THE MICHIGAN DAILY ENGLISH' BURLESQUE TO BE GIVEN BY MASQUES When the little stage boy sweeps off the stage and lights the lamps, Hill auditorium will be set for Masques annual play which this year is to be "The Knights of the Burning Pestle" to be given on November 22 for the benefit of the University of Michigan League building fund. J. Raleigh Nelson, director of the club, outlined. extensive plans for this production at the meeting, of Masques yesterday afternoon. . Thie play which is the first English bur- lesque and at the same time, is as modern as-though it were from life today, is to be produced with regard to every detail of the old Elizabethan stage and audience. Intensive work will be put on the play between now and the date of presentation. Members of the club who wish to tryout for the play wil meet-between 10 and 12 o'clock tomorrow morn- 'ing in the parlours of Barbour's gym- nasium. Due to the fact that the big play of the year is to be given early, tryouts for new members will not be held un- til 'shortly before the Christmas holi- days. All women of the campus are eligible and those who' contemplate trying out later in the year ire asked. to enter an application at once with Miss Mildred Sherman, assistant to the dean of women. In this way those who desire membership may assist with, the production of this play and - prove their interest in the work o the club. Following this pro4uction,"Masques will give again this year a series of shorter plays to be presented through the year at Nle League weekly par- ties. Each of-the 10 groups into which the membership of the club is diviCed will produc;e one of these plays. Women Given Opportuntity to Join "Y" Plans to give every student an op- portunity to join th~e Y.W. .A. were discussed at a meeting of the mem- bership committe yesterday after- noon in Newberry hall. An effort will be made next week to reach ev- ery girl. It is not acampaign for large membership but an attempt to see each freshman who wishes to join , THE MICHIGAN DAILY W1otnen Tennis practice for upperclassmen will be held at 4:15 o'clock on Mon- days and Wednesdays. Archery practice for upperclass- men will be held at 4:15 o'clock on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Hockey practice for class, teams will be hield as follows: seniors at 4:15 o'clock on Tuesdays and Thurs- days; juniors at 4:15 o'clock on Mon- days and Wednesdays; sophomores at 4:45 o'clock on Mondays and Wednes- days; freshmen at 4:45 o'clock on Tuesdays. and Thursdays. All girls interested are urged to come and try out for teams. No assigments to gymnasium lock- ers will be made today. Assignm~ents may be made from 9 to 12 or froi 2 to 5 o'clock beginning Monday of next *eek. The first hygiene lecture will -be given at 4 o'clock Tuesday afternoon in Barbour Gymnasium. All fresh- men and entering sophomores are re- quired to be present, All women interested in rifle shooting are requested to meet at o'clock Monday afternoon in Barbour Gymnasium. Members of Masques are asked to tryout for The Knight of The Burning pestle in Sarah Caswell Angell hall between 10 anI 12 o'clock this morn- ing. DEAN ENTERTAINS SENIOR W Q M E N Senior women were received by Dean Jean Hamilton at a reception given yesterday afternoon in the par- lors of ,. arbou bymnasium. This "was the first of a series of receptionst which Dean Hamilton will give this semester for the purnose of meeting the women of the various classes of the University. Dean Hamilton was assisted in the receiving line by Mrs. Marion L. Bur- ton, the directors of the dormitories, and the wives of the deans of the var- Go. a room to rent? A Daily classi- ions colleges. fled ad will find a roomer.-Adv. Women of the junior class will he received by the new dean at the next For Expert reception which she will give. g Pen Repairn ATHLETIC AWARDS RIDER'S PEN SHOP T 0 B E EXHIBITED 308 So. State St. 24-HOURSERVICE - FAIR PRICES Open Sundays trom 7:3 to 4:30 Lose som p. m. Lyndon Shop.-Adv. the Daily w =ow"= CLASS TOQUES VAN BOVEN AND CRESS 1107 SOUTh 'UNIVERSITY AVENUE Athletic honor awards, arranged in a showcase by Mr. George J. Moe, will soon be exhibted in Brbour gym- nasium. The articles in the exhibit will be the "M" armband which the Women's Athletic association awards for 300 honor points, the silver pin for 600 honor points, and the white sweater with its "M" for: 1000 honor paints. Near the showcase will be a poster telling how honor points may be won. The Women's Athletic association will also stationca tablekMondays and .1uesdlays of each week in Barbour gymnasium to give out any 'desired information about honor points br the organizations of the association. STUDENT MASONS' ALL OUT MA- SONICDTEMPLE 7,30 TONIGAT. Adv. Michigan Daily and Chimes for $4.50. Getting a tailored suit of me is more than simply purchasing a garment. You get style--- workmanship--- and gNality. And no high rents to pay. GAN SL, 213 S. Main. The Tailor .UP-S e es M I FOR SATURDAY -Satin Pumps FOR WOMtEN iy Firs, Serviceo, C -operation We solicit the co-operation of all Fraternities, Sororities, StudentClubs and BardingH ouses. Our Motto is "Quality First at Lowest Prices Possible. We ore featuring A FewSpciaBs For: Your Punch Bowl, t BLACK *HATS from smallo ones to large ones, In dress 4ress at extremely and semn- Fruit, Punch Grape J uice Id I * pt. bottle G0c I pt. bottle 38c qt. 72c . 7 bars for 25c Dana Richardson 115 E. LIBERTY Assorted Toilet So ap We are prepared to quote goods by the case or dozen. Try our COFFEE, blende you special prices on canned d by us td suit your taste. ,_ _ _ ,., .. xi., .. ... , t..:>. ; . _.. l k k p - : " r x {k fi t 7 f 4 Today! Tailored Suits for Fall, $39.50 00 Olb p0 0, MC'.- O No I v 0 114 E. WASHINGTON ST. PHONES 326-27-28 / I. V .k. r M x r .r. . . t MEN -46C ago M r J The 'Schultz Grocery THE HOME OF PURE Foous Straight line navy tricotine modes of and Poiret Goo d y"ea 124 SOUTH MIN L THE MOST FORCEFUL AC- CLAMATION THIS THEA- TRE HAS EVER MADE! STAR I All Frosh Notice In the rush of this, your first week of school have you neglected, to try one of those big chocolate cov- ered A picture-even greater than the greatest picture you have ever seen. the most imposing presentation in the history_ of the screen. It is A Storyo the H~ad Age u As PRODUCTION FROM THE'-SATURDAY EVENING POST M- SUNDAY! rPi'armonl, WON DERFUL CAST WITH 'Tho mas Ne hay Leatricie Joy ANIl) 74 OTHERS OF NOTE I I U' FROSTETtES Don't go to bed tonight without one! You will find that a Frostette before you begin to study will make that r .' _1 !i+4 4 I I t .. ( tt{c a1. f V .'y i + S° I . , . i'.... Math. problem come easier. Y far the greatest picture De Mille ever made. With Tom J''4 .x it rrr , r" r't t r I ,,w