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April 18, 1923 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1923-04-18

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hed every morning except Monday
:he University year by the Board in
of Student Publications
ers of Western Conference Editorial
Associated Pre-, is exclusively en-
the use for republication of all news
yes credited to it or not otherwise
in this paper' and the local news pub-
ed at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
n., as second class matter.
ription by carrier or mal, $3.50.
s: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
s: Editorial, 2414 and 176-M; Busi-
nications not to exceed Soo words
'I, tl, . na ire rnot necessarilv to
n print, but as an evidence of faith,
ics of events will he published in
'v At t'ie dike'"-in ^f the Ilitor. T1
or mail-d to The Daily office. Un-
comrmnnications will receive no con.
ni, No lmanuscript will be returnedi
e writer ecloses postage. The ]wily
t necessarily endorse the sentiments
d in the communications.
Ieihonm 2414 and 176-11
tor ..... ......Paul Watzel
litor ..............Jnmes B. Young
t City Editor...... ..J. A. 1aeon
I Board Chairman .......R. Mciss1

versity ono twelfth of the total amount
requested in the original budget.
Michigan owes him a debt of gratitude1
for fulfilling a need which he saw un-
answered, for generously reviving a
lgst cause. Many other citizens could
render enviable service to the perpe:-
uation of this University as a center'
of learning and research if they would1
but recognize the ultimate worth of
such gifts.
Everyone who would cast a ballot inj
the annual spring elections must reg-
ister tomnorrow at the booths which
will be placed at various points on the
campus for that purpose. Representa-
tion is the most desirable way to as-,
sure satisfatory administration of stu-
dent affairs during the coming yeark
and only if the vote represents the
thought and desires of the majority of
students can such results be secured.
You must register tomorrow in order!
to vote.
The University building program has
been arranged insofar as possible to
provide for beauty of construction and
design in addition to the utilitarian
purpose that it is to serve. Indica-
tions are that when viewed in the ag-I
gregate Michigan in the future will
have a campus pleasing to the eye as
well as equipment ample to fulfill the
needs of the University. But it seems
apropos to ask the question .at this
time, will the residents of Ann Arbor!
keep pace with the University in
maintaining homes to harmonize withI
the symmetrical beauty of the now.

Coming from a 2 o'clock I hied me
to a certain drugstore on State St.t
and started in the door and turned
around and reeled right out again.
It seems that some one busted a3
pneumonia bottle in the rear but the4
fumes phoomed right up in front andy
out the door. I gue:,s the soda hurler
was trying to put a kick in some poor
duke's drink. From the outside one
could easily imagine that the store in
question was either a movie running
a heart-breaker, some one peeling
onions or a broken pint of King Tut9
Cock-tails. Why people should squeezej
out tears bigger than oranges over a
mere jug of pneumonia seems a little
beyond reason, doesn't it? A bottle'
of perfume from that place now ought
to make d{bim smell just like a newly
washed piece of linoleum. Girls, here's
your chance to absorb some of that





9uncan & Starling

home-like atmosphere..
* * *

Leap to it!!


)IIah tie

harry Ihoey
R. C. Moriarty
T. ]. Mack

Trulla and Ariadne were both invited
to a dawnce on the same night. This,
however, has nothing to do with the
story, because they lived in New York
and Memphis and had never heard of
each other.' But, on the other hand,
so was Delia, wl lived in Trenton,
N. J. She had been invited by Rupert,
who was by way of being her beau.f

tor ..........iarion Koch
inc Editor ....11. A. Donahue
.. . .. .El I. .Ailes
... Bucklry C. oh.ui.
Editorial Board
Maurice Berman
Eugene Carmichael


c, 11. Armstrong 'Franklin 1)). Hepburn
y Bielfield Wi'nma A. Hlibbard
1. ]liilivgtoIn Fdward Aj Jlgginrs
n Brown Kenneth C. Kellar
(dCarkbElizabeth lebermann
V'w Cnable John .Mc~inni*
tdette Cote Samuel Moore
n L Cou ghlin A. 1-1. Pryor
hi Fipstei. 'W. B. Rafferty
FPske Robert G. Ramsay
Carlioghouse VP'"i h
:r S. Goodspeed .oil J. Schnitz
(Goulder Philip .11 Wagner
Id fll;rint

campus? She had purchased a new gold dressI
At present the campus is surround- of some filmy, diaphanous cloth that
ed on all sides by shabby looking made her resemble nothing so much
dwellings most of which need painting. as a brazen candlestick. . "Indeed,
Many of the inhabitants of these Delia is beautiful," her landlady hadE
houses take no pains whatsoever to said, "beautiful as a crocus bud.open-
clear their walks from snow in the I ing in the spring,. beautiful as a slend-
winter time or to cut their lawns in er wisp of yellow corn, waving in the
summer. A large and ungainly dance breeze." Anyway, as she came down
hall is now b'eing erected in close the stairs to greet her Rupert she
proximity to three churches and In slipped and fell, and came bumpety-I
what is ostensibly a fairly good resi- I bump down, landing in a shapelessI
dential ,section. heap at his feat. Rupert, seeing her
To be sure many of these evils can lack of grace, and realizing that she
be cured by a zoning ordinance, but was a complete failure at walkingt
because of the. lethargic action on the downstairs, turned -away in disgust
part of the committee that is now sup- with a crul leer on his face. "Heav-
posedly formulating such a plan, it is ens," he muttered as he slammed the
difficult to predict at just what time in door behind him, "how utterly
the remote future the work will be gaucheo" Seeing that all was lost,
completed, if at all. But even the Delia stabbed herself with the long,
most effective zoning ordinance can sharp, polished nail that grew on the
not insure, a well kept city if individ- end of her finger.
ua remain obdurate in their refusal BOCCACCIO
to brighten up and take adequate care * * *.

Telephone 960

r t
a ;
t -.

(Phil. Public Ledger)
A Philadelphia church, which has
set 100 of its members at work round-
ing up others and bringing them in,
has sent out a questionnaire to 1000
men in every walk of life, in an effort
to ascertain what religion and the
church (not that these things are
identical) mean in their lives.
Years ago lumberjacks challenged a
preacher to deliver a sermon on a text
of their choosing. He handed them a
Bible and they gave it back presently,
sayng tleyfoud n veseto hei !from the soul, in the study of which
saying they found no verse to their ago ayGrashv eoe
liking. They gave him instead this, a gooi many Germans have become
sentence, "To hell with the Church!" other groups of young people who
That is the attitude of some who say prowl over Germany discovering bodI
they are through with churches, jes, scenery -and hunan nature may
church people and ministers. They do at least be preferred to the groups of
not stop to reflect that the churches, conscientious hikers who used to in-
for all their heavenward aspiration, fet the German landscape, rea(iTng
are what human beings make them. Baedeker and eating aloud.-
They keep talking about what "they" i
-meaning everybody else-instead of :'11111IIilI111911l1Iifit IIlIllht111IP'-
what "I" should do. They hurl abuse
at the Chi'rch objectively as a failure DOROTHY B. LOWRY
because it has not prevented war, or CHIROPR A~CTOR
reformed society, or brought on the 606 1st Nat'l Bank Bldg.
millennium. 'Hours, 1-6 p.m., Phone 4-
To this questionnaire in Phila- S'X10lxlh1i111MlIfII3IWIIIIIIttIIiitflflhll lh
delphia men respond: "Men are too
busy to care." "The World War cre-
ated a careless indifference." "The
Church seems out of sympathy with
wage-earners." "Theologians do not
interest the modern man.
'These and similar answers repre.sent -
objections that may he overcome by -
those in earnest to breathe life into
any moribund social institu'ion. If
the ashes are cold on the hearth,.fuel
may be collected and a new fire kind-
led. It hlels nobody merely to find -
fault and do nothing.
The great need for the Church will
keep the Church alive. The world here
and there, from time to time, has tried
the experiment of getting along with- ,
nut it and has found that thespirit as --
well as tlv body craved its daily bread.
Church worship is not religion, but Its
aim is to satisfy the appetite of reli-
gion, and the individual shortcomings
of the members of the churches are to
be set down to their own private ac- y3.
count, not to the failure of the Insti-
tution as a whole.
A world without religion would be a -
world of social chaos, and those who -
decry the influence and activity of
(churches are usually those who wish
to lead their lives with their own will /-ยข n' w' a w
for all their law and all tlieir gospel."
(Newy^ork Times).
The New Student has got out a spe-
cirl supplement pubVIshed in Germany,
which tries to interpret German youth
to American youth. By way of reci-
procity, Mr. John Rothschild leads off
by explaining American youth to Ger-
man youth. "What," he asks, "have
bathrooms, movies, steel construction r *:.
,and Ford cars to do with the sou of'/
a people?" What, indeed? One might
follow with the. question, What is the
soul of a people, if any? Mr. Roth-
schild drops a hint or two in the act
of reassuring Europeans who distrusts r
bathrooms and the Ford car:
Walt Whitman felt the sprit oIr,
America. Sherwood Andeson feels it
So does Sinclair Lewis. Herbert Crol-
has just written an essay which all
Americans should read.

Arn Arbor and Jacksow
(Eastrrn Standard Time)
Detroit Limited and Express Cars-
6:00 a.int., 7:oo a.m., 5:oo a.mn., 9:05
a.m. and hourly to 9:05 p.m.
Jackson Express Cars t io.al stops
west of Ann Arbor)--9:47 a.i., and
every two h'urs to 9,7 m.
Local Cars E;:u: Bound-7 :o 'a.'n.
ad every two hours to 9:8 p.in.,
r:oo p.m. To Ypsilanti only-t t1:4o '
p.m., t1: t Sa.n11.
To Saline-Change at Ypsilanti.
Local Cars West Bound-7:5o a.m.,
f 2' Htti T.
To Jackson and ala.nao -lim
ited cars 8:47, -0:47 a. m., 12-41, 2:,47,
447 P-tan.
To Jackson and Lansing-Limited at
8:7 Pm.

Uraiam 's
~foth Ends of the DViagonal



Schednle in Effect October t. ga2
Central Tiue (Slow Time
1. M. A.MR. P.M. P.M.
3:45 745 .... Adrian .... z:45 8:45
4rts ... Tecurnsek ... 1:1s 8:15
4:30 6:3o .. Clintoni .... x2:00 8:00
5:15 91 5 Saline ..,. 1:15 7:15
5:45 9:45 ArAnn Arborl,. 0:45 :45
Chamber of Commerce Bldg.
D-Daily. X-Daily except Sundays
and hfolidays. Friday and Saturday special
bus for stildents leaves Adrian 1:4s, leaves
JAMEi S 1. .ELLI OTT, Proprietor
Phone 46
Read the Want Ads

ink........,....John 3. Ilamel, Jr.
ing ..............Walter 2lam Schererj
in ............Lawrence 11. Favrot1
ion ........ .... Edward F. Conlin
ting..............David T. Al. Park
on .............Townsend H. Wolfe
s ................, Beaumont Parks
M. I rayde - Wm; H Good.

pit. I

[)ine Clyde L. Hagerman I of their own property.
in Ilenry Freutn
ar Clayton Purdy Grantir;l:the great good that zoning
antrout T. R. Sanzenbacher may .acec pih in making the erec-
iteirl, J Clif'Ord Mitts
"alXc "ren tion of undesirable buildings in a resi-
esser Losis M. Dexter dential sections impossible, if the city
dward B. Reidle in th1e attractiveness of its residences
Cooper is 'to keep up with the University in
the attractiveness of its buildings this
must be accomplished largel through
the efforts of the individual property,
sS1 AY, APRIL 18, 123 owner. If every inhabitant of the city,
no matter how inauspicious his dwell-.
)-HOWARD A. DONAHUE ing may be will take pains to ade-
quately care for it, then the Univer-
A sity stud'entin the future may puff out!
kNO'I'thRLOSS his chest with pride and say that there
ain students of Michigan is only one Ann Arbor, without danger.
shocked with the news of of an outsider retorting, "Yes, thankc
f tryo of their most promi- God."
,rs. The adverse fate which
, h to Sheldon M. Brown JUST BEFORE THE SEASON i
a Sweet, took from the Uni- .Michigan's baseball team has re-,
a men who had served her turned from a ; southern trip that, in
motig whose friends were point of view of games won and lost,;
sidents. in every branch was decidedly unsuccessful. It is not
endeavor. the intention of Coach Fisher, or his I
of. his popularity among his m to make apologies for the showing. I
cllard Sweet was chosen by 'In fact, they would be the last to bring,
t s president in guiding the forward a point well worthy of con-F
>f the Boosters' club, an or-I sideration,--the fact that they were
fostering the highest aims undeniably and greatly handicapped
for .Michigan. Sheldon. by the almost total fh sence of good,
almost completed his work weather for outdoor practice prepara-!
s Manager of the Michigan- tory to the journey. With approxi-
s book had already gone to mutely one day on the turf before;
wouldhave been his final taking the field against Kentucky in
o distribute it in May. His the opening contest, to be followed by'
tant and noble uphill strug- six more games in rapid succession,
belated entrance into Uni- a different result than that actually
the highest honors which arrived at oculd not have been ex-
students could confer upon c

"BuIzziuig Aroutne"-Anlos Iteeto

"Oh, Bill," said she,
"Keep still," said he,
"I'm trying to take a nap."
"Butt Bill." said o1_


"Aw Hell," said he,
"I knew you'd answer back."
Jersey Skeet.I
. * * *
This Was Funny.
Two guys were talking only one was'
doing most of it. "Why," says he,I
"I've known girls from every country
in the world. I've been out with girls'
from France, England, Scotland, Ger-.
many, Ireland, Russia .etc. I was out
with a little dandy from Portugal andE

another from Holland. And then there
was one from Spain that was crazy
about me. She was a sweetheart. And
that gal from Siam wasn't so darn bad
either. And there was a little bimbo
from Haiti who thought I was just
about right. There was also " a girl
from Borneo-she was wild about me.
And another dusky one from-"
"Jamaica," queried the intent list-!
"No, she wouldn't even smile at me,"
admitted the' self-nonfessed sheik.
What Ho! Dear Bunk, do you mean
to say
Your old contribs have gone away?
Not me, I love the column, Rolls
It gives a "kick" to lots of souls.
The new contribs sure know their stuff
But why, dear Bunk, give us the
Your old contribs?
I'd sooner rather lose my soul
Than not to make the Toasted Rolls
Now and then.

f '

To eulogize Sheldon -Brown and
ichard Sweet is unnecessary. They
e another loss to the senior class
nmen whse memory will remain'
ith their-iass-mates for having giv-
i mich owards sincere comrade-
ip and the continued ascendancy of
While -the matter of appropriations
ill waits for final action by the Leg-
lature, Senator James Couzens has
mnou,nced a gift to the University
hick wil make possible the building
a nurse's home in connection with
e ,new hospital, an item already
ruc irfrom the program under con-
deration t Lansing. As a loyal
'nefac f a worthy cause, as one
ho has personal as well as con-"
unal pride in the institutions of the,
ate.and the University in particular,
mator Couzens has rendered a tre-

On Saturday, however, a different'
Michigan will face Ohio State in thel
first conference tilt of the year, the
game being scheduled for Ferry field.,
'Three more days of practice plus tit
splendid experience of the southern
trip should put the team in a condi-
tion and mood that wins ball games.
With this in mind students may looki
for a fairer test of the power and title1
prospects of Michigan's Varsity nine
in the contest to be played off on Sat-
Howard Carter, the American mem-
ber of the King Tut expedition, has
endeared himself to those claim to be
unsuperstitious, by resisting thel
"curse of the Paraols" and re aining
his healthl. Or maybe it was jest'
downright Yankee persistence.
A certain student was surprised to
find that what he had thought at a

The German Jugendbewegung is
thus oriented with respect to the def-
3 erence due to local deities and is ac-
cordingly allowed to caper through
signs of the times are the terror of
the rest of the number. It starts with
the glad announcement that the great
signs of the times are the terror of the
the bourgeois and the joy of youth
awakening. Most of these moving
youth seem to be Communists and all
of them pacifists; from the German
universities. or rather their noisy na-
tionalist elements, one hears another'
story. However, it is pleasant to find
that even in this new and movable
youth the well-known German mind
seems to have-survived the war almost
unimpaired. For these young men and
woen, without exception, treat Youth
from its metaphysical and world-his-
toric aspects. Yotith in America, at
any rate artistic America., is a gainful
occupation. In Germany it is a Welt-
Even the illystrations are profound.
There is, for example, a photograph of
:z young woman in a bathing suit,
pranching on the beach. In matter-
of-fact America one would suppose
that she had been chilled in the water
and was trying to get warm, but 'n
j Germany she is symbolic of "Youth
practicing the rhythmic movements of
the body before the wide expanse or
the ,sea." This is not the only case in
which one gets the impression that
Germany does with deep-sarching
earnestness things that California, for
instance, does by intuition.
Nevertheless, one siapects that the
next generation in Germany will be

Iart Schaffner 8& Marx

sport clothes!

They 're smart, serviceable
Belts, yolks, plaits, lively col-
ors, rich patterns-you find
them all in these spring suits
for sport wear. Unusual val-

So tell me when you've read this not,
May I still hang my coat
On the contrib spindle?
Just Jake.
* * *
A. What do you think of a fellow
who'd get up at three in the morn-
ing to go horse-back riding?
* * *'
Listen, my friend, and you shall hear
Of the incredible story of co-ed Mac-
Who, when asked for a date,'
Replied, "It's too late."
And went and pounded her ear.
* * *
Dear Just Jake,-
I'm not giving you the huff so don't
get huffy. You know that I use lots


._ j

*3 - -2 ,

ues; too

at this low price.


Other models priced to $50






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