___________ THE' MICHIGAN DALY__ ______________ VETERAN AMON01G TRoACKt COACHES 1PIRNIII All tak, under a decision aidopted by the association. Further, trainers and governing board of the German thor- jockeys are forbidden to handle such IS OMMTTE oghibred breeders' and horse-racers animals. Parinal,(direc torrof . ....................... ~r' THE DRAKE RELAX ME ET --APIRVL Z- 6 \;:46 (rTE !S A PETERANCO)ACH AND TRACK M 1AN) .s T'Y£AT TEAGE 4= -( 0Ot h TO OJTALL A! a PITAiCIK iM MLE WEST- ANt)THAT'S SA INCGA LOT FOR STEVE~S AbILTY- fE U=S A LITTLE PER- S IHS R I0413mI N ) ON E S S ~THAT ITON'T GEC' . Of SNAPPY( ON ThEW START., the University hospital, is a member of the national committee on nursing education which has just published a boo0k entitledl "Nursing and Nursing 1+ducation in the United States". The book is the report of a sur vey of nursing education by a committee" composed of practical nurses, public! health officials, professors 01: niedi-i- cine and practicing physicians. It' took three years to evolve the book,; and, according to Prof. Darnall. "The 'work will standl as an authority on nursing education." The investigation was made possible by the Rockefeller. foundation. Germniy liars Bookie Entries Berlin, April 18. by (A. P.)-Any horse belonging to a bookmaker orl members of his staff will hereafter be barred from racing ona.a German MN&IWNMA Now TLURKISH PASTE SOc. lb. The' MaeDiarmid Candy Co, Next to Arcade Theatre '4 YJ1iSGW., YVF411Ne _ STEVE, HAS A I3UNC1H Get "IM 1To TALK~-, eTWHef ¢ WINNERS. J,1 #e Wes, BOl " S ME MKN. : Under tihe guidance of its veteran coach, Michigan.' track team is ack noleldged 10'1)e well on the way to top in this year's competition. 'Steve' is one of the oldlest track coac hes, in point of service, in the couln- thlo t ry. WALTER HAMPOEN WILL ni aui irnr ii "Wrtii fl "Othello" is the only Shakespearean pity that he will appear in here. The Saturday afternoon matinee will be I I. ., I r i 1 flt I Il U I 0 ILU, somewhat ini the nature of a novelty. _______"The Ring of 'Truth", a new play by FAM3OUS SHAKESPEARE AN ACTr1OR Arthur Go00(drich and Rose P almer TO MAKE LAST APPEARANCE I will be the attraction at that time. 1 HERE THIS WEEK The play is based on Robert. Brown-I ing's famous poem, "The Ring and tile One of the greatest dramatic events I Book" the old legend of the death of of the year will occur on Friday anda PompiTilia at the hand of her jealous Saturday of this week when Walter' husband Guido. This will be offered Hampden the great Shakespearean by Walter Hamncen at New York for, actor will offer three performances at 111 tie first l ime when he, takes up hist the Whitney theater. engagement with the National Thea-I Ever since his first apearance ill this tre in the fall. country in Charles Kennedy's famous play, "The Servant in the House", Nor. k""".- Hamnpden has demonstrated his right to take his position with E. H. Sothern T T I I E T A as the -greatest Shakespearean actor i I N L I l of the age. His repertoire of Shake- spearean roles includes such charact-' er's as Hamlet, his greatest success, Yorbn hudb Shylock, Macbeth, Petrucchio, Romeo efficient. But that is r and other roles made famous by Ed-; win Booth and Edmund Keene. In his service to. be of the In, last appearance in Ann Arbor last year he performed Shylock in "The± be also intelligent and Merchant of Venice." It is as Othello that Walter Hamp-Taisw tthsbn den will open his engagement here on Friday night. This tour is the first time that Hampden has essayed the I AR ER & M role of the jealous Moor, but he hasl nmet with such success that he will include it as one of the chief features O Ald of his repertoire in the future._____________________ On Saturday evening, he will appear! in Philip Massinger's sardonic comedy "A New Way to Pay Old Debts". The leading role Sir Giles Overreach has not been played in this country since Edwin Booth. This is the last visit of Walter Hampden to Ann Arbor prior to his assuming in September the lease or the National Theater'ill New York which will become his producing headquarters. Rt. R. Arest Studsenit,, for Speedingt Trriee students were arrested Mon- day in the city for speeding. Each3 wxas fined $15. NJD ITERES'TED sound, accurate and lot enough.. Banking ost use to you shoulda interested. :k tries to be. 330 So. STATE ST. x %AWN Earn Extra Ore dits an Cool Lake Shore The change and recreation so necessary to everyone are here ideally combined with superior opportu.nity for ed- T'uxet ucational advancement. Boating, swimming, tennis,rva concerts, dramatic performances, inspiring lectures", ate., are here availablev t SUMMER ON LAKI: Eveni SESSIONNo. .raIcHIGAN GoClf, Organized excursions to industrial, financial and art centers of Chicago. Courses covering full year's work in General Chemistry. Physics or Zoology, for students interested in Medicine. Dentistry or Engineering.SA I Slimer Sesison (OPll5 .Mille 25th uraduate iichool xLaw crzoo College of Liberal Arts School of Music School of Commerce School of Speech School of Education School of Journalism r---BOOKLET REQUEST--- IPlease send mas *"Education Pius Recreation 'd escribing fai the courses of NOETHWESTERN dN7VERSFT HUMRSEcSSIONaend other adlvanttattes, recreational 1 and educational.t IName ______ 1 Full Address Address 'VALTIM DILL SCOTTr, Presidenit NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY _______ 6014 Uniiversity Hll, lEVA1 oNTON . II. ir e ? fig . Now that old king ,Tut has bE are again fascinated by the lore o-f c The Egyptians left behind the their mode and manner of living Without these' pictures, history wV which hzas made it such a fascinatin; Once again we are impressed v truth of the slogan: "YOUR STORY IN PICT NOTHING UNI Today business men realize mc ance of telling, their sales story pictures. J Amos Parrish, one of the great+ tisin g says, "Afn ideal advertisemer thing, picturable, pictured. This ki- saves space -saves readers time -se. Upon your choice of illustratioi cess of your whole campaign. The Crescent Engraving C~mpa pictures that have a selling, punch.]I specialist in his particular line of w sured that your order will be place( from start to finish. resuut E.& _ _ _a,, _ . _ . _ __ 7,ME570:RY en, brou ,ht to light we old E, ypt. ma pictured record of thousands of years ado, could lose the exactness L, study. w'ith the importance and I We remind you of this, you students just back from vaca- tion.:The same superb cooking you enjoyed at home is an Ar- cade Cafeteria feature daily Arca ~e C feteria ire and more the import, through the medium of test authorities on advrer- 1t is. one that has every- ind of an advertisement uns may depend the, sue- any specializes in making E.ach Crescent artist is a crk and you can rest as- d. in the hands of experts ravinug Uo.