in Begins EDI SCOTT ADDRESSES SCIENCE ACADEMYl tin, psychology, Prof. 1-1. F. Adams, sanitary and medical science, Prof.j Philip Hadley,' zoology, 'Dr. L., R. Dice. The section in geography has been joined with the economics section and minerology has been~ included in the section of geology.I Phi Delta Ktavpa REGENTS GRAIT DEGREES TO GRAUATE STUDENTS Degrees to. students of the Gradu- ate school were granted by the Board LAST, - - - - - - - - - - - - ome Page One) rbert AW. Emerson, y department, will, ory in Dr. Novy's r-,bip A evepted .?ollock, of thie twho is now serv- y of exchange pro-! iversity of Nriwaii, [her year's leave of' A. McLaughlin,- of trrent, was granted bsence for the 'Uni- 1924. ttermnan, of the se- was granted per- the meeting of the 1 ociety at Prince-; (Continued from Page One) , f T ' ' U/' __l he Regents accepted with thanks gift of George Gough Booth of ,roit of a European scholarship in hitecture amounting to $6,000 and ering five years. Othr Gifts Received 'rof. Ward Davidson, of the e-_1 al engineering department, -who been on a year's leave of ab-~ ce, sent in his resignation, which Iaccepteid. r. Bryant Walker of D~etroit, hion-I ry curator of the museum, an-1 nced a contribution of $200 to the licatlon fund of the mnuseum. The Pont fellowship of $750 was extend- for another year. Regent 'Hubl- -d presented the Library with his ection of Robinsonades in Eng- E"not-rlo de laz Gar~za Althoug h the presidential 'olections in M'yexico are still 22 months off thec campaigns of the men who seek toI succeed Gbregon as head of that r'est- less 'country are undter way. Obre- gon, under the constitutio~n, canno,. run to succeed himself. Emi~eteio do la Garza is one of the active canci- dates. OTWILL SPEAK MONA Dallas bo Dre Sharp, professor of Fiiglishat Boston. university -and widRely known. as a chlampion of the public school, will speak at 8 o'clock tabhishes thie relationships definitely omeddb-h xeuiebado whchha be wrkd u b eol-Hears Dean Gray v ',b h xctiebado LI1VU I IYU~D L whchha benwokd utbyevlu the school. Twelve Master of Arts and leii alnois tionists before the discovery of this - degrees were conferred; and 5 Mastern',YNCOATE In a :lferry Burlesque bloodj test; the fourth 'was the geo- Phi Delta $Kappa; national hon~orary I of Science, one of the latter being.' S R 1 mumI~i1 logical distribution of the various anl- euainlfrtriyIloe t otin, engineering. finials; the fifth was the study of evo- important meeting of. the, year last FA. Br icaeldf ip.s,P.B.r, iani 1 FEat ,0 Wat to }ee rE NT lutfonay-development on oceanic isl-A.,MiheDeFl ands; and the sixth was the proof of- night with a banquet at ,the Union, at W. Eddy, A.B., C. S. Esteves, A.B., fe'ed by the study of paleontology, and' which 89 members ,were present.' Abraham Herman, A.B., B. W. Lewis, to this last point, Professor Scott at- Thirnia pae fteee A.B., G. R. Mirick, A.B., Winifred 0'-- tribut ed the greatest value.The pricwas l Dean ke~ ra of hicave-connor, A.B., J. N. Sahni, A.B., S. R..- -University Faculty ElctedgwaionpreSent of he a- Sarasohn, A.B., and Mary Schultz, A.B~. . The final business meetings of 'the notynawhona skenon the Scie -o received the degrees of Master of Academy, met from 1:30 to 4 o'clock !ntwlasoeo"te"cec.o Arts. yesterday afternoon. -A resolution wlas Study of a Program: for, the Devel- W. L" Fink, B.S.E., J, C..Suguitan,; passed to' forward the 'movement be- opment of Rleading Ability in the B.S.E., Eleanor Swanson, A.13. B.S., gun last summer in making an eco-_ Child". Dr, Vilhijal ur ' jStefanson eyin g Ming Tse, B"S.Ei., and Melissa depprttenttoffthhAcademyewaswas organ- serving the wand's forests. ____ Science degrees. __ ANNUAL_ EASTERATTRACTION__PROMENADE iz~ed under the name of the section of' Among the guests present at the Scec ere.-K A N A ASET R C IO R M N D Langage andLitratre. he ol=banquet were 'Dr. Stefansson, Presi- Find that lost pin through'the clas-H EQ IIT lowing mnembers of the Univerrsty fac- dent Marion L. Burton,. Prof. VW. B. ified column.-Adv.I ulty wer e elected -to this section: J. Scott .of Princeton university, Prof. ,______Laurette______Ta____r AV col .N ctF .KleH".B. Merriman of Hraduniver- SI4U BERT pop. th u e adst., - Iii ler Celebra ted Role IA. Strauss, R. ..Wlenley, J. H sity and Pr'of. D. M. Robinson of MIHG AN lafrLeroy Waterman, C. P. Wag-{ Johns Hopkins university. NI ts, 50.so7s541.00 -r nr, Samuel Moore, Campbell Bon. -________ fl. P EGO' Iner, E" L" Adams, L. I. Bredvold, H. E~Jbdv xeldJ'o ~ P. Thieme, F. B. Wahr,, Max. Winkler, GeeaSdrh3(yA)E. o nsteIte Comat yu J. . ildi~, A G CafildJuio elKhedive Abbas Ililmi,: of Egypt, has ";.u the Comedy of Da ddylood 1Toro, S. F." Gingerich, C. J. Winter, been expelled from' San Remio by the - A$ " UTER KE TON E. aninJ.11.EfingrM; . ibItalian government for alleged propo- By I~OHN H IOBBE I ley and 0. J. Campbell. Other members ganda activities. He was escorted by IN othfculywowrelce toItalian police to,the Swlss frontier and Gos -- 8 o n aO . " DAY DREIAMS" y rious sections were: J. W. Vander- is no.- -yw in Lausanne. WeARI d. Mat. - SLuc 4a $1.58 wilt, A. L. Olson, E. E. Day, H. T. Fol-A I~ a.a~t.- o oi.o thaTHE CaAl geran C. C. lve.Wn to sell ta used car?'Cl TOSEaPH M. GAITES Presents Q{Th Officers Elected 90-Av ii..=.1 t'Officers of the Academy for the con- _____________ .ji RAN WILBUR r s-;enk ong' Proo-e -Iying year were elected, and the folloff- Try, a Classified Ad--it' pays.-Adv.E A lay of Thrills! Surprises! hauglv; ing men will fill the positions: presi-I tl1101F111111i11.l1l 11i1114l1311l16311111l11111111111I ________________________________________________________________ I 4icnt2 Prof. Campbell Bonner, sec'y treas., Dr. L. R" Dire, 'librarian, ter 'W..Bishop, editor, P. S. Welch. Vice presidents . of the various sections were: anthropology, Prof. H. H. Bart-1 lett,'botany, Prof. R. P.. Hibbard, Ecu- - _ nomics, Prof. G. EGriffiin, languages j and literature, Prof. J. W. Schioll- ogy- and minerology, Miss Helen Mar-1I{s (~1~A T~t~ LAST TIMES - I hi, French, German. and Dutch. U nes,+ Monday evening in P~ttengill _________________auditoriilm, taking as his subject "Ed- utonfor Democracy". His talk llDD~'T~will be a plea for the public school PUPPETSTI PPrFORM as a national institution. Mr. Sharp has contributed articles Aaep ? es Ofl' tcillAvztzgi toHarers'magazine and teAln ____tic Monthly magazine for many Tickets to the second performancee years. and his essays on democracy, Harry Burnett's marionettes, which are held directly* responsible for a~ 11 be hold at 4 o'clock todlay in new law in Oregon which makes at- ttenill 11audeitoriumi, rnay still bel tendanc'e at public schools compul- rc iaed at Wahr's> book store or sory'. By this law practically all the door of the auditorium, private schools in that state have 'Thimp elstiltzki ", an old fairy; been put out of existence. ry, 'will be zgiven. F4.'G. Brown, The lecture is to 'be given under ,a., Dorothy Jeffrey, '24, Jeannette ! the auspices of ..the Ann Arbor Par- '71ons, '26, Robert Henderson, '20, ent-Tachlers council. Tickets mnay rch Dickit, 'tis, Crosby Rees, 125, be purchased at Graham's and wahr's ' l Harry Burnett, '23, will mnaa; for 50. cents. mniniature actors. Phei ;perfornc(,e is being. given1 Committee Approves of D~ate for Ball Eder the auspices of the F4,Iclty Approval of the Senate committee on omen's club to which shalf of the Student Affairs 'was given the date oeeds will go. The cilb plans to chosen by the senior literary class for e the money obtained in furtheringI its aninual BPall; "at the meeting of the wrorkt of its nursery , for cldren committee held yesterday in the office fa2culty nmembers and married stu-j of the Dean of Students., At a recent E' v 5 3 ., C 0 t :i 3 f' ,. l -114 1 L A 4tr 1 Long-Wearing Ties!*, UN USUALLY .attractive are the new Cheney Cravats for Spring:. They're ties that you'll, like on; sight. Smt" in. pattern -and r coloring--upto- the-minute 'in ,cut and style- wrinkle..po of--easy-tying- they are the last word in neck- wear peL etion.' I :Q0 ;3Q 'TONIGHT 7 :01 AGNES AYRES lDo-1 in 105 milex Pei, in Kennedy Regenerative Receivers are licensed under Armstrong 'U. S. Patent No. 1,113,1419 for aia- teur and experimental use. -Kappa Alpha rla.ePrry Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity announzc- last night the purchlase of t~ie A. Jennings property, 1,Q24 Geddcs a',i- ue, yesterday. The deal involved 0,000. The property w ill he vacat- by the Jennings family in ,uea' which time the fr aternity will take secssion. mieeting of the class, it was voted to n .ove the date of the affair forward to May 13. 17lyers Try for Becoi~ Dayton, March 30-(By A.P.)-TLieut. John A. MacReady and Oakley G. Kel- ly hopped off, in the monoplane T-2 at 4:10 o'clock this afternoon in what they hope to be a nlew record for sus- taited flight. Patronize Daily advertisers.-Adv. DOR~ipBERThO - f Do you hike a real auto race with such wor ld famous 4xv era as JMI JU H Visit us 'today and-let us show y y7 these new offerings. LABORATORY APPARATUS CO.j J:i)J.RPOJ RATED $06 Sco. Main S#.. 10LD BY RJU LE COI N a CO. .J. F. IVIJERTH & CO. F. W. GROS STACK '& CO., He's here in a race that ends in a lhair raising smash and a ro- miance that ends in a heart K throJbing clinc~h-you'll like ahem both. . in Adiion yam. THE NEW LEATHER PUSHERS Featuring'