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April 18, 1923 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-04-18

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1 2 1'AG0ES




cou Z-Ei




" i (S A iy


[TO S Vtor s Gas Tax
An d ens ttack
~OCENJ On Its Advocates

A viat lors Re.port No Lives
Lost uring Three

e MVonths


f 1.Li k.xilA

Et [i

111ou , l April 17.---(,13y A. P.)-I ton, to Moundsville, WV. Va., to Wash-
fc ft taity haZS been checked~ against ington, to Cumberland, Md., to New
the a: r scr ice CnringI the three months York, back to Washington, to Mounds-
tha.t have ap since Major' Gel- ville, to Cleveland,-to Detroit,,to To-
(I. cml tfason :1. 1Patrick, chief of the, ledo, back to Detroit, to Kokomo, Inc.,
Untc Sa~sAir Service c i5-uedor r- and return to Chanute Field. The
ders to th"-e c;, nnvndrng oiliceeis of distance covered "Wais more than. 2,200
Cha~ut, ~c~ugILangley, ltcheil, miles and the total actual flying time
I1cCook an-d S,:ifrilge Fields to in-; was '22 hours and "10 .minutes.
aruura to regutla r scheduied flights While no aviator was killed, yet the
over a Anodl 1a i rw ay over the eastern flights were far from devoid of ex-
andl middlfn we itera states, according ciltement and hairbreadth escapes.
to I'ecord3. here.I Major F'. L. Martin in a recent trip
The nmodel sair course Lakes in NVewr left Chanute oan a route wvhich cov-
YVw;, IJamiptont, V,,., Cleveland,' To- credl 1800 miles. Ile was. furnished
led,:, Detroit, Kokomo, lncd., and Rani- with strip maps covering the entire
toui. Each fCeld (is,)atchbes a plane route, but only for territory a few
ti - v Ei<.1 miles ~on each side of the route. The
Tho ,record ls show that the first only Landing place between Zanesville,

res Iefficency a m 1,Poit-
olltrol in 11igh'Imay
.pril 17-(13v AP)-Govr.
etoed the W arner twvo-
tax bgill today.
the measure with 1bein1

Co mnittee Thiiwght i'o Favor Forther
Ct, i n Approprla. O ns.
for University
(Special to. the Daily)
Lansing, April 17-President Mar-
ion L. Burton, five members of the!
Board of Regents and other Univer-
sity of Micliigan officials met tonight,
with the members of the ways and
means committee of the house of rep-
resentatives for a discussion of the
University building program.
Those who spoke for the tniversity
attempted to indicate that everything
,:n the way of fair play and ,cooperation
with the state is beingcdone in the con-
duct of the program.
The question of the. homoeopathicE
merger was again raised and repnre-tt

Former Senator
Townsend To GetI
Commssion Post






r I

itutional, unjust, vicious, and
sary, and branded it 'as a
y worded document designed
anl excessive specific tax not (avexiio;- .":x J""(6 oew1rck LI
on motor vehicles but upon all With the W --e gsolive Otax bill
of gasolinIe users. pse yhis n eaeGvro
guItht h~ frmr oud roesheclk yes'rte';''ray blo(;ckedfurther
r fied tat he frme woudprogress3 of the bill wiith an imcondi-'
eft by the tax-but that itioInal veto. ?-e bitterly denlrounedi the
'act to the advanta4ge of tie'Measu.re i0- his veto m1essage
ar owner at the expense of the;

gilts were not all completed on
) 'ule i'ime, 1ut each trig has shown
i_ prlovement.A trip recently corn-
~t"? was from lC'.anute' FielId to Day-
n, 0., to Coluimbus., 0., back to Day-
tdl3t~i~ of Nodivy and Rep. E-1r!
M(ieuear Accet Ivitations to

jOhio, andi Wtashington is .Moundsville,
the ,remaining landscape being almnost
"continuously mountainous. Being be-f
- 1in(I schedule, Major Martin tried al
more direct route than that outlined
and almost immediately rani into a
:strong headwind and dense clouds,.lHe
,vas blown off his course while flying'
ever the mountains. After some time
)'f aimless flying, trying to obtain his
I bearings, 'he suddenly realized his
gas was getting low, his oil, was al-
most gone, and that he had, no place
to land. He was rather° high at the
time and dropped down to try for a
landing. Jrust before his gas. gave
out he saw a town and recognized it.

Bunrton Co'0n nieleds i)onor for Ster
to 'Univers~ty anal
(Special to the Daily)
Lansing, April 17.-As a resull
United States' Senator Jamnes C.
ens's donation to the University
$650,000 for the erection of a
nurse~' home, Governor Alex.
Groesbeck has requested that
item be removed from the Univer
appropriation bill by the ways
means committee in whose hands
bill lies at present.
r ~Will Butild One Unit
The University appropriation
requested $600,000 for the nur
home whic~h is needed in connec

former Senator C. F. ',Townsend
Former Senator Charles F. Towun-
send of Michigana is slated for the

ghJt car. owner. tie designated C i [Anntual Event as. Mound sville, his original objective.
lauses 'n the bill whcPclill illnigsaeyh oudh a
Quld give the oil corporation special MFRTIl'[L'lIIU III ILU11tFS IL only three gallons of gasoline left, and
icense to evade the payment of taxes. ,hr a~ A(''1 ':1tl i APERONES T , I)A C"Fnoi.
The governor returned the bill un- --- -' -RI iRl n ol
(Irvd- to the legislature, with U I '' ~~Sceayo h ayE~i elf lf N IA IN
harply criticized the state highway 'fLagid Congressman Earl Michen- MI
apartment. He alleged that the state's --r fAraWsigtnrpeet ll
po hr ayn sytemin hascsic e ren d rom the tl:Grmany Purposl + ely tIi lse Iative from this district, will attend the
gislature that there is undoubtedly (tlii' tioits third annual Military hall to be givenre gn rig patc anj ol th M rk o Ecp I h R I
rooln forlegislatie action o pro- lApril 27 in the Waterman and Bar-1M [ n C P 9 G
ote efficiency, vision and economy fint EI611, ()fRAlC'SPIO'hour gyminasiums, according. to Gor-
us impotan t r anch itso pter ateET-Fs o i1 [ Ir~ don gM. Gale, 23L, general, chairmlan Regets Sawx yer and 1Bevd are First
rveadrov itoprtosa of the affair. Definite acceptances!iso1Signdfy Intent to
Il entanglemnents and the control o Piidlha pil1 B .P)--fombt hs e ee eevdjB rsn
ontractors ac o.tda The occupation of the Riuhr r"esulted yesterday in reply to invitations ten--__
fron a, ituaionin wichFr'~ctiered them to serve as patrons at the S i1GMla 1)FliTA 0111I EX IL
Ill ehow phtt eiltr no- -- i( - bn.ticcndtono a all. GIVE SKITS TO "ROAST" OU4SITS
bi y tm o st h sl t~e dae legkis ar sno fud. ref in te c n ito f a Added to the list of hosts are two
ie ostaibolte eadoc inyeas.crceditor sgoing into bankcruptcy while imen from the local Veterans of For-
'lo legislature, it is believedl can-- Many of the invitations extended by
ot override the veto and the gaso-P. 1ni ghborinlg creditor was lavihly si gn wars, Prof. Louis P. Hall, of the'
ne ax s cnsierd dead Th hosespedin moey orhi. ow pupossdental college, and Carl k. Smith, '24L , Sigma Delta Chi,. national professiona1x
faybeabe o nvliat th gthr ul SI-eny, ecetryofth. rechcommander of the post. journialistic fraternity to prominent
:ay 10ale tobtinvaslikete t t e uber- Jul tolHenry, seretary of btheFrenho- Programs, which were to have ar- menu of the camnus state, and natlo-
ftori ifa ils o rt t bis evel t te.th enf atyil o hld a d et i cha kersto- i vd in time for distribution at the to the# Gridiron a banquet ,which'eit will
on i he lower branch a strong fac- Say s I"remnlt Should Colvot Union, have been delayed and will be hold May 1 haw, already be e
on has prepared its defense for a "WVhen suich a situation arises be- ' given out at the doors of the gymna- cepted, and apparent, indications exist
siutns by specially recruited studen t that the attempt of the student journ.
ige, declaring that it will stand pat tween two individuals," M. Henry said, silta
n the gasoline tax or nothing. If1 " ustice provides the creditor with the dne o c natnac tteasst ieterfrt'ratn
conssfiin oe nismm' eesr en ocletwa s due ce.arty" here will 'be successful
counts itffcantbloktestsagie of him; es reas t o lreasonwhat smilre Thie ball will he conducted along Some of the first men to accept the-ix
erhpi;cnboktepsaeo i;teei orao vyasmlrwadministration weight tat Bill- procedure should niot take place :be- military lines as far as possible, the invitations- to the banquet aire.; Re-,
nd hi lgisatremayafjorn i~i-tween nations. decorations all being of army style gent Walter H. Sawyer,. I-illsdale, l1o-
it rovdin orhigwayfinncefor Delarng hataftr l~iu 1,00301)interspersed with flaga of the allied gent Junius E. Deal, Ann Arbor, Dean
UL hrov~lillgfor higway filance fr 1)ecaotinatthons.t Signalsnfor ,the11variousnsHughnaCabotthCoachouFieldingabot. .Yost.
e next two years. nmen in the War and seem ; much eetswllbfgvniybgl alsF.E Fetoh Laninl~g- tttJu
It hasg been suggested that a dmodi- ;her territory devasted F"ran.ce couild eventhwill bsummon btheugdancr alls .E. Fletta of theigFttorHuron
Catlin of the g'overnor's wefiht tax not very w.ell say "Let us for'get" aftC'wiherlsmmntedacr
fan toeter itha ewl i'aicd he r~iisice M ilrryms~tt tht the grand march and "chow". Ex- Times H-erald, and Walter K. Towers
cent gas tax fill be drawn, in addi- his ceunt:'y was anxious. to come to an lsivc inwl eatrdi iiay fDtot
on to mnotorbuss and truck and high- agreernc n, with Germlany to make 1, E uniform while the others attend- The affair,' which. is to he held at
ay legislation, peace. - ng the af'fair will be' dress ,ed for- 'the Union, is to, include an unusual
- ,pbais Teay-reke" mal ly.. No corsages will be 'allowed. ;irogram of -satirical skits and novelty
1":Insing,. April 1"r.-(ley <A. .)-T!'le "Unharuppily," he said, 'wilth the' Refreshments will be served in numbers which; are to be given by
ght tol override Governior Aleox. Groes-'sa me cola blooded determination v;itIl { three groups,. those receiving red lick- members oifSigma Delta Chi. A num-
wE' veto of the 2-cent gast measure which she tore on August 2, l19t f, the; ets eating at 11:15, white at 11:55 her of short plays have been especially
ill reac:h the floor of the leg islature'treaty guaranteinig the U~elgiaminn- and blue at 12:30. . written..for the event.
-+ Gridiron Nights celebrations are
(mao-row. trafthellw~ p ice 19, terma y haa pl ied hrs ely f ,held annually at many colleges and
aoin txesOth ueapsie 99tviltn te mtvoIMMIICRTIO~1N flIfh universities. The principal ,celebra-
rently lack confidence in their vor. ailles in. its vital clausEIIIUIHUIHIUL. ltmuofti yeishl eryat
'.r ngth thi ,s afternoonl to face the:, In contraist, le added, Ftiance after WahntnDCuneih ieto
;sue then, Action' wa mT~ade a speital the war oCi:1870, worked with ya ador °R IfF !fl'TaI*otheGionDclu of thtdrcitwich
der of hlsname 'a fort'We5liy f-ad sincerity 'never equalled to meet iiu IIUIJIUII IIJIYlso s t edrntly of aneiywpape
mroon, her obligations. is__omen, erlyntally f th ewlle er~e
--- - - (;cGrmlany, M. Henry said, was do- $mn eryalo h olg ee
y -' lib r'4Jy engagedl in a finanicial policy'i Washington, April 17-(By AP.)- brations are planned after the affair
Yester ays G ames teproeo hc a omk h Declaration by E. Gary,; chairman of at Washington.
t'i Ii.:iltse f hic ws t ,.alc te the Board of the United States Steel,
wvclrld . oteleve shep could not p}ay.'hes icorporation that the restrictive fim-nrn rnisnnun
~atoilltgubveie rf the m an, li essem-te- hasmigration laws have brought about a ~BIN1 1FIN9I1IfTYUTS
srbee dual'adpupsl serious labor shortage served today
(.Loeu t;......... ,...... 131 royd;drawn the attention of government of
incinn:ti................... 0 "The treasury imucovemished itself,"'fcast h mirto usinadNX NO PR
he continued, "while individualIs were fcal oth migainuusionn
wYik........ ettingrc. the lar situation.FO NETU IN PN
1_____________D_____ otli immigration and labor' ques-.
)stioil.....................1 4 tions were touched upon by the cal)- Final tryouts for all parts in the
-- ~imet at its iteting and Secretar-- choruses of next year' Union Opera
t ldelpia---------- p 4 r qA ;u~ Davis presented a report which iI~ ilbgnti feno and coin
-oolyn............5 3 4 LI~g -in i~rysaid convinced President Harding; no tomorrow and Friday at the Mimes
(14 innings ) E tran Y St that )J~r. Gary was quite-correct theater under the direction of E. Mor-
saying that a labor shortage existed. timier Shuter, Union dramatics direc-
tts bur ........3 3 2 __________________ Chairman Johnson of the Houstor !tor. Tryouts will be held from 4
lcg........... ....2 81 immigration committee in a formal; to 5:30 'o'clock in the afternoons and
________IWhile out West Coach Fielding H. statement declared there should " from 7:30 until 9:30 o'clock in the ev-
IYost spent a good share of his time relaxation in the act. Senator Hefl in, enings.
Wimaing peechies, addressing 23,000 Democrat, Alabama also issued No tryouts will be held after this
'Vner Is p;eople in all. But that wasn't all hie statement declaring that Congress 1 week, and no special attention w ill
ctfTc di. VWhenIIin Hollywood he passed should strengtlien the 'present unn- u- be given to men who have hrdi paiYts
Finally .H~ere, one day as the guest of Douglas F air- gration laws. 'in past operas, according to Mr. Shut-
b~oiks and Mary Pickford. - - - - - - em". It is announced that freshmen
And among the other pecnooher Duriug ~the courise of the day "Doug" D11AN\ (OOIJEY E'fi1INS ; who are ligiblet and wlo have al-
thing:;weuwisli to announce i .s tok IFielding1H. Jr., into the back yard iI 1FR11t0 MIf LE WEb4"I'ST T'IWR ready 'spent a semester on the cam-
t-at wes-lhv htvd~ n hwdhmafwn tik pus may -try out with the higher.
I i .esilhzcta i d1 n hwdhmafwnwtik n Depan 1Mortiner l,. Cooley of the, en-'classes. Specialty dancing nme
ring~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ tprsntoteonr tepmalebas Thnteetegin ocring colle>ge returned Sat urday tryouts will he held by specia ap-
Co c t a is wt o t t e c so ry go p vett an o t o rta k m e.Ie eing from a four weeks tour of the pointmnent with Mr. Shuter.
ccren~ony. C a h Yost was ialso entertained by ' Middle \ 'est siting en rout,, Bay1 Those men who are from five feet oh r r m n n n v osa ssp n i g Ct , D t ot i cn ai e i~t n w n h st i ef e


- - va fteUnvriy eeddvacancy on the international jint "" ,-
sentriesofte Uier sty efended commmission caused by the resignation wt tenwUiest o
hepresent megrssesaig of ex-Senator Obadiah Gardner,'chai- th completion of uwhich te.
that it would cost from $75,000 to ' s lrIilpobbyapora
$1000 ya t anti aspaaeman, Townsend was ,one of the lame tr ilpoal prpi
$1000aya omananasprt ducks" at the last election.(uring the present session.
school which would be largely a dup- 0i__________________ Cpuzens' gift will permit t
lication of effort." The University of-( struction and equipmen f ofe
U I- fc~als denied that the present system r of the nurses' ore to be loca
1was unfair to the, homiocopath stn-HO IV AN O NE D est of the University oberv
dents, stating that they were offered 'Ph e uldn ilb
adequate- equipment for the pursuapee. of its kind and will conta,
,)f their studies. toRGSRTO ion'toi living accommodation
' Regent James Murfin in straight ru ing laboratories, and classro
forward language informed the tmenr- I1 R'H GI T 1, the educdation of student unr
bens of the committee that he did not, proximately 250 ,nulrses will
think that the legislature need con- Friday Set-" as Last JDay for Nomlnha- the building. The requetof,
cern itselfwith academic affairs in the tions by Organiza- t pital' superintendent, C:. .
lJ~iversity, and that such parts of the jtons' was for $90,00 In rdr to
university program as- were subject ( dormitory which could accol
to revision ,should be leftetrl
the hadefnhtffcas irAln in Ii LTIJANNOUNCE C0 1CIL Iall the nurses requir yjoinl
thehans f te ffiias i"Aad t-CANDIDATES U0MO11ROW ptal. The Unlers'Psy omn
bor. the house, however, edc d
The homoeopathic rider which is at- to $600,000 and it is arpro5
present a part to the appropriationI, All students, both men and women, this amount which the TIetroi
bill will probably be detached before who expect to vote In the coming mliniehs~nono
the bill is reported out, according to srinug elections to be held April 25 gv
Iand May 2, must register tomorrow atgi.
i inormaionrecevedfromtheCort- {The significance of Setor
Infomaton rceied rom he ommone of the booths to be provided for bequet, aside from the relief
The committee apparently leans that purpose, before they will be: al- ent crowdedi conditions whic
toward a further cut in the UniversityI lowed to cast their ballot, it has beenI fords, lies' in the fact that
bill, utit is thought that the meet- announced by the Student', c,uncil prblyenravibeth
ing tonight has affected an under- 'committee on elections. The hours Iabout$6000opatofth
standing which will lead to a carefulj for registration will be from Sx:45 till $600,000whch ouprtsofthe11 hro
consideration of the bill by the com- 4:15 o'clock.
mitte. Boths BothsDesigatedbeen stricken from the appo
Both will be provided for all law Bro ad oo
- time President Marion L. urton,
'INstudents in the Law building.:h meting, upon the Cou ,n
£ .-gyr 0AN[ DIE Ihits. will register in front of the Li- clared that, "Senator Gofe
biary and in Tappan hall; medics wi~lrnee e~ ev~et
SSregister in the Medical building, the versity as well as to the .Who
r~~rn tiii ~~Ir engineers anid architects in frontor of Mcia.Iamc st
the Engineering arch, members of'the oMithigy. wasmuhpartofthe
School of, Education' in Tappan hall, sity's program as now before'
LONOPROINEN iN31ICIIGN Iand the'combined schools will have Iltie ti eon7.a
POLTTTICS; GOVaERNOitis rcoR saaa general booth i Waterman gymna- the outstanding necesities fa
THREE TIMES factory work at the Unvrst
IThe nominating committee which ator Couzens has not only me
Orlando,, Fla., April 17.-Fred M. !1will name .18 candidates for next year's need of the University b~t-of
Student council, who will be vanr omrgvro-o ihgnIoiateseilCucleeto otd tire state. The dormitory is
War ane tfo me Rgoeru lnor o m ig nt- tth p ca o ncl eeto 'sential part of thehospital p
and t oe tie Rpublcancommt- April 25, consists of the following men, ad seeyoykos h
teeandie hee tis ornng obit was announced yesterday: Thomas serves every county in the st
lowing an extended illness. tUnderwood, '23L, Robert -Gibson, r'23, nt: ane the University."
John Ross, '23E, Robert. Knode, 23, ____
Pontiac, April 17.-Relatives here; Burton Dunlop, '23, and James H~ume,-
receivedl telegraphic news this morn-''23. These men will nominate 12
ing of the death of Fred M. Warner u h~
of armngtn, orer ove-no o juniors and 6"sophomores, of whomi11itnM Ntii~~ H
oficarig torn, f la at o'lockf 6 Juniors and 3 Sophomores will e i! u
Mih ga ,at O la d , l .,a 4 ocl c ;elected. The names of the nominees i
this morning. will be announced in tomorrow's I TAIIETIOS .
-The former governor was spend-,Daily.
ing the winter at a resort there seek- j Must Present I[deptntiitnreh nsold otfr
ing to regain his health~, wich hadFesmnsoudno foI
been uncertain since his serious i1- I "Nstdnwilbaloetorg some ind of athetic woil is'
ne~smor thn ayea ag. Wth imaster unless he brings his athletic of 'them this s rin even t 'bh
eesre r.hanaer ad h ishon, mcoupon book or his treasurer's re- regular gymnasium' la ses
ard~ Mrs Warer ad hi so, "w- ceipt as an identification," said Jack meet at Waterman gym-nasi
arK elly, '24L, chairman of the Council IDr. George A. May, Fedirector ortheesuces
iv trdmgWarnerfritheeasucces-,{committee on elections, .yesterday. Iplan 'gymnasium, who is in"'c
iveters gveror f Mchiancoy I This is at point °which may have pre-frsmngmaimcae.
ering the period from 1905 to 1911, fvne oesudnsfo eitreshmen n asmcay er o a
was a native of England, born in Not- { etdsm tdnsfo eite-i" e a eot o n
tinghamhr July 21, 1865. HeI was ing last year, when only 2500 out of dfesire," said Doctor May y
brought to America by his parents a possibe 10,000 voted in, the spring; "but -they must get intoi spine
odad elections."°'work." Every afternoon fro
when bttremnh fe
fe mutnts hre ismoth oterdid lad ad e ftr Kelly, also emphasized the fact that! 5:151'clock there will be an a
as fewdoenthio ther iofDedanh Friday will be the last day for the 1"on the freshman side of the re
Wasnr ado pinote f ami f . Dean acceptance of nominations by organ- clbhouse to whom they ma
Warnr. apioner f Famingppizations for any campus office, and or if they desire, te a e
Oaklad couty. Ithat no nominations by petition will M~,ay in Waterman gmnasiu-
-Following his retirement fromn I b)e received after April 25. oyxrcss lsssi r
Lansing, Gov. Warner devoted his time Further plans for the elections will torelevings. olathesgypnasio
to business and was active in <state' r'laigfo h yn'i
poltic ony idirctl, utilhe n-be made at the meeting of the studenty also be organized.
poitcsony ndrctyunilbean!council tonight at the Union. At this i ___ _____
nounced himself a candidate for United tieasoteSpiggaines and Cap'Ieerl lbt oo o
States senator during the famous INgtwl edsusdadarneTeana eoilnoi
1Vewberry-Ford campaign, withdraw-" iltwl edsusdadarag- Teana eoilm~i
ing after the entry of Newberry. , ments outlined. 'Research club will be held ltl
lHe, later became a storm center in'I this evening in the Hst og-
Mate Repulcn pltcsoe'hsd-D0I)OS POSTPONE PLAYS [oratory., As this meeting .
nunciation of ,"Newberryism" and d- 1T E ALE L U n memrate ofthe fourhnreofo
mands were made for his resignatIon I 1ivrayo h it f4o
as nationa-l committeemen., He did not; Because of the Ann Arbor engage- Prof. A. Ziwet of the nathemi
resign, however. ( ment of Walter lHampden, Shakespear- partment will present .a p
His health has ben failig for about , ian actor. Dodos have riostpnend teir j "Coernicus" ad Prof. W.0,

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