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April 01, 1923 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1923-04-01

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. .. ..1 . . ... . ... :::
! : . is....

upoper reading room of the Union
to see chassis demonstrtion by
Capt. Eddie Rickenbacker. ,
7 :0o(-Instit'uteofox Religious Educe..
tion in Lane hall.
7:00----Clevelanrd cdub meets In room
zjA olf the -Union. t
Unon :~1iBring insrtumeft v.
7 :30--Alpha, IHapiaPsi meets lit roftn
302 of the -Union.
7 :--delpM i meets In th~e ('11th room,
University hail.'
8 :00--Acolyies meet 111 room l10), Ma-
son hall.
4 :00 - Ca ptain E~ddie Rickemibackm r
speaks in H ill. auditoriu mn. : 3 1i f iy , '1 e f l ~ e
in Mimes theater.
I $enior lits' anid engmneers' caneci musi
be ordered at Wagner's before spring
vacatlon ..
{re vei. 1d"tlvion o rganal studies by
Italian and English painters, arch-
jitectural corridor, Engineering
Alfred Kreymborles locture bas been.
postponed from April 2 to April 5.
Sale of tickets for "Mr. Pim Passos
By" in box, office, Hill auditorium,
from 9 to 12 and from 2 to 5 o'clock
Monday andi Tuesday.

Wilson Supporter
Urged As Senator

In r mu a 1 6 Men qualified for the second round
Intam ralitms of the All-canpus singles bowlin,'
tourney which is being staged at the
Union alleys. The qualifying score
(Continued from Page SiX, was placed at 490 pins. In the doubles
au won by forfeit from'Melndoe in the eight teams passed the test of: «95
125 pound class, pins. Games in the sinigles and
Monday night's schedIule has been dlou~bles for the blond round mut 1wla
arranged and calls for bouts as fol- completed by tomorrow nighlt.
lows: Doty vs. Merserau, andl Carmi- "'B1usy Bee"Chne Hands
Iener, vs. Howard. Matches will start .
at 7 o'clock. The Busy B'ee confectiona ry, :) 3.,o.
! ~State, has changed hands and is now'
'EThe following teams entered in the under the wane nmanagement as thec!
fraternity handball tournament should Betsy Ross candy shop.
note that the dead line for second
round gamnes has been set at 5 o'- ---"
clock, Tuesday afternoon: Kappa Nu .
vs. Phi Beta Delta; Alpha Delta PhiL
vs. Lambda Chi Alpha. Mvake sure your ink is right.
Trwo third round games have been lour, Special
arranged for the following teams: Del- Lx.IN
1ta Sigma Pi vs. Nu Sigma Nu;' Delta
Sigma Phi vs. Phi Chi. 'Matches in' is :always right.
the third round moust lhe completed by RTTI) 'S PENs' ;SOP
5 o'clock Thursday afternoon. ,




Read the W-C


A Complete Line of


In addition to the mnany lectures and
excursions planned by the adrninistra-
tion of the Summer session, various
receptions for faculty and students,1
concerts, and entertainments of other
sorts have been arranged.
On June 27, President M. L. Burton
and Mrs. Burton will be at home from
4 to 6 o'clock to, students and facul-
ties of the Summer session.. That
evening the faculty of the University
School of Music will offer a concert.
Prof. R. K. immel, of the public
speaking department, will presentl
Shaw's "'The Devil's Disciple" in a re
cital on July 6. At various other times'
during the session, recitals and plays
will be offered under the auspices of
the playa production classes and the
public spook~ing 'department.
The Shakespeare Playhouse comn-
pany of New York. City will present
j numiber of plays, notable among
'which are Shakespeare's "As You Like

Political sages are predicting the
early return of former- President Wil-
staa to the political arena, following1
his request .to Governor Sweet of Col-
orado to appoint Huston Thompson,
his friend, to the senatorial chair left
vacant by the death of Senator Nich-
It"- and O'Neill's "Beyond theHo
Hoi zn." At all of these performances
admission will be charged..
Three evenings during the season,
the Observatory will be thrown upon
to visitors. Admission will be by
All of the numbers of the programI
1for the Summer Session are open to
the 'general public as well as to, the
University students, with the excep-
tion of the Visitors' nights at the Ob-
servato ry which are for students only.
Printed programs of the entire sched-
uWe of entertainments for the Sum-
nmer Session are being published and
Imay be obtained soon in the office of
the Summer Session, Room 8, Uni-
versity Hall.
The new Lit. Building is growing.
Have you watched the classifieds
grow ?-Adv.

Drugs and Drug Sundries
Toilet Articles- Perfumes
Conn or's Ice Cream.
Gil bert's Chocolates
Prescriptions Carefully: Compounded

S. Olympia at Philadelphia navy yard
rdoes repeat itself. Wihen the government was abouttoIn
old frigate, old ironasides, the Constitution, Oliver Wen-
to . its defense with his famous poem, "Old Ironsides."
,ement is plannin g to dismantle the Olympic, Dewey's1
hen he routed the SaIard, at :Manila bay, veterans of the i
war are seeking to have the cold fighter, turned into a


. .


-- - --1I6 :00-Scalp and Blade meets In Uuln~o
I tap room.
j~f ' 0 N 8:30--Scalp and Blade meets Ingroom_
D NG m I 302 ofth Union.
1 6::3o--Wesleyan gtdld meets in. MOM-k
0(ldist church.?
its column should I6::39--Baptist guild devotional' meet.
::30 o'clock of ing in Baptist church.
biicatiolu. 6.30----resbyterian Young Peoples' co-
- ciety meets in Presby-terian church.
t Este s~ris s 'MONDAY
arr.ser6acs * Exchange club dinerin room
urch , I319 of the Union.
r's: Bible cli !Ys7:00--flasa~na meets- In room 342 of
)m of Lane hall. tlhe Union.
*el.ln4 e5 i, res- 7 :(;l-Behr atrekca imeets in r6 om 304
yof the Union.
ateets ill tihe 'S :(-Prof. D. L. Sharp) speks in Pat-
,e. tengill auditorium.
clasesillWei. S :6{)-T. 11. 1organ spealts In ' atu ml
clases i WS Science auditorium.
8: 1 --Yp silatl Play3ers' perfv .tanee
,rt in .bill aaudi- in :Mimes theaters:
tileaks rin w 'ct TUESDAY
Memorial hail. 12:0-Rmetorlc and journalism staff
Wesley 11ai1, lunch in room 319 of the Union.
oung Peoples' so,- 112 :1---Nedlcal faeuh~y lunch, it pri-
in P'r sbyterian F vate dining room of the Union.
12 :15.-Zoology. departmlent lunch Ijr
,riendship luour in room 318 of the Union.I
I 4:00--Eng Ineering society. meets In

'Will be at, The. Pimattia Beauty Shaop. 340 S.- State° St., Monday night, .
Tuesday and. Wednesday all day. Phone 2939-M,
For the Particul ar Fraternity oer.
I~I Sorority
Let .us show you this complete, modern house. Every- I
z thing: is well arranged and it--will accommodate 25 people.


* , , 4!
I" r/ ,
I f ,; ,ty
'I "


The lot is good-sized and the location is excellent.

Call for an appointment to see this.






717 Nat'l Bank.

Phone 835J-1---Evenings 2738


s inI
e to

can be no doubt about the worth1 of
ladvertising. The world's greatest
liners have done the prospectng'ancl
rewards. Today, the pages of every,."
:r, every magazine and every'care-
ned catalog proclaim the sales "value I(k?'ur~s~r
jn p icture
Co not need to experiment. The pull.- ,,jj, nlal
rof pictures will be evident from the-
if you will let Crescent co-operate
LvC one of the largest and most corn-
>igning, Engraving and Electrotyping
Michigan- -an institution founded on
users of advertising art and print~

Mrng rship ,10:30
M Ora.ut- .sia Peuew.............wena
I r al endt tvlma tFischer Cross and Lucile Barthohnew kTours
. Double QuartetteI
'~ Tri*o-'-"O Day of R ~st and Gladness". .. ............ .... Schnccker ;;
! Mrs. C C orlcott, Pansy Johnson and Mr. A. C. Stitt
I Anthen2-,"Christ Our Passover"............. ...... Schilling
"+" Double Quartetter
Offertory--"Sunrise">. . ..: .........:......... . .Elert E
F Soprano Solo-"I Know That My Redeemer Liveth" -,
(from "Messiah") *............ .....,...... .Handel
1 Mrs. C. C. Wolcott
1 ostlude--"Easter March" ,..... ............ ..Merkel '
'E en n W osi ,7 3 Prelude-Offertoire .............................. ........ W y
I Mrs. Cross
SAntiein-"Victory".. ... ....... ... . ....... .......Shelley
Double Quartette
SOffertory-Meditation........................ .......assanet
Baritone 'Solo--"Open Ye the Gates" ............. Burley Laurimore M.
SPostlude--March....... ................. .......uilman



Others to $45


The Norfolk is. one of the best
of the new srn tls equal-
.ly popular for sports and school




M'ain Street at Washington



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'Will talk on the

Hill Au

:.. <.

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