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April 18, 1923 - Image 12

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1923-04-18

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bita a t he Rv 11
e UalWerafty. Opv o
+lr u 1'F [

feest covustruct. iaotiC# to all members of
cowved until 1,38 pm. gm,.(11:30 %. m. Saturday.)
fa \r; I)AY, APRIL , 189123 ]Narcher .141

1 Proclamation
For more than half a century our' people have been accustomed to
bserve in appropriate ways a day proclaimed as Arbor Day This year we
re Asked also to name the week which -begins on April 29th Tree Planting
Veek. =The purpose f these observances is, of course, to call attention
Lot only, to the economic value of our forests, once the pride of the con-
Ld'wath :though" now sadly depleted, andl to the need of reforestation,
gt to ehfcourage the individual planting of 'trees, shade trees, fruit trees,
i,t trees.
We, need a comprehensive, workable forestry program, and our State
oparttnent of Conservation is intelligently and steadily working toward
bat goal.
It °Is fitting too, since birds and trees are intimately associated in our
lnds, that Bird Day should be combined with~ Arbor Day.
Therefore, by virtue 'of the authority vested in me as Governor of the
tate of Michigan I do hereby designate Friday, May 4th, 1923, to be set
part as Arbor and Bird Day, and I urge it upon the people of Michigan ;n
enral and the teachers of our schools in particular that suitable Arbor
no Bird D'ay programs be arranged for that day.
Given under my hand and the Great Seal of the State this seventeenth
iy of. April, ifi the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and twenty-
ree, and of the Commonwealth th'e eighty-seventh.
a ^ulty, 'Cllege of Literature, Scienceaiid the Arts:
The attention of instructors Is called to the :mid-semester carls
° ch hasve been distributed thirough the messenger, service. Instructors
'a. rppquested to report PROMPTLY every student whose work has been
nsatiactory up to and including the mid-semester examination. It
ouild be noted that these reports are not on the mid-semester examina-
ti alone.s
AAdditonal 'cards may be had on application at my .office; or they iVill
sent if telephoned for. W. R. 1I-iUMPHRLYS,
Assistant Dean.
)J banC4 irrIcila: -
Under the university rules, all applications for admission to the Con-
aid Curricula (Medicine, Lawa, Dentistry, and Nursing) must' be filed with
eo Registrar on or before April 20. This year, however, applications will
received} until May 5.
ARTHUR G. HALL, Registrar.
a The Students of the Graduiate School:
Dean-Alfred . Lloyd and Mrs. Lloyd will be at home, 1735 Wastenawv
e., corner Cambridge Road, to students of te Graduate School on Friday
ternOons, from four to six, on the following dates: April 20, May 11; and
jortuinitjek for Engineering' Graduiiaes:
, lepresentatives of the ;American Steel Foundries, nianufaurers o
.eel.' c~stIngs, will be In Ann Arbor Tuesday and Wednesday, April 17 and
to interview graduating Engineers biterested in Steel Foundry Work.
hs Comztpany requires a few :men for operating or sales positions after
Ut~j*ning period at, their various plants.
They will be glad to see any man interested in work of this type, and
iii be reached during these two days through Professor Anderson's office.
1 Ei4ineering Building. 1-. C. ANDERSON.
The anntual' memlorial meeting of the Research Club will be held on
eduest ay, April 18, at 8 p. in. in the Histological Laboratory. This
tling'will commlemorate the four hundred fiftieth anniversary of te~
th of Copernicus, and the following papers will be ptesented:
"Copernicus"~ by Professor A. Ziwet.
'The Astronomlical System of Copernicus" by Professor W. C. Rlufus.
Acunbers of the Junior Research club and of Sigmia Xi are cordially in
eelto attend.
T. H. H-ILDEBRANDT, Secretary.
ky-Prvduetiox Plays:
Tte' second number in the series of plays and recitals offered by the
sses, in Play Production will be given tonight at S o'clock sharp in
tiversity 14aIII Professor Louis Efich will give a recital of J. M. Barrios
ee act play "The 'Will." Course tickets or single admissions my be
rchtascd at. the door.
TlW a>ttention of all members of the society is called to the first intr-
iety,,cotest between the vrious University literary societies aflliated
th I1appa Phi Sigma. This contest will include a numuber of essays fromn
~h of. the chapters and it is hoped Apha Nu will maintain its custoiary
etige.. Essays are to be nrot over 1,500 words in length on any subject of
heral interest. It is necessary to hold chapter preliminaries before May
The neat meeting of the society will be Friday night, April 20
bl Spekigfor Enginees:
The following men are scheduled to speak at the next assembly, Thuim-
, 'April 19: Tippy, Gordon, Schuffman, Braybrooks, Plutynski, D Puy,

arcs, Gruncharoff, Mower, Stegrneier.
Chairma n

r'ri ALUMNUS WANTS I see that our alma muater gets full
DCi credit for heru youth and strength and,
CUIYr1f VVV www 1iV lllL NEWS DIRE CTO ' power; that hter acts are understood,
LO(Contt iue(L from Page Tn that her mnotives are not maligned
L 014HER~ oul 'cs} eginwit Preidet Buf ot land that w hen those with money t o
I IBDAL II[LII II[DEIoud egningwith nPresidwn uthe; be given where it NN-ll1do the most
Ma 'Poietsekr n a-line'. teforgoIc education come to bestow th, ir
uMay Norminet sIeaforgettinc-g. gifts they shall think of -Michigan as
mutyten addressed the Conferene of; the first, strongest and most effec-'
Social Liberals which was held here: gan is a "state" university, andl that t ive of almoners.
last week: fromt Monday to ' ednesday sonle wHi say it is lpriimarilY for #
Amn toe h gv adese Michigan's youth. But Michigan is
the Rev. _kWorth H. .1ipp)y of New York, 'an internation~al university. Eduzca 1iot(oi1~Fwlvegw'
tionis ot materof tat lies o~ion, April 17.-In all London
social secretary for the federal coun- tFii o atr fsae]ns~~r
!oil of churches; Professor Alva W. Provincialisni and narrowness have no EI her e are less than 30,000 Russians at
Taylor of Indianapolis, social service p lace in a great university. 'iese the present time, and they form the
Feditor of the Christian C'entury; Prof.; younlg men and(1 women-l-comin2* some largest alien colony in the city. Thl~is'
'J. 'AV. Nixon of the Rochester Theolog- of them from far countries-are not{^
iilSeminary; and many nmen prmionly bringing about human under-'is anr increase of nearlyv 5,000 ovri the
moent in the business world such as standing andi brotherhood, b~ut they fignres for 191 1. London counts to-
Wiliiam Hapgood of Indianapolishave andl are making the 'Universityi clay 27,00= Poles, 11,000 Frenchmen,
president of the Columbia Conserving of Michigan, the most precious assetj and 5,750 Germans. The Americanj
comp any, the state piossesses. It is not your cop-_!'Coly is unde1r 1,000.
Rev Heber Jup o th loal on-per nor your iron, nor your great army
gregational church p~residedl at the; of' automotive industry,. but the Uni-
first meeting at which Wtilliaml Hap-' versity of Michigan with its moulding
good spoke. Prof. John E. Kirkpu::trick. and building and edlucating and uplift-
of the political science department ing that i.5 the crow ning glory and __L
took are f loal maagemnts. strength of the state of Michigan. The'_________
questions concerning to the present aneo?77 Rliin'ooiyan J JJP~c
social con'ditions and industiial habits knowl edge 77 being es~insentiial r to i n good;R C: P y i
considered from a religious point ofkweg government and the happiness of mian-
view llepurpse f te coferncekind; schools and the means of e(lu-
was to interpret more of the religious cation shall forever be encouraged."
aspect into modern business and polut-. Real financial encouragement is needIed
ical (conditions. 'IO. AM BF M


when you store your garments in
\Wayne Cedar Wardrobes
Clothes will be safe from moths and free from

No Need, To Fear

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Pices are $1.25 to $2.50


ica1 Laboratory. Manual
ling's Physics--HEAT


M M ELE E% M AMb R 'ft b

FoI cr the best plhoo raph subdmittet.,
in a prize contest it is now conducting
'the Michigan Optic will awardl $5.
The contest opened April 2 and will
(lose Saturday evening, April 21. The
rules provide that the pictures be of
flossy finish, that an exp~lanat ion ae-
company each~ andl that they be hand-
ed in lby Saturdlay night. They can
be turned in at the desk. in the. Union,
Or mia iled or delivered in person to
the Optic Office on the third floor.
All students and faculty are eligible
for the award, whlieh will be decided
upon by the editors of the Optic.
S Pictures of cainipis interest are

just now f rom themr and by them
for this greatest of all Michigan's'.
agencies of good government. 'With
the right sort of pub~licity, with the
proper ''selling'' of Michigan the
country would see plast copper and
iron and automnobiles and expect each

- H m3m51. wI u Em - a m . -m

senator andI assemblyman to do h
dluty I'mZ not sure that the country
large is not now wondering that Miel
gan pauses in the work so ably ca
ried to this point. With an Auge
at Yale and a Campbell at Californ
andl many another child of Michigt
scattered at the heads of colleges b,
tween, even now the country wonde
why there should be any reluctance
"giving 'till it hurts'' for an institi
Lion of such tradition and readly_
enter upon so promising a futur
Michigan is not an old-man's('hil
She owesa great dlebt to Michigam,
"b oy Governor". Stevens Mlason, ain
in her veins flows the hot blooda

VVCVU1'S WUef, ana sizes t~will LmivetnoIiUyouth. Stevens
bearing in the selectonf. All pictures} stamp of eternaly
submitted will be considered the prop- university whose
erty of the Optic. Ieed so carefully.

Mason has set t1
youth upon the' gre
first stets he guar
It is our' prob4,em



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Good paint presk
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It isn't given away; still it
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for looks;
today tha t Come in and see the
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a t .,
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What-Uonttu~ eUuceNss
of 6 HAT constitutes success?
a~at =He has achieved success
who has lived wvell, laughed of--
- ten., and loved much. Who has
gained the respect of intelligent
men, and the love of little chl-
dren. Who has left the world bet-
- ter than hie found it; whether by
an improved poppy, a perfect
poem, or a rescued soul. Who has
4 ~never, failed to appreciate the
beauties of Nature, or hesitated
to voice that appreciation.
Whose life was an inspiration,
-'whose memory-a benediction." 9.
The Ann Arbor SaUvingcs Bank\
fThe Bank f Friendly Service"
- Resources, $5,600,000 T WO Office.,






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mare plays the bigethr.

0 in
mear them at the


Y1 +i


Y. AVI7i ' Als' .a' i

Also Bar! Hyde and his Marimbaphoe;HryGuecntidaeofc


mm w . +r s W w m +

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