THE MICIGAN DAILY________ I THIS COLUMN CLOSES AT 3 P.m. IPhihippies Send" YoungPoliticitan To Post In U.S A XISING NOTICE .. , WAN TEA 'The following Box Replies are at the Daily Office; BC, DM, PDU, 18, BA. MI&CHIGAN DAILY~ CLASSIFIED.. RATES Classified Rates. Two cents a word ada~y, paid in advance. MininuIr charib for first ply, 25c. Minimum theefter, 20c. Thri'ee cents per wvord per day if chared. White space charged for a~t rata of five cents per agt lines Classifieds, charged onlI to those havig phones. Phione 960. i I HOUSE WANTED-I have a client Al mn sTelsO 1vSUMMER SESSION 'fie Ath the exception of the EUIIlls -ions to Niagara Falls and other c iese Commerce' L IIL3PROGRAMS ISSUED , Cn ret, and the plays preac IUEUBlm of L SEN Complete programs of special i.,cc- , Shkspeaire Pl ayhouse con om "Trade conditions in China could be II-- IR tures, concerts, ex;cursions and enter- New York City. The excursic (lled (neither good or bad," sidt HarryGilbrt Kng, 18, nite Staes W W. ampbL8E, the director tainments during the coming Summer conducted on a basis 'of actual VicerConsletShnghai, Cin atesoW.the.Lck observatoy an there- Session are out and may be obtained ling expenses only. ViceConul a Shngha, Cina win of. th Lih os'eratoy an th r n the administrative offices of the- has been visiting his parents at 615 j nty eetdpeidn fte Uni erit. 'unfl Will Address Romano East Ann street.{ versity of California in a recent state- Uiiriy East An stret. I yThe events begin June 25 with a lee- A meecting of' the Romance c "During the war American trade in ment declared that the results of the ture on "Europe in the Fifth Year of be held at ,4:15 o'clock this of China was extensive," Mr. iKng said, Crocker expedition sent to photograph Peace" by Prof. W. A. Frayer, of the isn rooz 304 of the Uniion. Pro "but since then the exchange has been an eclipse of the sun at Wallal, Aiis- history department, and will be con- Cinliield of the French dep, too high for the Chinese to buy any; tralia, September 21, 1922, are in ex- cluded August 13 with a recital by will dleliver a paper on "The great amount in America. The de-' act accord with the requirements of the class in Shakespearean reading. p>ondelnce of lBalzac with pa crease has been principally in piece the Einstein theory of relativity. All of the numbers of the program reference to the Lettres a Loui goods, and cotton* trade suffered most. The result of the Einstein eclipse' are open to the general public with apito Rey of the Spanish dep; 'The exchange has made it possible for problem has just been deduced from the exception of the Visitors' niights will dliscuss the possible sou European countries,"to compete with; the photographs secured at Wallai on at th~e Observatory which are reserved the Spanish version of Appo. Amer~ica. ; the northwest coast of Australia last, for students only. All the numbers are of Tyre. "Tobacco and oils top the list of; year by the W. 1-1. Crocker eclipse ex- j m i orts frm the Unitedl States," he jpedition. who will buy a good, 8 or 9 room house south of Hill street and east of Forest. If you have such to sel, please call mee at once. F. Roy Holmes, Realtor, 113 S. MainI 140c-6 WVANTED-Roomi mate in University League house very reasonable for remainder of semester. Address Box Y care Daily. 141pI WANTED-Smnall furnished apart- t ment for instructor and Wife, pos- session Sept. 15. Write Daily Box A.A. 141p CANOE WANTE~D-Give price, details and phone number in lctt4i." Box Jake, care of Michigan Daily. 140p-21 WANTED-Student desk. E. F. Card- well. 1617. Washitenaw. Rhone 1016. 140p-5 I r x, " *> .41, Hlear the latest Brunswc Records- "Jitst' Oz~gMor a ry"and "You've Got to 45 a mnaleyery Njght",payd bytot oriole Terrace orchestra at the, Stofflet Phono Shop. Nickels Arcade, 139c Db1NT PFORGET Smith Tire rRepair Oldest and most reliable place " to buy tires. x1-flly~ SpringfpIld Diamond Tires 128c-tf FOR ROCK BOTTOM PRICE4'S on gre- cones,.see Perce's ad in the Wed- ~nesday issue of The Daily. 125c-t' LOST-Brown leather suitcase, on Michlgan: Cekhtal Train. Finder please return to R. Price 1137 Mich- igan Ave. 141p-2 LOST-The, press in 'my trousers. Pound at Greee's. Call 144 9M. 121c-30 FRATERNITIES-SORORITIES We have homes for you that can be huidled on very easy ters. ,,. H. Paton o., 412-3 Fi~st Nat'l ' Bank Bldg. P~on . Phone 40 Duncanson 141c C prkts, Railway Mail, 18 ryard.$3 f~ont E Ixperience unnecessary. 'or ree particulars, write R. Ter- ~y former Civil ervice examiner) 1165 Baister Bldg. Washington, D. %J. 141p-2 P titch1 in time savs nine . We end rind repair every oni sent here tc e cleaned and pressed. White Swar leaner s, Phone 165. 139c-12 1"OSIi FROLIC TICKETS will be iven out at Union, Thursday and , nidAy, t he' 19 and 20, from 2 to 3 each day. - 140-3 IGS SHANP4OOI or Dust cleaned. inn Arbor Carpet Cleaning Works. Phone 50. 135c-tf USED CARS : Chalmers 1917 Touring. F ord 1917 Touring.' Grostc Motor Sales 2.09 . 4th Ave. Phone 2770-M 141c j0XON'S UsD)CAS Full ine of Fords, $40 and up. 416 South Main. 14-5 TYPEWRITERS EXPERT Typewriter Repairng, all makes. Ann Arbor Tpewriter Ex- "ban e. Phone $66. 9 Savings Bank Block. 123 c-tf T"?E WRITERS of standad akes old, rented, exchanged, bought, cleaned and repaired. . D. Mor- rnIfl.'-" Nickels 'Arcade. "Phone 1718. 141c-3 R MINGTON PORTAiLE TYPE- WRITING.. Call Stacy R. Black, 432 ,Thomnpson 1128-J. We deliver. 14p-2 YPWITING t&4OtPR6MPT7AVSD ACCURATF service when your MANUSCRIPTS are TYPED. by EXPERTS at BID- t.iLS BO( STOqU.:;11 Nickels Arcade. lllc-tf TYPEWRITING & MIMEOGRAPHING prinptly and neatly' done. . D. 'Morill, 17, Nickel's Arcade. 140c-3 I3 CAAATIC TOU RNEY PLANNED "FOR -MAY! I ". i WANTED-Family and student wash- ings. Will call afor and deliver. 1653-W. 141-3 WANTED-4 or 5 room furnishled apartment for May 1. Box 12. 141p-4 WANTED-To rent a private gara ge. Phone 1097-1I 141.p-3 WANTED-A Tuxedo. Size 40 or 42. Phone 2950-J. 141p FO'R SAIL F7OR SALE-Fine residence for room- Sers or for professional or business man. Near campus in best loca- tion in the city. Will let the fur- niture, rugs, curtains, and furnish- ings of second and third floors' go with the'house. Inquire J. W. Dwyer 508 First Nat;I Bank. 139c-G,' FOR SALE-Beautiful new seven room house and garage. Steamn heat and other modern imprpvements. In- quire 1211 West Washington St., owner. 141p-21 FOR, SALE-20 foot motor driven, Sponson canoe. Evinrude 2 horse- power motor. A-1 shape through-I out. Call 410-R. / 141p FOR SALE-Woman's blue suit, size 34; Man's grey topcoat, size 37.I 1560-WT. 140p-21 FOR SALE-Two May Festival Cou- pons. Call 2100-M. 141p-2 P~OR RENT-First floor front rooin for one or two students . Private family. 209 Observatory 1'41p-2 FOR RENT-Three clean, pleasant furnished, light housekeeping rooms. 1025 Vaughn. Between E. Univer- sity "and Packard. 141 FOR RENT-Students' room. Newly decorated. Single or double.: 433 S. Division. 1780-HI. 141p-21 BO AR k For Snappy Service, at breakfast or Sany other time, try RI E Y ' S CLUlw LUNCH, where Toasted Rolls orig- inated. 122c-tf CLEANERS AND. PRESSERS. Kill two birds with one stone. Send your laundry as well as your cleanr ing and pressing. ($1.25 per suit) at the same time to the White Sivmr Cleaners. Phone 165. 139c-12 CLEANING, $1.25-Pressing, 35 cents, Laundry Agency. L. 0. Clapp, 1119 S. University. 121c-21 RI SS AKI: tG SPRING DRESSES made-suits re- lined--work ,guaranteed-reason- able. 711 Haven Ave. 402-W. 112c-29 BRITSIES / Senor Pedro oev:aa{ \..1lmltjor Pedro Guel : C7ra, S01 01oth hars 1xn (I cted,1residenjt colnai'- sw-n[r to he l1nited States to sue- Seed lainme C. de Veyra. Tarofi. 6M', V- thcfcitoie public speak- i eatmn ill g, 11ive a recital of .J. M. Barr'' us three-act drama, "The, Will," at S8 o'clock tomorrow night in U7niversity Fll This is the second program on th~e serves of plays and recitls to be given this year by the claGSsesin play production. Profes- .solr:C1 Eic as iven%_*"athis nlay in''man y parts of the state For the University e et c, i e rmc?:tandI 4has been received wit,-rase on nuincrous oc- CaEn Cours:. tickets at $1 and Single ad- muissins at 50 cents will be on sale, at the dloor. Other numbers on the course. for .this spring are two pro- gramis o' one-act plays and Clyde Patch's four-act comeidy, "The Truth." All 'funds' from these programs go for stage equiipment for the classes in play production and Shakespearean reading. ~LD~D . SSCITYT SigmaaX i, national honorary society for the promotion of research, will award fellowshipa, of a minimum. value of $1,200 for the coring academic year on the eighteenth of May, it Was announced yesterday..The fellowships are available for workers in other felds than inhysics, chemistry, and the medical sciences. Preference will be given to candlidates who have already, taken their doctor's degre'e. B o t hi men and women are eligible. Appllcations should be accompanied by reprints; of publications, letters from those competent to pronounce upon the ability of the candidate, a statement of the work the candidate proposes to do on this award, and where such woirk is to be done. Ap- plications carry no. restrictions as to university or country. Applications must be. made before Ma y 15 and should be addressed to cn Edward Ellery, Union college, Schenectady, N.' Y. Yrech Vi rofessor to Lecture Prof. Henri H-auser of the Univer- sity of Paris, will deliver a lecture at 4:15 o'clock Friday afternoon in the Natural Science auditorium. He will Mr. King has been in China four'I- years and will return soon. Hle pre- I dices a great future for China in spite of her lack of unity. MiiivriWSJESPLANS ISSUE f _O_ SAD'iNG PRIZE POtE YJS WVhimusies' poetry contest will close neat' Saturday night. This contest, as announced in the last issue of the lmagazine, is open to all students on the1 campus, both graduates and under-~ graduates. Thirty dollars in cash prizes will hoe paid to the winners; and all poemis l which are accepted will be published in an' extra number of the magazine. This will be a special souvenir num- ber and will be mailed free of charge . to all zibscribers about the first ofI' M/ay, _________ Just call 960, when you have a I U&laret sellng Qurrlf, pannte artal FO)R the student or prof., the superb VENUS out-rivals all for perfect pencil work. 17 black degrees--3 copying. American Letd j" n I, NJ i. said, "and the automobile trade Is in- creasing rapidly. The tariff Is very 1 S Mr. King declared he would keep I ff= political questions as being outs of keeping with his office. He stated t'that the nolitical disturbances had#1 litle effect on trade. ~e Greact American Sweetmeat Teeth were. man to us Like our muscles, they need exerci. Ian.d plenty o f it. WRiIVYS provides pleasa qction for your teeth=-,also, the s( (emum en etrates the crevices a] Icleanses them. A&d digestion by increasing the f1l of saliva which your stomach nzeec" Use WRIGLEY'S after every meal see h ow much better you will feel. Dr. Campbell states, "This result is inF exact accord with the Einstein theory. Several -earis ago Einstein said that Is theorvy of relativity must 4 ~xlthr:ev ~coialtsssc cessfully or be revised.; One of the three tests was -khe eclipse problem just coppleted." The perfect gum is made under conditions of 'u~sotute cleanli- ness f:rom pure materials, andt clies to you in sanitary wax- trapped packets. V S IR~~z~pi BIL LE I MUSICL OED D4 . w......,. .. AL0O , , NAT rIONAL> * Jack Roseling BAN K aORGAN IZE1D 18653 a WITH TWELVE PE.OPLE--MOS'TLY GIRLS GOOD SINGING DANCING PLENTY OF FUN COME EARLY T .AVOID THE CROWDS Addmission 35o 6:301 w s 8:30 t Idiscus The Present Economic Sit- FULLER BRUSHES uI ation in France." Professor Hauser SPRING HOUSECLEANING IS is considered'oe o hefrms COMING! French historians of the present time, We've got brushes for every need. according to authorities, and has made Call 1158-J. 127c-21 a special study of the economic his- tory of Prance.4 The way to rent a room is with "Daily Classified":-Adv. IThe fact that the last two years have been unusually mild in most parts of the country has provoked many asser- tions that winters are becoming Iwarmer, bureau officials say, but rec- ords can be furnished to the contrary.' Periods have occurred and will occur s again, when for a few years the weath- erhssee rwl em enoticeably warmer or colder than, they~i~ average. While there are well-recog-!t Washington Theater I :::OLDEST BANI'k IN ANN ARBOQR :s OLDEST NATIONAL BANK IN MICHIIGAN Boom= A dramatic 'vaudeville tournament to be held during the middle of May, and a program of three one act plays, both events to be held in the: Mimes rthieater arex latest plans of Mimxes, kcampus dramatic society. The dramatic tournament will be patterned lagely after the one held last semester. A number of prelimin- ery rounds will be 'hield before the fnal round the 'V'inner of lvhichi will have his name engraved on the Otto Has silver loving cup. The three plays which will be pre- sented at the Mimes theater are now under way~ and a date for their pre- -entation will be set immediately.' F;WINTER 'NO. COLDER TODAY THAN IN OLDEN TIKES nized alterations in climatic gond- itions, as of wet and dry, hot and cold, little is known wth' regard to definite laws of sequence of'"weather conditions over extended periods. WORK. ON LITERARY BIILDING ItASEMENT NEARS C'OMPLETION Concrete pouring of the first floor of. the new lit building has been com- pleted and work is now going on in thy. basement of: the new structure. The -wooden concrete forms about the pillars of the first floor have been, re- From Pattern to Packing E A GLE SHIR'TS are made in the only factory in the country where shirts are made under one roof, from the designing of the pattern to the packing of the shirt. Fabrics are patterned,'yarns dyed, .,cloth is woven and finished, shirts are cut, stitched, laundered and; packed u nd er dlose, daily executive supervision. 'What's~ why Eagle Shirts are exclusiv, better, more economical. The spring styles are here to prove it. MR. ARTHUR M. 'ROSENBERG Representing. THE ARTHUR Md. ROSENBERtG CO. II I TFA1LOS-New 'Haven, Conn., ,w ~ ...-..f,. .. a £4"" v±SaiTJ at 0 ~ MILLER SHIRTNG~ I Fecaturing this week ALLENEL HOTEL I I#