THE MI CHIGAN DAILY THEM HIAN AIL I A~rlumn3us W ants ii t ree tseems to mre is a s stclo~nnir;for muich. publicity.I LU versitv News The Amterican Medical Association, -"'Th American Bar Association, and KDirector N amed1 ilh, American Institute of Architects, could be inwcedl to meet in Ann Arbor (Continued from Page Nine) ai1th lt in AnAbo.Mc. You and they ^alike forget that this ma-de syrm nyous wv;ithi news in news- is a country of a hundred million' paper offices from thie Atlantic to the people with innumerable papers. P'acific. The 'University of Wisconsint, When they tooks up the lproblenm of a nd the University of Chicago, both, demonstrating the world to b, thir have had repeated articles in the oyster they discovered the oyster was-, Western press within the past two almost ignorant of Mllcigban, much 'eairs which has all the ear-marks of less inclinerl to yieldl to it as any synidicate ( stuff. And it has been based effective "opener". Then it came to upon some outside interest or asso- us, as I'm trying to makte it come to icainaeL.go etr~gi ~ai you anl a it1xl cne o yu wenson, or on the Midway.' For example y u an s i il co e t:yu w e just this past; week our local high you et ut nto it, that news, data, school has advertised WVisconsin thor- informa'tion andl all the things, that oughly because that university was go to create appreciation and respect staging a contgest for the blest high for Michigan have been- and are woe- school nublications in the UnitedI l f i i f t t x i J ( i E 3 l _i i . 1 y L ,PreissBuilding 'hc ilofceadvwo nth er ocm wl'hich w11111111111111111111'111111I 111111111[11111il1IIIIIII111[ilI1[ill offic andwho i theyearsto cme 'ill crow house all camnpus publications and them in turn into the alumni ranks. E eventually provide a hook-printing I'm not attempting to bridge the andl binding establishment that will years. It can't be done. But there ea l Bs ultimately make the imprint of "The Disaetramofpwedi tehlun Michigan Press" an accolade of merit i body that should afford impetus to ( upon any hrook. drive the machinery instead of ,a fit- WHETHE'R BUYING IN SMALL OR LARGE QUANTITIES YOU HAVE - I have just sketched the problem( ful fioo4l tatcarries agrotesque jet-ARGTTOOL HEBS bhut I hope it will cause the right iun- sa andIfltsamTOfOldLgradEpaBEST dergraduate to take the matter uip and colt once a year. Why not utilize it?> work it through to a sol ution. All And, the basis of utilization is know- fForM I K F. edg an = ! movements are the result of just onelde n fortunately or unfortunatelyC RA mian's real and enthusiasm-his, the that comes through ,news print The' - { ire from which all other torches gain !right sort of news print must come W OF THE HIGHEST QUALITY AND PURITY THE DISCIMINAT'ING: their kindling. from you. It's your problem to furnish BYRAWY AL I believe it is fair to other u,niversi- that. Don't continue to fall down on - ties to say that none of them have the !the job as we and the graduates of thej b~ody of loyal and devoted alumni that !years between fell dlown on it. I Mibgnhs hyae niu o4-- Michganhas Thy ar aniou to I began with Coach Yost and I shall know and to understand Michigan-un- r end with him. The best piece of pub- 1lergradutate Miahigan. Who of us ,licity I have seen in .years was the ar- WE ARE EQUIPPED WITH THE FINEST TO SERVE YOU BEST SERVICE PLUS SATISFACTION wouldn't be a boy again? Who of us'ticle on Yost in a recent American but would like to be back on the cam-magazine. That article was publicity' r o nus again-in thandyof it? One can ifor Michigan of a splendid type. It " Theor '" niot shake off the years successfully,. a psileb'asTheCachse~U Perhaps that's why in our recurring such a live wire that he just broke= efforts in June to show a flash of our through the insulation of indifference ! =R4JNOE 23 41'1[A\D CATHERINE STS. P'l~tRON 423 2 old-time form we only succeed in be-- and mis-information. There are numn- ing tremendously funny in the eyes hers of men and women on the camn- Sof present undergraduates, precisely I pus who furnish just as good "copy"-- I11I[ [11F1111 111111N as they,, themselves, will vastly amuse -Michigan copy-for publication. I 111[11[11Ii11I11ii#111111111111[1 /111 11iiIt111N1gt#[t11 the boys and girls in grammar schools (Continued on Page Twelve) F _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ fully lacking, Michigan'sM greatness Stales, andi the loca il high schoolt won curiously enough is nowhere more ; secondl and this year hoped to win demonstrated than that facing this first ae i hat comipetition. lack through all the years she stands Again I think we, Michigan people, as she stands today. should learn to think of Michigan1 as I am not in favor of a censor but I Mt!ichigan. " U of 1%" is Archaic., It am in favor of a university publicity means Montiana, Missouri, Minnesota, director. i think his functions ,should 3 aryland, Massachusetts or Mississip- gto the point of regitrgal re pi 'and is only one degree removed gorrepnetsadfsupying lprs:fromt "Ann Arbor." We don't say New corespndntsan ofsuplyngthm ;Haven but Yale. Hlarvard; not Cam- at first hand with early andi accurate!~'de i Ia nAnAbr n news about the university. Thiere area this could be very materially helped many Michigan men on the press of if on all officiail envelopes andi Var- the state and their enthusiastic and city stationary one uniform style of loyal co-operation could and should' typing -and address should be used as be secured. Here in California the for" example "The College of Liberal loyalty of our press to the Universitya Arts, University of Michigan, Ann Ar-' of California and other local schools! bor." or "The Michigan Daily, Univer- 14 painful. If you have never experi- sity of Michigan, Ann Arbor." enced it come. andl try to get some! It would- seem, the solution of tihe good Michigan, (or other 'foreign' col- problem mtust be found between the lege) 'dope' ptast the city desk on most1 Daily office and staff and the journal- any California newspaper! The De- islic fraternity which I understand has troit papers especially can antI should !a local chapter on the Campus. Prof. give Michigan splendid supprt. Snderland served his time on The don't recollect a convention or news- Illeiemntyhua ad papr mn o te sateevr metig;knows from personal undergraduate in the city of Ann Arbor. Get them spaperimencejs hatacoefo nws down, entertain them:, show them theaaiernt thhs 11011)nteWodeo an university's needs and Its possibilities t eta h iei iewe and I know no class of men :who will I :Michigan publicity agent or director gladly give you back so much in re- cabcome a campus actuality. That turn. is in line with the construction of a N for the HOME STRETCH Let's All: Dig In--Work Hard, and Make Up For Lost Time! 'KEEP UP APPEARANCES! Remembe r, we o perate the m ost -pto-date cleaning and pressing plant g TYPEWRI12,TERS w tel.of standard makes sold, rented, ex- changed, bought, cleaned and re- paired. .C(. Snifhl..... .........$30 O'01)lro ........' L'tnderw iood....................IjE-muiingl oai............4 p(4"I};tn .................. .i I.............. ... 10 ,... aME /l I'-UiIL 17 Nickel's Areade Deailer: 1L. C. Smnith & Coron a Typewriters in Ann Arbor. One-day servi~ce on request. Lowest rates in city. A,;.- 0-6& White Swan Cleaners CORNER DETROIT AND CATHERINE PHONEi 165 H .. I lll l~lfllIIIIII~ fllifIIIItiIII IIIIIIIIIIIIII1111It11111111111111111 1 k I. -I ONE-PIECE, ALL-LEATHER COVERS - SUPER I- S "-OPATIO ,_ _ _ _ _ ". -r.1 - isr- lf 1- ! / ' - cIIU.S L Loe La m'" ,-. k s .e t s i omzpacEt little ~3 o niconhie ta il o seiluse of tecollege stud- T :J U51: -LL f-E (.; E r out1 or become shl bly- eiat, to aid hli-a in keeping a ,ms- tfo kmzg I\Made in sizes;'6..d re(ord of hi s expenditures. En- T TT 4jitf. (:loo to :fit . very aweed, d o rseK d by leadin g ed u cators. i a i g Fx To }ari 1lEi" i~tiiit'QI:e - Fascinating Fox Trot_ [)ir e IIo re nh a iaccd aitcoinet .. $y1 ines bo a nlifiePlayed by The Cotton Pickers$ $:11y 11110get$ ~for tflaii'iily ffi. I Adres~s BooIO, iiiiiier. s t4o1he1r: F'or Siile by 0. 1). "viIZILL '%J{KES ARC