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April 05, 1923 - Image 1

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VOL. XXXIII. No. 138







Prof. J. Raleigh \ elson Adds
More Success to


By Joseph H. Epstein
The curtain falls. Witl it is left'
upon the ihgdividuals who. have wit-
nessed the performance the distinct
impression of success. Comedy club's
presentation of "Mr. Pim Passes By"
last night at the Whitney theater will
be remembered for the polish with
which it was executed. It will be
remembered for the spontaneity with
which it effervesced. It will be re-
membered for the characterizations
which it portrayed.
Goulder and Livingstone Star
To pick the leading performer
would be difficult. First honors must
necessarily be equally shared by Por-
tia Goulder, '23, and Charles Living-
stone, '2 . The former carried with
elegant, ease and graceful simplicity
the role of Olivia, a calm woman of
unusual poise. Hers was the appeal-
ing part, and the audience was con-
tinually "on her side of the fence".
On the other hand, Livingstone
showed exceptional talent in playing
the part of the conventional George
Marden, the English justice of the
peace who desired to do the proper
thing. In his lines and gestures lie
the humor of the drama, as well as
the real pathos when he earnestly
cries out, "I want to do what's right.
Do believe me, Olivia, when I say I
want to do what's right!"
Mr. Pian Extraordinary.
Elderly Mr. Carraway Pim, who on
the campus is Elwood Fayfield, '25,
was an interesting and most extra-
ordinary character. A likable old
man, his forgetfulness was often pro-
voking. Yet his final admission that
he once more had been guilty of ab-
sent-mindedness thoroughly dispelled
all irritation that he may have
A lovable pair of lovers indeed were
Brian Stranjge (0. 3. Dresbach, '24)
and Dinah (Carribel Schmidt, '23).
Dresbach performed with his custom-
ary finesse, while the youthful energy
and whole-hearted frankness of his
sweetheart was immeasurably attrac-
tive. As a prim aunt, Marian Taylor,
'24, succeeded admirably in maintain-k
ing her stand for convention along
with Livingatone, while Ruth Werk-
heiser, '23, credi'ably completed the

Hamlin Garland AD'IIT American Wheat
To Lecture Here OUU IL t i Ilid Growers Choose
thor, will deiver a lecture at 8 o'.- E
thamhinl Gat ld, dramnatist and auJ O I A 1G III New Sales Head
clock Saturday evening, in Hill au-
ditorium on the subject, "Famouse
IAmerican Authors". His lecture is one . toiu ing WlSElect an diates br ,
of the two lectures presented by the oing Elections to Student
Whimsies under the auspices of the Council r
American association of University DATE FOR REGISTRATION 4
Mr. Garland Is the author of many ANNOUN(E) LOl MA 19 .
well known books of which komie are: e
"Crumbling Idols", "afside' Court- nMembers of the Student council
ship",.and "The Captain of the {ray nominating ,committee for the com-;
Horse Troop". He is the founder and ing spring election were appointedby
the president of the council at the reg-
first president of the Cliff DI ller ur meeting ast night at the Union.
club of Chicago, and is a member ofu
Amierican Academy of Arts and L et- Plans for the spring election were also
tes. announced by the committee in charge
of arrangements.
Men chosen to act on the nominat-
ing committee are . the following:
Thomas J. Lynch, '25L, vice-president
CHOOSE MILITARY of the council; Walter K. Scherer,
24, secretary of the council; Robert
etic interests; Thomas I. Underwood,
23OAE president of the Union; Robert
DI. Gibson, '23, president of the se-,
Husted sand Sorrestinois and U. of . igr literary class; and John W. Ross,I
Seven Sign Contracts '23, president of the senior engin-3
to Play eering class. The work of the com-
mittee will consist in choosing the 18 CHarry L. Keefe
tXGRAVED INVITATIONS TO men whose names will appear on the H
BE READY THIS AfTERNOON ,blipt as candidates for election to harry L. Keefe, Waithill, Neb., has
next year's council. Of these men nine just been elected head of the United
Selection of two of the three orches- will be elected by the campus. States Grain Growers, the marketing
tras to play at the third annual Mil- Registration for the spring elec- igency of the American Farm Bureau
Itary Ball April 27, ha.s been made tion, it was announced, will take place Federation. This organiaztiqn and the
by the executive committee of the af-. May 19 and 20. All plans with re- American Wheat Growers' association
fair. The two groups aleady- con- gard to registration and election will are in session at Wichita, Kans.
tracted to play are The U, of X. Seven, remain essentially the, same as last
and Husted and - Sorrestino's orches- year. The election committee of the
tra from'Bradford, Penn . The former council will have complete charge of
s well kniown in Ann, Arbor, 'having arrangements. Any communications A
played at many campus dances. or petitions pertaining to the election
Husted and Sorrestino's, which is are to be mailed to John W. Kelly.
a ten piece orchestra, will also bring '24l , chairman of the committee.
a number of novelty entertainers
with them. This gf oup of players has.
furnished music for many eastern col--1
lege proms,sand is known at popular
'ennsylvania cllls. the two orches- flGrand Rapids, Kalamazoo,
tras will play alternately in Waterman T DbLansing
gymnasium. The'thi~d orcI1 0hesti- hs BG NU
Quintette to Give' j umJesiTON, WARREN, '91., CHOSEN i OVELTESL TA IND RCHES RA
In addition the Varsity quintette will AS PRINCIPAL
entertain during the meal hours. .They SPEAKERS
will render several musical and vo-;Sevety-five students will Ieave Ann
cal selections. .iMichigan alumni in and near Chi- Arbor Monday on the annual spring
A decoration- scheme for the dane cago will hold what is planned to be concert tour of the Varsity band. Of
has been worked out by eorge p. the largest banquet ever given by a these, sixty will compose the actual
Johnson; of Detroit, to Whomn the con- college graduate body in the Middle concert band selected from the reg-
cession was gi'anted. Theke will. e 24. West, when they meet tomorrow night a e o t -
booths along the walls of Wateriman iin"1lotel La Salle. Between 1,000 and ular Varsity band, and the remainder
gymnasiun These will be nanedaf- 14,00 members of the Chicago Alumni will be assistants and the group of
ter the different allied coufltries dur- association and undergraduates who; managers and soloists. Three special
ing the receIt war, ad after the vet- I will be returning for the spring vaca- cars will carry the party.
erans of Foregin wars,'the R. . T. C., tion ae expected to attend.
American Legion, University of Mich-. President Marion L. Burton and The bad will play Monday night in
igan, Red Cross, and Salvatoin Army. Charles B. Warren, '91, until recently Bay City, and will go to Muskegon
.To Decorate With Flags ambassador to Japan, will be the prin- for a concert Tuesday night. Grand
The booths wil .be partioned off cipal speakers at the bnquet. Other Rapids, Kalamazoo, and Lansing w.
with pillars and topped off. by fe.ncy personages, prominent in University be visited in the order named, the
lights running up between them. Five alumni affairs in Chicago and through- 'trip ending with the final concert ii
gold streamers will be stretched out Illinois will speak at the banquet. Lansing, April 13.
across the'celing and the girders will The' Chicago Alumni banquet has H' Hyde to Play
be flooded with allied flags. The en- ( been an annual event for several years Solo numbers for the trip have been
tire wall, space underneath the run- and has attracted many Michign grd- arranged. They will include a group
ping track will be, covered'by darlr and has attracted many Michigan grad- of songs by Frank J. Ryan, Jr., S. of
blue cloth, blending' harmoniously I uates. M., a lyric tenor, selections on the
ith the streamers into Michigan col- imarimbaphone by Burton Hyde, '25M,
ors. Brilliantlycolored unting will Chimes Features and a dance by Harry Gould, '23. A
deck the railing of the track. ,saxophone sextette will also give a
The refreshment concession 'wast iCS g group of numbers.
awarded to the. BusyfBee shop in Anil Various alumni bodies and city
Arbor. Individual lunches will be
served to the dancers in three groups "Spring Sports" will be the keynote clubs are in charge of the perform-
ances in the different cities. In or-
during the course of the evening, of the April numbe.r of Chimcs, Cam- to Prtie dorentertien or
Engraved invitations for the ball pus Opinion monthly, which appears der to provide tore entertament for
were distributed yesterday and will this morning. In it the athletic sit- it for the entire tour a seven piece or-
again be given out from 2 to 5 o'clock uation at Michigan will be treated at chestt and a dance will be held in
this afternoon'in the lobby of the Un- length, and forecasts of the probable each city imn ediately following ev-
'ion. People calling for their invita- chances or the various teams will cry concert.
tions must bring their tickets with be made. Wilson Has Charge of Trip
their. Wallace Fi Elliott '22_ will [ion- C t fi Wilfroa Wiln di ,t ni

,i Const'itution Changes Approved
Except Way of President's
E' lection


E# BThe reports add that many Jews inj
E i PUSE I U SRINL VOTING order to escape death have accepted
Ithe Mohammedan religion.
Approval of the report of the Sen- The 'ports say that hundreds of
ate committee on the investigation of Jews are in flight from town to town
student government was given by the in an effort to escape thee- oppress-I
Senate council yesterday afternoon. ors. Representatives of the Yeme-
All the changes in'the"constitution nipes in Palestine have appealed to
Allthechagesin he onsituionthe Jewish organization to provide
were accepted as' submitted with the aido
exception of the method of electing -_
the president of the council.
I According to the plan arranged by
the Senate council, the president of 1
the Student council this year will be,
elected by vote' of the men members'
of the student body' from two mei-
bers of the newly elected council. The
candidates for the, ofrice will.: be se- j
lected from the nine newly elected Dccribes Scientific Apwoach to
members by the outgoing council. The scib n t Dtio cht
Student council of next year will de- ehagon o
cide on some method of election for Canges
following, years. .SC EISTILL
With the acceptance of these
changes in the constitution of the I IN RUJI)IENTAIt.Y CONi)ITION
Student council, the new form will go
into effect . at the elections this Prof. Herbert S. Jennings of the1
spring. 'The .Student Advisory com- zoology dep.artment of Johns Hop-
mittee is abolished, the council will kins university, and a former mem-j
consist of 9 members elected by All- her of the University faculty, ho is
campus vote and 3 ex-officio members, one of a :series of speakers being
rather than of 27 members elected by
the classes, new connections are brought to Ann Arbor by the zoology1
formed between the student body and I department, spoke on. the subject,
the faculty committees, and other "Can We Observe Evolution in Prog-
changes of organization within the ress?" last night before a large audi-
council are effecetd. .
ence in Natural Science auditorium.
He said that ,there has been a
1 0 great deal of. controversy over the
-f I U subject of evolution, but showed thatI
£131B111 it Is possible to show evolutionary
Aprogress by watching the minuteI


Jews In Arabia
Abandon Homes
Jerusalem, :April 4-(By A. P.)-
Scores of Jews are alleged to have
been killed in almost interrupted
warfare launched on them by the
Moslems at Yahien, southwestern Ara-
bla, according to reports received

_ -_.

Say Disturbance of O1
Sleep Inevitably
Cairo Egypt, April 4-(1
The Earl of Carnarvon diet
ly at 2 o'clock this morning
tended almost to the end.
was due to blood poisonin,
the bite of an insect which
veloped into pnuemonia.
The death of the Earl of
comes soon after the culn
the exploit that brought hi
into public notice, the die
the rich tomb of the Phara
hamen in the Valley of the
Egypt, by the Archaeologic
tion which he headed.
Was in Eyes of I
While the press of the wc
devoting no small amount
to the noteable contributi
world's art and history w
Carnarvon and his fellowe
covered, came the news tl
seriously ill from the bite
By the public at large t
tune which the Earl had m
garded as a lamentable in(
to the credulous students o
mysticism'the news did nc
a surprise.
Attribute Death to C
Even before Lord Carn,
stricken with blood poisor
had been talk of the curs
the ancient Egyptians whc
incantations were fatal to
who dared disturb the sleep
raoh. After he was strick
legend spread, and hundrec
be found who were ready
that the old curse had fall
rich and famous Englishm

c I

olnvoqAmnrranix H ten (1- 1

chlangesIII iU 'rlanQIS. t. n**ul et-
Almost the entire junior law class scribed the means, devised by modern
plan to be present at the annual J- scientists for measuring the degree1
Law banquet to be given at 0 o'clock of' 'change in these organisms, and
tonight at Willet's cafe.. The function told of some of the difficulties encoun-
is the customary get-together held ev- tered in recognizing true evolution-
cry year previous to the spring vaca- ary change when it is observed.
tion. ' Professor Jennings then described
Dean Henry M. .Bates and Judge experiments which had been made on
Victor 11. Lane, of the Law school,
will be the principl' speakers at the various subjects ,and showed how the
banquet, James Starr, '24L, will act similarity between changes in these
as toastmaster while ,Joseph.Allen, organisins and the *human being could
'24L, and R. M. Ryan, '24L, will speak, be found.
representing the students. "The watching of the progress of
The class social committee reports evolution is, however, only in a rudi-
an exceptional interest this year, hav- mentary condition," be declared in
ing. disposed of tickets to all mem- closign. "Many of the confusing ele-
bers of the junior class with the ex- n ents have been cleared away, but so3
ception of six. far nothing has been incontrovertibly



Nominating committeemnen
Unic'n offices of president, r
secretary, and of the five vi
dents met for the first time
afternoon. The committee, .c
of Robert E. Adams, Jr., '23, c
Paul Goebel, '23E, M. B. Sta
Edward Moore, '22E, and Burt
lop, '23, did its first work tov
selection of candidates at th
French Near Ilagen
Berlin, April 4--(By A.:
French have extended their
occupation to the outskirts
town of Hagen, and French
have appeared on the road bets
gen and Ezkfen.
Wound Two Germani
Essen, April 4-(By A.l
more of the German workmen
ed in the clash with French
at the Krupp plant here las
day died today bringing the
1 3.
Republican Club to Elect (
Officers of the Republic
will be elected at th e meetii

Nelson:Capable Director .
To Prof. J. Raleigh Nelson, of the
engineering English department, must
.go a great amount of credit for the
great success of Milne's drama. As
director he instilled in the company,
a real desire to effect a finished work.
His interpretation of the play wasl
highly commendable. And the set-
ling, which lie designed, was most
agreeable. He has added one more
success to his already long list.
Olivia admits that right may bel
right, but'she adds that her concep-
tion of what is ethical and what is
not differs widely from that of her
husband. It is at this point that Lsv-
ingstone gains the opportunity to dis-
play his great ability. In every ap-
peal to his wife ,he states his case
more forcefully. And Olivia, wonder-
(Continued on Page Two),

An "All Michigan" program will--
make 'up the entertainment at 8 o'. IS WELL KNOWN
clock the evening of April 9 at th " 114O 1
Capitol theatre; Detroit. This is t. OTH
be University of Michigan night, aim'-
a committee made up of Detroit grad-, AIfred Kreymbor;
uates is arranging the program. o'clock tonight in I
The Union dance orchestra will "Ncw Verse". His
furnish the music supplemented by elude the recital c
the Capitol theatre orchestra. An Ann ' toiec-oems acconips
Arbor stage setting will be used. the "mandolute".
Robert R. Dieterle, '23M, will sing will speak under
and. J. Fred Lawton, '11, will lead in
M 1ichigan yells. A movie "Bell Boy 13 Whimsie and the
will also beshown,

g will speak at 8
Hill auditorium on
lecture will in-
of a group of his
anied by music on
Mr. Kreymborg
the auspices of
Collegiate Alum-,

Cleveland alumni are planning to
entertain the Varsity Glee club dur-
ing its stay in Cleveland on' its spring
trip by a smoker Monday afternoon and
a dinner dance Monday evening, April
9. Both of these functions will le
held at the hotel Winton.

vlld-U X. I IL, 4 , W VI
tribute an article entitled "On Court,
Field, and Course," in which he will
discuss the track, tennis, and golf
teams. The prospects of the base-
ball team will be considered in "The'
Wolverine Apple Knockers," by Frank
McPike, '25L. A sports cover, a
frontispiece of Irwin Uteritz, '23, cap-
tain of the baseball team, and a page
of sport drawings by Halsey David-
san, '25, will give suitable atmosphere
to the issue.
The field of fiction will he covered
by two stories, "Storm", by Wallace
F. Elliott, '23, and "Science in Love"


Y1ap51a1wui rea Json, i recUor or
the band, who will act as conductor
during the concerts, has charge of the
trip. Robert Campbell, treasurer of
the University, will accompany the
band as faculty representative and as
general amanager.
The trip this year is the second one
of its kind ever taken by the Michi-
gan band. Last year a trip was or-
ganizecl under the combined auspices

Tickets may be secured 'att
office of the Capitol theatre
time. Seats 'in the Michigan
{ will not be held later than 8
on the evening of the entertai

Ace Shows Airplane's Future

of the Phi Epsilon Mu, honorary mu-
sical fraternity, and the band associa-
tion. This year is the first time that



"The airplane industry is destined
within 10 years to become the most
potential institution in the nation,"
was the prediction made by Capt.
"Eddie" Rickenbacker after his lec-
ture Tuesday night in Hill auditor-
ium. He believes that there is noth-
ing which can block the ultimate
When A Feller
Needs A Friend
On those days when the check
doesn't come or when she wants
to go to something that takes a
fittle more spondulix than Dad
is willing to put out, d'ja ever
stop to consider what an aid our
For Sale section could be to

progress of aviation permanently, by Lilias Kendall, '25, the first and S
although at the present time it ap- second prize winners, respectively, in
pears to be at a standstill in this the' Chimes April short story con-
country. test. Articles are also contributed by
Utilization of the 'airplane' in. Eu-! John Mitchell, '23, Ralph Carson ''23L, c
rope is almost beyond our concep- and Hggh Fullerton, a nationally 1
tion, according to the aviator. On his known sports writer. Two book re- a
recent tour through Europe, Captain views, one of "Town and Gown", byo
Rickenbacker was able to observe, for Lynn and Lois Montross and one of
the first time, post-war conditions. "The Goose Step", by Upton Sinclair,?
Every city of any importance is serv- will also be offered. They are done
ed by several main air lines. Enor- by Loo Jay Hershdorfer, '23. and Her-"
mous planes, carrying from 10 to 25 bert Case,'23, respectively.
passengers and as many trunks ,are
common. "Conditions in Europe give Freslinien Must Pay Dues Today I
one an idea of what is possible in All freshmen planning to attend the
America," he declared. ;Freshman Frolic, to be held May 4 at
Airdromes Essential .the Union, must pay their class dues
Naturally enough the question came today, as no application will be con
up for discussion, "What is holding sidered if the applicanit's dues are not
aviation down. in this country?" Rick- paid today. The dues are $1, and may
enbacker responded to this inquiry be paid at the booth in the lobby of

me association has'had complete con. Completc announcenmentsf
rol of the tour. Summer session are out 'and
obtained in the office of the
EN [ORl LITS WILL ORDER session, room 8, University ha
C0M31ENCEMENT INVITATIONS catalogues contain description
-- the courses to be offered dur
All senior hits who have not receiv- summer.
d order blanks through the mail may All students 'who are thin
rder their commencement invitations attending Summer school ar
nd announcements at the booth in to obtain the announcementsi
niversity hall between 2 and I ately, and students who have,
'clock this afternoon. This will be fwho are interested in courses
[e last week during which orders for the summer may leave their n
ivitations will be accepted. ! the office, and literature will
to them.
Announcements of the sc
'i'OMORROW IS LAST DAY 1 athletic coaching, physical ed
TO ORDER CAPS AND GOWNS and administration are also rt
distribution, - and may be sec
Seniors must order their caps the same office.

the box A play, "Vote the New Moon", writ-
at any ten by Mr. Kreymborg will be pre- Umion, it was decided at the
sectior sented by several members of the Do- of the club last"night in the
o'clock do society in honor of the poet andI .
nmnent. in conjunction with the program. Condemn Ruhr Aetio1
"Vote the New Moon" is a satire on I'fLondon, April 4-(By A.
party politics, exhibited through a ho- Independent Labor Party vo
cal election in a toy village built of demnation of the seizure of
OUT nursery blocks. There are six char- by the Occupation Allies.
actors in the play, representing the
towncrier,the burgher, the burghess,
may be rival candidates, and a mythical jOURTEEN PEOPLE DIE
tummer talking cat-fish. IN LOUISIANA TOR
ill. The Mr'. Kreymborg has founded two -
s of all magazines. His first publication. I Alexandria, La., April 4-
'ing the "Others", failed because of need of I P.)-The known dead in t1
financial support. "Broom", founded nado which early tonight
king ofr by Mr. Kreymborg in Rome, has prov- Pineville anid vicinity
e asked ed a substantial success. This maga- Ithe Red River from Alex
irnn~di- ,I ieached 14, the arrival h
immedi- zine is now being published in Ber-
fricnI 10 o'clock tonight bringer
friends lin. Mr. Kreymborg is not connect- bodies of eight mobreg
during ed with the magazine at present, killed at Pineville and a
amesnt ithough he makes occasional contri- I lsettlem ile e
butions. "Broom" was started as anI that town.
hool of international magazine devoted to the Fifty or more persons
ucation, publication of only the best litera- ; reported injured. Search
eady for ture. being made tonight at the
~ured in -ed houses in an area aj
Prof. A. W. Smith il'i mately a mile square in the
Prof. _A. W. Smith, of the physics ern section of Pinevill f
n Frisk" department, has been ill since Mon- .dead, injured and missins
g of the day. Although he met one of his
e Union classes yesterday he expresses doubt
g spring whether he will be able to meet his OICE
given classes today and tomorrow. j yt for Sigma Delta (
the Urni-TyusfrSgi O

and gowns y tomorrow it they
expect to have them for Swing-
out and the commencement
events. A large number of sen-
ors have been measured at
George Moe's, 711 N. University
ave., where the orders are. tak-

Bay City Club Plans "Xichliga
Plans were made at a meetin
Bay City club last night in th
for.a .dance to be given durint
vacation. The dance will b
jApril 11, and will be called t



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