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April 18, 1923 - Image 9

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-04-18

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A#r Albr



ITwo I




t .. ._ ._..,.. _ ,..

YOUG CIEF OF Alumnus Pleads
Byiliunm A Spill, 96L.

For Better I
'ichigan Publicity NM iYS
hate 1.ody. It is a. condition that ani- Al NIBITHT
teaethem. Our present hope ]s -

BAND WILL PLAY I Cuban Senator
MayBe Future


Sme time ago Coach Yost rewarkeu
through The Alumnus that the alumnij
were content to "Let Greorge 1)o It
Iasked hin' just what hie wished the
1IJKIEY1V OLI).CR..OLITICIA NSi alum~ni to do that we, who are scat-.
WILL (dYE WAY TO YOUTH tered on the fringe of the Michigan
OF COUN'TRY line, could (10 for the university. Hi's
______answer was: "You can SE LL Michi-.
CAL AN RE AR.IEL ga)' e-Imneant by that we couzld at-
GALLANDR TAR IEU tract the right sort of mien fron, those
NATION'S FUTURE HEAD who in the ordinary turn of events
wouzld go "East' to college to Michi-
Look for Better Uiiderstandhg Be. gan. We could create in prospective
tiveen ltIite4l Stats anid students the desire to hold and possessj
Europeans the ideal, spirit and tradition which
Make that intangible let real and true
Paris,. April 17, (By.AP)-Look for- I"Mlficigan '.. The merest amateur in
ward and not backward; build reso-! Merchiandisina, knows that advertising
lately upward with no complaint about sells goods. Even the Book of Books
the past, and with complete faith in; states thlat men (10 =uot lighlt :, candle
France's power to accomplish results and put it -wider a bushel.
and overcome all obstacles, is the bat- P~iglit there is whiere- ivichi~an i~i
tlecry of a Frenchman who is rising I wak Ask any Michigan aluimnus If
on the political horizon and who, his Micrigan dloes not suffer from "rotten"
friends say, will one day be prime m in-
ister of the republic. That man isphlct'adiewl ser ita
Andre Tardieu. H-e is young-only 46 vigorous affirmative. Take here on!
--active, buoyant,gripped with energyj the Pacific Coast, where in Californra
and vital force, and leader of the op-f alone, we have over 1,500 Michigan'
position in the Chamber of Deputies. mnen we, who love and cherish, our
lie is well-known in America, for he 3,111":1mator, have been hurt time andl
lectured at Harvard University some i again by tales of defeat and semni-
years ago and during the war wasr scurrilous articles with big hearis and
French High Commissioner at Wash- front page space contrasted with re-
ington. ports of victories andl articles. to her!
RcudM Op position; credit crowded1 into back pages and
No' parliament in a. republic would tine-type paid advertising. We are
lie real without an opposition, and the rinot blaming the present under-gracd-
fact that Tardlien, heads the party th at I .
keeps its eye onl every move of the ,
cabinet does not mean that in theses
(ays of troub~lesome reconstruction he'L RD I EIIN
is in any sense less patriotic than.,hisi jnii rnrr
fello ovcountrymen. Rpbia l uuVIUU UUIL
Tardieu is a moderate Reubian
He believed that the majority of the
Chamber has been conducted by the ~ ~~ ~I0 ~II 'N
governments since 1920 in a way I 11 iZ S flhSIIVSI Ik S

which properly safeguards neither the
external nor the internal policies of
France, andl that the bureaucratic ma-
chinervy of the- old ante-war organiza-
.tion, which is out of sympathy with
midern ideas of progress, is too influ-
ential1-He believes that before the
elections of next' spring a govern-
ment should~ come. into office which
will be less~ disposed to bargain with
the Rztlicals,.-and put them in office,,
and which will. openly proclaim it-
self moderate.
IHe is' convinced that the time hasI
come when France should be governed
by a, younger generation, not neces-
sarily law«yers and orators, and. that
the school represented by Poincare,
Barthou, Briand and Caillaux has lost
touch with present-dlay realities. Such
men, in his opinion, have been too:
close to the nmental current of fear of
Germany. .:Fie believes there is a place
in France for, a stronger and more,
efficient policy both at homre and
abroad, because France is the strong-
est nation in Europe and must go re-
solutely forward to the attainmnet of
results which shall be the final test of
her greatness. HeI thinks that the
French occup~ation of the Ruhr was in-
sufficiently prepared and lacks ade- f
quate organization..
Say Freuwii Igliorantof U. S. I
Th)e United States, which Tardicu
know.s so well, strikes hims from this
angl e: -le deems that an urgent need,
ojL the French' people is that they
should know America and Americans
better. Much has been said, as he puts~
it, about Amnericans not understanding
the French, but he is confounded at
the amazing ignorance of the French
concerning the United States. H-e
would, therefore, have more news
conme directly from the United States
to France, and less through Londonj
and English newsi"papers. Hle believes;
tha t every" leading newspaper 'of
Fr nce should have its owin special
correspondent in America, so that the:
people of France way have placed be-
fore them a direct interpretation of
American events, American policies
and Amterican aspirations. Conversely,
he far-s the establishment in Paris
of ,a French bureau of information.
He does not believe in propag anda.~
lie knows France has nothing' to hide. I


1 Wil1liam J. Mayo. '83, whose brilliant
career 'is to be-'soon -given recognition1
by the University, when his ~picture is
hung in the halls of the Union, has
credited .y many authorities on niedi-;
cine and surgery as one of the most
remarkable mecn the world has seen.
Thie reason for' tltis recognition may I;
be explained th rough the examination
of his, Honors, degrees, and records of!
service. -
.r Besides' having, seventeen degrees
from various univ~rsitles and colleges,
Dr Ma~yo holds the following honors:,
Membership. in 'Phi Beta Kappa, and4
Sigma Xi; two honorary medals' for
unusual service; Distinguished Serv-
ice Medal; the commission of Brig-)
adier General in the Medical Officers'}.
R~eserve Corps of the. United Statesi
army; past presidencies of five promi- t
nent medical and surgical associa.-!;
tions'; membership in three Universityf
clubs and in the Century, club of New
York; 'regency in the University of.
Minnesota for sixteen years; and fel-
lowship in the American Association
for the Advancement of Science.
The degrees, with the nanies of the:
universities from which he received
them, follow: M.D.,. University of
Michigan; A.M., University of Michi-
gani; F. R. C. S., University of Ediu-
borough, Scotland; LL.D.; University
of Toronto, Canada; LL.D., University
of Maryland; D.S., University of Michi-
gant; D.Sc., Columbia University; C.E.,#
Societe de Chirurgie de Paris; LL.D., I
University of Pennsylvhmnia; F.R.CS.,:
Royal College of Surgeons, England;:
F.A..C.S., American College of Surg-
eons; F.R.C.S., Royal College of Surg- ;
eons of Ireland; C.M., Royal Society i
of Medicine, England; H-.M., Edinbor- I
ough Medico-Chirurgical Society, Scot-
land; 117., Copenhagen Medical So-!
ciety, Denmark; H.M.,. Socieded Per-
uana de Ciruriia, and H.LM., Serbian
Medical Society of Belgrade.
Dr.' Mayo served as president of
the following organizations: Amnerii-
can Medical association, Society of
Clinical Surgery, American Surgical,
association, American College of Surg-:
eons, and Minnesota State Medical So-

that at last men have comec to the Spokane rlntsFor edcig Performance Will Ile Firt Sho)itg -. II. IilhMINl UI 111
campus who can solve this prohienim , lei olloving aation IlI~~II Ull
-NwIiedhoToto'gurU Y
andl give the university a square deal (a .__.,
inesiems. I recall in the nine- l?, M'.11. GAGE, IN ('HAI{GE (W EX.
ties it was a stock :joke repeated over PROVIRA 1. IDENTICAL WIT] I PEDtIrO SENDS1)S WOR
and over again in the college, and RESI~ITIN ADDlEDI O lIST oNE, USE!,) ON SPIUN({K ''II' lSUC S
even in outside, papers "At Michligan LED RCIE)BYBA!
thyhave only two rules. One Is that jM -ichiga.'s Varsity band} will give -:N
You must not destroy any of the col - Another resolution recommending to the second of the annual home con-ii-U E PO ER PC
.lege buildings and the other that you the Board in Contr'ol of Athletics that certs-thGATHERowSPECIMENS
ms the new field house be nanmed after the aurl at 8 :00 o'clock tomorrow, arc Expeced to Return to Chiia
side of these anything is legitimate."Coc Filig .Yothsbe e-iihinllauioin.'h --.. ((trbt i
'Now that was a half-truth, ftle most CahFedn f. othsbe eigh nIilauioim hepo: ; } t o inti ae i
(agermus form of lie. At M"i{chiga tn, centlv unanimously adopted by theI gramn will be identical wilth that used Ult
then and now, and] I trutst alwyays,? Alumni Association of Spokanie ant u;.on.theP trip, a2.d includteS in all z>
numbers. First word of, success achieved by.
thr hl eattlasneo To h nadEpr.Sixty members of the regular Var- Frederick M. Gaige, curator of eno-
shlalt" and "Thou shalt not ". I trust XameininSonenApiil
sitortamdmakeip,))the conoc band ncgy in the useum , and is wife,.
thtgolsorsasi,' tffliette following resolution was passed: !that will give the peformance. Trhey i- ln1.Cie sitn uao i
snse lo aytirchiayan willandal'e " "Whereas, the field house at Ferry 1 are selected each year by Captain Wil- ;the- eum.Gag s, ~~oatccuratr n,
I s g a oyaly toi~lihi in llserv gha- fred Wilson director of the band, to teI
ter to govern and discipline the fu ield is to be dedicated soon, anid make the spring- trip.'Three soloists expedition ei, th e on cin anu-
dntemutiosadtl~ent body= than a multitude of irule.; Whereas, the University of Michigan who wvere used on the toui' will also inhabited districts of northern Pana-
and regulations-nmany of them, mine has one, Fielding H. Yosit, who has pec'rform in the home concert. I Dr. Cosine tie a.'lorrlenie.mawsreivdteirc
erac. utte hnith01-served with distinction, loyalty and 'The trip that the band has just con- I'.(osfeodrlaoorienehehaimaneentb.
horvnreinButhe poreachma- f heCuban senate coinmittee ontoi ftem ui
point Ia in mam- . ~lleted included concerts at Grand #zap- o h
ing is that the story was toild in inut devotion for the past 23 years, and has I ds Battle Creek, Muskegon, Kalaina- ;foreign relations, according to latest; Government aviatos fioim the arm-
harmful and slurriig w, always upheld the standards and tra-; zoo, and Lansing. The concerts wcie'I reports, may be the next Cuban envoyf ed forces on the Panama canal were
There is to be no attempt hesre to ditions of her fair name, aid well received in these cities, a special to the U. S.f the first to bring word of the Cunver-
I prscrbe "cue-al".Thesoluiol ! erfrmane binggivn beoret~b I ity exlpedition now gathering speci-
escie "u al' h ouin Whereas, we believe that it is fitting pefrac;en ie eoeh en n aai h idreso h
must come from the ca inp'is. Tihe ! state legislatupre at Lansing aside from' mans and1data is thenian republic- to the ord
alumnni are out of touch whith the sit- and pr1oper as an expression of up- the regular concert there. Sj NIA flsU II hmin e nplicting hazaroutral
nation. Ini their undergraduate days preciation to Fielding It. Yost and as< Soloists w ho will appear in lihe cont-; 1 0 I ihtse oeftngheaaosas alt
thyrad ys~ou do, camtpus IpubliCa- .the proffer' dedication of such a sti'le- 1cart tomorrow will be Frank Ryan, ; flight~f~Q V ak succs o esfue ladings nsaerthe
tious and the home papers with hper-!ture, thereforeJa.,groupof so, gsyictnclud h ing a l nl ig ivFOronRt eEart snc th ir en
h ~p s o m e e asoti u re o f g e tt ue e s. B e it reso lv ed . T h a t w e rec on m nild u tof i h ga n s lec tio n s , B urto, n H yb le. -
(Cntnud n ag Tn)to the BoarId i Control of Athletics ,'251, with his marimbaphtone, and Salonika, Greece, April 17.--Whiler trance into the tropical wilderness.
that the fieldl house be dedicated to the h-arry Could. '23, who will give an cc- 'other parts of Greece have been suf- Hle brought back several letters which
hoo'o ilding H. Yost and nametc centric dance. feing from the eonoic blight and l xwee mailed at a canal zone post office.
S IARI SPflING R,0 1, , Yost ield hous." Tickets for the conicet ae o on commercial stagnation engendered by The aviator was the first white person
This resolution is the most recent sale at the book stores. 'This will be ;the disastrous Asia Mlinor militarthe Caeshdeninoni
THIST~ ~ W~ ofa series of siiltar requests wici the: only way in which tickets 'will be camipaign, Salonika has been making;I T'he letter which I!r. Alexamnder G.
airemarkable strides toward regaining .Rtuiiven, director of the museum, re-
Au II J I ILL i l arso h cuty Afwdctagnrl apTsle ikt ia4 ctWweePulIidbenmtwEK* a nth xei
have conie froni alumnui associations sold, as it-has been decided, net to con-;teropiyan prestige it enjoyed Icied told of the unusual success that
EEL RE!E'ST l A Wdays ago the Los Angeles group place.. irt i'eecedth gospel to the unbe- ion work. Valuable data and a great
IENSPECTIO NULtesle nrcr sfvrn ih ftecnet lievers is fast becoming one of the many rare specinens had already eenl
INS'E'TONas the name for the new structure, mot---tn orsi h er1-at ahrd
while the same recon .mendatlon glasJTAE~J0I~lVfu itj Three factors have contributed to: Mr. andlDMrs.- Gage left for Panama
Sprng ctvites f he I. . . (. lee mae b b(1i5 i Nw Xoru, fljjj U fj,~ this. Mlle. destruction :by fire of: last February, the expedition being
1Chicago, Detroit, Seattle, Portland, Smyrna has diverted a'- considerable !financed by Bryant Walker of ;Detroit
weui omence nthweCvekrwithy. h and other western cities. . ~ ~ u~ HIT~ nrI part of the, traffic of that once great, as a gift to the University. They will
resumtionof wrk i theUnivrsity . dJLI~r lilil~ h~fhll'i prt to Salonika, which* is only 30 fprng ack with, the-n complete exhb-
Thte first of thle weekly liae n1lrssdteievsu avro u ----i hours distant. Then the, recent agree- its of specimens taken from both the
reviews will be held Wednesday after- step includle William h. Day,.e'to -WILL C'OMPLJETE hIttjul tIN( rent between Greece and .ugoslavia fo'i n nmllf ftenrhr
noon at which time it is expecc teid that former jsieo h Uie . s WITH! (03JIIN6O1'' PItII I by which the latter' countr'y is givena Panma districts. The ehibits will
ti1'1.11E'.E free commercial outlet at alonica has, be placed in the muiseumli when they
an officer representing the (commiaand- Supremte court, Regeit Junius E Ibeat, -1'ETIE given a distinct impetus to the' im- ive ietoso-hmsu x
in-enrl'S2hs Rpaeawllb port and export business of .the city. Pet shipments of specimens within
Gov. Alex J. G'oesbeck, '93. \X' k on the Natural Science c'ourt't The third 'element in Salonikta's con-I the next few weks alexedtong it is not
present. These reviews will be .held -____.__________Igarden which has Been suslpelde~ldii' ur- icil 'eailain s.hevgoouexpectd that theexdionwlre
every -week it prepiarationi for lie ing the winter months will be takenr work of the residents in reconstruct-; turn until late in June
annual inspection of the University ft1AI11L) DN i~ now as soon as the weather per-i inlg the city, which was laid waste by
pos; hih il bemae om tme I LIH HII BENT I nits, according to a statentent front E fire in 191. Whole blocks of modern
post hihwlhemdcsm tuePardon of thleBuildings and bsies nuidnghoeswrei
in May by the commanding general POSNSGRUPounds department. All thatienaints hbusin gnes buidings ihoelshwae- I 1RE I SE
The government rifle range willrru to, bedone is to plant the vinesth ous aespragespandecinmayhoues-
be onened to members of the R.O.T.C \ 'ra' il c ve h als o h b idn night.up sei lgy ovrN E E O RA E IE OH
1 il cye h als o h uid n EW [ O R IGE as wApril 17-(AP)-President and to comstruct the small greenhouse I Greece and Jugoslavia are now .~
membrs f te Vrsiy rflesquad xvociecohowski, the present head of w hichi will house many specimens for, working in the closest economic and_
and all others interested, conimecnclng - the Polish state, entertains far more the classes in botany. pltelhroy hsi u rn atn . pi 7(yAP
Friday afternoonm. The range will be than his predecessor, Marshal Pilsud- The basin for the stagnant pool0; clpally to the-lolicy of the present l Flying at an: average' peed of 77-
open Fi'iday afternoons and Satuday ski, and accepts invitationis freely. The which is to be one of the main features f revolutionary government in Athens in mniles an hour, Lieutenant John A.
mornings tlp to June 1. Contrary to Polish aristocracy,-which was- inclined'-cf the garden is coluplted as is also: adopting the former Venezelist atti-1 MacReady and Oakley Kelly, MCook
the custonm of several years the us to boycott,-Pilsudski, pays the presi- the criniig which surrounds the tilde toward Jugoslavia, which always!I field plts, Monday night had coin
of the rifle range will be perimiited te dent and his friends miuch respect. dhriveway. Thcee were bo)th built bae-I was based up)on the most friendly re-1 pleted 20 laps of the course they are
persons other than members of thme -l've vei', the chief pleasure of the , fore the severe wveather set'in. sations with the Serbs. The comer- following in an effort to set a new
Ii. 0. T. C., pr'ovied thatthe12 mtihci'e execlltive is to imvite mepresentatives The garden which is planned as a cial convention by which Jugoslavia endurance rcord of 40 hours of sims-
does not become too lar'ge to handle- of various, even opposing, parties 'Or:la boiatory t~i-te cene hli~t tnt is given customs and administrative i taimed flying, in S hours and 37 ,sec-
adequately. groups. and to entertain them with a r ill contain in all a pool of special de- control of Salonika while that city re-fonds.-
lectureoneooicqetosdl- sign which will hold water plants an fGree Ineooi usin ei mains under the sovreigntY o Ge.e Ground observers at Wilbur W'rig-it
-" ei'ed by a prominent scientist. - Presi- small green house Ii which -trpical will be of vast benefit to both con-j field, they key point dof the 31 utle
F"RATfERNITIES AND UN;ION TO dent Wiojieschowvski has repreated sev- plants and other specmtens will be-t tI'i:.traglrcuspuudayhe
COOPERIIATE FOR.'I FAII E R',S 1Wigemal tintes thatthe cooperation of up-t raised. The whole garden- uwill lbe --~ eiv h hp is functioning per-,
--- posing p)olitical gr'oup~s in impI~roing Imde more beautiful hy creeping vines 11 EI'iUl'I OF 01 M"UN AIO l fetly.
Father's Day committeemen of the Polish finances will prove the best 'Nicls will cover the bare walls of the', PRED~lICTE lfl'BYOBSE I-RVE Gigantic searchlights at M1eCook:
Union are to ascertain as soon as xlay to cui'b factionam'y disputes. - Science 'building.- _____ and Wilbur Wrigti, fi lds were
possible the number of fathers each The plan almeady has lbornei fruit. In brought - ---hnouu Arl1.-B . .).iito use when darkness. set
fra-ternity plans to provide for onlDecemnber, following the assassina- inotolfaciltateia possibeyforced.land
May 11 andl 12, the (lays set aside in tion of iai'uto wski. the br'each be- I oh e vs fr Pi l ejhisi new sumunilt crulptionm of time liter'- lug
Honr o te prenstween of nationtalists and radicals N\va Pr ofessor SyWiliani If. Hobbs, head mitteittly active volcano( of Mauna Loam Weather comditions are ideal for
hortermits.il b uge tSel that there was not. a question up-! of the deparment of Greology, left before 1925. has beenm foreast by tthe flight. Low clouds appeared Mon-
onachifhreateseiativwill boehui aturdtyApril 14, for Philade~lia, Thiohas A. la gar, .Ir., govenmenit-day afternoon, but the skies cleared,
co-operate with the union in its plans oamins would consent to wor'k ogeth- i hteme he will attendl meetings of var-I volcanologist at the Kilauea observa-' and predictions say clear weather will
for celebration by holdinig special er hra-oa hr s redyc-in cetfi oite. rfso
eeerto tishuefrtep r, hmestlyteei iiedv IbSsiettcsceis.- toesrtory'. Mauna Loa is on the island of prevail during tihe renainder of the
cebtoi atishuefithpa-operation, if not of all groups, at least Hobbs will read papers before "tie! Hawaii. ;flight.
cuts, andl by providing lodging foi' of a good part of them. Whlenm the diet i American lilosopl~ial -Society and Di'.Jaager says that tlme"Ki uea or the first few lapis the flight
them Invtaton Ias leen s e tdecided to draft the finance bill pro- the Nationmal Acadhemym of Science Fle lava amd that of Mana Loa rise and wVias-conducted at an altitude of about
through the Alumntus and newspapers p-s'd by :2inistei' Grabski, al-i parties : will also attend tie imeetings of tile. fal in concert. hiBotim. volcanoes con- 600 feet. This was (due to the extra
to the fathers ofUnvriysuetexptte'tinldno'ahti- council of the Geological Society (f- nect with the s~me underground weighit. Loaded for the fligt, the T-2
date set, andl anmn ouncing the programm tio aLst block, prom ised coo eratio n CQounci. tHe is expected to return to ! aous ,tha e -yul at'i cyclof w c tiviies.-h roge sseIO tle T is.ga tnimg fltigt e
for the week-end. (on the final form of the )ill -Aim-m Arbor about April 24. At 6 o'clock it was more than 1,0
Ini comnnetioin with this foiecast Dr.


b-t-]e-ear th t te of , --_ " _ L i (~J ~ Y J L t .L .J L V I I - r l YlV C JI1J.L d l 'R.J.1 ,
bu lie.fers"Itlmat the ;impression of I
"somethin'g to conceal" gets abroad ISpring Vacation ::.... .,
because of thia difficulty foreigners Is- --. as 'y
have in obtaining facts'I c a es s whtich intei'e:5 ": i- in.VF;,; }::<;a.:'wes yu ..".:
them, i-e wamt Fi'ance to kick over l
Um'aucratic.miethods in its admiis- "Consider'able inceasein mtaious ::>>r:':,.: A.:x .."
trtv iejs si rstdeeydisease among Unvesrty student:, is -. . .. }...,.f....,.::... ....., :::":.:,
oz' ch hnito',ii. nd ihnoted wtihut fail after almost every ........." - ..,
its alies, won the great wam. vacation period," Dr. Warren E. For-, .... :.......,, . --
3t1 ie c >'oinurg.arti 1111 ieadsytlhe, director' of thle Health ervice-
Such ai'e somre of the ideas of ,yong - said yesterday " in commenting oi tie - ->;-} :::--.-: - ..:> .:::....: ,z:;:-kr" <;' :;s <: .,: ": <.?t..
of Franre as rpeetdb ade"gnrlefc fvctoso t- ' .:>:,.":.: rel resented.:by" T rdi;-,::.enera"::effect:;of:.vacations o.tst.:-....:.:....w
All France is wal cling hini. Every- dent health. "Students frequently ;-~.
body seems convince dthat until _the conmc in contact with contagious dis- ---;--A-
Ruhr problem is settled in a wvay fa- ease in some form, mzost'often il visit
corable to France, every Frenchman Ing- homes where sonie members of-
will staid solidly behiiid Poiicam'e, the family are ill.,
and the existing govermnct of "Most diseases which come in these -
France. But when this crisis is over I post-vacation waves of contagion are ;-
younger leaders may be called to carry Inot considered serious in nature,."
on the work of 'building the greati though frequently more serious cases,;,ac fteftradi s hnsc sdpteidvlp
th at Tardiep's friends expect to see- "This early in the spring there is tr
us al-o sd r b e o t g o r - vaenzt and for that reason students'
Senior (anies Arrire I should guar'd against exposer e to con-!~

tmrail to Manna Lo-a as a safeguar'd
which would permit quick investigat-
tioi of activities.
Mauna .Loa's last gi'eat activity weas
in 1919, when the lava over'flowed the
crater and 'swept down to the sea
thirty miles away.j
Tokio Plans 1Festivities
Tokio, April 17.--The wedding of
the P-rince Regent andr Princess Na-1
gako, thme greatest social event since
time coronation ini1912, will be time oc-
casion of public festivities of various
kinds. 'There will be lantern -pai'ades,
electric floats at inight, miass mneetinigs
andl songs sung by thousands of school
childr'en. Flags and arches of evem"'
green will decor'ate the city.
The Prince Regent is planning a
tour ini Forniosa during April. IHI
is recuperating fr'omi his recent illness
at the seaside, riding amid playing golf
;every cday.

Madihiomi, Wisc., April 17.- Winiding
their way between thmeimarblle pillars
of thme state capitol at Madlison, Cadet
Coloinel Robert L. Laueuig, commanider
t of the university corps of cadets, and
Miss Sylvia V. Marlewski. of Milwau-
. kee, will lead 1,900 coupiles 'Inmmtile
g-ran imlmma rch of I lie eleventh aimnmual1
Military ball Apr'il 20 at the U'river-
sity of Wisconisin.-
This at'faim', with the j1un ior' prom, is
one of the biggest social functions of
the uuiversitx andl is annmual ly held ini
the capitol huimli n>. Governor J .
Blatmie, of Wisconisi,, will ive the ad-
di'ess of, welcome to t he dau1cem's.'
Included aionig the gues~ts o itonor
are \hrti. 3l line and ajom-Gene;I'a
W. T. Ha-ancomu d-nxihcr cf the 2mm
'.divisionit nll Tmrance. General . Johmn .
'Persh~ng has also beeci.* ':itcd 'to at-

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