I t, sA.[V 1Jf' 11 [ ~Ill 'i W~omen and freshman women' n the annual apparatus ,Id at 4 o'cloclk this af- rbour gymnasitun. The wiperform on six' ratus, tho parallel bars,. Aesthetic dancing classes will be held on, Wednesday and Thursday this week instead of Mon day and Wednesday ais usual. 'Tryouts for, the Senior Girls'- play will be held from 4 to 6 o'clock today and tomorrow in Sar- ahi Caswell Angell hall. Those who do ntot care to try out are requested to, come at the same time to sign for conntmitteo work. jThere will be a mreeting of the Pan- hellenic ball comilttee at 4 o'clock today, in B~arbour gymnasium. Freshmien who have not signed up for posture examinations are request- ed to do so at once in the o; lce" of B1arbcur gymnasium. Gymnasium classes will meet at the regular class hours beginning with the first day after spring vacation in Par- bour gymnasiujm. All women taking gymnastics are requested to report in' street clothes to select their outdoor fsports. bership cardl or snot. Those who have contributed fina-ncially but are no.t member , may join during this week at~ the time of registering. The officej will be open for registration- every day from 10 to 12 o'clock and from 1 1to 4 o'clocWz.I MAR111NETElS TO Pi9PEAR 1 ill \14 im'v I 4isfor League le-Heft-1 ON -April 19 Harry Burnett' s marionettes wVill once more, appear before the pub- lic, this time in an entirely new pro- gram. Two pejrformances will be giv- en, on the afternoon and 'evenilrgof April 19, in Sgaraih Cawell Aingell hail, undcor 1the auspices of hi Beta Phi scar- ority. The proceeds will be given to the Michiigan League building fund. "The Three Wishes' one of the plays' to be given, is> an adaptation of an old fairy tale. Also included~ in the program. will be -"Andlrocies and the Lion", the Rtoman f ibkl parodied by George Bernard Shlaw. A (dditonal feature.3 will be a tem- peramnlltal viol~liit, an Italian toe da'ncer andtw to n.-;roes in a Juba daince. Each numbelr of the prog-Ian, wvill be annlountced byV a clown, who will appear in front of the curtain and ex-* plain the act to the audience. Quaidrangle to Heet Tonight 'Quadrangle society meets tonight at' the homne of Prof. U. B. Phillips, 1954 Cambridge road. Prof. TZ. 1W. Sellars,; of the philosophy department, willl read a paper on the subject, "Soee Prob- lems of Philosophy." Patronize :Daily Advertisers.-Adv. SHUSERT PaopA'Jtats. Tues., MI CHThuAs and Sat., !dight*, 50.75-$1.00 FARE~WELL WEEK Last Performance Sun. Night, Apr. 8 TheI 1Bonstelle Company j in the A. A. Milne Comedy u PI-1I1 PASSES BY" SPECIAL ADDED ATTRACTION A Homantic Tragedy By Kenneth Raisbeck "It is To ilaugh" With GRANT )ITCLE LL and THE MJG~a97EN[TSj ' a thne rope oblique lad d(Ir(6, The sophomore women who hatve alified for the mneet are as follows: the, parallel bars, Almna Crouse. arlotte Eckert, Olive Fast, Lois Mil-I , Mary Montgomiery, Celia White, d Margaret White; in the rope lad- rs, Grace Domboorajian, Martha 11, Nancy Harsh, and Blanch. Hull; the serpentine travelling, Marion gelow, Marion Lindsley, and Ruth, chardsion; in theC swing jump, Jean n( iggs, Mau'de 'Corey, Charlctte' omwell, Dora Dodge, Myrtle Duns- ~Alphra Ladd, Clover Miller, and rel Parks; in the horizontal ladder, len Crowe, Elizabeth Drake, Olive st, Alphra Ladd, L:Rabel Nichols, inifred Pollock, and Sally Walzer; in face vault, Marion Bigelow, M'ur- Birmingham, Norma Dowbeer. arlotte Cromwell, Helen Crowe, and elyn Smith. thie freshmen who will be in th(, ntest are: in the rope ladders, Es- r Arnovits, Florence Harnan, Fran- Huff, Dorothy Parton, Anna Wheel- Cynthia Smith, and Josephine Weil-, in the window ladders, Marion elowv., Marguerite Cummings, .on Lindsley, Marie Reed, and Al- Young; in the oblique vault, Hel- Adler, Marion Bigelow, Marguer- Cummings, Alice Langthorn, Joase- ne Weiler, and Helen Wicks; n fence vault, Ruth Carson, Jose-, ine Clark, Mary Downs, Pearl La- h, Cleo Nicolai, and Elizabeth npkins; in the horizontal ladders, rion Bigelow, Theresa Johnson, rion Lindsley, Beulah North, Eliza-] ,h Trompkins, and Alice True; in the ng jump, Ruth Carson, MargueriteI mmigsAlice Lang;thorn, Marian wle'ss, Gertriftl e Mohler, and Flor- ,e Probst. fl0ohor Points Count 'oints won by individual first, sec- 1, and third place will count to- rd the score of their class, as well toward their own honror points. ,ss points will be figured on a basis 0 which is the sum of the number points which can be won .in the en- contest. Three points will be giv- for first place in any event, two! second, and one( for' third.,,in the aratus meet' held last year the thomores. had 32 points to their 4 flit while the fre.,hmen had 4. ridividual honor points will counitol w : or q aiy n ,f rth et, 10 points; for winnping first placef ong all the contestants, 60 points; second place, 30 points; and for d place, 10 points. Lrelay race has been planned in ition to the regular events. Pre-j nary hieats, to determine the run- s, will be held just before the race. ecisions in the meet will be given form except for the swing jump pr-elimiinary tryout for that piece 1beg for the best form at three+ twhile the final contest will be for -lit. The contestants will be allow- I to use either one or two' ropes. 'imd that lost pin through the clas- d columtn.-Adv.- 'atronize Daily advertiser9.--Adv. The wonmen's league, will receive' 10 per~ cent 'on all purchases made by students and residents- of Ann Arbor at Himiehoch's in Detroit next week. ., There will be a; Michigan student inj the office on the first floor to register these customers as they colie in. This plan will be carried out only during the week of spring vacation. The next meeting of the BusinessI Women's club will be held at '7 o'clock Tuesday night, April 10, in Lane hall. Slips for signing out for the month or Mkarch are over due and' must be brought immediately to the office of Dean Jean Hamilton. Members of the cast and choruses of the Junior Girls' play, may receive thleir refund from the $2 play deposit from Helen Delbridge, between 3 and. 5 o'clock iThursday, in Barbour gym- nasium.- All money - not claimed at this time will be turned over to the. W'omen's league fund. Senior women who have not receiv-. ed order blanks through the. mail may order their commnen cement invitations' and announcements from 2 to 4 o'clock tc ay an~d tomorrow 'at the booth in University hall. Orders will nrot be taken later than tomorrow. KD D IES.'TO SEE MUMMERS PLAY Tomorrowy afternoon Mummers wifl present a short play, "The Excuse,", for the children in the hospital. The cast is as follows: JTed, Phyllis IBelth, '24; Jock, Cornelia Shepherd, '25; Lit- tle Boy, Winona Cutddy, ' 24; Little Girl,. Dorothy McFarlen, '24; ld La- dy, Margaret Keil, 124. SPlans have also been made 'for a, party for' the League, to be given dur- ing the first week , in May. Tryouts' for Mummers'9will be held from '3 to 5:30 Tuesday and Wednesday after" noons, ApilU 24 and 25, In Sarah 'Cas- well Angell hall. All freshmen and other womnen who are interested in dramatics are urged to be present. TOMEN MUST REGISTER TO VOTE FOR Y. 11. C.' A. OFFICERS Only those women who have reg- istered at Newberry hall before Sat- urday, April G, will be privileged to vote at the coming election of Y. W. C. A. officers. Houses 'on the campus Imay send one representative- to reg- ister for all Y. W., C, A. members in her house. Women will be required to register whether they have a mnem- .cb e-4 Away, Dull Care! Vacation time will soon be here The1Mos Delightful Stage Flay of the GT en_ ieration Now on the Screep 44 L A U R 'LA' M t I Nw EV aA tN STA6 eRViORMA~JCr K . Is /A rmv~ The Beloved A merican Actress i the s,;me role she imidel famous ht the stage PRESENTED WITH A UNIQUE SONG PROLOGUE Featuring e THE FOUR SINGING USHERS Then we will all be bounding merrily homneward-or at least will be going to visit with roommate or friend. What is worse than :going away in those shabby_ old clothes? Why not come down some dlay this week and inzspect our stock .'Of good looking suits, wraps aiid stunning frocks? N Afternoon Frocks. Diaytimne frocks Sports Frocks' Tail'ored Frocks for Street Wear AD _ ,: - - r _ ._ ALSO B - UTE In 2 ~~u Rollicking Reels "DAY DRAMS 5 ,. 4 ., r i 4 i ' C ? r , 4w } Q ; 1 } , , 4 t C S . r I { _. t TODAY OTHR MAJESTIC FEATURES COMING TIW' RSDAY Km "CRNOLNEand R .OA'I'! c t t '' I PA I AND TOMORROW WILLIAM DUNCAN IN "When Danger Smiles" I WIR ws i ALSO PEARL W1-41TE IN "Plunder" RETURN ENGAGEMENT OF Fascinating Flappers Musical Comedy NEW GIRLS-NEW SONGS AND :A .,. .:. :. . osi re's °' t wrr r k w m r 3 MAETuROME W,*banftrltflI5%;Oithe materialtor ret us gite YOU-" simato on etorrd A wsh, stormA foors and that storm house. We have,"stock 'sash "and windowx that; wll :enelosi that "i Wk .porch. '&wnDzfbI. 2KP A WISE purchase for sprig is a swagger top coat in soft woolen fabrcs IA. in tweetds, or in gay overplaids. Distin~ctively modeled with anairalof swagger assurance, with versatile collars that rise to meet any occasion, po'ckets of capacious interior and novel lines. One can swagger about in them any- where with the knowledge that one is correctly attired. Choosing such a corat becomes an~ exceedingly pleasant task when one 'may make the 'seerio from a complete display at moderate prices. Coat prices range from $2~.00 up. Through the glass of Fashion are mirrored, these Spring Coats I NEW-DANCING I ADMISSION : ADULTS, 35c; CHILtDREN,20c 37. Ex ,,/ a o: Pcoole 'Turned Away TLast VWek.. Come Early to Avold idred I II