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April 06, 1923 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-04-06

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to constructive notice to all m~embers of
d until 3:30 D. Mn. (11:30 a. im. 8atuirdaY.)
VV, APRIL G, 1923 N umber 1;19


Prof. Brown Pdilts SP ORT FLASHES
1itrca ir (Continued from Page Sx

batting andI is 'putting in a lot ofj Frosh Lit Dues Payable at Unic'ni
time in1 hitting to right field. MIost of; Now.-Adv. IING I9( rtLT' , l. S. C,
thie oher young mn copying the -I CHIROPODIST
style of Babe Ruth, arc swinging for; When you have a want, always let
the fences. Scott is apt to think a :a "Daily Classified Ad" satisfy A.- 07 N. 1Lnh-ii~dy Mono 2
fewr degQrees beyond a pactice swin g. --Adlv.

ary and Engineering Departments:
ity to make up Freshmnen Hfealth Lectures will, be given at 3
er Spring Vacation, in Natural Science Auditorium, as follows:
are No. 1 April 17 Lecture~ No. 4 April 24
are No. 2 April 18 Lecture No. 5 April 26
uro No. 3 April 19 Lecture No. 6 April 26
I~a f111of the fact that Barbour Gymnasium is to, be closed during
repairs, alil business with the office of the Dean of Women
e by telephone or written communication. The staff na~y be
business from 9. to 12 a. in., each day during. the vacation,
eptlin of Saturdays, April 7 and 14.
JEAN ~HAMILTON, Dean of Women.
Ient Spring Vacaton' Holidays
the Foreign Students have already been assigned to families
Michigani, to spend with them all or a part of. the, vacation.
Mme places left:
yong man who is musically inclined,. any nationality.
young men, any nationality.'
estudents from the Philippines.
e mue on Thursday at 4 o'clock and not later thanFlDriday at 3
y office, 302 U~nivesity Hiall, or make an appointment with me
87-M. I A. C. HILD)NR t
Cy Club~ entertainment Fridaiy, April 6,, at: 8 p. Mn.
11. V' ADAMS, Secretary.

New data; in the field of American'
history is to be found in the recently
published "Willia" Plumger's 'Memnor-
andumn of ,Proceedings in the U~nited'
States Senate, 1803-1$07", edited by
Prof. Everett S. Brown, of the politi-
cal science department. This volume
has just been received from the Mac-
millan company press.
Discussed among other topics In the
book is the Breckenridge Bill, for the
Government of Louisiana, 1804. Con-
cernIng this bill Prof. H-enry Adams,
late head of the ecdonmics department
in the 'University, said, "The debate
which. folowed its introduction into
the Senate was not reported * * .*
Few, gaps, in the parliamentary his-
tory of the Union left so serious a
want as' was caused by the failure tos
report the Senate debate on this bill."
Various phases of the discussion
which' took place are admirably'
brought out in Professor Brown's new,
Plum er, a former United States Sen-
ator from New Hampshire, had plan-
ned to write a 'history of the United
States, and with this in mind, he keptl
a daily diary of the important events
in the capitol during his termĀ° of of-
flice. The result was an exceedinglyl
valuable journal which contains his-
torical 'material not found elsewhere.I
iThils was especially true 'of the debatesj
in the Senate because at the time' theI
government kept no stenographic gre-
In its original form. the Memoran-
dum consisted of 1500 pages divided
into three parts. Professor Brown
discovered two of these parts in the
manuscript division of the library of
Congress in 1916 but the third was
missing. Ife found it later -in the
state library in Concord, New Hamp-
shire. By special permission the third
part was transferred to Washington
where it was copied for publication.
Together with explanatory notes and
index the memorandum comprises a
printed volume of nearly seven hun-
dred pages in length.'
'Want to sell that used car? Call

he looked last, spring, an~d so far as
critics 'can, discern~ is rt1t laboring,
heavily under the weight of anl other
He is covering a lot of territory
around' shortstop and his legs thus
far have not bothered him:.
Scott is going along at an even
pace, doing all that Huggins asks of
him and just a bit more. He keeps
in mind, however, that the salary
which time be will be ready to run all
the hazards of playing shortstop.
Scottie is paying special attention to
Coach Mather will make a call'
*jfor all, freshmen baseball candi- !
*dates to report at the Intramnur-
al club~ house at the west end of
the concrete stands April 17 at!
IFerry Field where lockers will
be assigned. Because of the
large number that is expected it
IIwill be necessary for candidates
Ito furnish their own equipment
Iuntil the squad is cut sufficiently.
1. I



The Northward Course of Empire...............$2.0
My Life ith the Eskimo ..........................6.00
The Friendly Arctic ............. :................ .6.00
Hunters of the Great North... .... .................2.50



11fleflf of e"RlXXllilille if a{eal lil Re XXXXiXX.XR pX tof affRXll X- yY OXttsf #ta "X1RttitRttt 4tf.Xf tetXil e4 Ri tataaaaalt4 tit4Y Of Rttt
ttlt.ill.444R'ati...Re"1l44R44M4f"Rf eR 4X4M44RM!".....i!l4444RRRMlf f

Te':r inz'ir n ,i

. 1 'I hI t

4is column shtould4
u so O'clock of
luncheon iIn pri.
of the Union.
oguers' lucheoni
meet in room 303
Pr's before sprin,
g hiom~e for yaca.
128-J, to reserve
heon to be given
tes by the alum-
April 12, ii. the
-A bluie print of
e proposed mem-
edl on bulletin
to room i333, un-I

(Special to the Dally)
4Seattle, Watsh., April .-Coach Yost
and party arrived at Seattl today en-
tering the state of Washington for the
first time on his four weeks' tour of
the west. The Michigan mentor or-
rived here from Portland, Ore., where
lie was given a large banuquet in his
honor by the local Alumni association.
This noon the coach will be enter.-
tained by the Michigan Alumni also-
ciation and a gathering of the athletes
in this section of the country at a
dinner wbere bhe will be the guest of
honor. Tho coach has barought with.
him the moving picture films of the
1922 Michigan football team which
h~ave been shown in practically every
large city in the coast states.
Coach Yost will stay in Seattle -
:4-til tomorrow night when he leaves for
j Spokane. lie has also been asked to
stop at Oregon Agricultural college
and Missoula on his returh ntip to
the east. He" plans to arrive in Ann
Arbor April 11.
Give Bridge Tea fitN troit I
A bridge tea will be givenl April 14'
at the Women's Federation building inI
D3etroit, by the miembers of Alpha Ep-
silon Phi. Proceeds will.,be turned
over to the Women's league. Tickets
mray be obtained frnj Yobette PFins-
terwald, 917 East Ann street, Ann Ar-
bor; or, fromt 103 Massachusetts ave-
sjune, tetroit.
j Registration to be April lb. and N
It was incorrectly stated in yes-
terday's Daily that registration for
the spring election would take place"
on May 19 anud 20. 'April 19 and 20 are
the days designated by the Student,
council committee in charge of. elec-
tions for campus registration.
Frosh Lit Tues Payable at Union.

I'm never "bad" at dinner,
For the Connor Ice Cream treat
~Makes this naughty little . sinner
ra o r Very good and very sweet.t
No wonder the youngsters suddenly becoi
NEXT Angels" when Connor's is mentioned fI
SUN DAY They know 'how temiptingly delicious it
BRICK Give the children--ntegrw-p
FR E CH HOCO ATEnor s every dlay. 'The finest of foods; fu
PINE PPL SHE BETishment, yet extremely easy to digest.
Place a idandig order withi your M bade in stunli5 factories wh lere cleanlinessi
dealer for every Sunday
.lA!.A t t"tA.! lil~ an Y....... ii At t!!tlttR! lit~t " S. S ii....... t S i. S I Y..... 4ar..4
y{ _ _ __+

Mme "Little
for dessert.
Al of nour-

;, s
6 i
5v ',

,roran a~cks-
^n Stad'ard Tue)
ttd and EpresCar-
00a~. 8:00 ajm., 9,05
;y' to 9:95 p.m.
presg Cars (000alStops
Abor--9:47 a.m., and
Eas- ound-7 :oo , a.mn.
'n Ypsuii Only-4 [:40
-Cane tYpsilanti.
West Sotund-.7 :5o a.mn.,
10:47 a.m., 12:47, 2:47,
and Lansing---Limitei at


May Breath.
In the morning
Qnrising, sack a- May Breath
'tablet' if thc mouth tastes badly.
That will instantly purify.
Whenever, you meet people, eat
one. Kill offensive breath caused by
cigars, decaying food, stomach dis-
orders, etc. Appear always at your

Caref'ul 'Finishing
that Protects your
we feel a. real respon-
sibility for film left
with us for development.
NI\egatives cannot be re-
placed, and there. are,
often several exposures in1
each roll 'th~at are inval.-
viable to the owner. Care-
ful methods and scientific
formulae bring results
that j ustify your entrust-
ing your. films to our.
finishing department.
Of course we are
equipped for enlarging-
let us show you some
samples of our work.


11 -- ".4w - 11 - - , pj lj I '' I V


oc V af
rid c re
(; ,R nc deoccml
icnzth andd cS#, inach




You Uo Hoarse

is a hai~t

Kodak'Film in all sizes

An antiseptic mouth wash in
candy formh. Instantly deodor-
Fizes both the mouth and
stomach. Gives spring odors
to the breath. In the stomach
it also acts as a digestant.
Carry with you. All druggists.

719 N. University



f /*\f'
~- ~ FORM

Bel cl ressed!
You canp go home well dressed if you will
take a run dow~n to our store today and
let us show you the clothes Ive have in
stock. Due to the exceptionially large
stock we ca:r y 12e are able to give you
perfect fitting garments in nearly every



Tine Quality

Under no circumstances would we allow a
suit to go out of our store that did not ab-



Pr ice.

sohzteb4, fit the .customer.


Long wear's the way 6 get
low cos-
That means
fine qulityr.

* Our Spring qualifies' in Men's
* tailoring arec better than ever.

If you are going to buy a spring suit you owe it to yourself 'to at least see
what we have to offer. Prices are' exceptionallyi lown and you need never feel
under obligations to buy merely because you have paid "is. the courtesy of
looping. Come in today.


Arthur F. Pl arquardt
I"8 a : Liberfy

at-116 E. Liberty Street



Tom Corbett





_, i

Dances Only on SATURDAY EveigDuring Soring Vacation

- - - - -

I 1

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