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April 03, 1923 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-04-03

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ANOft t r



No . 136





, . 1




Plays Delight Aj
By Robert Barlrio
Last evening the Ypsilanti 11'iayersl
presented three of their plays in their_
current repertory at the Mimes thea-
ter, and will repeat the progran to-
The first number was Mime'1bs
smooth, slight whimsy, "The Camber-
ly Triangle", presented with: exnwctly
the correct, easy tempo thiat is the es-
sence of Milne.
The second 'play was Edra'A liilay's
charming "Two Slatterns and a King."~


limes Audience
iThe lines are stilted quaint JArigles of
a king humbled b.y. the .Sophiisticated
caprice of Chance, the characters act-
ing behind an: illuminated screen int
the stiff manner of paper dolls. Tihe
production was delighitful and finished
in every respect, in all one of the out-
standing triumphs of their season.
The last number was an original I
play by J. P. Parsons, a Yale student,
under the singular title of "Ayday" j
Of the five original dramas presented
this year by the Players sure-
ly this *kas the least successful, al-
though it is always very well receivedi
by the audience, as are all of Mr.
Quirk's productions. Nevertheless,
the work is decidedly not in keeping
with the unusually hight standard of
the rest of the program. Indeed, I
understand that, it was selected in
preference to certain worthier plays
merely because of the limitations of;,
the Mimes stage settings which ,of
course, are not comparable to the ones
fused in 'the tiny. Ypsilanti Playhouse;

Says It Is +Greatest One to. Modern
1Yliiosolplly; Will Speak .Again
This )Morning
"The study of genetics answers one
of the most important problems phi-
losophers, have had' to 'confrontf
throughout the ages,", said Prof.
Thomas Hunt Morgan last night be-1
fore a. crowd which completely 'filled
the Natural Science auditcrium.

Student Publications
The Board in Control of Stu-
Ident Publications will meet onI
HSaturday, April 21, 1923, to ap-
point' the managing editors, and
business managers for, the var-
( ions student publications for the
} next college year..
( ny student may apply for any
position for which he believesJ
Ihimself qualified. Each appli-
cant must write a letter to the
Board, ,filing seven copies of theI
jsame at the Board office in theI
J Press'building on or before noonI
Jof Vednesdayi April 18, 193,. 1
j stating such facts regarding his
( experience, training, education,I
IIand ability as bear upon hIls t
(qualifications -for the office
I( sought., He may also incorporate "
(in his letters any suggestions
j which he may have for the man-
( agement or improvement of theI
J publication in question. No let-
ters of recommendation from oth- J
J er persons should be attached.
J 'Fred N. Scott, Chairman.
j Dated April 2, 1923J

kneli and Germans
by D~enon of Fear

. :....


w Yorkz, April 2-(By A. P.)-,
and suspicion, twin (lemons
hi have possessed the world and
hi can be exortioned only by
form of an association of na-
are the forces which stand be-
n France and Germany in the
mhent of the reparation question,
Robert Cecil, noted British ex-
it of the League of Nations, de-
d in an add'ress before the For-
Policy association tonight.
Rteparations Impractical
dressing his first American Audi-
Lord Cecil, cwho has come to
Jnited States for a series of
lis on behalf of the League, de-
I it was essential for world safe-
"turn the minds of nations from
as 'the only remnedy".
ke the question of reparation,j
id, "what is it that makes thatj
ion so impracticable.' It is that'
h the French are anxious for
ermnans to pay they are anxious
.hey are allowed to get' on their
sufficiently to pay they are -be-,
g again a danger to the se-


"Eddie" Rickenb-acker Will Talk on
Subject 'of Av'ittion and E-'nropea~n

To Examine Small"' SHARP LbIThL[S
CutProceedingsONM AE0
r Roston Profess or Addresses vi
Teachers' Association In Pa
tengiil Auditorium
"America, as a nation, should
; pdl its youth to attend the p
schools, in order that it may Se
that education for democracy vN
is essential to public leadership,'
-.Glared Prof. Dallas Lore Shar.
yI Pe lol oston university last night in FIT
Chicago officials are 'seeking evi- dress in Pattengill auditorium u
dence that the jury which ac-quitted' the auspices of the Parent-Teac.
Governor Small, of Illinois, of a charge association Of the Ann Arbor
of misappropriating state funds was, school.
"fixed." Michael B~oyle, head of the : "It is every man's duty," lhe de
electrical workers' union in Chicago
is one of the men p~rosecutors countr ed, "to relish equality-to m4ke
on to throw light on the alleged tamp- self pleasing to his equals. The
a,.,,nr' with tho irirv ¢ _r -_


$eginning withk a brief history of
heritance lie discussed the' manner in1P W R
which they worked out in every-dlay T L S O
life and the conclusions whiich were?
in this way derived. Hle then took up
the more typical cases which lie has M C A L A G L


I ama attacking the
account. No one who
tories of these coun-
Sfears of either coun-
r and Suspicion'
g history behind the
tion of the present
to bring some remedy
wve have to do is to
al_ far and- ss-iion.
e nations' minds from
y remedy. We have
.ein that persuasion,
re of far greater' im-
sre physical compul-

4"'European Con'dition~s anud the Pres-
ent and Future of Comnercal Avia-
tion" represent the broad scope of
activity which Capt. "Eddie" Ricken-
backer will discu'ss in his lecture at S
o'clock tonight in Hill auditorium un-
Ider the auspices of the Engineering
society. In addition to 11is int("rna-
tional farae as Ainerica's "Ace of
Aces", Captain Rickenbacker h e
come. a nationally known figdure in
the automotive industry.
IPrevious to -the war,. Captain Rick-
en packer became recognized as aniau
a-to-racer of the frst, ra.ji'k. by virtue
of winning ,ebampionnas, sin' both
national and international meets. He
acconmpaniiedV[den. John , ..Pershling
to ,France as a neniber of~ the Motor,
Car staff and at'ibis -own. request was
transferred .to' the Air service. In a
shbrt time hie assumed the positioni of
commanding offier of the 94thi, Aero
Pursuit squadxo, the first Amierican.
~anrt' .utlt ?'t 'P~ftfl'?,, st4VQ @rV ice Q21
the western frqlit. With : tliis *99re-
,gati lihe achieved 'the individual
i American _war record'of downing 26,
German planes. His squadron also
holds the American aero unit record,
having 69 victories to its credit.
At the conclusion of his war serv-
ice Captain Rickenbacker entered 'the
Iindustrial. field 'with the organization
of the Rickenbacker Motor company.
j Hs «arrecord and poitioni in the In-
duiworld' have made him, mucll
idem~and as a speaker, it being es-
'timated that, he has addressed more
than 2,000,0000 persons during hbis re-
cent national and international tours.
His 'recently completed tour of oon'-
ftinental Europe, during *which hie
made a comprehensive study oft both
industrial and ,political conditions, will
serve as a4basis =for his talk tonight.
All persons- interested are invited
to attend thelcue There will be
no admission charge.
Speaker's. Play On
Lecture Program


e than

The recent Washington agreement
for the limitation of naval arna-
ments was but a "first step" in the
right direction, he said, adding that
the three most terrible arms of 'war-
fare, aircraft, submarines and land
forces had not been at all affected by
the treaty.1
Bucharest, April 2--(By A. P.)--I
The Jewish quarter of Jassy is a mass!1
of ruins today in consequence of an
invasion of that section of the city
by a mob of. anti-Semites. The mob
broke into houses, wrecked furniture!
and( smashied practically every win-
The government had denied the re-
quest for permission to reopen the.
Jewish theater in Bucharest where
Jacob Kalich and Lolly Picon, Ame-r-.
ican Jewish actors, were playing when
'anti-Jew'ish disturbances 'broke out
recently. it is passible tha t Kalich
and M1iss Picon wil have to leave
DeJhatin;g Ternms Are~ Guests of C. of C
Ann Arbor nigh school's debating
teams will be the guests of the Cham-
ber of Commerce at the regular lunch-;
eon meeting of that organization
which is to be held at 12:10 o'clock
today inl the Chamber of Commerce
Indian ILands Tax Free
'Washington, April 2-(By A.P.)--In-
conmc derived from Indian land is ex-,
empt from federal taxation the collet-
tor of the internal revenue bureau held
in ain opinion concurred ini by the de-
partment of justice.
"Tare/veil to You
Old State Street"
I-eio, Geddes Heights? All we
need now is 12 hours after mid-
night and a bus ride to the caml-
A few choice locations still

Forty Members Will Offer Concerts


..~.- w ' eiI wire LiIWjury..I no sc hool in America that will do
Tour and dsusdhswr nteieh thing except the American p
anism of chromosomes in heredity, a! Headt of University Tiravel Bureau m school, and this must take on a
S ED E XITES'O1; Jfact which lhe declared took 20 years - Gives istory. of Sculptor 11 I111j national character than it exhibi
,,.C , U VGSTIFXNCL D E TI2EL)Ofor the opposition to either be con-' and PaInter ULII theiipresent time."
wiNSOWAD LVL n ced.ordie off.Uo Quarrel 111ith. Religion
I efutersatdthtth irot ir L PRR~ SPmrofessor Sharp at the beginnii
VriyGlee club. members who 'smei. od mdlu f ensori, his talk outlined carefully theo
will~~~~~~~ -9e ie lb'Lprn vcticharacteristic determiners which in-nI ___andIlLdevelopment of 'the Ames
Ivenig bythe cmmitee i chare elmentmocPL Yaan
trip through Ohio will be chosen this l volves the study of particulars or "iheAnlawsprimarily a - col Aeia eorc
elmnsand iiot woe-tu is de-« ' o~uinddwth the signin'g of the
oeeion. Feoit en wil b iede~ the particulate theory wh ich he~ sculptor and not a painter," said Prof. H r' Pin. Passes By" to Be Slhowun&at flower pact" early in the seventc
1l~~~~~~~~~Witney Theater Tomorrow century. In this pact was evolve wl ae h oi ftals fhs guR
coeto;aeteti;teiie-talks at the University. University Travel who spoke oniclvnue.
ayowhc no cud3the fol- This lecture w*ill be given at 101 "Michrael Angelo and the Sistine Chap-CSTCN IN AYW L "Both wvere new," h ontnud
{ lowing Ohio cities, Cleveland, Tole- o'clock this moring in room t 214 of1 el" yesterday afternoon under the aus- IiNOWN CAMPU!'S DRAI, 'S'!Sl this must be kept in mind-the
do, and Youngstown. the Natural Science building. While it i '.o tefn rsdprmn.-- public education, was the truth,
Iis intended primarily for advanced 'hceseofanthehfinepartstdepartment
The Glee club men are scheduled I Thus his famnous masterpiece which Comedy club will offer its annual hpadteepaaino h
to leave 'Ann' Arbor early Friday adstudents ofibiology and membersaofplay, A. A. Mime's"Mi'. PunoPasses er Education was the. foundaticr
the faculties all others interested in aonh eln ftecae r ' the complete structure of Anmericai
afternoon. They will holdt their first 3ya :Socoktioio ih
this work are invited to attend. . even more wvonderful in view of the By", at S :T1eo'clockntlish1'eowunith
concert at 8:15 oclock Saturday eve-!,a hhte hatr hsdaanorc. h l-Egiheua
Dr. orga, wo, i prfessr o et-{ fct tat e wa wokingundr coe- t th Whtnesysteer:Thwasraaabolished aboiihd mimedi
nijig at' Waite high school under the D.Mra-wo spoeso fc-fc hth wswrigudrcr-is a whimsical. romantic comedy and adteAeia ytmo dc
auspices of the junior class of that~ perimental zoology at Columbia 'uni- pulsion at'an art which he considered this performance. will be the first adteAeia ytmo dc
vesiy n wo sgeerly.reued;ostyiingo t s" cntnembodying all that was indiginot
school.,est adwoisgnrllrptdhatyinoirtoswpoing"cnn-s of the piece in Ann Arbor.- te"afoe atbcm h
Snamointhywllev o.tobe the greatest, living zoologist, ued the speaker. "Mr. Pimn Passes By" enjoyed a long; ermost breastwork of" American
Ledo for Clevlnweete r has ben brought to thim Uiversity The lecture was illustrated by rnoirawaatrwihtmv es
to pllay"Monday evening .in the Rain- through the efforts of th zoology der slides of the paintings which repro- ed across the ocean to. London. Crit- "TeeiIoetigArn
how Room of the Winton hotel underi partmnent. I sent the;various stages of creation azsics everywhere have acclaimed it themrisanpsom enthi Wrn
portrayed in the book of Genesis. Ac- thImrcnpbi hnti n
re auspices of the alumni association. cording to, Professor Powers the' great a mlost entertaining production. It' tioii is being supplanted at every:h
Following the concert here a dance ICIIiDC PE AO rit aoe 2mnh ocmlt has recently. been acted with success' Since the war there has been a'
will be held in the hotel in honor of j LVl ILLULJIIIi these paintings but the finished pro-1by a 'student grout at Kansas u'nl- tonishing importation of aristoc
I. %011the men. i duct won the praise of even his ene-, versity. schools, threatening to undermiinE
The third concert will be held Tues- j UT AflI iMies, The Weekly Review, of March, very structure of democracy. ' T
day evening at Youngstown under the j BT LI', II6 IIT f 1T II . -- 1921, wrote, "One of the pleasantest is no quarrel with religion in
auspices of the loal alumni associa- ni - smaller things abon Milne's Mr. Pim' country, but when schools are se
tionr in the South High School audi- FiareunintecyeltonM IA n U L L llis th es fpyia ae fas rivals to the American school
torium. A dance will be given after _UREL ,hl esedysowMyrGereP shielded and inviolate well-being,is ohaed n tomornocsoymphy
the concert at the Hotel Ohio. ' cdyse a hwMyrGog ~ hcI eint f te~fuddo omnsmah
The banjo quintette, which was re- ' Leicniae fr elcino huei tcigmasiei hc enmoracy, Edtucation Aliu
Q.ibhusliiBcknghmsirEiNwic New England is the storm cent(
cently disbanded because of the ini- i the Republican ,ticket, to have beat- the scene is laid." this; opposition to the public sel
eligibility of some of its members, eni Dr. Guy G. Alway, '16,' (Demi.) by Appearing in the, production will be said Prof.Shr.Tehes
will be reorganized before the weep- ~~~Detroit,Api2-B ..Dc-yiisaoaidgaetoenla
wil e'eraie eoetewe-aplurality of 299 votes. In only twvo Api2(B AP.-ec many well-known University actors. r sasca igrc osn n'
end so that its members may take thej other cases were the Republican ticket tion returns from 445 of 2906 Michi- Marian Taylor, '24. will take the part to the public schools. "When
trip. -;_____pp_ ,oPsed, In thle fourth ward William g ran precincts received shortly ,before of Lady Marden, the prim and prop- E educated people refuse to sendt
A. Seery was elected supervisor and'n nlnight showed the vote for ,%ni- er spinster aunt. Others in the cast children to the public school," he
ItIfIO TIIV Christopher T. Donnelly alderman, on versity regents to be the following. ! 2ld Portia Gouler, '23, Charles Liv- dared, "a substantial prop is t
IAIIIIII the Democratic ticket. Seery was el Republican, Beal, 41,835; Stone, 42;lgtn,'5 lodFyil.'5 c u rmudrteshos ie
IJS WIL iecte ovr SmuelS. la land 0 ,3. Di'esbach, '24, Carribel Schmidt, democracy can be obtained only in
iT Mr, Donnelly replaced Alderman D.!Dmcrt Emns 1212 ,' and Ruth Werklheiser, '3 mrcnsho eas ti
TOMESCLB O O I Fhields, -13, 855. i Tickets will be sold from 9 to '12 there that each child is taught to
arkes. Sge a lce r Frank Doremnus had a lead over' o'clock this morning and from 1,to5 every other child onl the' level
(lent of the coumicil from the city a' Jam es 1U. Inches of nearly four to o'cloec this afternoon 41n the hill straight in the eye.,'
Members of the Students' Press club "ag npoe.HretM lisi n tmdih o ao rD-;The aim of American edlucati
will~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ hl thi reua himnhy areuopsd HrbrM.Snuo on atmdihfo mao ofD-auditorium bo' office. Tomorrow they he concluded, "is to develop that
meing aldth6:15ro'clck bitonihatthey' was elected the new aldermniiifm'om Itrolt. Time vote friom 70 precinctsE will be placed on sale at the Whitney it that wve call democracy amid to i
meeingat6:1 oclok onihtat hethe First ward, taking the place o was Doaremus 7,405 ; Inches, 1 1 theater.
Chns adn,16 SuhMi akSugden who moved into the E~arly results showed the folowibg'____________ien to live together. There is
Chinse ardns,106Sout Man Mrk ; other school but' the public sc
street. Following the dinner the clulb sixth ward. Lewis Grani was elector' { results for state offieers: 61,:)rem mr' iihha hs ups. Lwu
wib drse y hre 7 ce-alderman in the Seventh ward replac court justices, Republican, Fl (lc~ew; whirh las this purpse. It nrav
wil b adrssd y CaresT.Scer uig Alderman L.utz, retired. 142,360; Wiest, 42,556. Democ rats, ! 09N11H , OS B( it n the10l better to do away with every othe,
merhorn of Detroit who is at the pros- Scattering returns, showed a 'silh k, ,121; Cavanaugh, 11,899. Su- Isiuhntecoumn h church,-
emt time the editor of the column call- lead for the amendment to the cite peruntendent of Public Instruction., le~~ anveservelicsourlde fo ia
(liUsr h ptigt nth c hter providing for a police commils- Republican, Johnson, 43,115; Deo ITJNN 1Wcnpsrvoudemo-rtcil
troit News. -ion. No figures were obtainable at crat, Morris, 11,801. State Board of ____
an the re-alt i)edin lleiiiRepubMican, reendndud4,
Alarge number of Freshmen, and (a late hour last night onth5rsuts e crts, euHicsa, 12ea, 4 4 D,-Hnr .LatsaINVeLUE
of the other propositions that were put , 5;Dmcas lIndl,1,15 ItuH LnIo h 'wsol
sohnorswoinedtogore the peop~le. The total vote was + will be the principal s;peakers a h
journalism have joined the club andslgtyoe250
will be given one of their first oj)- I sl igh vr20.-DllIV Uolock Th uegt a'.beihl t'E, ON CHARGE of H 8 DRIBBUMpruite oatn ameigt-o'lc hrdy ih ;l(
.om'tniteto.atendn."eetng.to....,,ESSt flf....h TFl.un orlaw bnquet to b heldat n


In conjunction with the lecture by
'Alfred Kreymxborg Thursday night in
I101 auditorium un'der the auspices of
Whimsies, members of the Dodo dra-
viatic society .will enact ."Vote the
New Moon", a short play by the vi'sit-
lung author.
The play selected h; a satire on
party politics, exhibited through .. lo-
cal election in a toy village built or
nursery blocks. Tfiere are, six char-
Sacters in -' the play, mepresentung the
town crier, the yzval political, fa-
tions, and a nmythical bhybrid cat-fish.
Kreymborg's poeotry and plays are,
familiar in the', art centers of . Eu-
rope, as 'well' as -in. America. His
work ift inaugurating the interna-
tional magazine,' Broom ".introdluedl
him to tluropean circles, where hNs
ideas and epdeavors qulckl won rec-
"With Alfred Kreymborg," wr-ote
Jean Catel, French critic, in Nercure
do France, "Imagism becomes a- draP
inatic art as it is 'a poetic art 'wth
Amy Lowell, John Could -Fletcher,
and others."
Mr. Kreymborg will lecture, on the
"New Verse", with read ings, follow-
ing with a group' of his tone-poems
accompanied 'by music on ,the "man-y
dolute". The play, "Vote'te e
Moon", will coniplete the proram,
which is presented by Whimsies and
the local collegiate alumnae.

night. All, others interested in news-
paper work are'invited to be present at
the dinner. 'Those desiring to pur-
chase tickets miay secure their at the
University of Michigan Women's'I
league booth in University hall up till
noon today.
J London, Api l 2--( ;xA.. P.) --The
Independent Labor party at today's
session of its three dlay conferenceI
adopted a resolution condemuning the!
Rtuhr occupation and demanding the
withdriaal of all foreign 'forc;es fromt

usslf n Il Ob1SUijet t ru) 0 iiI1 enerIe'tce~
Moscow-.. April 2-(BlY A. P.) 'The
Russian government tonight sent ,a
sharp note to the Polish government
characterizing Polands atteimpited in-
terference with the Russian 'govern-
ment as an unfriendly .act.
So far as could be asserted. ton ight
Vicar Gen. IButchkavitc h lhad not been
executed up to this morning.


No orders for senior caps and
gowns will be a~ccepted after Fri-
day of this week. All those who
have not been measured by that
tinie at George Doe's, 711 N. Uni-
versity ave., will be forced to go
without the gowns at Swing-out,
and the comniencenient week fes-
tivities. An unusually large de-
nmand this year at the 'University
has made it doubtful whether ev-

- cafe.
100nnrnn LIG miniThis is the anneal Ea<ster g;et-to- itero leunr nwcl shll
-- every year just previous to spring
P~rot: John Ia. 'Brumnm, of the jourm- ' vacation. ,Besidoes 'the two faculty
nahismz departme nt, will speak at a speakers Joseph Allen, '24Lr, and R.
meeting of the Drama league of De M. Ryan, '24L, will talk as thle stu-.
troit which wili be hlcd at 3 o'cloclh (Idnit representatives of the class.
todayv in the, Statler hotel in 'Detroit.: Tickets for the affair are on sale
Time'subject of,'his, talk will bie "Mis- today for 75 cents apiece and may be
adventures Tin the Photoplay". obtained from any of: the following
The purpose of the meeting of the men of the social committee, 'James
league today is to interest the inein- Starr, Robert Crary, Ben Winter.AWil-
bers of the club and to gain their I am Seibert, and Roy Butler.
support ins the new moving picture!
concern which has already bleen' 1 ,OI JT IL R)~
granted a franchise and is to make' COMMENCEM'ENT I\NV''fITTION
pictures there in Detroit. The con- Alseiritwohaenteev'
cern intends to specialize in produc- om'dl enr lins thouhavt ee ivay
ing artistic photoplays and their ingot- e re lns1rug h alra
to is to be "New, Clean, amid Artistic"'. odrtercmecmn niain
and amnnouncements at the booth in
A geatmmibe o wel-kow cie-Univers;ity hall between 2 and 4
ma. stars have been signed up to act o'lc1hi fenon hs{ ilb
in pictures to be taken by the naewly- J the last wveek during which orders for'
organized company. ....'. :.. ." 7 . .. . .. 1:.

Waukegan, WI., April 2--(By A.P.)
The Lake county grand fury inves
gating attempts to bribe jurors dt
ing the trial and~ acquittal of Govern
Lens Small here last summer
charges of conspiracy today m'eturn'
indic'tments for three men charg
with conspiracy.
One of those indicted was .John
Fields, of' Antioch, Ill., a Jurbr in t
Small trial and «vho was named a do
uty state gante warden after the gi-
ernor's trial. Eddie Courtney a
Eddie Kauffman of Chicago who we
alleged to have attempted to "E,
Jurors were the 'others indicted.
Each of the true bills attend
counts in the which the details of t
charges were set forth.
Class Presidents Sleet Tromnorrow
There will be a mneeting of all
class presidents at 4:45 o'clock
tomorrow in room 302 of the Un-

lGer~man y.,
During the discussion of the resolu-
tion Herr Cristies of Germany said
thA ra'.is nlip 4, hir ,'xru ',",, A l



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