B ULLETIN a noteo to all memnbers of m.L (11:80 a. m. Saturday.) 4, IW3 -anmbper Mt I I .r....... ..w .: itectural corridor, Engineering Su evssD sg There will be no Vniversity Cin nlber Of I~ew Telescope of Csixnerce discussion sectionto night., I invtnflon,4 will be given to ltoldorn o Mltary baill tickets from 1 :f30lt65 3 o'clock today and tc:norrow in the lobby of the Union, Aple~oi o h rs rii ilbe given out for the last time from u 1 to 3 o'clock today. Freshmen must -pay class duns from S to 11 aind fromn 2 tc. 4 today, or. tomorrow in. t> tau: Union' ii they wish to go to' the . 1 FroshFrolic.(! a corgeience ,o fieie.Dans Wednesday, April 4,'at 10 a. ni. M.' L. 13IRTON. osm t nbi tIe lego of 4 titur' e, ience, and 'the ~iof 'prtnents"'ztakbg returns to the Phi Seta Kappa ttesaldicteon .tu eturxed list the deartnent frohi which ;1 an.If, np1ftant fl1,tIng of the Sophomore Engineers in 1 7WIfig bnt149x at 9 4 kw. *ednesday, prl 4. All memers l" ola re ;uned o ), esnt. , CE. PWILSON,+iaetor. ti #It of $ology, aft ngzics three leiettres by Prof. H. s. ME 'fULSHopIn3A JIerslitrApI I 4 4:15p.Ai. ,Room 14 ~. m.i, t 'I i khk4Aditorium, "an we" Lobserve eoin-, +~ ti. ,Ragan214 N . 8 . 'Geuetc #robems in Protozoa}. Slegture will 46pcal neetii ote ib~ h 14 A.FRANitLIN "SIti LL. Ede ca tnen# of the Senate Council today (Wede- a , the Peident' oflc; F. Es7 ROBBINS,,Sretay. t"r tlterooaf of 'cop dtos given in Chemistry 10 i ' 6r tat- sudets) _wil'te given I I oo. 122, Chei- s ~ ust b~ e 1 e ob i at thi itirnle 'F F.B ,,C ajii:-4~ iiterAt~dre, Seleoi a"slbtl Art: 8#, ieillig'of the taclna taff on"Wednesday, April 4, 5 x { ! ati. ianO3~UL.MIK~Y ,A pllteniv11it eet for' luncheon, at the U ion, Thurs- 1 ryS 3 ' i09ib ' W.R. HUtMPXREYS. 1 4 staff wvill"ieet for iueton, at the Union at 12 o'elek - ~ ~ ~ ~ C I-',- THM8 .TRUF.LOOO. rh~r4 th 'i )~~ 1~iwil give ,a rectal of ''As You days it?116 t in,~ Uiivemsity Hal. ;Free to the s, al~rt Aein tli t $6n ,of memibrs in room ' 21 W#6 W ddeAy, 4pril 4 tE.WIMIMETER, Sec.-Treas., ttL5oue 2y te~tval tieket lac ho ee filed and tiets .~ $1 nsd UScets.'"ay be urchased by the public; at tts .p~tQ~ rom i~k-i Ui~nGo'se tic~et43 are reminded that fviue they,m it ate ekchanged,not later than April AW, C I , I~SA. SINK Secetary. t e 'will a a i t the, ir ty eenig asseibly: Al- t "inke, IHaley, eiter, Thayrools and Richards. ask J. N. GOSINSKI. Chairman. 4a dtt who $$pt to t lm a dgre in June should ordr } iy 'rlday ,of tlrMe leek. Woinen should ,place their orders ' n tay admuWA,1 660rgMoe, 711. N University A". A. H. LLOYD. TIE LIMIT SET FORI I CA? AND GOWN, ORDERiS j No orders for senior caps and fgowns will be accepted after Fri- day of this week. All those who jhave not been measured by that jtime at George Moe's, 711 N. Uni- jversity ave., will be forced to go jwithout- the. gowns at Swing-out, jand the commencement week fs fetivities. An unusually large de- C =nd this year at the University !has made it doubtful whether ev- eryone can be accommodated, and it is pointed. out that the 'sooner (this week the gowns are ordered, jthe better. The entire order will jbe cent to the manufacturers on j Friday,. so that the gowns will be jhere by the date set for, Swing- Sf~Nl!l P Th M)ILL ORDER All senior lit s who ha ve not receiv- ed order blantks t hroilgh the mail may order their commencement invitations and announcments ait the 'booth ini University ha ll between 2 and 4 o'clock this afternoon. Thi~ will be the last wcek during which orders for invitations wvill be accepted. University171Wi: Utize Ashecs Ashes from the University heating p-la nt are to be utilized by the Build-, ings and Grounds ,department as cind- er fill for the floors and roofs of the new -buildings. The ashes are at, the present time being wveathered to be fit for this use. E(.I1la,: Predets, Meet Todayq j There will be a meeting of all Iclass presidents' at 4:45 o'clock ttoday in room 302, of the Un- ion, to mtake arrangements for1 the registration and balloting at the campus election, which are supervised by a committee of the IStudent council and thq officers Iof the classes. It is imperative that the president of each classj Ibe present at this meeting. 1 Factory Prices on Coon Skin COATrS DONA.LDSON'S 224 S. State St. I IS Phone Us Your Orders Stl Main Store, - - Phone 161 Branch Store Branch Store - - - Phone - - -Phone The, Busiest Stores in Ann Arbe Quick,,*Sales and Small ]Profi Suit CUs Prof. Will am J. lHussey IProfessor Hussey has received word that the rough glass disk for an in- strument designed by himn- and now under construction is on its way to this country from Jena, Germany. Read The Daily "Classified" Columns .Announcemeht of I- - 1 Our New Bakery Depari We are installing and have it nearly completed- date Home Bakery outfit.. This means that each Stores will carry a full line of up-to- THE BOOKS OF, AU'TOGRAPHED COPIE#S VILHJALMUR STEFANSSON The Northward Course of Empire ... My Life With the Eskimo... ... .. The Friendly. Arctic.............. Hunters of the,,Great North.. . . . .$2.00 ... . . . 6.00 ...6.00 ..,... 2.50 HOME-BAKED GOODS JUST LIKE MOTHER'S Watch For Our Opening Soon University 0 1I m 1Boom= ~. ~"'A fPOA). Q e 9UA4T-Y. . 1F . Many of the articles needed for housecleaning are not expensive but they makie the cleaning job easier and more convenient. Here are a number of Housecleaning Require- mg~nts at low price . All are well made, dependable articles and willl Ju st-a Few Prices for Your Compa 10 Labs. Cae Suga r **** .. . .9E 23c L.arge Prunes . ss"". . "4 ,. . a * " *a *" 20c Large PackageI Sun MadRaisins ....... . 38c Lonig Sredded CPocoanutq (In' lbs. only at this price) h 1 Lb. PremiunM Chocolate (Wal1ter Baker's) .... give satisfactory service. 1 Lb. Breakfast Cocoa, 9.9.9 91 "9 , 9" .1.9. ...."" .." J NO. C. FISOHER CO. QUALIT Y. UP-1TO-THE-MINUTE HI Main Near Washington AIRDWARE Washington N"ar Main QAIY Swift's Premium Hams . -9.9 9999 99 999 ------ t0-Order of DeXo1Wy meets in Lane q'V________________________________ fI C flN 8$1,9:00-t. S.le nig etrsi I [FP"JVJ ',,pMre I a cturntl Science auditoriuifli. I 8:1b-Conwdy club preset's. "qtr. I,'im______________________________________________ ~~ liass8es Bly" in W~'hitney theater. th s: -l n a s~ a ct.1 11 1115 o'clock of TH U R SD A Y ltuileatlon. 1 J<- fetl feulty lunch 'in priva1o low. dining 'roomi of the Union. _ ,I)r' 4- O-Cost of Ices Cigarms ltormlg is- 1InHauditor. met" in room 206. University hall. bandI m~eesIn :Ocf Junlor law banqnet In Wiiet's R N -A NDT EG A U 6ii ncie :1L---letarlcaiengifleering ; g GRA D-DADAND HE=GR M PU ftng stiftdine nti erinpiadin'g roomof th n - )m of the Union. Union, i~r~'n~l'7 eelunletslnppereR'~n~Grand-dad, who used to be a sailor, has no. use for young men of the - r~om o the nion.type he calls "gramnpuses." These are the kind, according to Grand-dad, wh ,f chub meets l !7 i 1ka h'lm an ol Cm oit the U~nion. I meets in room 302 of the Union. "make a lot of fuss and feathers, but never get anywhere." ets I room 30' of j8:W--AMfrc kreymborg' .leettres in i -. ~ Hill auditorium. class in room 3ij 8:04-.-Hob rtguild 'players- present, w The other day one of our biggest captains of industry told Grand-dad two laysIn Harris hall.- meetsoiplayson.- that of 40 men in one department of his business, not one had a savings account lubmets n eemI anior 1W s' a -dene, ens must- of $500. And the lowest salary paid in this departrment was $150 per roett Wais meeti be ordered a Wagner 's 'before spr ng month. He went outside" to find a new manager for this department-and hall of tbe Union. vacation~... - toll m~etsiIn the~ Fie exhllition of orl ~al studles b~y the men inside are still wondering why he did it. Grand-dad characterized 9 IMata and l nglish. painters, arch- ~ tewoelta - Saving means something "more than laying aside a sum against possible 'II ST Smisfortune. It means the forming of habits that are as essential to success as NATIONAL *____________________9 BANKa.w j"Th Ann Arbor Savings B antIk "- "TZhe Bank of Friendly Serice" 1 1-2 Lb. Corn Beef, . ..99 "9999"99er "99 99999s" Flake x 0 '.&G.Soap 80c English Walnut Meats (Fancy iNewCrop) ... Kellogg's Corn Flakes.. 08c 99 9 9 9 9 9 9 45c Coffee,. (Our Best) 3 Lb. Lots ,.. 99999999 999994 *9S999 99999999999 ,,.... Ng, Reduction on Fruits Oranges, Grapefruit and Lemson s Our Stores Are Located Main Store 1 18-120 E. Liberty St. Branch Store -'721. E. Huron St. El