Is n~n should 'clock ot assemhblyI on treasurer. The secretary will be Al Ofl McDonald and the mnaager E. C. JJ/Iarvel Besdes the officers, the board of directors includes Ray Dolph, .Lana H scock, Guy Cross, R. 0. Donisteel, Eugene Stein, and Russel A. Dodge. Dodg;e is a University instructor in engineering mechanics. 1 a f, L 'a - -i 9 Mr~e~ I!, ,vii irat.hon dancers whio touredI I CKETSTOR PClHifI f L 'U' 11 rce ;i tes after they had one step- IIJUL u 1e continuously in dance halls and PH ~v-riivan for 68 hour°s and 40 mIiI- B LI ON 'MI TODAY te, E l 's r 1ecord:1. Tickets to the"Aciecs a Par- i I f I II l AT THlE THEATERS Screen-'Today r"ty,;to be held MNay 11 in Barb)our :;ym- nasium w «ill be sold from 1 to n o*-1 clock this afternoon in the nmain lob-1 by of the Un1ion. The tickets for the formal party wvill_ cost $5.50 each.! Engraved ivitations on which is emi- bossed the Mtichiganl seal will be dis- tributed With th-e',ticketS. Three sets of tick~ets are being sold for the dance. ~ach set h las a spe-. 3 cial color anld assigns its holder to one of tie three luncheon sections. IThose who were 'notified that they E were put on the wrai1~ng list for ticets 'will report from 3 to > o'clc to- morrow afternoon at the 1Union1 n-1 stead of on Saturday a requlr eed Iin the notices sent out.byMa,17il. X~n 'xr Vnrl, A.-.il1 I7 ?- i. A PT -- A 4 TTWEN'TY w visualize yourself at forty, ~without having~ employed the habit of savings. ISH A It % In room In~ pril. ion.. u<>': Arcade--"The Isle of Lost Ships," 'with Milton Sills and Anna Q. Nilsson; comedy and news. Majestic- Poll Negri in "Bella' Donna",; Buster Keaton In "The Balloonatie"; augmented concert orchestra. Id k' Buy Bonds U a R W CIIPMA M I(NC 116 S. La Salle St. 42 Cedar Street CHICAGO NEW YORtK a per read- mneets i auditor- rah Cas. ary, eing- have been twined at ttponftd to innextEUion om -S to 5:30 I ,orpheum -- Mary Anderson in lien Funk "Bluebird, Sr."; comedy and j lien Funk, son of Congressmnan news. Frank Funk, of Bloomington, Ill., and } a student at Yale, has attracted at- { Wuerth -- Barbara LaMarr in nino oigcrls ols TeHr. an authority than Dave Fitzgerald, ___ veteran referee, declares F'unk is the s greatest amateur lie has ever seen. NEIFIIC Ilu p In Whitney - *alter Hampden int ?Qi 4 "Othnellc"', r lay; turda y TO OPEN HR A matineein The Te Ring00L r tut" and Saturd'Cay evi ing -inl "A Ne'w ay to Pay Old I Capitalized at $100,000 and incor-! Debts". porated under the laws of the 'State if Michigan, the Ann Arbor Financo IGarrick (D1-etroit)--Ed die Cantor conipay, which is at present being in "Mkitnap" formed here, will be open for busi- ness by May 1. The purpose of thzis ' Slzrert Mi~chigan (Detroit)--- concern will be to discount purchase I Jseih AM. Gites presents I money notes and to discount accounts "Take It from Me." receivable for goods sold by mer-__________ cligmts. Accounts will be taken over, on various types of staple coinmlodi- N Yi() R ;S! ties, making their purchase possible Get the htighiest salary and the posi- to both students and towvnspeople. tioa you waist as a teacher. Open- Jay W. Pray, Ann Arbor bustiness unigs in all States. Ask for free en- mnan, is to be president of the coin- rollment blank and list of Mlichigan pany. William A. Taylor, local gro1'c- !graduiates placedl by us. er, will be vice-president, and Mtiorris Specialists" Edire~ttional ithrau Yarned, State street hardware dealer, dg-en Bldg. 'St. Louis, 1Mo. BRING OUTER t\F HBRN1 ~ ~ - uoCoats, FORSALE Thew pole of Ch (es! te' u.) o~ st'oped V ra Sheppard an'd Y? The . {9z . ?- a , U ot: INo 7 A lii ocond to orocorioS he Mimes' at sprIg Ickets. on sale today1 in the uts and prices oril are pot- 13, near room B d-ward S. architectural I Tribune, ibrary ('em. hall , r " AT LOCA TORES A J.TOWER.cQ 4>'BOSTON,- Everythi nMadeFo Made Recipe- s. We care Demoinstr.ating t IreF Line Allof This W This is Your Opportu rai1 Our Hlome Made Good Free Samples At Our S of This Wee. A Meeting of the ~nght inMa- KazarinoNfof mment and Prof. mry of the en-f Azarinoff spoke ima of Double Hopkins spoke the Asteroid, able at lluos Work in which ,your college career, counts 4 ii aI Choose a life-work in which all you have learned will count -where you will continue to learn through association with men of high calibre--where your education will be an aid in meeting men. Enter the inisurance profession. Insurance- Fire, Marine aind Casualty -places you at once in touch with big business men. Not only will all you have learned be an asset but you will be daily increasing your education along economic and industrial lines. The Insurance business makes big men. Choose Insurance as your life-work., The Insurance Company of North America is a national, historical institution -founded in' 1792--with over a century and a quarter of well earned prestige. Conservative policies and= de- pendable service have been' responsible for the gowth and for the constructive activities of the Company in the development of the entire insurance profession. fh"- 11 IF] r t-7-1 ' - , Wat1o Your Ta' Insurance Cmpany of To ;Nojrth. America JKTAI PEIPHILADELPHIA =ASY r~oj r+Gand the ^4GR ne n"eO~L o .,~.Indemnity Insurance Company of North America rew ow~write practically every form of insIrance except life. a POSSJBLE' Come iand Hear the 11 '11 r I Ii NewVco Records Just Received i+d I; Wecaryeverything in the ine of/ x, toRb Epia0 "e SPECIAL_____SEAS SIBI 5 CU SPECI SUNA SET: nullE. U~UEEE~t :omp to Line of Base allEuipen dETS BALLS SU DES. Rackets e-strung Victor Record No. Farewell Blues--Fox Trot Apple Saiice-Fox 'rrot Victor Record No. Buruhag, Sands -Pox Trot Fall!in-,'-Fox Trot Victor Record No. V kl~foi Record No. 190:'2 19033 19034 Mitt Know)_ Yoiu fBe3long' #o Somebdy E ls-P+. T. itfor Recoard No. 190-40 Huntgarian Rhla podyt, , o.-PrI(Ls) Victor r d cal Recor-d No. 7481 -uN'?..i hasoy, 2 ! Pi rl.1 (iszt) Victor Rd H ei (}sC'i'Ud iNo. 17480 POPLARVOCAL, Yoif Know Youl eL~long tsio ;)4rSoi4tiboy Else 'When the Leaves Come iiiilun i Victor Reord No. 19026 You've (Got to See alta E'rii'h VcoReodNo?. 19027 No i 9ne loe) Yot: iiny e~vterThan Your Maiy IDawn Yonder la 'Now Orle ans---Fox Trot Umeareat- Fox Trot Victor Record No. 19030 StiarlighltHay-Fox Trot T.h'iink o Me-Fox Trot or Shimmy One Step Paul . Altemaui and His Orchestra Thce lBensollOrchles- tra of Chicago The Virgl"1.11S Thw Virginians P'aul W1hiteinlan ad.. ]is Orchestra 13iaiteunan and Orclu. zeez(COufirey & Orchi.' The Virginians T he Vl rglulis Beuiiainino fdgll Igave 1Paderewskld Herry Barr Aileeuit Stanley-Billy 11u rrayg Aileen Stanlley-Silly Murray Miss Patrecola with Virginians filly 3Iurray-~Ed 5111.1l1e, virginianls Ailieu Stanley with VTirgli ils 11 I MoneyCn Secure. And We ' Only thes Best MVateri als Obtal able. Don't Forget to Come in 2 Makes Us Prove WhaRt WeSa Our New a,1nd 1Up -o -Date Pi,, is Locaoted a Our NMain Store, Wi2'll Be a Pleasure to Show N What Wel Have in Store For Y Qualit n Lo est Pril Miain Store: 1.18 E. Liberty. 'Pihoi Branch' Store: 721 E. Huvrotn.'Phol Branch Store: 420filler Av 'Phop Pi ncE Va iir Orders Earix I)oi't IfihakitVou'll Be 3is sed Victr ReordNo. 93 These are spealrelass. oullwant to hiear them-Come to