THE C-iI CAN DAIL Y HE TD'S COLUMN1 CLOSES AT 3 PAM CLEANTRS AND PRESSERIS !Kill' two birds with one stone. Send! your laundry as well as your clean- ing and pressing. ($1.25 per, suit) athe same time to the White Swana Glaer.Phone 165. 139c-12 CLEANING, $1.25-Pressing, 35 cents. A DVERTIlSING Y /S Laundry Agency. L. 0. Clapp, 1119 IN0TICEYY1E S. University. 121c-21 T] e following Box Repiies are ait the HOUSE WNANTED-I have a client DT1E'SS lKE%6 Daily Office; BC, DM, PDU, 18, BA.1 who wil buy a good, 8 or 9 roomt. house south of Hill street and east SPIG!FSS md-ut ~ M.1'ICHIIGAN DAILY CLASSIFIED..# of Forest. if Syou hav;e such-to sell, lined-work guaranteed-reason- RATS ~ease call -re gat once. able. 711 Haven Ave. 4Q2-WV. Classified Rates. Two cents a word P. Roy Holmecs, Realto, 113 S. Main 112c-29 a day, paid in advance. Minimum!I 140c-6'-" charge for first day, 25c. Mvinimum FURNITURE~ Intram ural It ms cnun. a , n.All men acting in this i¢1ihIiiI8iIII1E° JL czpai ", Y A 11 ) epayed wNell for their, ______tiire (Continued from Page Six) ed from the Intramural office the first ;ntrIC fo teollow ,i n sporU' ar: F- of next week. owwu reiv:Alca ustn' The Intramural deparcn i s ix- horesho-doules1nd csnglstAl getyrequesting that all men whocampus utdorz track, an1d interciass are compeatth ent anseballunipires apa- bsbl.Stude nts interested in thet= per t h ofie n sgnupfr the first three o1_thw and class ath- I 6 leicmaager ill findl entry sheets FOU-ND pos?.td at te Itramnural office for;= SFOUND-Genesee County :service i.=o hesors ring, near Nurses' Dormitory. Call r~~''i~u 'iotPieWnes~ University 175. 1 40p. inerg"1' aphls- 1tiof 1the (designs submIit-(" LOST ated b th, arh1e ctsiiithe Chicago i t ; ~Tribtneiuin c;1 omp1ethicn are nowt LOST-The press in my trousers. aci dL :,zi the Library corridor Found at Greene's. Call 1449-Ai. They will1 be there until the end of the EilE lIa3Gi 121h~- , ek. ~~~III1Im~i FLOWERLS !Get good values cheap, thru the For, choice cut-flowers and plants go: lsiidclnn.Av to George BISCHOFF, 220 Ch,_-pin . St. Call 809-F-1. lO6c-2:. ec USED CARS NIXON'S USED CARSf". Full line of Fords, $40 and up. 416 an South Main. 140-5 PRID DETROI D"W'x RFTHS I KY: A._ i It ~ + r r. 7 TODAY l LAST imE A RYANDER SON "BLUEBIRD, J113,9 thereafter, 20c. Three cents per woird({ per clay if charged. Wihite space charged for 4t rate of five cents per agate~ lin~e. Classifieds, charged only to those having phones. Phbone 960. Hear the W4est Brunswick Records-1 "Just On~e More D~ay" and "You've Got{ to See Mama, Every Night", played by the Oriole Terrace orchestra at the Stofflet Phono Shop. Nickels. Arcade. 139c4 CANiOE WAN,,TE D-Give pruice, de ails a n d pho n e number in letter. Box Jake, care of Mich'igan Daily. 140P-2 DO YOU KNOW w*e have the most completely equipped plant in the i country for the Repairing, Refinish- WNANTD-Typewriting- anus 'cripts? ing and Upholstering of furniture? neatly typed,. or guaranteed.l '(cj Phone' 331-W. P. B. HARI)ING. per page.- Call 959-R{. 136p-21! 88c-21 WAN TED-Student desk . . F.Card- 311SIC well. 1617. Waslitenaw. Phone e'i 1016. 140p- Reparing of~ all musical instruments,: expert workmanship. Schiaeberled 1 0 4 ,I, i and sons, Music H-ouse, 110 S. Main I .....St. *139cI FOR ALEFin reidene fr rom- Patronize Daily advertisers.---Adv. : ers or for professional or business,- he Dail "'Classified"' Columi I DON'T FORGET Smith Tire Rep~air Oldest and most reliable place to bu~y tires. Kelly Springfield Diamond Tires 12$c-tf FOR ROCK BOTTOM PRICES on gro- ceries, see Pierce's ad in the Wed-- nesday issue of The Daily. 125c-ti A stitch in time saves nine. . We mend and repair every suit sent here to be cleaned and press3ed. White Swa, Cleaners, Phone 165. M3c-I2 FROSH FROLIC TICKETS will be gliven out at Union, Thursday and riday, the 19 and 20, fromt 2 to 3 each day. 140-3 FLINT STUDENTS-Heated sedan leaves Friday nights returning Sun- day night. Railroad rates. Phone ' 1394-J. 97c-21j LOCKSMIH-All kinds of door and trunk keys. Lawnniowers sharpened. Phone 249S, Keeler. 1136 W. Hur- on. 140p-21 PRUG S SHAMPOOED or Dust cleaned. Ann Armor Carpet Cleaning Works. Phone 50. 135c-tf 7 IT SHOWING OF '1. man. Near campus in bestvloca-' tion Iin the city. Will let the fur-I niture, rugs, curtains, and furish- 3 ing;s of second and third floors go with the house. Inquire J. Wtf. Dwyer. 508 First Nat'l Bank. 139c-6 FOR, SALE-Modern five room house. Linden Street, seven minutes from campus. $6,000. Possession Sept, 1. 16867-.140p FOR SALE-Woman's blue suit, size 34; Man's grey topcoat, size 37.: 1560-W. 140p-21 TYPEWRITING YOU GET PROMPT AND A CCURATE< service when your MANUSCRIPTS are TYi'1ED by EX'PERTS at BID- IDLLS D.OOK STORE. 11 Nickels Arcade. 'lllc-tf TYPEWR'IITING &MIMEOGRAPTIIN G promnptly and neatly done. 0. D.: Morill, 17 Nickel's Arcade. 140c-3 TYPE WR ITERS EXPERT Typewriter Tle,airirig, oall mnakes. Ann At bor Ty-,,i-%riter Ex-. ch ange. Phone 866. 9 Savings 1Bank Block. 123c tf! For Snappy Skervice at br LR ast or any other time, try R E-: ' S CLUJP' LUNCH, whereToasted Rolls orj,:- f iated. 122c-tf 6 °'4W or rrNn n .,.. : ° " " P 3 ° ",Y" rr "fy tSx ' "^ay '4 f' p 'zy 'd % yys, IN THE MR. ARTHUR M. ROSENBLRG DI, Representing 41 THE ARTHUR M. ROSENBERG CO. TAIL QRS-N eu' Hvent, Conn. :< . Will exhibit their samples and materials for spring and ,summer wear "TOMORROW APRIL 18 iNk, '~'SED John SainpOli DavedBtI~ AND Frankie. Lee f _AND LON IHANL I CO[ING LEATRICE Gy ALLENEL HOTEL Sl ;Y on your sh Stores. groceries :ai 3 lSc-20 WUERTH TUR. SKEA3T AT THE ORGAN 'NIGIT ROSE99 I *BAGGAGE iNE 2700. PACKAGxE AND PAG- GE EiXPRESS. lO0c- 2l mam 4> 1 (14 p 7 It ;i ; , i W r , Yl w 'ri« t . in r , f d ' y v ' f k ~ 't 8 : f. . l Rl T r , ,.{ , 5 w a* '' r'_ 3 1 !j z , ( mil' 1.1 r - j r yti 1 F 4A'W _ N t, , 'y'e K