THE M INL I. d t] I l 1ull Tn'Y SQUAD i ;, r ;, a P arrell Will Organize' Three Harrier; Teams For Intereollegiate Meet; -VNW 11A$SI8'FOR AWARDING "1-'8s" WILL BE INALURA TRl As the result 'of- a conference be- tween1 Steve Farrell, Varsity coach of track ,and field sports, 'Elmer D. Mit- chell, director eof intramural Athlet- ies, aind George Little, representing the department of intercollegiate ath- letics, an intensive drive for cross- counptr~y mterial has 'ben organized to start immed iately. *'Men. desiring. to try out for any of ~the cross country squads should re- prt a, atrman gymnasium at eith- er 3,j"4, or 5 o'clock Monday' after.. noon, where they will meet coach Sullivan, Will Form Three Squads Every afiternoon three squads will r'un, one at 3:1l5, one at 4:15, and one at 5,: 15 o'clock, so that all nmen can find suitable hours. The objects of this campaign wil 'be twofold: first to incrbae 'ojh.ti6pation in the sport for i1 ; own sake; and secondly to provide Varsity track and cross country ma- terial. According to Coach Farrell, Michig~an has never had more than 504imen out for cross-country, and gen- erally nuot as many; lie thinks that if Cornell can get between 300 and 500 men out every year, Michigan should be able to have at least half that num- bcr. With the idea of creating general camipus interest in the sport, it is planned to have Coach 'Sullivan, who "has- until now handled primarily, wrei4iling anld boxing, assist the' new cross-country tryouts, especially 'in th-eir training. Sullivan will run with new~ men each :fternoon, giving them tips on training and breathing, and as soon 'as he notes improvement enough in any man to warrant it, he will transfer him to the Varsity cross- country. squad, under the' supervision- ofQpach Farrell1. Will Award "AT" Coach Farrell says, "In past years, the 11 aar was almost impossible to win. In fact, only two men won it durinig the last ten years. The Ath- 'etic board, therefore, in order to put Scross-country on an -equal 'footing with the other' sports, have, revised the ru'les so that the regulation track M will be aw&arded to the six members of a cross-coun4 nry team which places .first or seco'nd in a Conference meet, or to any individual who places 15th or better in any Conference meet,' or to any man who places first in a dual mecet, or second in two dual meets. "The Western Conference meet wiil be run at Purdue this year on Novem- ber 25. We are trying to arrange dual meets -with Wisconsin, Purdue, anid M. A.C. In addition to these intercol- legiate meets, there will be the Har- pham trophy race som~etime in Novem-' be, and the three-'mile all fresh race. Freshmen will be awarded numnerals, and the first three to finish' the three mile1 course will receive loving cups."' i I" I In connection with the women's i'McNally,'2b .. ......0 0 0 work: in the Girl's Rifle club, open to E. Scott, s......... 3 0 0 all women eligible for camipus activ-j Hoyt, p ........... 2 0 1 ities, LaAt yea'r's team comipeted suc- "'3aker.......1 0 0 cessfully with such coleges and uni-, Jones, p......0 0 0 versities as M.A.C.; Northwestern' and - - - Chicago. Toltals........30 0 42 Giants !GIANTS WIN THIRD K AB lR11 BY STAR PITCHING ' Gro, b . ncofssa........ 3 2 0 (Cotined romPag On) P rlisli, 2bh.. ....... 2 0 2 (Contined fro Page ne) l±. Meusel, If ...... 4.01 Meusel out, McNally to' Pipp. One j Young, rf ......... 4 0 3 run two hits, no errors. Kelly, :... .......3 0 11 Eighithi Iningj Cunningham, of.. 3 0 1 Yankees: Baker batted. for H-oyt. Smith, c.......... 4 0 1 Kelly took Baker's roller and touchedi Scott, p. ........... 4 0 1 first. Witt flied to Cunningham.I - - - - Groh took Dugan's grounder and Totals.....31 3 12 threw him out.«- No runs, no hits, no: *Batted for Ward in 'the errors. Batted for Hoyt in eighth 'Giants: Jones went into the box Score by innings: for the Yankees. Young singled intoI Yankees . ......0 00 0 0 0 0 center, his third hit' Kelly sacrificed;.....s.........0 02 0 0 Jonc3 to Pipp. Cunningham walIked. Two hit-Schang. Smith sent a high 'one to McNally. Sacrifice hits-Frisch, Kelly Scott fouled to,-Dugan. No ruls n s.qe 'St olen''base-Pipp. hit, no errors. Struckout-By Hoyt, 2; by Ninth Inning Base on blls-Hoyt, 2;S Yankees: Frisch threw out Ruth. IjTones, 1. B~ancroft robbed Pipp of a hit and Hit by pitcher-Ruth by Sc( threw him out. Bancroft tossed. out 'Dotule play-Ward to Pipp MVeusel. No 'runs," no hits,-no 'errors. TU mir:;Mc(*n,mielrtwen! 11 4 1 1 2 00o 0 1 0( 0/ 0J 0 24 17 1 TICET GONGFAST lino ' wand WiCo)nsiJn ginsthis yea1l are comninh-o the Atlet Oc office inp wbo lutentionally misr'epr1esent their "vas ill bec refelred to the Studenlt ('ouncil for discipline, and probably viii 1e given seats aftera ll others are, roided I or. great nubrovery dlay and tickets Martha-Ann Fruit, Cakes of Cincin- wil bereay b malin abut jati. Tice 's Drug Store. 117 S. Main week. before the gamecs. St.-Adv. 1 Independents tryouts f'or the wo- ~men's debate .will be held this morn,1- in g at 8 o'clock instead of 9 o'clock, as announced in yesterday's Daily. Professoh Ray K. limmel 1if the ANN ARBOR CUIJS THRT MN TFr''(ay mI ori' tha i'iIn Lthese pl~im~]I ila:ry speeches it risot necessary i0 dIisc uss the whbole questioni. A briec outline, detailed discu~s sioln of one point of the argumnent onI- wil!ly,' will sufice. I0O1 ShOE FACTORY YO 0 2 1 1 2 15 2 1 5 2 (? 0 2 1 F 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Orders wi ll be filled acc1ording to' class -with the senior ('las s ha ving the first prre'er ce , though Laniattempt; ,will h^ ~d to sat isfy i ifiv idir-lre- quests in o far as possrible. Each ap- Ipliatioh' for tickets is inspected by the Athletic Association in order thact no fradaleu'rep resental oin as to0 classes may be' made. Such o ienderi' s oil all Purchased at RIDER'S PEN SHOP 308S So. State St. IJTE SERVICE 27 16 1. seventh 0 0 0'-0 1 0 *_ Y'. Scott, 2. Scott, 1; Cott. P. -w ti2 a Thirty minute service. for anrd delivered at the Shoes called A& 4WA16i M.i A& # 46 f 4064066 IN I Get your repair work done *when you you want it. w ti 0 .' H. W. CLARK, 534 Forest'.Avenue Phone. 3043 I' ANN ARBOR CUSTOM 1SHOE FACTORY IADelicious Dessert-I Yankees Witt, cf .. ......... Dugan, 3b ......... Ruth, rf ......... 'Ppp lb. . ..1 . R. AMei sel, If... Schang, fc.. ....... Ward, 2b .......... * slith ...... . . ABi 3 4 3 .4 4 3 2 1 R 0 0 :0 0 0 0 "0 II - 0 0 1A 1 0 1 + 0 10. 1 2 2 0 A. 0 0 1 4 4 0. E 0 .0 0 0. 0. ' 1ildebrand. Michigan Daily and Chimes for $4.504. 1I. Our three layer combination of Camea Tu"lttiawFrutt~i I u 1 . I \\ li% ®il,' ,\ l l \ ills\111 i ' J, ?1r fi tCii, ili' I i . s j 1 :. ' a LA T TIME TODAY MILDRED 1 1 ;i -- I f 1 ' i I 1 i a PO"WDER PUFF BEAUTY ' PA RLO R In ordcr to facilitate our service me have employed THREEMARCEL GIRLS FOR APPOINTMENT CALL 993-R Fend'erson and Fenderson 320' South State (Over Graham's) i " r, Fouiarc PA s 'tth e Little Red Purnb-Hauzdle V'anillam-Brick Cream J*I .akes an irresista bet, delicacy for Sunday dinner- - and AI , T'ru bey s A Phone'1 66 2'18 South Main Thie Home of Banquet lee Creams IN THE FIRST 0OMAN COMEDY "ANY OLD PORT" Founta ipo ns of the aaetwslmat'es. L DE t Rcpalrlpg4,',a specialty i A ALL" AMERICAN Emm"m _,. ° r P l ~' ! a nr 4 prl TODAY Last Time Today ONLY This is the Ringing Message Stupnn New MILLINERY -_AT-- GLENN HUNTER "ETHE CRADLE BUSTE R Starting Sunday! - PU 32 1 YEAR SO0 UT H andHIN M1AIN S T R T Z E E'T OFFER RIFLE COURSES Five different lines in rifle shoot- ing includin~g instruction_ for both Inen and women ar~e offered this year by the deparrnent of Military Science Course for R.O.T.C. men, in which' :redit is'.given are, thy" regular ele- minmitpa course rifle instruction for fr~eshmnen, and the special shooting qualificoation course 'for advanced stu- dents, n which badges are given for rlaivedegrees of marksmanship. TheR.O.T.C. rifle team, which twill be <'composed of tryouts who qualify during the target practice Friday af- ternoon acid this morning, will engage i a schedule of competition with oth- cr schools and colleges during the yeair. The men's rifle team has receiv- ed recognition from the 'athletic de- partment. Two numerals and eight' siweaters were awarded last year. Rifle instruction with °22 caliber rifles will be given to any women de- siring to receive such instruction. An- nou'ncemients will be made_ later of class schedules. No credit will be giv- en for this course.} :'. : "'u' 1 I/ LAST TIMES A T~%HIE CAMPI$TS TEAT RE T wil r'- I I Even iWhen 1 1". J} - J~ ADOLPH ZUKOR sspp~j °PgEwS An Irvin Wlla# Produtctiota der lode story, with thrill-swept action every minute. And the most iiring climax ever filmed. A T last- a big, hum'an picture of . y= the -great Northwest! A ten- JACKIE COOA is in -he mixes smiles with tears ,. SAY- 7SACh & H arris in l theoUn ite - d Stat of Gdmelrica.. Di-e ction-a JosephDe rcfssd Have youi eaten at the Chiniese Gardens? We'serve both Chinese I' and American dishes. "eare open from I I to~ 11, also, dancing from 6 to 7 :30. hi i5 ~1~ar rn I DNAVID PO WELL--MIT CHEL L7 L E WIS--DORO. :TH YDALTON INAI)I~i .AL S JOHN in ALL WET " Ii The KRid iaa nilzeI Nl~ ATINEE~ role. Hie reaches for yovr EYENING I 2:00-3:;30 fileair, sia lies it to 'a 7 :00-8:30 Charles Ray has mladle (lgood, poor, and fair pc tures-but never one as .' excellent as this. T at . ill itself is enoughi to y' KINOGRAMS ORCH ESTRA '1 i 10-- FREE ,AIRPLANE RIDES --10 On a'u vn ht we will zivje iw'av ten tickepts goodnrfor oe iride each ii Cant, - I I I I I II E I I