____________ ~T" E MICHIGAN DAILY _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ IL 45OU R ~ ET YORK TO HAMB UR G ppp yyyy ..Actual construction work 10a st reo ible, de ign < lto mal' trips be.. Acm~e to Encourage Work Ni Fine Aris -Peenllirly Fa irale to All Parties OVE-RtNTN1 TO RAISEh 'MOMi1Y TH11ROU GIILOTTERY Stockholm1, March 29.-(13y A. P.) -Artists in Sweden. --wio happen to be narrow circumstances have sud- 4y~ been cheered by the news that to government .starnds ready to spend; T0 kronor, about $72,000 in the irochase of their pictures. The Swedish scheme for coming to e yescnue of needy artists is peculi- cl favorable to all parties concern-, . Th~e government raises the money Trough a loattery.. B~enefit Is MNutual It acqu.ires valuable paintingg and ulptures in return for the mnoney ranted to the artists. This art is then be placed in schools, saniatariumns, nd other government in ,titutions, h~ere it will prove a pleasure~ to the uiblic, and at the same time help the rtist b~y giving him added publicity r ~his work. The invesnment of funds and the uirchase of art is to be in the hands fa committee of artists and others' nider the chairmanship of the famous idsape painter, Prince Eugene, * roher of the Kin g-~of Sweden. The ommittee will inspect paintings and atues and have authority to purchase Crk1s in current exhibitions where 'ie ~artist is in need of money. To Purcha~se h~est Art Olof Olsson, Minister of the TEccie- astical Department, under wihomi the ppropr.ition has been obtained. rays at only the highest class of paint- igs and statues will be purchased b., ae government. Thus the mnovem-ent an be utiied to instil in a larger ublic an appreciation of goodwok 4No, particular schools or tendencies ' moern art will be favored by the omttee, and none will be discrimi- ated against. N.ebraska Capitol Sets New Desig QOahia, April 18-($y A.P)-The sonishi.gigInfluence that the new apitol of Nebraska, now under con- trutin seems to be having on pres - t day architectural design, lasto hie sIaggestoin that Nebraska may be 'estined to be the cradle of a wortha hile Anjerican architectuire ,a { >: .x . x 3 ' ."n ..' - Publicly, under supervisionV of -Sir y Arthur or his representatives, he stat- ed he would photograph anty individ- 4d , R r .h' + y. ; f al sitter and guarantee that ghost would appear on the plate in accord # . r4 " c with Sir Arthur's 'instructionls. Mr. " -, J l UT19--yt l , I11 1t h Y SF in ifiD . be . .. :. i GR(EY SHOP "Come i r-how n.after t he' for a Fresh Strawboerry Sundae. ' 400,0 M-avis French .chocolates kZ. Liberty F.- N OWIVS LAST TI ME 1 TONIGHT z. ) z '! r'; ,. t. t Y the statement, of Prof. Emil Lorch, of 'Lcua rd I1. Barrett '24, Adelbert Ford,j the arc itectra school. :I a;' 5ugene F. Powe"(ll, Ga.and Profesisor Lorch alsc. suggeste d fthaj 1ihl II. E' i11f£rVr'25D.Thr)ee fac- iview«ingthle pliotogI alhI i , should Slt mem Vu ~ee-also lced r 'be born e i1 in ind [tb1 t73to a oe~~.Ih . >iua~ f.t;e -Mii Ical of 2G0 feet the entire area o[thie 1tt schoQi,. Th' StL Icy R. G- ild cf. the-Dc-- ceould be used and beyonld- that point, artment of Zoolgy and Dr. Harry to :a maximum height of -400 feat, .+Fclger of the.Departmnent , f Zo- the building area was limited by the << oOlgy, . .1.iI South University Ave. gorgeous modern -of maly lve n all- AerIean tri Sup ported by Conway Tearle, Conrad Nagel andLos W l ol Jr Li W K _ 11 on A U as a n woaman her -first umph ! r . Zr I :2 Chicago building code. Warsa, .Ar1S ,.(--SSy A.-V- tually -allI Russian afll krianJ- ish refugees ordlered expei-~e, iue left Poland; 15.00V to 0000 inwol VEd(; several thousand ,got Zpassports ;uflrT Ithe U nitedl States and are witn. theb new Poish imm igration qoa Reg14teilfor' spring plev,( iollftodaqy. Engjnee&s and Architects' M'terials Stationery, Foul tain 'Pens, :Loose Leaf Books Cameras 'an d Supplies Ii , (Continued from Page One) rever they suppose it is designed encourage resistance to the -oc- eying .forces; 150,000,000 --arks ,e been tak~en at Recklinhausen and X00,000 11(1;' ,it Lu, seidlor'. FThe ~ ray this .mce~y was .notin ded for the strikers but for th1e un- Aloyed. From German sourc-es also to reports that issues of money :ed Thereafter by the Fr"ench will declared valueless by the Reicha- l k. Try to RllKU ele'ges 'aris, April 18.-(By A. P.)-Un- cessful attem~pts wvere made to 'ek trains carrying French and 'gian Cabinet members on a tour he RIuhr. on't fall to reg'ister toaay SKILLED ?E PN SEI WE Ii Cand ies, :Laundry Agency, Tobaccos F- rA 4 i 4 ; .; °,,,, , , = . rr j. die ' } a -r c ", l , / i irs 1 V r ' . s ti Si r ' - I M fr f s (4v~- - \ ..-- .''v! , t ~y 'r ' . \ , .fe -, ,r : . 1a --'4 '4 Ii C11 it N OW PL AYING jus~t Look at This Cast, 1 f JOY LON CH AMEY a ~OzNNA'Pe'' hfll fTJEve. ---- Ot' E.DDIE VAN'TOR I_' "MJAKE IT SNANPY REiMARABLE WINTER GAH,.)hIN SUPER-REVUE VICTO}R AJLL3IIEINDE GER PIANO TUNN Pll o-N.EE 1.061i O)ffice at Res., 41S IN. J)hIvsloii St. ISTRICTLY HOME COONI GN LR't n-, ra La, di d John Bowers I I. I BUST'ER ,KE AT N "THEBALLOONATIC" 4~ Speeial N'us cal Score Jly AUGMENTED CONCERT ORCHESTRA MATINEE: 2:00-?:110 1 EVENING-: 7:00-S:30 ALL SEATS 25 cents j BALCONY 35 cents- i 7, N FI4QQJ 50 cents-. } "UB" POLLARD COMEDY PATHEES ~COMING SUJNDAY. ,x.. GI FFITH'S HPLR'S STUDENT LUNGI 0 j(44 1 AY c OiTl Aorw4M un 09M I v H COMING FRIDAY MILTON SILLS - "THE FORGOTTEN LAW" COMZING HAROLD LLOYD S'4 IA , . . , 409I FAST JEFFTERSON ST. EV'ERLAST-ING-LY EXCITING AND WE HAVE ANOTHERBIG SURPRJSE FOR YOU? ? ?? - IN , "SAFETY LAST" L ItIMPWI 77A ____ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ ____ ___h --,.-.-,-----------_. t ' . ) 1f A I rp-dm m zgu'tI lmmllb a I PA Almalkik ' :02MMEB&L IM: AW I i