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April 04, 1923 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-04-04

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C 1a11








. . _


Acting Treasury CQMO DY LUB 1 TO
Chief Youngest
Since Hamilton



3.--An anonymous
let filled with pro-
the University of
g program and the
being circulatedj
embers of the State,
in irregularities in
ng the past three
and charges made
y conditibns existI
partment. The pam-
signature or hint
f the writer.
ras described by a!
te house, here to-l
ie "most scurrilous
ver appeared". It
a further attemipt
:rsity appropriation
in the hands of the
committee of the
ative Fdrrel, chair-
ee said tonight t: at
bably not be moved '

S. Parker Gilbert
S. Parker Gilbert, under secietary!
ofthe United States tresury andact-
igsecretary 'during the absence of
Secretary Mellon, is the youngest to
occupy this position since Alexander
Hamilton. Ile's 29.
. .a
Senate Council to Dleuss Clianuges
in Student Goernm~uent at
Members of the Senate council will
have for consideration today at a spe-
cial meeting for this purpose; the final
report of the Senate council committee'
on the Investigation of: Student gov-

Author R ated Second to Bernard
Sliaw by Current Opinion
Comely club will offer its annual
play, "Mr. Pit Passes By", written
by A. A. Milne, at 8:15 o'clock this
evening at the Whitney theater. An
amusing romantic comedy, the whole
play is based on the exact opposites
in nature of Mirden and his wife,
Olivia. The justice of the peace is a
conventional, law-abiding well-inten-
tioned man, while his wife is not soj
w rigorously bound by old-fashioned;
Because of the difference in stand-
ards Marden is greatly perturbed
when he is led to believe that his
wife's first husband is still alive,
while Olivia takes the matter coolly
and with great optimism. Before the1
curtain is finally lowered it develops
thst Olivia's first husband is ndt liv-
ing and so the issue is skillfully
Sceue Laid in England
The scene is set in the delightfulz

Charles T. Schermerhorn, of the De-
troit News, addressed a meeting of
the Student Press club held last night
at the Chinese Gardens. Mr. Scher-
merhorn, who edits the column "Un-
der the Spotlight" in the News, spoke!
on the work of the column and the!
column's place in the newspaper
Re said in part, "The column has
become an established institution in
the newspaper industry. It is suc-
cessful because the world still has a
sense of humor; but heaven pity the
world if it. loses its sense of humor.
for then it cannot long exist."
The speaker related many of . the

$17,000,000 A P P R O V E D
State .Election Returns Show Large
Amounts Voted for Public

problems which face a column mak-

Poland's Preier
Death Sentences



Detroit, April 3--(By A.P.)-Mayor-




ook place at
d-up club held
n- Ralph Die-
president, Earl


isident: ,

. F
The Senate c
The work on the re
held { terda after tli

e completed itr
is meeting yes-
ed changes h1ad
itudent council.

'ry jl

M. Bates and Judge
e, of the Law school,
the J-Law banquet,,
held at 6 o'clock to-
n Willetes cafe. Almost
w on the campus is ex-
present. All but five
te class have already
'24L, a member of the1
ee, will act as toast-
:ition to the talks by +
d Judge Lane, Joseph
ad R.. Ryan, '24L,
Exhibition Ba 1Game
April 3-(By A. P.)-I
ling put one over. on
her baseball fans to-'
g out to Warren Park1

Th e special meeting of the Senate
council was called so.that ,its action
could be taken in time to put the new
plans into effect in the Spring elec-
The report, as submitted to the Sen-
ate council for final action, contains
recommendations for changes in the
method of electing the president and
personnel of the Student council, pro-
posals. for the inclusion of ex-officio
members in its Membership, new plaits
for financing the work of the body, and
provides for new connections between
the ouncil and the faculty commit-
The Senate committee for the in-
vestigation of student government aid-
ed by a-committee of students appoint-
ed by the Student council has been
working on the new plans for several
months past. It has sought campus
opinion in drawing up the report by
inviting groups of students to meet
with it and by giving the report to'
the Student council for discussion vt
meetings which were open to the stu-
dent body.



old,. Marden homestead in Bucking-
hamishire, England, a, home that has
belonged to the Mardens for years and
one that has not had its rustic an-
tiquity disturbed by any startling in-
novations in decorations. Old George
Marden does not like anything "new-
The cast of characters includes sev-
er'al of the best known dramatists on,
the campus. Portia Goulder, '23, takes
the part of Olivia, while her husband
is Charles Livingstone, '25. Old Mr.
Vim, a. lovable absent-minded old man,
is played by Elwood Fayfield, '25.
Brian Strange, a oueer young paint-'
er lhap, is characterized by C. J. Dres.
bach, '24, and his sweetheart, Dinah, is
Carribel Schmidt, '23. Marian "Tay-
lor, '24, becomes Lady Marden, aunt;
of George, and equally- as prim and
proper as he. The maid is Ruth
Werkheiser, '2'.
Prof. J. Raleigh Nelson, of the en-
gineering English department, is di-
rector of theproduction. Under his
supervision "Pygmalion" was produc-
ed last year with great success.
Comment Upon play
In June, 1921, mentioning the play,j
Current Opinion stated, "Punch's
young man, A. A. Milne, has proved.

j .
}(£ ,

er in each day's work, and strongly elect Prank E. Doremus was given a
defended the place and value of the f majority over Dr. James W. Inches of
column, characterizing the colimnist 56,49 votes, the largest majority that
as the "clown" of the s ow. Chas ever been polled by a mayoralty
candidate here. Bond issues totalling-
FEAD17 million dollars were approved for
street railways and public lighting'
uTherace for judgeships in the Ile, Premier Slkorski
corder's -Court. was not exceedingly
close. Murphy with a lead of 7,000 Premier Sikorsk o Poland. has un-
votes, was high plan. Jeffries, F aust Mter with the Vatican and other gov- 1
eidan and Cotter were closely bunch- ernments to protest against the execu-
Fed after him while Stein was the sixth tion of Archbishop Zepilak, head of the
Alleged onist Faes Ten e man to be given an oice. Roman Catholic church in Russia, and
PrCsonviSetee If Lansing rejected Eastern standard priests. sentenced by a Moscow court.
ConTed ecitime and a proposal to adopt the conm-
mission 'fog. Alfred H. Doughty was
TO SUMMONING OF EVIDENCE 1 Adrian voters approved a $30,000 D
bond issue for an Armory building.
St. Joseph, April 3 -(y A. P.) - David R. Cuthbertson elected mayor
W i m. JFoste, Apr's 7'c ase wi .l be -in of Flint w ill be the first dem ocrat
to hold that office In 16 years. The'
the hands of the jury by 10 o'clock w omen's vote is credited with his vie
tomorrow norning. Final arguments tory.r Lord Cecil Declares Aierican Trip
in he ria fo crminl sndialim1 Muskegon approved a bond issue o" od(ci elrsAeia rj
in the trial for criminal sndicalism $275,b00 for the building of storm sew- is Not to influence
were completed tonight and tomorrow 'rs4eople
morning at 9 o'clock Judge Charles A 25 year street car franchise. with
White will deliver his instruction to auxiliary motor bus lines failed of SAYS ENTRANCE IN LEAGUE
approval at Saginaw by 142 votes. Sag-;' WOULI) BRING WORLi1PEAIE
the jury, '1inaw has been -without street cars for
The entire day today was devoted to tihree.years.. Albert W. Tausand was New York, April 3-(By A.P.)-Lord
the summoning up by O. L. 'Smith, elected mayor. Robert Cecil, in an interview, deniedI
assistant attorney general of Mid-hl Grand Rapids voters turned down a today that his trip to Amerioa was pro-
gan, and Charles Gore, prosecuting, proposal to separate from Kent coun-,
attorney of Berrien county for tie ty and establish the city as a new coun- posed to instruct people of the Upited
state, and Frank P. Welsh of New ty. '!States what they should do allout join-
York and Washington and .Humphrey Ing or not joining the League of Na-
Grey ofa-entonTHarbor;-I ' Tcer'sflaw-l tions.
yers. EL"I am not concerned in other peo-'
Arrested In August . ple's affairs. I thought I had made it
Foster is the first of 32 persons YH , P l clear in my public statement that myI
arrested for attending a Communist object in coming here was to give in-1
convention lia the sand dines .near formation about the League of Na
Bridgman, last August, to face trial. STORIES BY ILUGIT FULLERTON. t asa first hand observer of a
If convicted he faces- a prison sen- MCPIKE AND ELLIOTT great international experiment.
tence of 10 years or a $5,000 fine, or INCLUDED "I would be guilty of the grosses'
both, at the discretion of the court. impertinence if d attempted to in-
'The trial, which has already con- Accounts of the progress of all struct the American people in their
simmed three weeks, brought out a forms of sports that are now popular own affairs.",-
mass of documentary evidence by at the University will be contained in Lord Robert said he had hated the
which the State attempted to prove the Spring Sports number of Chimes expectation or intention of changng
that the Communist party was an i- that will appear tomorrow. The is- the attitude of the American people
legal organization formed to advocate sue is dedicated to this branch of ac- toward the League as expressel at the
the f sabota i tivity, and most of the principle arti- last election. He pointed out that
ne use o age,r me, terrorism .c are'related to some form ,of' that there was as great a danger for
and other means of force and vio- sports, a nation In distrusting everyone as
fence, to accomplish a atint ncastrstnd ineronea"
p'oitial nd n- I1n Court_ Field. and. Course" th' +nn : ci.+3arnnr v<"n

Speaks in Hill Auditorium Under
pices of Engineering SoeletJ
Also Talks at Union
"Europe today is in a darker
than it ever was previous to the N
war," declared Captain "Eddie"
enbacker, America's Ace of AcE
his lecture last night in Hill
torium. "There are more mars,
is more hatred than at any time i
history of the continent, and i
pears that the boys who died of
front gave up their lives in vaiF
an empty cause."
After a review o'f his experi
during the war while with the ni
fourth aero pursuit squadron,
tain Rickenbacker told of his r
visit abroad, and the conditior
found there. Material peace is a
ent at every side in France, but
is in the air. "It is evident tht
had no purpo-e in the. war-
purpose we had was not realized
Turkey a Dictator
"Turkey has been, financed
France in her struggle with Gi
,and Greece has been aided by
Britain," he continued. "Today
key stands in the position of
tor through the efforts of men
call themselves statesmen. Turke
just finished dictating her terms t
world. Russia is being finance
England in an industrial rejuven
which will place her in a positi,
world leadership. Imagine
would result from an alliance of
nations as Russia, Germany, Pc
and Japan.
"If these petty rivalries pi
there will be another war which
make the past one seem a E
France and her invasion may
justified from an individual poi:
view, but the world is too closel
lied to start anything of this
From a world point of view the
invasion is most certainly wrong
is fast creating hatred which wi
volve the world in war.
U. S. Should Act
\"The United States cannot
i aloof from this. We may be toc
even now to do any material go(
behooves this country to look for
int9 the future and take care o
destinies of the future genera
There is no reason for war. A
need is statesmen who will say
they think and dictate to Euro
the emphatic manner which s;
have been used by the so-called si
men who framed the terms of
false "peace". Our statesmen
an opportunity in national and
service second only to the fra
of the American constitution.
Chassis Talk Given
A chassis demonstration ar
short talk on the future of the
mobile industry was given yest,
afternoon i the Union lobby by
tam Rickenbacker. He pronoi
this industry to be only in its i
cy, and predicted that withir
years there would be more than d
the number of existing autom(
in constant use by the American



st of
y by


a good second to Bernard Shaw in
the dramatic field that has been cul-


e to see an exhibition game be-
'en the Detroit Americans and the Curgon Will Not Rejoin Conference
onto club of the International London, April 3--(By A. P.)-The
gnie. Lausanne conference ' will probably,
he executive was accompanied by. be resumed April 15. Lord Curzon,
s. Hardin,4 'They were accompan- head. of the previous British delega-
by half a dozen other members of tion, will not participate, Sir Horace
ir party and were guests of Judge, Rumbold, British commissioner *In
M. Landis. Constantinople taking his place.
Ypsi Players Deig ht Audience


Featured by the fine acting of Jane
Beyer in J. P. Parson's "Anyday"
and the work of DeLynn D. Whitmire
in "Two Slatterns and a King", by
Edna St. Vincent Millay, the second
performance of the Ypsilanti players
at the Mimes theater last night was
greeted enthusiastically by a delight-
ed audience. The plays were good,1
and they were well interpreted. In.
teresting novelties in staging were.
effected with great success.
The first of the three presentations
was A. A. Milne's "The Camberley
---And Even
Wedding rings!
Are sometimes lost-and found.
This is joyous news to someone,
for the wedding ring advertised
recently as lost has been turned
into the Daily office, and awaits
the owner. Just another evi-
dence of the efficiency of Daily

Triangle". Here a ,British officer re-
turns from India only to find his wife'
ready to-run away with nother 'man.
Several of the lines are quite laugh-
able, but athough intrinsically an
amusing \play the acting was not
carried out so effectively as it' might
have been.
Scoring heaviest of the entire pro-,
gram was "Two Slatternis - and al
King''. Excepting the character' !
Chance, all the-actors in this piece
appeared only as shadows upon a'
white screen illuminated from be-
hind. Reciting their parts with ac-
companying appropriate gestures, this
method was extremely successful.
Last on the program was "Anyday".I
in this two characters are placed in
different positions throughout the
day. In' every one of these Jane!
IBeyei manifested absolute- command!
of herself from the first when she
stubbornly insisted upon going to a
musical comedy that evening, to the
finale when she demanded that heri
husband escort her to the concert.
Settins wereg ond . Inthe first


tuvated with eminent profit an ar-,there was ix
tistic success during the past season ustrial reform featured article of the number tells While th
b the Theater gild in New York Admits He Was There of the growth of the minor activities w'ould be d
Cy IhesTdivertgu comedy Y'r.P Foster, who took the stand in his It was written by Wallace F. Elliott members h
own defense, admitted he attended '23. "The Wolverine Apple-Knock- have the gr
Passes By, has scored a hit and has the convention, but denied -he was a ers", by Frank If. McPike, '25L, uses the membe
gained such momentum as promises member of the Communist Party of! an interview with Coach Ray Fisher just and im
to 'carry it into, if not through, the America. The charge against him, as a basis upon which to build a re- The entrc
summer." however, does not involve party mem- view of the present team. Another(into the Le
howeve, slos notinvintopathemeLe
Actually the momentum mentioned bership, as it only accuses hii of as- sports story that should prove of in- about thet
not only carried the play through the sembling with "an organization de- # terest to the campus is "Michigan on a peacef
summer but also across the ocean to voted to illegal purposes." The Mich- Forging to the Front" by Hugh Fuller-
several English stages where it was igan law makes persons hio atteid ton, nationally known sports writer,
also well received. tI who has just completed a tour of the 1
illegal gatherings equally responsible ading colleges and Universities in
for the things advocated,.h nte tts
Both Foster and Charles E. Ruth-ladin olgsat <tanrs
GUILD WILL GITE TWOorme inenbe of the Coin- ate tennis rcutlanb rc T
munst Party, denied that that organi- Clarke, *and a frontispiece of Captain
IIIfT zation advocated force and violence, Irwin Uteritz of the baseball team cori- Wle no
insisting that it only predicted that hsisting of art work by Halse a - announce
Tsuch means would be used before the son, '25, and photographs, carry out vention of t
Hobart Guild of the St. Andrew's social and industrial revolution 'they I the sports idea of the issue. to be held
advocate is accomplished. The Coin- ; Fiction in the number consists 18,both Pr
church has organized a new de~munist Party, they said, was an ille- the two prize winning stories of the and Dr Jo
partment which will present two one gal, underground organization only April contest and a semi-whimsical cut Chicag
act plays at 8 o'clock tomorrow iight because persecution by government article, "There Was a FreIhman--" Presbyteria
in Harris hall. agents had driven it under ground ' by Signor Mac. Wallace Elliott, '23, is dresses.
Frank Thompkin's "Sham" is the and kept it the winner in the contest with a story More tha
- - members. called '".Storm". Science in Love" etnwi
first play amid is directed by Howard; menmbers. ! ald- Som. Sinei oe vention vili
fP.yn rt yHwd oster and t urg were the by Libias Kendall, '25, is the winner portant co
Wttilliamis, '26. The cast includes!FseradRuthenburg 'eete1o h eot iie otn o
',. u only witnesses for the defense. of the second- lrize. will greatly
Lawrence Clarke, '25, Margaret Ged- z-Two articles that are given prom- activities of
de,'6c-oonCaibr,'6 nd - inent place are""Singing to those whe timte 48 year.
Edward Vadakin, C25E. The secnd K R E Y M B ORG WILL Snore" by John Mitchell, '23, and C. A. $4,36
play,"The Finger of God", by Percival iLECTURE TOMORROW ligan from Magdalen Tower", by i property f
Wilde is directed by Lucy S. Turner, ---h .isars,'3.The first state. Ther
'Z3Ed., and has three characters play--- these is a criticism of the 1present 1 railr~oad
ed by Sears Herbert, '23E, George- Alfred Kreymborg, poet and play- critics who are trying to obstruc4 numldering
Wood, Grad, and DorothyEFriero wright, will deliver the second of the those who "are fighting to free Airer- of'15,000 in
'26. Whimsies series of lectures tomor- ican literature and American thought University,
Tickets are on sale at Harris hall row night in Hill auditorium. He will from the old rock-ribbed Puritanisn" association
and the book stores, the price of the arrive in Ann Arbor this afternoon. The second article is a comparison of leges.
first production being 35 cents. In connection with Kreymborg's ap- Oxford and Michigan by a Rhodes
pearance in Ann Arbor members of scholar of Oxford.
the Dodo dramatic society will pre-
WANT FRESHMAN DUES sent one of his plays "Vote the New STUDENT COUNCIL WIL ii
- Moon." This will be given at theN
Freshmen who expect to go to the close of the. lecture, complimentary to TO MEET TONIGHT'

definite program has been
for the 48th annual con-
the Y. M. C. A. of the state
in Grand Rapids April 17-
resiflent Marion L. Burton
in Timothy Stone, promin-
o pastor of 'the Fourth;
n church, "will deliver ad-


in trusting everyone.
e decisions of the League
ecided by the votes of the
said public opinion would
reatest force in influencing
r's of the League to give
partial decisions.
ance of the ' United States
ague, he said, would bring
organization of the world
ful basis. ,

uBoth lectures were given unde
auspices of thme Engineering soc
Chicago, April 3-(By A.P.)-
William E. Devee, Democrat
elected mayor of Chicago today
plurality of more than 100,000
over Arthur C. Leuder, Repul:
An UA± IJ-lthe. rUi tet elp vtint i

m 400 delegates to the con- i ciyshory. Into oi
I assemble to discuss unIm- ct a DeoraIto ice an
nstitutionaf changes which went a Democratic clerk and
Y broaden the scope of the catic city treasurer.
f the organization. During rseioal district to te
s of the w ork of the Y. W. : as ed by tC d at o fill rh
0,10l0 has been invested in' caused by tme death of Repre
time hassociationest ~ in James R. Mann gave Mlorton
or theassocation ith- Republican, an apparently
R are 16 city, 11 county, and i B ana.aretlymc
associations in the state over BarrattO. Hara, Democ
a total active memboership,-~
embers. Starting with thern
the college work of the STONE auji HE
has spread to 1r col-
Ralph Stone, Republican
for Regent of the, University,
his opponent, Edmund C. Si
HUUU 09U U[T Lansing ,by a goodly majorit3
day's election. Mr. Stone ,
S IT N H ceed Regent Frank B. Leland
E. Beal, present Regent and i
to succeed himself in that o
est lists for the Gridiron also been elected by an estim
be held May 1 at the Union inity of mnnr t n an10.00A

s :

Frolic will have to pay their dues to-tme visiting author.
morrow as this is the last day that This play is a s
they will be accepted. No applica- tics and is one of
tions for the Freshman Frolic will be er themes. Mr. K

atire on party poll-
the author's short-
reymborg will lec-

Election plans will be brought h2-
fore the Student council at its mneting Final gu
at 7:30 o'clock in the Union, by the banquet -tol

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