______'_'__ TE MICHIGAN DAILY H Newvs From The~ Other Colleges M .----_Do You Know.' sity, formed for the purpose of en-;tmen students here. Thirty girls What are the literary societiesan - ~ t i i - Iiiitc f m rtx f ind c~ f r tf l a tn l rr roSn _t a_ a, , I - tertaiILI1IviitI.1~ingtaiiis ThLe firi s it; atedCutl astweeW~k and aRnther dvrees Sy stniof Elec f(tinslun society of thixs type was formed not; group expects to start this week. Thej 1nmcreases lumber of Rte. long ago at Dartmouth, "The Green'girls are required to be in good con-: qtuired hours hKey"'.' dition and to observe strict training; --- rules before going on the "hike. R SE IN PJIA;R,1ACEITI(CAL I Cncinnati -A faculty examination A D.1I1lISTRATIQ;' IS ADDED was recently held by the University Harvard-An attempt has been made Nows which acording to. a headline; repeatedly to break up the ice on the ny changes, entirely new in the in that paper, revealed "woeful ignor- Charles, river by the crew manage- of pharmacy, have been adopted aince". A few of the questions asked went in order that the varsity crew e College of Pharmacy here, and were: "What is implied by 'the snake's may begin their spring outdoor prac-1 approv~ed by th~e Board of Re- hips?' " "WhIat is a 'finale' hopper?' " tice. A battering ram in the shape of at their last meeting. "Describe a permanent wave." Some a plough was used to try to break' June 1921 a committee was au- of the an.,iwers.. to the first question up the layer of ice which was over ed to be appointed to investi- were: "A serpent's waist;" "a prere- one and one halt inches thick in the he matter of specialization with- quisite for modern dancing," "the river., pharmacy cour'se. In October vapshute. llowing committee was chosen: IOhio-Agitation for a change in the mn, C..: C. Glover, secretary oif; artiuoulh-itJobs on fattle boats examination plan has been started by, )fllege of Pharmacy; Wa J. Mac-' sailing from :Montreal to England will the Messtdncociwhnhy f tn'e collegetofounhirmwhenProf. thacolene ofthrch y;isrof. be supplied to Dartmouth students. introduced a resolution to the faculty lent; Prof. It. W. Emerson, of wlho wish to go to Europe this' sum- committee'requesting a change in the bacteriology department; an ti mer. The positions are secured present system. At the present time' C. S. Schoepfle, of the chemistry through the University 'travel club. several final examinations are given tment, each day during the period in addi- Lmen. /tion to the regular work. The reso- plans and changes in their re- 1&1-111d Stznford. Students of Le- lution suggests a return to the for- included a three year curricu- ! land Stanford and California univer- }e lno aigawe e sd for retail pharmacists and a csities ar'e carrying on ,a fight to thefothfias year curriculae for the different finishi to oust women from their.___ s of specialists. The required schools. A few of the charges made Calforniat-Cards have been signed wo years of both these courses against the women are: that they are °by members of the senior class guar- lie same. In their third year bankrupting their families to main-'aten hi ttnac tftr ats are allowed many elections, tain themselves in style, having no in- 'class meetings, as an example to the at they may become specialists! terest in self-supporting students,reanroftecmu.Avy xticular fields of endeavor inp- comsing to college to seek eligiblesmlprentgofhe ebrsf of narrow pharmacists. At thQ young men, and distracting the menj the different classes have been at- time the required number hours f'rom1 their studies with social: life, tedn te.etns 'aduation was increased in both!J The women claim that they are excell -___________________ s : from, 93 to 94 in the three ing the men scholastically and thatj =urse and from 124 to 125 in the the recent attacks come as a result year course. of jealousy on the part of the men. r completing the two required.Ad the student may specialize in Couii-h ote lbhr diferet goup. Tereare to,.!h'as arranged for a course in 'prac- Avy niy electives within these groupsI tical politics which wvill be given by will allow the pharmacist to; some of the foremost politicians of he work lie is interested in and New Fork state. The Tammany dist-chn e efficient in that line. The firstrctearndhimaofheD - of the third year elections in-; ocratic party of the state will be the and general, analytical and manui- ; two first speakers, ng pharmacy and is for menl' --stl g to go ilato the retail business ________________ "o large man ifacturing plants. _ i 3cond group is for laboratory: TO DLO-ANDY ARBOR BUS hecal technicians and will pre-; Cars leave, for Toledo 7:10) A..". , hem for work in laboratories: 2 P. ll. andi 1P. M. ECcett Sun- pitals. An innovation in the field da y. Sundays at 8:00, 11:.00 and ,racy is a course for students ,8 :30. -ing for phariniceutical admin- an. This~ corresponds to a busi-: Saki at th*better stdr. dministration course with aWNDWSHf SIand shops ound of practical pharmacy. Poel lendD%. IKf O E-Don't miss thme dance, at flex-I ONE DAY SERVICE CW08# O F'riday, April 20. Seven U. of H. S. COLLINS ; ZIAO NE O~ AI zz experts will furnish the mu- 1100 E. Ph1one Also other attractions. Adv. Liberty St. 2?53 wnat do thnydco? =jWhen was the Comedy club or- ganized? What are i~he DoDo's? YESTERDAY'S ANASWERS In its work,' the college of, Engi- 'ineering 'makes use of the physical, chemical, mechanical, physical test- l ing, highway:, electrical, marine and aeronautical, engineering research, ;'archaeology, ethinology, mineralogy, geology, paleontology, larid zoology laboratories. This makes a total of '14 laboratories. In addition to these the astronomical' obseratory, the shops, camp Davis, Alex Dow flume, the sanitary experiment station, and libraries are utilized. The college oc- cupies seven buildings on the campus 'entirely or in part and a portion of the new Chemistry building is given over to its work. SUniversity Hall wras erected in three parts at different times. The north *wing was completed in 1841., This was named Mason Ball in :1843 in honor of- the lon. Stevens T.' Mason, first governor of the state. This wing con- tamned bedrooms, a chapel, library, museum, and recitation' rooms. The south wing. was built in 1849., This contained dormitories, recitation rooms and rooms for- two literaryi so- c'ieties. In 1857 all. dormitories were removed. The main portion, filling the space between the two win~:y was 1Idedicated(- in IS7.". The orig-inal domne Iwsrepla:ced by the lhresent oc ein 19'3 t first this buildinig housed the entire department of _Literature, Sci1- onuce and the Arts excepting the chiein- ica liaboiratory. It nowv contains the- Ioffices of the President, business of-! ices of the secretary and treasurer, - offices of the Dean of Students, Reg-1 istrar, Deans of the graduate school,, summer session, and Director of the JUniversity, Extension service. There aer also recitation rooms, rooms of the ! literary societies, and an audience. -room. lUnder the University Musical soci- ety is th-e school of music. The school of Music supports the University Sym- phony orchestra, and the Choral Union. The orchestra is composed of about. sixty members of the school of Music. It is under the directorship of the head of the Violin department. The Choral EUnion is a organization ^made up ofII students .andl other, under the direr~ tioy. of the professor of Music in the University. It is one of the largest student musical organizations in the world. The orchestra gives public concerts throughout the year while the Choral Union plays a part in the serv- I ices of the May festival. - IIIf that check didn't come, let "jim. mie", sell something for you to tide You over.---Adv. ., ................ s ."" .i.. .u~ %." SPECIAL' Stilts with extra Trousers r IIOH~iCE (1'LAVE'AIT N o. So. Stante Si. 7-eBestBusiness C Is what every ambitious sc thinking about at the preser Life insurance is one of the b of the most desirable, and ont most satisfactory as -a pcrr calling. In assets and. volume of t life "insurance, is one of the thz ing businesses of this coun#-ry, field is comparatively under-de Only 7 per cent of the econon of human life in the Unit ed covered by insurance. This idea. of the big field still to be especially business insurance:,, and corporations. As to remuneration : Re] college graduates who have business, indicate that life insu. at, the, very top" as a source of Now is thie time for you. toc what you are going to do after ation. If you' are ambitious a ing to work hard and are in to know about life insurance, Agency Department 61, 8SOs'o. MASSACHUSETTS Largest Fiduciary Institution'in New Engl 1 . enior is nt time. best, one to of the rnanet business, kree lead- 7, yret the ;veloped. nic value States is gives an worked, for firms ,ports of entered arance is income. consider r gradu- and will- :terested address .. ., - If Neatly Combed Hair Neatly combed in the morning- but what about three o'clock in the afternoon? For wiry, unruly hair-for soft, fluffy hair--for any kind of hair that won't stay combed all day use Stacomnb-then your hair will stay combed just as you want it.' Idleal after washing your hair. Leaves the hair soft and lustrolus. Ask your barber for 'a Stacomnb Rub. . 1 ANY gland REG. U.S. PAT. OT$cg At all druggists.. I I Mae ke flair Slay C'ombed ® ® ,1 -. .-.,--- £ Read The Daily "Classified" Cols. N -'~~ -- ,. 47 44~ .,._. . .. _ . ,,, ;:. _ rr r J pg .. 1 +%w r l..ne .. ir i' r a' v.._ r..r;... f, .- .. t, v>: . v rtC b b Y ' 1.1r;" 2 4 r .. .. ... ,': ...;. 4 n,. . ..r k, .. .,e r .. .x :.:tr r > w b ::r R YA" ' ay.bit Y { t ' Wi ah. ~ARL~V. MOORE CONCERT jvedneslay, Nay 16, 5:00 P1. X. ileniainuliio Ggli, Tenor Thie Vniversity Choral Union Chlcab'o :SYIipIIony Orchestra Frederick Stock, Conductor Mtarch, from "The Queen of Sheba ..........Golimark Aria, "Cielo e mar" from "La Gioconda"..... Ponchiell i Symphony in D minor. .Franckc Aria trom "L'R oi d'Yis" ... Lalo Oriental Suite, "Beni Mora," Opus 29, No. 1:.......-os Aria, "M1'appari"from "Mlartha".........Flotow Chorale, "Awake," and Choral Finale, from "Die AMeistersinger... . Wggner THIRD CONCERT I xid&y, -May 18, 2.-341 IP. A. Suzxanne Keener, 'So.prano Arilmr 1raff, Tenor Mrs. dGeorge B. Rhead, Pianist Children,' Fe,411val .('hortis~ Anthony J. Wimtittire, Violinist George, Oscar Boweni, Conduct or A Prayer ....... ..Beethoven The Linden Tree...... Schubert Aria, "Ah noon of my delight" . .:........Lehmlann Neatest and Dearest A Streamlet Full of Flowers .. . .Caracciolo XWanderer*,.s Night Song, .~Rubinstein Voc~e dx Primlavera-Waltz. ........Strauss Ave Maria............. Luzzi Agnus Dei...... ..... .Bizet The Night Wind....... Farley There are Fairies at t he Bottom of our Garden. ..Lehmann The False Prophet....... Scott Selections from "Hansel and Gretel"..... umperdinck Saturdaly, Hay 1.9, 2 :30 P. -I. Ernest, Scelhing, Pianist ('hicago Symphony Orchestra F'ederick Stack, Conductor Prelude to "Lorel~y".. Br. uch Symphony No. ' (Rhenish) in F Flat, Opus 97...... Schumann JLehhaft; Scherzo (sear nmassig) ; Nicht schunell ; +ecie rlich; Le- bhaft. (Transcribed for modern orebes- hra by Mr. Frederick Stock) Fantastic Suite, for Piano and Orchestra .........Schelling Allegro mnarziale; M1olto vivace; Intermezzo; Virginia Reel. FIFTH CONCERT BEMxAMINO GIA 1, -- Tenor FLOrNCE MACBETh - - Soprano Metropolitan Opera Company Chicago Opera Association 31ABEIJLE ADDISO N - - - ' Contralto .. RNM1ST. SCHEILLIXG - - -r Pianist 'D istinguished American Artist A Master Virtuoso. ERNA RUBINSTEIN - - - Violinist JIEANN.E GORDOON- - - - Contralto Ilungarian Violinist Metropolitan Opera 'Compainy ARTHUR KRAlFT- -------Tenor CHARLES MARSHALL - - Tenor A Splendid American Singer Chicago Opera AssoQiation . SUTZANNE REFINER - - - Soprano CL.ARENCE WHITEILL - - .,Baritone Vetropo'litan Opera Company Metropolitan Opera Company GHTSEPPE 1)ANISE - - - Baritone 'IENRI SCOTT "- - -_ - Bass-Baritone Metropolitan Opera Conipany Metropoliton Opera Company CONDUCTORS r. GUSTAV HIOLST (Guest Conductor) Eiminent,,British Compos'er-Conductor FREDERICK -STOCK Conductor Chicago Symphony Orchestra EARL V. MIOORE. Conductor University Choral Union GEORGE. OSCAR BOWEN .r Conductor Children's Festival Chorus ORGAN IZATIONS THE UNIVERSITY CHORAL UNION 350 Singers i"a THlE CHICAGO SYMPILONY ORCHESTRA 70 Players' THE' IIH)EVS ESTIVL CHRUS ABELI.P. ADDISON 500 Singers FLORENCE, MAC BW3TH CLAXENCE WkiITEHII ERNA RUBINSTEIN AER?'.ESTSHEILN SECOND CONCERT FOURTH CONCERT SIXTH CONCERT COORSE TIC KETS 11 Thursdaty, -May 17, 8:00 1P. _l. Itabelle Addison, Contralto Urna Rubinsteint, Violinist Tihe University Choral Union C'licago Symphony Orcbestra llrs. George B. Riheid,, Pianist 31r. Eric Delammrter, Organist Ctustav Hoist, E.Irl V.:Moore and F'redrick Stock Conductors Choral and Fugue. . fach-Abert Three selections from M-ass, Bminor ..............aH,1,? "Hymn of Jesus"..... Ist l 1' dais, :say 18, S :00 1.31. Floc --WP I)1n'Betfh, Soprano Gi* (iuelpe a Mise, Baritone Tlhe U ii versity Choral Un Ion ('Iileu o Symphiony Orchestra Frederick SQtock, Con ductor Prelude to "Die Koenigskinder" .........Humperdinck Credo fromh "Otello"......Verdi Dance Poem "Le Peri". .. Dukas "Cha rmig Bird" from.."'The ea rl of Brazil"......... David Romanza from "William Tell" suite fromn Opera ".The Perfect Fool.. ..... ......... t.olst: Dell Song from "Lakine" ....... Delibes Saturday, May 13, 8:4))'. 3M. Saison ahd IDelilih . Saint-Satins Still Available at the SCHOOL OF MUSIK Opera in Three Acts CAST $5.00 -$5.50 Samson ...... Charles Marshall Delilah .........Jeanne Gordon I uglh Priest. . .Clarence tWhithill An~ Old Hebrew 1~ ct Abiinclech ct Hebrews! :UZANNE, KEiENER .,IANNB 'GOROON' ARTHUR KRAFT: 'GIUSEPPE DANISE T"11, :1;«1- --- - I Phi listines REffmomm Mgkwm