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April 06, 1923 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-04-06

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No. 139,







Dean Ifenry M. Bates and Judge V.
H. Lane of the Law School were
speakers at the annual junior law ban-
quet which was held last night at Wil-
lets' cafe. More than 90 men at-
Problems confronting the law grad-
uate were discussed at length by Dean
Bates. Judge Lane discussed "Exper-
iences in Court".

I tt. rnrn



__ . _ _

Essen, April 5-(By A.P.)-An at-
tempt to wreck the Essen-Paris ex-)
press with dynamite was made last
night between Kettwig and Werden.
, 0The express was proceeding cautiously
as usual in the Ruhr district' when the
locomnotive struck a high explosive E
placed on the track which at this point
FAMOUS EXPONENT OF FREE skirts the Ruhr river. The engine was
VERSE READS FROM OWN wrecked but the day coaches, sleep-
WORKS er and diner did not leave the track.
No one was injured.
PLAYS MANDOLUTE Gen. Degoutee has fined Kettwig for
i7, Q PO MS Ithis act 50,000,000 marks and Werden
W TH TONE POEMS I20,0, o aooomarks.a r
Dodos Lact W lislical SatL'e, "Vote
the New Moon", in ConjunctIon
With LectureS


Berlin, April .5--(By A. P.)-Ser-
ions conflicts in the Ukraine between
j bolshevist troops and peasants are re-
ported in dispatches received here by
way of Lenberg the boishevists are
declared to have executed 340 peasants
apparently because of protests against
the Soviet prosecution of high church
Anti-Jewish problems' also are re-
ported and numerous families are said
to be fleeing toward the Polish fron-
Time Limit for Commencement Equip-l
ment Expires at 6 O'clock I
Toda .'




Veterans in Lineup Comprising
ven Battery Men and Eight
In and Outfielders

Satirical Skits and Disclosures
Mark First Michigan .


Physics Build
Nearly Fi

n's Varsity baseball squad
15 players, Coach Ray L.
I Stewart Boyer, '24L, man-
leave at 5:30 o'clock this
over the Ann Arbor rail-I
[ie first leg of its annual
Lnt through the southern!


he Wolverine mentor yesterday an-
unced the personnel of the team
iich will make the trip, the opeji-
g game of which will be played at
xington Ky., tomorrow afternoon
ainst the University of Kentucky.
(teen players were selected by Fish-
including five pitchers, two catch-I
s, four infielders, three outfielders,
d one utility man.
Liverance Only Vet Twirler
'he moundsmen who will handle the
rling for the Maize and Blue against
e southernteams are the veteran,
>ward Liverance, and O'Hara, Bak-
Benson and Gibson. Jack Blott,
bstitute backstop last, year, will
ke care of the receiving duties and
ranson will make the trip as sub-
tute catcher.
Tlree of the infield positions are in
ehands of veteran players. Bob
ode will be seen at the initial bag
ere he performed in 1922 and Cap-
n Uteritz will hold down his reg-
r job in the short field. Mike Pa-
r will cover third. base and Hag-
ty, the new additon to the infield,
.1 handle the keystone sack. I

Local Entertainmient to C'on4ist of
Same Progran Ofered on
State Ttip
CA home concert will be given by the
IConcert band of the Uimvrsity on
April 19 in Hill auditorium, immedi-
ately following their state trip and
consisting of the same program that
they- will use on their tour.
The soloists on the state trip will
also be heard in this concert. Burtonl
Hyde, '26M, will give a number of se-
lections on his marimbaphcon, lar-

ans in the out-
in right, Har
and Klein in
aken with the
ge' Six)

ry S. Gould, '23, will pre ent an eccen-
tric dance, and Frank Ryan, Jr., S. of
f V., will sing. A saxahhcne sextette
will also play. The band of 60 pieces,
selected from the regular' Varsity
band, will play in the remainder of the
.Members of the band and the ac-
companying. party, numberiug in all
75 men, are leaving Monday morning
! in the first step of their tour. TheyI
will give concerts ina tle Creek.
Muskegon, Grand Rapids,'Kalamazoo,1
and Lansing, returning to Ann Arbor
on pril 14. Three special cars will
carry the'party.
"The Man Whu Married a Dumb
Wife," a short two-act corne4y by Ana-
tole France, 'was fairly well 'presented
last night by the Senior class of the
Ann Arbor high school 'The play
deals with.a judge who has marriedI
a dumb wile, his folly of securing her!
speech for her through a famous doc-I
tor, and his final employing of the
doctor to make him deaf to escape from
her chattering.j
Fifteen people were in the cast, with
Arthur Buffington and Mercedes 0'-;
Brien playing the judge and his wife.
The latter was especially good. Two
other members of the cast who por-
trayed their characters well were
Theodore Trost as the doctor and
Douglas Whittemore as a lawyer.
The play will be repeated tonight.
. \ orway and Portugal Make Treaty
Christiania, April 5-(BY A..)-
Norway and Portugal have agreed on
terms for a new commercial treaty au-
thorized by the Norwegian Parlia-

UyPhIlip X. 11agpier METHR ETW f
f People who went to Dill auditorium
last evening expecting to hear a lec- CONFEILES WILL DISCUSS INDUS-
ture oi "New Poetry" received a dis- TRIAL AND SOCIAL HABITS
tinct surprise. Instead of attempt-'i OF COUNTRY
ing to explain the character of the
free verse, of which he is oneKofrthe Both laymen and clergymen will
zforemost exponents, Alfred Kreyin-
borg, poet and dramatist of distinc- participate in the Conference of So.-
tion, contented himself with the cial Liberals which will open at 2:30j
L reading of several groups of his o'clock next Monday afternoon and
poems. continue to the following Wednesday
At the very outset, Mr. Kreymborg at the Union. At this-time questions
explained that there was considerable
- discussion as to the true nature of referring to the present social con-
his work, and declared that the audi. ditions and industrial habits of thel
ence was under no obligation to con- country will be discussed. The pur-
sides his work as poetry. The first pose of this conference which is call-
piece that he offered, purported to be ed by the name "Fellowship for a
the impassioned lament of a worm Christian Social Order" is to inter-
tha.t no longer loved; that had lived,' pret more of the religious aspect into
and loved, and then been 'cut in two. modern business and political condi-
}lTis ; wis followed by a number of tions.
lytucs in a similar bizarre vein. In There are three main topics for dis-
one it wa, a puddle of water in a cty cussion: "What are the hopeful signs
street that spoke; another was a mon- of the times in industrial relation?",F
Sologue by an old negress--Miss Sal.-_ "What present industrial practices
w hhad spent her lfe peeling pota- should be completely:repudiated by
1 toes, who haul conme to scee all of life, the people?",, and "Are., our interna,
all real ty only in germs of potatoes. tionfal habits and points of view com-
'PoetyA-g'eby 1uSic letely Christlanized?".Eachgone
Mr. Kreymborg then showed his these topics wl l ccupy two hours!
genius was not confined entirely to for discussion, to which those people1
the school of free verse. During a re- who are interested in the same, are
cent trip to Europe, he temporarily invited to attend.
broke away from the new school of Some of the spvakers who will bej
poetry, and composed a number of present at the conference are Rev.
sonnets. Of these, he recited a series Worth H. Tippy or New York, social
of five, entitled "Savanarola Burn- service secretary for the federal coun-
ing". Through these, Mr. Kreymborg -oil of churches; Prof. Alva W. Taylor'
'diplayed,'isiversatility. of Indianapolis, social service editor
The sonnets were followed by a se- of the Christian Century; Prof. J. W.1
ries of "Tone poems", lyrics in the Nixon of Rochester Theological sem-
free verse form, to which Mr. Kreym- inary; A. E. Coyle of Cleveland, edi-
borg af set music. These he ac- tor of the Locomotive Engineers''
J companied on the "mandolute", an in- Journal; and William P. Iapgood of
sti'timenit which is a combination of Indianapolis, president of the Colum-
mandolin and lute. As he pointed out, bia Conserving cornpany.
the melodies were intended to be an Rev. Herbert A. Jump of the local
interpretation of the sentiments in the Congregational church will preside
poem. In the seven melodies which over the opening session next Mon-
played, all of which were extreme- day while Prof. John E. Kirkpatrick
unusual both from the standpoint of the political science department isj
of the poems and the musical treat- taking care of local managements.'
ment of them, he again exhibited his Rev. R. Niebuhr of the Bethel Evan-
rdre versatility as an artist. gelical Church of Detroit has charge
Setting 'id Acting OrIgin a of the correspondence for this con-
In complement to the author, six ference.
mehibers Of the Dodo dramatic so- I'Several Detroit celrgymen have
ciety then presented his one act play, places on the program of the con-
"Vote the few Moon", a whimsical ference: Rev. W. L. Stidger, Rev.
satire cn present day political machin- Edgar De Witt Jones, Rev. J. E. Mar-
ery. In this the Dodos displayed their tin, Rev. R. L. Tucker, Rev. Charles
usual originality and superb artistry, ; Sharp, anki Rev. H. B. McCormick.
both in the setting, and the portrayal.
The scene was laid in a town com- FLINT ANTICIPATES ADVENT
posed entirely of toy blocks; and the # OF ANN ARBOR RAILROAD
action dealt with the unusual prob-
lem of "voting for the moon" whichJ Flint, Mich., April 5.-Announce-
was to shine over the strange vil- ment was made here yesterday that
lage.the Ann Arbor Railroad will enter
John F. Muyskens, as the Town Flinti the next few months. New-
Joh I. Muykesas he outtn- ' nEarle, president of the railroad,
Crier, was undoubtedly the outstand- was in Flint making, arrangements
Ing member of the cast. Upon his iwith the chamber of commerce for ter-
shoulders fell tse major part of the ' minals. He said the road would ei-
work, and he performed his part with ther build its own line from Durand
sympathy and ability. Perhaps the or Owosso or use the Grand Trunk.
(Continued on Page Two) ""dht-of-way from Durand.



Invitations to Michigan's first grid-
iron banquet will be mailed today. As
guests of Sigma Delta Chi, national
professional journalistic fraternity,
celebrities of campus, state, and na-
tion, will be asked to gather in the
assembly hall of the Union on the
evening of May 1 for the initial ob-
servance here of the journalists' mostI
cherished fete.j
Meeting for a final session before
spring vacation, members of the fra-
tenity last night completed the guest
list of 250 persons.
Satirical skits .written for the af-
fair were presented last night, and
from the menibership of the fraternity
were chosen the casts. Plans"for pan-
tomimes, caricatures, and other novel-
ty stunts to display the weaknesses
and the foibles of the victims wereI
Formality of the occasion is to ,b'
limited to dress. The celebration will
begin at 7 o'clock with the dinner
throughout which the entertainment
will' take place.'
Gridiron Nights celebrations occur r
annually at many other universities
where there are chapters of Sigma Del.
ta Chi. The largest gridiron affair
takes place annually at Washington
D. C., under the auspices of the Grid.
iron club, composed of ' Washington
newspaper men, who originated th(
affair. The college celebrations are
planned after .this affair at the na-
tion's capitol.

these may be obtained in time
for Commencemenit exercises it
is imperative that all seniors, wjo
have not yet done so, place
their orders at the following
places before 6 o'clock tonight:
For caps and gowns, George
Moe's sport shop; for canes, W.
R, Wagner company, for invi-
tatio s and ahnnuncements lit


is nearing complet
ments are already 1
dedication ceremoni
ing Commencement
dation for the oute
University avenue, c
ed upon, has been I
continue on it at a

ports from the office o:
SENIOR LAWS AND DENTS Shepherd, supervisor o
BEHIND IN ARRANGEMENTS program. Concrete po
tinued unhampered in
ary and physics buildi
eToday is the last timeht ha ;work has been done or
seniors,. members of .this. year's Clements library, the
I graduating- classes, can order I
caps end gowns, canes, and I William L. Clements
Commencement invitations and which will house one o
announcements. In order that lections of Americana

Austin, Tex., April 5--(By A. P.)-
The ill-fated Blunderbuss or Blunder-'
bustle has again encountered they
wrath of the University of Texas and!
civil authorities. This irregularly ap-
pearing, semi-anonymous, campus
publicatiot has probably lost more
editors by dismissal from school than
any other paper in the country. A
new issue which was to appear on theI
campus Saturday was ordered sup-
pressed on account of alleged inde-
cencies therein, although a number of.
copies were previously circulated. Two
brothers, alleged chief editors of the
paper, were arrested last Saturday
and charged with libel. They were
released on $100 bond.

Rapid strides have bee
construction of Univer
in the past month despit
weather conditions, ace

Riga, April 5--(By A. P,)-2Two of;
the physicians who have been in at-
tendance on Nikolai Lenine, the Rus-
sian Soviet premier, Dr. von Struem-
pell of Leipsig and Dr. Nonne of
Hamburg are returning home by way
of Riga. They spent about ten days
in Moscow. While reticent concern
ing. Mv. Lenine's condition they never-j
theless clearly intimated that the pre-
mier might die any moment or' linger
definitely as the disease from which
he is suffering is incurable and' must
eventually cJse death.
Lenine is being carefully guarded
and even the attending,. physicians
must have a special permit for eachj
visit even if visits are made several
times. daily. The Baltic press states
that each of the specialists received
$5,000 every time he is summoned toF

1 '
1 1

*"'sl i(Stone carving on the
and eds, at the lower corridor completed and most of
b o h $n U n i e r sit y u Bl . C la s s w o rk is fin is h e d . B o o k
dues of $3.50, each must be paid I been erected and final tou
before any orders can be placed. n 11 m d in pr rto
ing the building. The
books will, be transported
Graduating ceremonies this year and bor by motor truck from:
the success with which they will be cnts' home in Bay City b
greeted will largely defend upon the Slops May Be Ready
way -the senio'r classes respond to- Another of the new b
way 'theought to be ready for oce
day to the final call for orders of fall is the new engin
caps and gowns, canes, Commence- building. Here all the w
ment invitations and announcements, been insertednd the pant
In case all orders are not placed for The concrete work is all
Senior gr'aduating paraphernalia by of the brick facing'has
today, one of the oldest of Michigan on the outside of the strut
Construction on the :
traditions maybe broken; that of the the school of education
entire graduating class marching in progressing less rapidly
caps and gowns for Commencement other building projects.
exercises. stonework is in and the
are -going up.
At 6 o'clock last nightonly one-half It is' estimated that
of all the seniors on the campus had months the side walls of
ordered caps and gowns, a total num- building will also be star
ber of 901. ' The majority of the lit- crete has been poured up
erary school seniors had placed or- ond floor and the worknm
ders, but the. number from the dental ing on the third at pres
and law schools was low. tors and other interior eq
Orders for all remaining seniors for I the structure are being p
the caps and gowns will be taken un- the University.
til 6 o'clock tonight at George Moe's Sufficient funds to cona
sport shop on North University ave- I these buildings are on har
nue. The rent for each set is $4.0. will continue on them
This does not have to be paid until ready for occupancy. Soi
Crete has been poured on
the caps and..gowns arrive May 1. No ; rthy building up to the fi
deposit is, necessary to place an or- soon as this height is re
der. will cease unless more fur
Orders for canes, Commencement coming from the State fo
Invitations and announcements will appropriation for work
also not be taken after tonight. More fir.t floor has been coun1
seniors have ordered canes this year First Dormitory Nears I
than ever before but many have not The field house is being
yet ordered their invitations. Letters 1 rapid rate. The entire st
with order blanks were sent out to all al skeleton is built arid th
seniors but due to many failing to of the brick sides are
register in the literary school for the Hopes have been expresse
second semester a enr did not letic office for hcm]
receive them. new holse by next Oc
In order that these men may be structure has gained nat
taken care of orders will be taken at nent as one of the fines
in 'the world.
a booth in University hall from 9 to Wrecking of the old
12 o'clock this morning and from 2 house is under way to ma
to 4' o'clock this' afternoon. Orders the new Law club which
may also be, mailed to Nathan W-. along Sot University
Robertson, '23, 806 Hill street, up un- i iminary plans for the b
til 6 o'clock tonight. been received in the office
No limit is placed on the number of ing supervisor and bids
invitations and announcements that ing received for its erectio
may be ordered for each senior.. The ticipatedl that excavation
invitations are 50 cents apiece and the the near future.
announcements_. 10 cents. The com- Hope has been renewed
plete order will be sent to the en- completion of the new Un
graving company next weep. pital since the legislative
'Canes may be ordered at the J. BR.spection of the Universit
W agner coa e oran until d a e J r . of bothhuses expresse

lete all of
and work
.1 they are
of the con-

inter effects Revenge On
"SpringSports" Chimes Sellers

It is rather a sad fact that winter
bad to sweep dOwn upon the campus
yesterday and chase the salesmen whc
were selling the "Spring Sports" num.
ber of Chimes to shelter. Perhaps she
resented the fact that the editorp
should precede her in officially pro
claimiig the warm months to be ar-
riving, but at any rate her vengeance
was great, so great in fact, that the
sale had to be postponed until today.
There was one thing about the April
issue that seemed to be outstanding,
more outstanding even than the
taunted Spring 'sports that winter re-
sented. and this was the art work.
Marion VanEvry, '24, can draw, and
the sketches and make up with the
sketches used approach the profes-
sional in finish and technique. Espe-
cially is this so of the pages of
For once, the worthy judges of the
short story contest used good judg-
ment. They picked upon "Storm" by

Wallace F. Elliott, '23, probably be-
:ause they admired his persistancy
-after getting only seconid prize last,
month, for it is not usual that judges
in these contests show such good
sense. "Storm" Is an honest-togood-l
ness story, without a touch of fu-'
turisnm, without a breath of radical-
sm, without even a dissatisfied kic I
upon the way something is run.
"Science in Love" is rather medi- I
ocre and takes most of .the place al-j
lotted to get actually wound up and
°nto the action. It is by Lilias Ken-1
: all, '25. The other article of fic-
pion, a series of reminiscences . one
freshman days,.is good and will un-
doubtedly be enjoyed by all who read1
{ it, just because it hits so near to the
spot and calls so many agtual experi- I
ences to mind.
Oh yes, there must be something
on sports. How nearly -and how
easily--forgotten. The articltes are
good, 'well written, interesting. But
we read the same thing in The Daily
a month ago. It is fine to know that
Brooker is a wonderful pole vaulter
and that Hubbard is considered more
than mediocre in the hurdles. But
several meets -have told us the same
things. Probably the articles will be
widely read, undoubtedly they will .
prove interesting, but they read like
Then the two book reviews, the one
by Herbert Case, '23, and the ,other
by Leo Jay Hershdorfer, '23: When;
Chimes gave the books "The Goose

Overseas Memorial Campaign Opens
IParis, April f5-'(By A.P1.)--The
American Overseas Memorial Associa-
tion raised nearly $2,000 yesterday, the
first day of its campaign to obtain $30.-
000 for a fund whose interest would
pay for placing flags and flowers 'on
American war graves.



r1 t
7 '
,! i
t .



V. uhvtutaak'ciij A "Lt"U U U U"' aQ displS1( eedwith condli
night. Classc dues of $3.50 apiece must old hospital and sentime
i paid by all pterm.bers of the senior favors'an appropriation I
_classes before ordering any of these sible the completion of t
things. They may be mailed to Bur- The first of the new
ton Dunlop, '23, 1617 Washtenaw ave- being erected by the Dor
I nue. poration, is nearly finis
and windows are in and
ROUMANIAN REVOLT partitions have been coal
building will be furnishe
CONDITION CRITICAL for occupancy before the
next college year.
Paris, April- 5-(By A.P.)--A Havas
dispatch from Bucharest says the sit-' lt OMINATE FOR
uation in Roumania remains very crit- OFFICE S BEFORE 1
ical and that agitation continues for a
new constitution.
A state of seige is being maintained Noiation of office
--- - , I a iztin form the Al

As an argument for our Used
Car Department we have this to
offer: "The older the car the bet-
ter the bargain." One found in
the tomb of old King "Tut" can't
be purchased today at any price.
If you have a bargain,


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