THE-IMICHAIGAN DATILY ..~- , .. .. NEWSP~APER OF THlE ;ITY OF MICHIGAN ery orning except Monday' versity year by the Board inl lent Pulblications Western Conferenlce ]ditorialF -ed Pre-, is exclusively en- for republication of all news ited to it or not other"Wise paper! and the local news pub- means for identification. F+indi one of slaught of the disease. Let us pray s them now, register at the booth as- that the terrific plague does not reach~ EDITORIAL COMMENT signed to your department, and" then! the sacred territories of this virtuous I when the time- comq's you can vote, community.--1 ' TAX ON 'RETTI__(x _ : Duuncan &r Starling THlE BAND) HITS UP Name it Yost! Tlhe Michigan band gives its second l__________________ annual concert tonight in 11111 auditor- ium to provide funds for its continuedj maintenance. -In addition to its use-ED L fulness on all ceremonial occasions,ST L[ the Varsity band is a valuable adjunct ~ ~V ~iT ITT~d. (New York Times) Several British Governments have considered plans for the taxation of bets. It is reported that the Treasurys bigwigs in Mr.. Bonar Law's Govern- ment are at work on the details and Urabm 's WJoM Ends of the Diagonal tered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, sity. Its influence on team morale has J metods of such taxation. A large l igan, as second class niotter. enpase ycah n lyr part of the British prbic cat Ib i nsiltonby carrier or mail, $, . be rasdbsohad lyr Ifices: Ann ArI ao Press "Buildig, Mady- alike. To the spectator it has become The Bulevard 'P'atrol.. weaned from laying bets. Public opn- cI Street. arear'o ubicoino hnsEdtra,24an -;us. a vital factor in the playing of everyiThrisamv enonototn ion, oralrgprtopbicpno, - ---->-tral 2X ad 7M;Mai Tees__ovmetonfotnti=p_ football game and its presence at1 machines or on roller-skates but on1 declines to take severe moral grounds - a_ ~o "nuuniiskis.not to exceed 300 words other contests has been no less ef- foot, to patrol the boulevard thisi and clings to its aleatory speculations rt ed. thte sinnatumr no necessarily to fective. sprig. That is, rather to exploit it. The Australians seem to have a more aer in print, but.,as an evidence of faith, I general and keener interest in sport" antotices of events will be published in- Through its short trips such as the1 In other words, all people found ong 'i l e aily at t'le disc etion of ,the 1'.dtor If one taken during Spring recess the the premises after dark without tick-I of all kinds than even the British at; $ gi e1 ;eomnncations' will receive .no con- band brings Michigan to cities in ets dated for that express evening will hm.SrGog ulr rm m siderai&o, No mauscript will- be returned which the opera and glee 'clubs are' be copleaolaeimdaeyo ster of -New South Wales, is now in te nlcthe ritci enorse 'oteThe ailyts'nbe to perform. It gives the alumni!I purchase a seat. First five rows in! London. H-e says in an interview that e cpressed in the communicatios.- a thrill of renewed interest. It is an 1 the pines are thirty-five cents and res- the first Betting Taxation act was, ________ -organization which brings worth whileM ervations must be made in advance;' passed in 1915 as a war-revenue mea-, tU1off JU AIf STAFF recog ,o'n to the U'niversity. no singeeaswlbeoduniafr sure. It laid taxes on racing associa- Tlephoneqcfl I and' 1764. Dspt the value of its services,th nine-hrty, it doesn't get interesting ions and clubs, bookmakers, and a down Despite theer bttngtikes band. s orced to shoulder the r-J until then anyway. The seats dlown b sapdtyo hi etigtces MAAI3EDtITO)R Is constantly in uncertainty. It may the river at the lower end may be had New South Wales has a population r*iAZIfON P,. STAH1L lion sibilty of self-support. Its future' for one thin dine because nobody ever of about 2,000000. A year or two ago 1i,,iws 'iF ttr -."... ." Pa,t Watzel follow the team in. fal, if the BandI gets that far, according to my data.aStetxen disonicts t city l~io.......Jnc 13, Young, bounce succeeds. It may expand,IfOeothladnfrentisRwSiheac courses, was added to the Assistat .fm s ,IO e o h ea i g f a e n te ,R w S th re t e o m f t x to n b t s aitia City F Edtor . . Bacon the funds are forthcoming fronm its Rowt, has offered its services as ushersItheohrfrm ofaxinonb-{ and I lsa4rr~~artaL.I2 tistng. In one year these taxes yielded, lNi h",t Ba hima.......MIs own efforts. an they have been accepted in spite Ralh Ber hary oe Tonight the bnd' is presenting to" of the fact that they look more ike nearly $3,000,000. With their passion- 1 . T llershdarfer R. C."Moriarty the campus a performance which a- =burglars, at-etfrsot n akn hi a. A~ Donahue J. L. Mack countedi for its success while on tour. z~l-l. guesses on it, the Australians dont z erjn~s E ditor.............Maion KOtKheprogram is worth hearing, and the; zsl-hs. sotogubeatteeingSuxSan Maanetio I. ]naecueisorhuprig.CNrDTIYu PE IN Suda agzneEitr . .H A.l~nau cue swot spprin.CO 'UENII~Y5F KIG The fat yield of these in Nw Southdm I,11 Mle MuiTdto.........R.I.AleKerEcYo''epoal Wales must look very engaging to Mr. Kt.nm Edtor lcl y C. obbins TURKEY EJECTING EUROPE theaceofspaes budin Stanley Baldwin and the Treasury Lowell erMaic ran Whatever political discomfiture ma rmtedgyugaem.mods of calculation. A tax on betting Paul, instein Eu"1.gene Carmichael PI rmtedgyugv e is a luxury tax. Nobody has to pay it Asitat result from the return of Asia Minor oeeyums di StneII rsrn Faki .Ihpunto the Turks, certain impediments to, that I can makeaai if he will keep away from the race Sidney Blielfield Winona 'A. Hibbard I scientific research may bewruh of you look like a lemon.trc.T th adetsosmn f R, A.. 1llin gton R edwardh J:. Higgirs which will make this cession -o ghterraN'pa South W ales, lizbethhowerma nertr oit mayr advna now nien gr f er iza .look- r. a i ke af t a x iso n cf n e ntan eces- . "13. Co tnable ^°,John McGinnis sris f her xitece ]icrntadtte Cte Samuel Moore point oviwfandacng civilz-Lok This Over, J/i,,y._ Etvelyn 1. Coughlin All 1t. Pryor' I ion. Turkey bay her past action has Di Mi, Dizzy! All these long and ; USSOi.NI, OPTIMIST Toseph l1 pstein W. B. Rafferty b1een proved unsympathetic to scientif- wer°otsI aebe hnigo '. FFiske Goer . Ramsay I (Philadelphia Pub. Ledger) j l bn (;aringho64se .V. . Rwitrh jic discoveries and unsusceptible to u-! you and wondering who the handsome :Io Rtia (boauder° Phiip M1. Wage ropean uture, and the steps which Rodof was, so cleverly parked out- Ucmontwrh n nsa Ronald Il algrini this-nower is now taking to eradicate side of West all on Tuesdays and wsthini ermiewofitly, ioyesteys - European influence in Asia Minor give Thursdays. Do you think any of us ,'slnPeiro tli etra' II SINESS STAT new Impetus to the alarms which are girls could help but notice that sim-PulcLde.Tistaglit bn Telphoe ~9 - being sounded by scientists and edu-' ply elegant foulard of yours, and the ;die of energy is something new In - ~~~~cators concerning the future of this ° handsome full moon rising above it?,Isaemn ei acmiaino p BUSINESS MANAGER territory, alarms which are not pri- I (The bottled In bush may have had1 timist and realist who knows what hef ALBERT . PARKER mnaly political in nature. I something to do with that!) I could I wants, thinks he knows what Italy A decree has rcently been issued. by{ care for anyone who wears a foulard needs whether she wants it or not and Advetising . John _J. lamel, Jr. the Islam government that al instrue- like yours, Dizzy-but alas! There iSotogeitfrh. ldvertisi^,ig.........Walter K. Scherer I Msoiihsth aiggaeof licto ai .M adver ti ing......Lawrence 11. Favrot tion in schools and colleges in Asa Iarn' ay Sheba agencies here-and beingdfeet naCotnn ulo Poliatan........Edward . Conlin Minor must ble administeredt in "taeC if you hraven't found a way after three+ difrnnaCotetfulf (olaywriting DaidJ.M.P ruihlngae hinisefi ndahl yas owcudIwoImourners, grouches, malcontents anl Grculation........Twnsend11. We&bitters-endegeThsrsitelswarmadinghlf with hw thosewh Accounts ............ Beaumont Parks practically a deathblow to European ave been here only three fourths o :whote-vies, wihaarm adiping a s ?assistant1clue nAi io steol n-wove ihaamadgipiga try I.. 17=y d XrNm ITGood cluei saMnra h ny;-one? We are doomed to go on our .-ugen L Dun e" Clyde I... Hagermar stitutions of any worth in the locality loeywa-ienriursoeufggh a glass darkly, Bonito Mus- 4o C. Iakner!Fed at present were started by Amer:can or separate way through life! You sln sa piit ~ eivsln 1?. . Armtantrolt . 13. Sanenbacher or foreign countries and instruction is have broken my heart, Dizzy! Irpe is on the mend. He is one of the Wr -few - Eu oeans who see a light in the5 W7^t- *i , =Clif'p d Mitts and mst be given for the most part ; . (5irart. 1Y-lew Hai~it 3...tI '"a'; M'~"achren I,., c-tiring. Wilt. 'Le sser L~ouis- M. Dexter in the language of their sponsor. *ITe er0atwihit7mera lin S. Morsari C.Evells Christie The Trkish government s'also un- 1 Tmro' osis oe ]a, s;. y e lr . Edwardl . Reidle poitostoacaelgia xpd-A lnrwayNseine Wa.l race hatreds, its concession hunters, 1lcrlle t 'W CoDoper poiiu o rhelgcl xe -las nteWy __________-Itions of any kind and through arlior- -Jemima Standing Her. iassacres and threats of new and un- inIgoiiussprtto aogs holy wars?" Says Mussolini of the the. natives has encouraged them to ;1 dii LAUIM1? next Near East Peace Conference: -___-destioy beyond recovery relics price-I Ohilasked her if I couldst There has been 'enough dawdling. THUJRSDAY, APIL 19, 1923 less, for knowledge' of ancient tinmes 1An she asee,"fyuwudt Peace, real peace, 'must begin there ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~pwhichthiprsrainmgtav Soidsttk hr.tthmoe, and I believe firmly that it will. i Nigt diorL.J.iIRSDOF~R cnfrrd.Ths eritryofwhch the' Which s cheaper inth the end. s The Rhr, where France is feelng - Turks are now in possession cost- ai.nier. frG'mn' uua enadoe GRIDIRON 1'd1HTS tutes a most prolific source for arch-'* * I which Europes war ravens have hov-; red since January 11? Mussolinii When a new venture is launched, or acoalogical research and is the scene; Getting One Past the ProofreaderI says: a mew e trrs' undertaken, ques- vhreient icSchutdlithemann, na a-German Scn- fot te~pisescintit, ctuted y fithin he ar-Naturally, there has to be a settle- tioin'mediatejy"arises as to whether mn.s rdc hr ilb or &Oot it wll make for progress for tial authenticity of the Homeric leg-!I Screech-What do you think of a guy Istsatr ragmnsalaon beterneit ,for the promotion 'of those Onds, proved beyond a doubt the ex- that woild get up at two in the wihnac prtveysotte. initerests. wh-ich coin ern the growth .istence othciof trouiy i anopndmorningring.g to go horse-back wtnRussi oaaie or ithm00 Rd-aoet. , afrd developmaent of any group or com- uipalagprtoanquytomdnriig threatening Poland and gowerng at- muinity 'The Gridiron Banquet, to be knowledge. Little Dwin-Who did a foolish thing ' the rest of the world? The hBlack hlehi here hay 1,r is an undertaking. That the political claims of Turkey' like that?ShrwomaeteRdhagcre of uc0,1la nature, but wheni the plans to ertr aevldi h pin I Screech (fiendishly) - Paul Revere. i tl as ihasrg ariiid whi Tz.tis affair has been built1 ion of many and presents a question Heh! Hitin ItaRuss i h a ugaboo :h aio iir htsrlliz'e there is no doubt that its jwhich it is -nt our prerogative to d-! w& ti~iw~l be roved.j cide. But that a backward nation' ~ threfars.Semycai wiitl} ' d minl of gnoant easnts - and roar aid even launch armies, but, shouldalong the sonieslinesoofa regioniso in the last event the country would th i 'uternationally famous Gridiron shudgipoesonfargono crack behind them. Night,; celebr ation occurring annuallyI fertile in the possibilities it offers for Euoenessc< a.H.wl " sdgon .1 . where journal- scientific excavations, and that every Euoenessc- an ewl - ~si g n, D .~be very good for what ails theo Old L'Lt,, -tatesinen and other men of" re- vestige of Euro(pean culture should dO- -Wrl.TeEroenhsbentk pute ;gather: Sigma Delta Chi, which drvno, ftisrgo(we t Note:-=-,The above rpre~sents Little'ighstobelyn(on. us- Ivi "tpYjsoring the banquet here, has obtrusion has dne so much for the g iIrobe Dwin giving one of his famous im- 1,xni is trying; to get Italy to talce ers icxtdei.d invtations to 300 guests, the en lightment of the people and the pro- iersonatins. , tnigu n me hm wt ditbing composed of state, national Igesofitxite anolybeelred* a: Iwa llOp - af way. *ni-camxis scelebrities, representing by anyone who has any interest in toJu JkeFrA riaswofr-ershv the ,various :professions as well asithe'; education or scientific advancement or i I'm11rinting the thing below because litndt ohn u enngswil- f ~ult an stden boy. wh ha an beieftha th wefar I like JAKE and I feel that hie ought I!igs and tear-soaked propecies about! In bicitheGrdron anqet illof te wrlddepnds ponther popo to be informed as to the past loves of th blackness of Europe's future and ;- f $e i*iAtAt fl'as^, t.A1 ,r ne ivzr f enr'-A.11nw rt,t,-s gation. T" A, - -., I~~ ______________________________,. Let "Jimmie the adtakor" find i DETROIT UNITED LINES Ann Arbor and Jack sow TI E TABLE (Eastern Standard Time) sDetroit Limited and Exprews Camr,-.- 6:oo, 7:00 a.m., S:oo a.m, a:o5 a.m. and hourly to 9:05 p.m. Jackson Express Cars (local stops west of, Ann Arbor)-9:47 a.m., and every two hour Is to 9';7 P 111. Local Cars Ea~. Boun~d--7:oo a.-n and~ every two hours to, 9 :0 p. I. z z :oo np.m. To Ypsilanti onzly-ri :40 p 1., 5 i a. t. To Saline--Change at Ypsilanti. Local Cars West'Bud7:5 ~, 12:10 p.m. To Jackson arnd kalamrazoo--Lin- ited cars 8:47, 10:47, 12 :47,. 2:17, 4:47 To Jackson and Lansing--Limited at 8:47 P.m. - i - I -I I I thirst Cheer loud and long, and then' call for the beverage with zest" Drink. Af2 r pre Delicious and Refres + iL L, 5¢4 .1 I , - ' { : '" . . , , , r ._ f;Y~ .. ,,,., 1 APRIL 1 s9 16 l i) 1~7 2- 4w> PI 12 119 co 13 20 2i)7 1 28 \SI T54 The Coca-Cola a I Co., Atl=10a. gg1 ^ 1- NU WFry M"", SelectioIi of ILatest S u~plts F ('RUS111l;1?, T( (}! - 'r'ak-e the "Beaten Path" to our^ door and save a dollar or more on a hat. We also do all kinds of Cle an.. ing and Reblocking of I-lats at low prices for NJIGHI CLASS - WORK-_ _ FACTORY HAT STORE 617 Packard Street Phone 179%2 Where D. U. R. Stops at State MUSICAL COMEDY ALSO Wak 1IiTH TWELVE PEOPLE-uMOTLY GIRLS LARGE CROWDS COMPEL US TO HOLD SHOW FOR TWO. MORE DAYS COMPLETE CHANGCE OF, PROGRAM NEW DANCES AND SON4GS I AJDRIAN-ANN. ARBOR BUS_ A Schednie in Effect October ziS. 92 Central Tine (Slow Tlime) D) t X .D P.M. A.M. 1'.M. P.M. 3:45 7:45 .... Adrian .... 12 :45 8:45 4:15 8:15 ... Tecumsch .. 2:15 8:15 5:15 9:15 .-.Saline . r r :15 7: 5 5145 o:45 Ar 4nn Arbor Iv: 10:45 0:45 Chamber of Comlmerce Bldg. Admissiosn, 5c TODAY ante asliua "0430mm8:30' I i R I L- .iaiy - Daily iccept buncays:. and Holidays. Friday and Saturday special 11E1lE1{11tE1 1E11l11111@ bus for students leavecs Adrian 1 :45, leaves jh~hIhI~~I~h~~l~lIilII Ann Arhor 4:45. = 11l1li11PftiEEhifIIIJllhI-WI1iiiiIlI'1 hiII JMIS H. T,LIOTT, Proprietor f -= Phone 4G w lor '