-I h Senate passes can nlow be illuminated per- Mfontana A. 'C.The DistinctiveI ing their time studying or playing fectly, and with the addition of a few D Yressers' club decided at a recent cards. resident Has more high power lamps3 a regular game -meeting to adopt a certain model o . ha i ae rwill be paossible. Stetson derby as the badge of Its or Just cal 941{, when you avae a act B g Ca eergantzation. Various differences in the' Waut.--Adv. Illinis--The onorsystm * style of hatbands will distinguish the: grare danger of bw. lg abolislhed b- an owrclsnn cu.us of the great pr evalece{ of crib- t 1);bing in examinations. The chairman I1linois-Men attending the *niver 3,TxS A iTREtAT of3 the man's honor commission has re- sity of Illinois are: the greatest college signeod acid a proposal has been sub-' users of caliar' clay, the coinple iont TO EAT te)t the ccuncil for the aboli- beautifier, according to reports re- ATTH ~'on of the system. R~ecently the, uni-;j ceived yesterday..;it was stated thia j.ATTH .. , .vers'ty voted by a large majority, fo,- at any time of day groups oif young D u ui ufc the ontnuaion f te hnorsye* men 'With earthenware faces may :y^Ytcri. fount; in the traternity houses pass- *5 CHUaRCH <" 14d taa--It costa the average .tu- _______________________________ ._! bou0 Patronize Dailyi NQROt~ageyor isi. Lt pi ~ CHIRor aCO (ti)t it ~fl Rnk 1&d 01. .:. . w.. w. An Fxti Mfako Yt J. F., Ipxf, eople is un- %vhomn he will emphasized ithe journal- kinds in all jewed. That ping she de- ofittt rt ii«at a ai tttiate4 attittitaittat, (l ent 781.1 to spend nine months here according to compilations miadeb Professor. Moff at, of, the econom ics. department. One man in the univer- sity spent $2600 during the year while the largemt amount reported by the women was $1'713. lat of the nmag- ncountered the Wise1oisin-Success in life is, in 'ai Allege trained, great way aided by good clothes, i- She believes the statement made by, the dlean o d of great im-! women. "The young man or younir authors in this E woman who wears slovenly clothes l i would be expected to be slipshod ir' a~~I his work." 21 has coift- , °~. ,"" ought to 1, - n write," she M.(h se I'lierreTyOur Business en's Lunleb. u1. hehGte M aston Doumerge, new preshlent I,1::111-'Y k00 -ftec get soehr of the French senate, has had a bril- JOE P R E [providing he liant career in politic.. He hris been SPC L U AYDNE adtemb-successively colocnial,-judge, deputy, SPCILOUNDY Iestr Jackson. , cabinet minister. He has been a son- ; 11 x80 --4:t00 editor of the ato, sin cc 1910. Conivell C"I Illdgz ;es department ___________________ is now staying News els x' Y® The SProf. F. NL W~ etoric depart- Other Cele' es D m o-n tr new book. She'C le e ,e as a mener j Northw esten-Accord ig to a radio ary Digest, on m .essage broadcasted by KY W, Chica- wrngfor' go, "Expenditures for face powder P AI D I y' cosmetics, and perfumes, during the of the Rickenbacker -Chassis< 1 Wednesday last year were seven hundred and fU- #'Auto Show. TI ital circle of 'ty million dollars, or 50 percent more hold its reg- than the total endowments of all the 1. 4 Wheel B1rakes. L2:30 o'clock universities and private' colleges in 2. Double Fywee April 4, at the1 the country." This 'statement wN-:s '+5w G. N oroy, 721 made by Dean Ralph E. tIiri~iC . ImproUved Thypec Ii ,abo oftheNorthwestern in a speech befc r,ti; yak on the "Re- Chicago association of Coinmec; T'ue sd ay, AP hospital to the I Haskins of the !Chieffi .a-Kentucky Wesly:: 't .1 Un ion e ive a group of! meet the varsity football team Isere for' in social. serv- a night game next fall. The Cincin- Amsinb hgiern I ar'e cordially Kati field is considered the best .light-. Amsiny gnern ed one in the country. 'Punts and Damon- "WhatJ writingl P'ythias- are you .do"Inc, .Pyh- Her another fletter.~ "No-not this time. :Something more to the point, as one would sale. Pm ivriting the Pater to srmd me a dozen Eldorado penils. They are= all sold out down' at the' store:" rationby RCKEDCE displayed at the. New Yfork he features are: el. of Spring Suspension. ding Room Society Card or 25 cents.. Watc h 'Our'.Window's] ' " .pecial A Few of the Many Articles We Will 0, oil Heaters Roasters Aluminum Percolators Manifold .All. Kinds Safety Razors Carvingf { And many other articles too numer ~ LEAN P ANDI PAINT UP-PAINTSy TH4 ET HTM PRiCES RIGHT-SER VICE PRC Upn dh;,V -To-Dae Hardlzare ;gi111 I'a'a111111iiiN 1N 1t1tti1111#11111111111lt111a lI111 rhs iW( ifer for This 1Auto Heate Sets -ous to menti( AND VARNI CY CAN BUY .S ,_ :)MPT e Co. Phone 1610-3 10 ww* NOON +Mr # Iy , UC; - , ; ,:': t. . " '.. . : - .: ^ w. x 4 SHOWING AT REGULAR PRICES TO DAY THRU TUESDAY jANNOUNCING £OUR ANNUAL SUPER EA STER PROGRAM STARTING TODAYii SHE OOE D L D TE LL'ON ,; .\ AND USdJTI' :p DCf Q I T e Premiere Presentation: of Roscoe (Fatty) Arbuckle's successor 111010 ~1141.1 1 i rALTER CHWRtS' I A new star, but an old favorite with 'Ann Arbor audiences, hav- ing appeared in several lavish hproductioms, and now as John Percival Billings in "MR. BLICSPEND "./ I; Th-e Super-.Comedy Special With JAEINELOGAN I7 Hm[ere's jolly, Walter Hiers, as you have always wanted to see him-starring in a fast, hilarious love comedy. Starting, as a rribbon clerk, finishing. as the boss of a South American Reputblic, with a lovely senorita as his bride. I s r £ THE CAST ~JohniiPercihlBilliiigs f WALTER 11I1,IVS (;el. Pablo Blanico . . George 1.ai cett Captain Cuniez ....... Robert MeKlm Priscilla Parker ,...Patriclia Palmier l; ta La n ,harez..Joseph Swilekard Joltit 1). Starbock......... Guy Oliver Whi11te............ Edwvard Patrick Piego.........Clarence Burton Lanl ...... ..George Field 1I WILL1 BE RKEMIIBRED) THAT THIS IS THE FIRST EFFORT SINCE THlE RECORD BREAKING "ItEW- STEWS MIlLLIONS" TO MAKE A KNOCKOUT ,COMEDY -ROMANCE. Gg'aramoulft fOCiwe I I to SUNDAY PRICES j Matinee All Seats 35c Lodges 50c Kiddies 10c Ev-ening the Samte The New York Tdimes, When it :was announced that Walter fliers would be starred it was generally agreed that the last effort to March 25th, says : re-establish Roscoe Arbuckle on the screen head been abandoned. Though not so large as. Arbuckle, Mr. lers is physically ample, and his style of coinedy. is more or less that common to the fat man. So it was taken for ,;ranted that he would be put forward as 'At-buckle's successor. And now his 'first comedy has come to the Rialto. It is "Mr. Billings Spends His Dime." The first ques- tion is, doe stir. Hiers land. in Ar-buckle's place? And the answer is, "He does." Or rather he' doesn't-for hie goes beyond. Arbuckle, higher or further, whichever way you choose to measure his distance. Mr. bilers is a real comedian, which means that lie is an actor. In Addition f . S",NDAT. SCHEDULE MATINEE 1:30-3:00-4:30 FFNING 47:00-8:30 . 4 A GOOD) COMIEDY AUGMENTED ORCI(ESTRAt IN'TERNATIO AL N EIs 'Fa' I AU