,ILA lM 24r i .. , Prussian General BULJLETINI Taken By French, ubtie. to all members of M. 0~1:84 a. in.RAfta w.) , , lm'; \rnmber l12 n ~slipis for signing out at night during' March are due ed in to the Dean's office imnmediately. JEAN HAMILTON, Deaun of VVomean. ng~ and Ardhiteeture: .n.; to grud~te In June or after the Sumne-r Sesston Sevretary's office., fl~or~n 2N3 Ea~eering fluilding, and LOUIS A. HOPKI 'S, seeretary. rring and Acidhteeture:i examination9 for the removal of conditions will be Sg vacation, on the days given in the schedule which Is etin boards of the Engineering Building. The groper red from the Secretary's office before: taking the eaAm- LOUIS A. HOPKIN3S Secretary. the Graduaite School: mleeting of the Executive Board of the Graduate School ag, Alarch 31, at 10 ocelock. A. H. ttLOYI?. Ig'ai Bred: h 31----egular Rehearsal Lane Hal Audit~torumI .r DesRhasla ilAdtru m 1 pTxe. . WILFRE~D WILSON. Director. of the Uuiversity of Michigan will meet at 7:30'#u the "his will he a busine3ss in.'lstng Duly.t J. W. IIOSTRU1P. eyiuorg lecture wtll be Akpril 5. C. T4 ANDRE17S. FOREIGN STUDENTS PLAN Tenty-fve stdets representing seven countries besides the tlnitedl States will visit Battle Creek Kalania- zoo, Grand Rapids, L.ansiug and Flint during spring recess on the annual' spring trip of the Cosmopolitan club. On this tour men fromn Japan,' China, Switzerland, lMvexico', India, So uth Af- rica and Colombia will have an op-1 portunity. to become acquainted with! Michigan cities. The trip Isunader the supervision of, Carnton: Wellq of the rhetoric depart- ment. prof. J. A. C. Pildner who led the group last year does not expect to be able to accoxnpa~ny them, on this 1spring's, trip.. W. L. lisli, grad., willj act as spokesman for the party. TEACHERS OF BUSINESS CHOOLS TO MEET TODAY~i .Michigan, Business Schools associa- do zwil mea at10:30 o'clock thin mornig:in:thy "unioh to discuss po posed activities for the 0-mociation and to formulate a definite' plan of action to constitute. the program for the coming year. Louis P. JocelYnsecretary-tress- Iurer of the Schoolmasters' club, will be the principal speaker at the meet- in.Mr. Jocelyn will tell the ass'o elcation of the nature and activities of the club. It" is probable that the as- so<;lation will petition for admission to the Schoolmasters' body. The present meeting of 'the $tui-i ness S chools association is the first that has been held iu Michigan., It is made up of representatives. from the leading business schools through- out tke state. Plnd that loot pin through the etas- sied columnn.-A-idv. Screen-Today Arcade-"Raceing Hearts" ben- *et of Women'% league; Leath- er Pushers' comedy. Majestic--Bull. Montana in."gtob 'Em 'Good;''" "Ifghty tak a Rose." Orp heum---"lestiny's Isle," -with" George F'awcett; Paul Parrot comedy; International news. Wuerth-I.on Chaney: in "Flesh and Blood;",'cornedy ; Pat he hews. C AT TIRE TREATERS Style's 110 good to you unless U's good for you. Thei finest hat will look "fu~nny" if it's worn above the wrong face . 'That's why we have such .i variety of shapes and. shade-, In thee new spring hats- makces it easy to get the style and tolor that becomxes you. -,t" f-, . Ran W Hat $3 to $5 . I I I Stoae--hibWeek Garrick (Detroit).- "The Mon- ster," 'with. Wilbur Crane. Bonstelle "coaipauly ini a4- dies." (. I I I. Ann Arbor's Leading Clothiers "Exclusive, butp~yot expensivie"° 209 S. MTAIN ST. { General. voniMudra, General von Mudra, Prussian' milit- ary leader. who directed German' re- slatance in the Argonne, has been ar- rested by the French according to lat- est reports' from the Ruhr. CathoM~ Student to Give Dapee. Catholic students will give a dance! In the auditorium of at. Joseph's sian- ataniumr from 2,:30 to 5:30 o'clock this afternoon. Just before the dance a. JUST 'PUBLISHED nip Students in Business Adiulnls~attoii, En htoerig. Astronomy, Applied Statistical Matlhematics In .weoats4ca, t IO gy, Pychology, forestry and 'vital Statistics': Tfables in ApiedMathematics by ae W. Glover $4.50 Ijlg" Itees r f428 ag4snrau and V ital Statis tics Taitec, 16pge Tal~ er st aes san mtict,10pages; Sel-en Place Logariliuns, .1 to 100,01*, 186 pages, 'DOIN G ON hisa Column sbohhi nPrivate Sehc4 ol aO. Ain room 302 of the 1RI ivate SCII001 &S 50 in private dining room mnee in ariseunbly hall fieU prestts WAM-ro P'atten gill, auditorium. rn drnner In xoou: 8191 moa RB14clahss meets ai Theta dtnnaor h roots Lori. ates, act it ro~nt 30, 6 00.- k .ptit uild friendohip bo, lin z..e'i.4 ill ; Ge i ~Vbven LUin'.flJn or the Balrtist church. the Rev. Michael' P. B~ourke, student tap - vl n iaeaesJ ncaliwohsrtre fe room. twelve weeks' absence on account of 16:il-&.aV 4aid . m8eft 04 in , IDillness. 302 of the tUnion. o:--Wesleyaug"Ild #s Realthe W antAd odist church.R a h ,Y~ n d 6:30-Raptlst wuild devotional met- iag In Baptist church. 4i u3--resbyterleauYoung *Ieogles' ,so- ciety meets in Presbyterian church. ' T I I LUTHER~AN 4, U-NOT1,S Senior l11Wi and enu rte' cae awkst CUC 'be rderd 4Wagnr's efoe sping Fifth A'e. anid William St. Frye exbff~tleo of 'ewtiglaa st~adie by Itallan and r nulish painaters, arch~- l',ectun al corridor, .Engineentwg REV. E. F. CGUxDEQt3LAT,. Pastoi building. Alfred, roinbotrg' lecture Is beeu ---- postponed from April' ~t April 5. :0A .SinioSrieo h hillside. 4~M1ChIAN IN IDIA"0:30 A. X.-Easter program by tho Sunday School C I 118 1 G -ANII1 10:30A. A--Commiunion 8Service. Organization. of. the "Michigan in India" club was effected Thursday .1,night as a result of the talk given by tkR OvE T W LC M Daniel Swamidoss, Y. Ml. C. A. rural; secretary in India on social work In ________________ that, country. - The club, which wvas drawn up by a. Imotion of one of thie students pres- ent, at the conclusion of Mrt. Swami- [UNITARIAN CHURCH (los's spech, has as ita purpose, the. supportng cif the rural construction State sd urd. c~ri t ixe~ts work in that' couity !Iud the culti- IO ' t~ fnye (vating of an interest in the work here. S~N1S OiS Mns Au executive coamitte o 10 meni___ w ere ,choseui out of the 35 chatte'r x~embe-rs of the club which' will Imn i m rediately work on a constitution andi 10:40 A. ?II- l ntnitk«'." 'further organization fotr the club. '9A~,~ .YrY' WA H R 'S 'MO i ..{ uunaag Cburch services FIRST CHURCH OF CIRI SCIENTIST University Bhook Stores What Does Easter Say I TO ALL MEN: Be stropg Today the mightiest. hero that ever breathed won the mightiest victory that ever was wvon. A gospet overeame a gray:.. A c'rOss, mlde its: gift to- a sepulchre, 'and then the .gift defied the sepulchre. When Jesus' spirit was. known to. be alfve though his body was seen to be dead, the human hart of the: world ha4 its most.,, convincing and shining evidence that immortality was a faith for thinking men, not a silly supeorstition for weaklings. Live With spiritual energy and with conquering purpoae, And you too will never rife. TO ALL WOMEN~: Be beautif'ul. Today the 'fairest life that ever adorned history flung off the habiliments of the tomb and rose serene and undismayed by phy-' sical law. There wevre women among the friends of' Jesus; and they loved- andr worshipped hime because he gave ,them an evangel of emianci- Iation (Ind ,£oyous 'liberty. The recurrence of FNaster brings flowers and music and thoughts of all beautiful things. And true beauty never perishes on earth. wive itb proportion, gentleness, sweetness and all the graces of the spirit, and you too weill fever die.. hE RFBERT ATCHISON JUMPll. Sunda y Morning Servico. 10:30 Sunday School, 11:45. i sinae irs eet- Feel's party: All baptist4 fil;A'ii house. Wednesday Evening-, testimi meeting, 7:30o. ead Room, 236 Nichols. cadIe. Open doily 12 to 5 exe Sundays and Holidays. A,1, ARP WILCOMIE aw,, meet in room .104 loom tdeet' Easter services1 church. , IXen'q Bile CIA" room of L.ane hall.. Ile classes fin 'Pres- Fifth Ave. a*id, Washigton 'SL. Eg.C C. TELLUO NI, Pastor Wld meet in I1>se: -0SP I te OrTHLEHEM EVANGELICAL CHURCH (Evangelical Synod of N. A.) 4th- Ave, nar wPacekard G. A., NEUMAN?(, Pastor Suuday.,School 'at 9:00 a. mp. Church.Service6 at 10:00 a. m. E~ng- Church Servlce 11:00 a. fi.'Qr-, man. Students Cordially Welcomed4 EASTER SERVIC ' -I s wesley 1bal. f Yon, peoples' sgo-. r in Presbyterilnj Read the :Want Ads "Why Seek Ye the Living Among The -Dead'? ".(Foster), Mi-s: WIl- son, and Air. Kenna; "Hosanna" (Jules Granier), Mr. IKeena; an instrumen~tal quartet: MAr. Fred Zierer, Air.. Wilfred Wilson, Air. Carleton .Pierce, Mr. William Watkinas. Stud enta' Supper and Discussion. 9:00 .A. 4.(English) Sermon, "The Great taster lMessage." 10:130 A. A..-(German) Sermon,. "The Third Day He RoseAgai n.7' 6:30, P. SV.-Student Forum. Subi- ject, "The 'Resurrection."' Misr Ruth Bora, leader. 7:30 IP. 1lW=-An Easter song 6er- s-iCe give n -by .the Sunday School.. Subject, "King of .Kings." r FIST BAPTIST CHURCH 1. EDWARD SAY LES, 11inister HO0WARRh . CJAPMIA', Minister for Students 10: 30--Worship and Sermon "Re- tiscovering Personiality".AMr. Say- les. 7 : 30-Evening Worship. Sermon" by Mr., Sayles, "Eternal Life." Easter Music, both services. 12: 04- 'Sttdents' Bible Class meets at Guild Mouse. 6:00--Students'. Fricudahip Hour, 'Church Parlors. 6:,30--Students'. bevotional Meet- ing. "'The Mieaning of EaSter in Grea4t Iymns of the Church." Alr. Chapman, leader. Miss Irene F'in- lay, leader of music. A cOrdial weleomfi to students t, this church. ANN ARBOR BIBLE CHAIR AN) "UPPER RUOM" BIBLE CLASSES 1,,t,)E 11,'LL "I CALL For .e-aster Ca ndies t I I 10:30 A. M. Morning Worship. Pastor's Subject,11A. Rendezvous wfi th It:00N Non. BIBLE CLASSES in WESI.S'Y 'Hb.' 2:30 P. AT. HOSPITAL SING at UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL. Under auspices, of Social Service Departmenmt of Wesleyan Guild. 4:30 F. AM. No Open, HouseToday. 6:;3011. A 1 ,'ELEYAN GUILD 'DErVOTIIONAL ME 'ING. Leader: M11., Edward Rwnfdell. 7:30 P .M. No Evening Service. SlMCIAL M11USIC: '"Easter" (Foun ded on an ancient Paster ,Carol) (Ole- n~ent Loret), Mrs. head; "Romance (From "V" Minor Concerto) 01. Wieniawski), Mr. Clancy and= Mrs. Rhead; Old easter Carol, ''Alleluia," (arranged, by Morrison), the chorus choir; ."Redeemed of God" (Shelley), the chorus: choir; "BrealiDivinier Light"(AoUit- Sen), Mr.' and Mrs. Wheeler; "Triumpjhal1 March" (Gulmant), Mrs. R1head. 1, i ST, PAUL'S LUTHERN CHURCH (Missouri synod) Corner Third and West Huron Sts.' CARL AL BRAVTER, Pastor 9:00. A. M.- Prepa raWry Service' In (kninan. 9:30 A. M: --aster $ervle It. tr-' man.. 11:00 A .M,--Preparatory Servic>e in English. 1.:30.A.1X-Easter Service in Eng- lish. Sermon Subjeet: "QLru'ls esur- rect. on A Glorious Victory." 'No Etentng Service !_ FIRST PEBTE-NCHURCH. DIVISION AND HURON JAMIS C. REIA X, Sec't' 1Icen Students 6:30 SUNRISE SERVICE AT THE CHURCH Lucile Wilty '23, Leader 10: 30 EASTER SERVICE "i-lbMAN T'1 MORT-11.4 ITY" 12:08 STUDENT CLASSES Led by Proft W. D. Henderson and Dr. J. E. Kirk-patrick 6:30 SOCIAL, HOUR FOR REI ESHMENTS ANtD FUN.' 5:30 YOUNG PEOPLE'S TMEETING "IS CHRISTIANITY PRACTICABLE IN INDUTSTRY -'" Claude Graham, Graduate, Leader Last Sunday Evening's meeting was intensely interesting. 'riii. even- tng promises to be niore so. The discussions have been lively and deep. See "Upper Room" Bullet and Riined Schledule Sunday Class for Men fro 9:30 to 1-0:15 Have You F0orgottenAn y+ne Drop in and select your Faster- ox of BETSY ROSSto .. , .. I , CANVIES~ u1ber--Everybod ikes .idy. iant the best, yiou need not guess, buti come ty I GONGREGATIONAL C ~ "tTHE STONE CIII RIH WITH 'lEEWAA4 I WBCtA2,P Herb ert A. Jump; E. iKmtoi Mitcetl l Ma X. ilir, Staff. 10: 30--aster Service, WWI special music,. baptism of -babies and cepticyn Of iniemb ere. , ,. CHU RCHOF CHRIST (DISCIPLES) Temporary, houme. LANE HALL V. P. AJ1THJJUP, tor,. I i 1t. :aflbtcw'$3 isCOpaI Church COR. CATHEFINE AND DIVISION "STREETS JIEiftR1LIJ,1S, Rc 7:00-A. U.---Holy Communion. ~9:04 .A. x---holy Communion. 9:30 A. M.--Student Bible Discussion Group at H-arris Hall. 10:30 A. K.-Festival 'Morning Prayer, Holy Communionl and Sernjion Iy the Rector. Subject, "Immortality."y 4:00 P. M.---Children's Festival Service. 6:00,P. 1M.-Sulpper for Students and other Young People at Hiarris il"11 Wednesday, open I-ouse at H-arris Hall from l to G. EASTER MUSIC Vested Boy choir of 36 voices, It. H. Kempf, Organist and Chloir Mlaster. . , yam ...,........ n ...... ..... .-.p _.__. f y~ou metsy I'(oss;° re- ...9:30'- A. M...-Bible school. 10:30 -A.". M-Easter Program I e-. .. .:- . li I I 11