'fect of influenza which laid the first e sacker low in lebruary but surgeons a who performed the peration'declare that he will be as fit as ever after a s little rest. t When the announcement of Siser's I illness came St. Louis was taken from r her first place amongst the dopesters s( land placed second to the Detr tTig- ors, with the Yanks and Athletcs giv-h, en just about an even chance.' After of the first four teams there doesn't u seem -tr be much choice among the n other contenders for paces. H-ugh 01 Fullerton, one of the mst trustworthy #l critics in the country, ses fit toplace ' Chicago, Cleveland, Washington, and s Boston next in order. The situation of the Boston team is the most pecuiar ofthe lot. Last ysar in spite of her miserable showing when the final count was taken, she beat New York in her own ,series and this year the Yanks plan to win a greater number of games from tfhem in spite of fie fact that the Red Sox boast a better crew than last season's. The change in the dope sheet comes from that fact tWad erb Pennock. the .t former Boston twirler who turned in' Imost of the Yank defeats last yearf iplaying for them this year and can bcounted upon to wn from is oldt team mates. Washington is another team that figuf es strangely' in ,thisr I year's 'competition, being 2lope lto gather wins from the strongest tams (Cintinued on Page Seven) thef ingerwillsend any VSEN Collar into its A special weaving pro- ermanent crve whicht in the VAN HIEVS1IN, itamped VAN HRUS&N t, l product of fin caftr EUSEN Colkw attacke. Te Vith none of the' rumpled," Hoary "soft shrts." eized Pongee.' 'SEIJ SE N s'1 COLLAPj 01225 BRLOADWAY, NEW YORK Wlith. the opening game of the Big en season three dlays distant, Coach . .ay Fisher let, up soxmewhat on the ractice of the Varsity baseball squad , esterday afternoon on Ferry field. Most of the time was spent in bat-1 -ng practice 'coupled wth a snappyi elding' workout in which most of the rst string men took part. The 'entire' orlkout went through wth the usual nap which comes with the advent o4~ eal baseball weather. If the present reather conditions rematin the rest of I ie :week Fisher 'Will have his mien ( I ounded into fairly good form for then tuckeye contest. F'ishmer sent his first string' niounds- le n t o ; t h e . o u t f ie l d f o r a c o n s id e r - p r o f t m h r h y c a e umgoes 'to improve .their legs and 1 find. The pitchers are not doing much 'ork this week, most of them havingc erformed in several'e games during he spring trip, and Fisher does not ant to work them too hiard early ins he season. Yesterday's fielding practice, was onet ,f the fastest and peppiest,, the XVol- i American Leag;ue Chicago at Cleveland. Detroit at St. Louis. Boston at New York. Washington at Philadelphia. ational League New "York at Boston. (Two games) St. Louis at Cincinnati. Pittsburgh at Chicago.; Philadelphia at Brooklyn._ 'OFf TRYOUTS SE Those' golfers Who are eligible for he Varsity, golf team and who have I not reported as yet should report to' Prof. Thomas C. Trueblood or Cap- tain Smith at once.s Michigan has prospects of a good team this year, and Michigan men are urged to re- port immediately. Last year Mic!hi- gan lost only one dual meet, to Chi- cago amid, was second in the Confer- ence. This year's team should mnake a strong bid for the Big Ten chanmpioni- ship. Thus far Captain Smith and ex- team, and captain Winters form the nu- cleus of the team, and Crosby, Roder- fec and Hastings are making strong YOSTk-1D LITTLE ASSISTED BT TUI.O Off FORMER STARS Working under a warm sun, 100i as- pira°nts for next year's gridiron teaim were given their second day's instruc- tion in football fundamentals yester- d:at Ferry Field. Varsity men, Frcshmennmeral winners, Reserves anzd men who have had nofootball ex- perience were included in the list of. candidlates. Little spent the greater part of the afternoon in instructing his 'men in correct line position and line charging. Coach Yost was also out on the field teaching several 'groups theory of line play. Roby, Cappon and Goeiwl, who have played their last g pame for Michigan on the gridiron, ,iare assisting Coach Little during the 1 sp ring training season. All three 'have secured positions as coaches necxt fall. Steele., and Neisch, guard and end ';resprectively, were the only two var- skiay rmen in uniform, the rest taking payrt inother sports. :Miller, Ingles, Dyand Stafford of last year's reserve t aInwere «also out. Donlj lail fo register todnmy. iicr; stem' for tspring elections t Md~ '' .,fl ;erlnes nave la~UuIlge inis s1~ pringI. bids for places. he switched Infield showed up wvell Th'n ro ofClbhspo-* - nd t apeas tat he ichgande-ised to take thirty' student memnbers, ense will improve greatly as a result 'Pir aesil i e ll'slet n bir the hnpehich pHerte ont-application for these should be sent ' i irbaeiplcofPprthve-to Professor Trueblood at 1024 Hill . ran hot sacker replacing Haggerty street, together with score for 30 t the keystone bag. hoe ovrete h oecus Several members of the second holes ovecreher e. he alcanseo .0 tring squad are doing wonderful worko solme comme eende yanpoficeorntcign 5 a~ ,his 'Week and it would not be sur- o the club or by a member of the iI'ad hnI x a' )risin'g to see sonie of themr getting a .club who knows him. I l. ~ad te ~rA i#rei Q ,egular job on the team before the sea- Thswhhaeardymetei yohrAeicnr ;on closes. Ths h aearaymd hi Vt cign 1nivrsty. 'hs" Coah Fsh~r sate yeteray hatapplication are working steadily and slie'ici t }le nw~ ~ Coah Fshr 'taedieerayintiaeshow much promise. Score cards r1, ie plans to work Lvras i houdbeta h cuhueatrI period of neairly "tat i ' t pening game against Ohio State Sat- spracticeth whthe atecuuendandsoldteyar.reesn rday. Liverance has shown up well be signed by both partners. The I~I otwithstan ding heis loss of one gape. putting greens are not, in shape yet, n the so~uthern trip and Fisher feels but the temporary greens are being~jU hat if' he is right on Saturday the used. all, I V~lvrlps stnd n een canc of Michigan's first meet is May 4 when _ tarting their Conference race with a Northwetr istIe tEaso ictoryOn May 5, Illinois is played at Ur- bona, ande on the following day Ohio ~ROIC ICKTS N SLEState is met. Michigan ought to caip - GD toreall three of these meets easily. 41 The Wasitenaw club has pro'mnised x.1CAa 9DZ s to take a limited number of student: !u ~u1 z i A F'rosh.Frolic tickets will be on sale on thie payment of -a-dollar a day e* $ y w- fro~m 2 to 3 o'clock~'oday and Friday greens fee. I afternoons at the Union. at $a each. _- "~ The annual formal freshman party ilb el~eeein fMy tY . C. A. Sends Delegate to, Cofer . the Union. Lila Reynolds, '24, will be the dle- Programs, music, and decorations gate from the University" Y. M. C. A. for he art hae ben'arranged by to attend a cabinet conference to be othe paritye.Ahav been sfarheld this week end at East Lansing._ thcet citede.orellheppliaions for Delegates from all over the state will tikt eevdbfr h pigv-be resent. The therne of the onifer-I' cation have Aeen accepted by the comn-onewlbe