ATHLETIC FRATERKITY T0 HDLG TROUTS SOON King h'ut'hs Cui Pursues Of2idaho Bnker, relate Lord Carnarvon's, righlt bower in Irish Star to Coach sethe Luxor tomb activities? Carnar-j South IFend, In., April 17-(By A. Carter, on was stricken with a mysterious P.)-Forest Caocton, of Elgin, Ill., left mld-adde.Now Carter teh92asreDaefot beeni stricken ill. (tcl fte12NteDn ot bal ee e oFlt sg e o c ahTiiDAY1 $TO LAST D)AY OF football, basketball and track at St. VlIM'~ S )YCty.,jYSr Ambrose college, Davenport, Iowa. Ik~ His services was sought by many oth 17.-( y A. I.) ' gents designated es that Thurkish ed the coffin of erirum soldier, af- n the World war, th1e he pr ts ;e or any in- t. xtraction ai (l ss. I-Ie'(went Division andI Tr you'ts for Sigma Psi, national ath- lctic honorary fraternity, should beginx training for the events which they i- tendi to pass this spring, according to 'Dr. Georg e A. May, director of Water- rnvo ngymnasiumn. Membership in. Sigma Psi is based on athletic- accomplishment in. a series. of ~diversified tests, including sprints, distance races, hurdles, football kick- ing-, swimming, baseball throwing, tuimbling, phole vaulting, and other fet.Any student successfully corn- kpleting the requirements in all 12 events is eligible for membership. 'Varsity'feter mnen are allowedi to sub- Ally 'information rejlve,,to . Sigma Psi iioy' he'obtained in Doctor ,May's t ffice 'or from tlie intraml~iral depart-' - r~nt 'ini Waterman gymnasium. Di Trades APRIL 1 Shzort story manuscripts for thef Ma ots ns etrzdin to te Judges of thu contest at the Chimes oflico in the Unionl by fioclk Friday. Two cash prizes, of ten and five dollars eachl, are to ;)e gvnfor the accepted stories, whv-Iich ;will be published in the May issue,,of Chimes. or schools. GARRlf .I C K WedL.:-5cto$. 1,l)DIE C VTOR- IN "1AIKE IT SN7APPY' REMARKABLE WINTER GARDEN SUPE IR-RTEVUE RHE DES' 8 PIECE [ RCHESTRA COUPLES ONLY 8 to 1130 thi, WED. - 3,1 1 - -- =;,1, I--- ,:. ar a ;,. . 1 -1 I'LAST TMETODAY . PT 'R -DTR'POIT SH-OWING OF - = -ial. Ithe investigatrs ill.n had been placed. reek church at A a- tspeniding interment. The town ;________ tak~en by Turkish soldiers in Sep- # NION TO LGIVE DANCEL FOR' ~r. (4RADS;,FACULiTY, N EOR 4 ,presentatlon to the Turkish gov- g ~entwas ade y rer adiralA dance will be held from 8:30 tode -k Bristol, Amnercan high commis- i1i o'clock~ tonight at the 'Un( nfor the er of Co.nstantinople to the speak- aC