r 30i1 au atl -j * , EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR MICHIGAN,' SATURDAY, MARCII 31, 1923 EIGHT PAGES i It I" EASTER TO lBE P11, N JUOIIIA(SF jNEW BONNETSMAY APPEAB'UIULIIhJU C Spring bonnets md creamy 1 Norfolks may appear tomorrow EETOFCR with reasonable assurance or not [C 9 Ifl being ruined by an April show- Tft Tllr e r, according to a forecast by t e w a he u e uet r a . 9A l AT~f), t.-i---.#--III - _111 Special Service Held Yesterday Special Go0od Friday services were held at 2O'clock yesterday afternoon athe Wue rtl theaver. Addresses were delivered by Rev. L4. A. Barrett of the First :Pre~byterian church, and the Rev. IHerbert Atchinson Jump of SCOTT ADDRESSES LAST SESSION OF PRINCETIO'\ PROFESSOR SPE AKS ON "EVIDENCES OF 'VOLTION" OF FICERS ELEC'TED IN AFTERNOON MF ETIN+G University Deant Given New Hdonor; r Wan the re~1centL Cold spell keeping Spring ap~arel out of sight until now, the fashion pa- rade may begin tomorrow. If present indications may be relied upon, the day will be cool and clear, it was stated at Wash- ington. jIN'sESTIGATION C 0 31 t T T E E S FIN DO, Gs RCS ;RS D SCUSSFJS RECREATION NEEDS STE FANS E OF C'IV REFUTE NOR ~OF JAPAN! 3 i f R J + I I Y y ;..." ..rr+.w r+ rt«w ,+fwV+w.i}w +wiw rrww w I of V~S. 0-(By A..)- rious Lansing-' 'by which the A the "specialj hina has been be announced overunments at 11 an- iltan-. *of under- )r. tcommuni- of Individual Confer' SEVEN KILLED 'IN In the final general session of theI i ; s'choolmasters' club) held yesterday1 morning in 11111 auditorium officers foi COLUMDIIflECK :\ year wore elected acid revor:s. weremaey ai'scmnto. Passenger Trai Jlits Automobtle; Faculty lien Eivc k-4 Sudden Stop Der:ilis Vila 1.7. F'yan, of. Detroit, waselc Cc c1es ed president of the organization, W. -F. tewi s, of the Northern state Nor-t BLOCET) iJAFIC ~mal of Marquette, was chosen vice- TRAIN'S 'TO0 ll; RE-ROUTED President, A. It. Crittendon, of the clas- sical language department, member of 1 the exceiutive council, and L. P1. .Jocc-! Columbus, MIarch 30--Wky A. I'.)- lyt2 of Ann Arbor, secretary and treas-j seven persons were killed and many urer. injur A here tNday when a 700 tanf A report of the committee on ex- BI- our ullmn trin srucka iperimeutal studies and investigation i ,0 pounid automobile and wus de- inl high schools was made by rc- raile in grad crosing ccidnt. al George Nutrdock of Detroit. Super-' Autorillsts Kill"d f utendent L. A. Butler of Ann Arbor {Running an hour late enroute from submitted the report of the comnmittee Boston to Cincinnati, it was thrown 'On teacchers' agencies. from the rails by the sudden appli- lacees Value on Recreation cation of the braltces after '.he engine Dead James E. Rogers, of New York,a had rased hrogh he ut~obie.spoke. befor~e the schoolmasters in- h engie andhfourht he u tople.terested in recreation work at 4 0'-+ The ngin andfou coahes op-clock yesterday afternoon in Natural pled over. With the exception of the Scc auditorium. He discussed the' diner,' which wa~s tha last, car, all ofpuos and need of recreation and its the other cars in the train. left tevei the p reerpocalsedtiz track. The occupant~s of the auto- that exists in cities. ' mobile were instantly killed. "Reading, 'Riting, 'Rtithui^ c tic, and Trahk Ile-routed Recreation, are rapidly, becomi:ng the That more were not killed was at- four R's of modern education," Dear tributed to the fact that the coaches Rogers declared. 'He laid' the cause were of steel construtction and did of this to the increasing knowledge of' not crumble up despite that their I the value of such treatment andl the trucks were torn away and 'they were nderstanding amrong wen of indlus 'piled' against the overturned locomo- try as to its practicability. tive. O f ther indivdual conferences' :n ape. Portions o the automobile and it cialized groups were held throutghout ocuats were carried for mr the afternoon, closing with a b~n~ The racki~a tororedinner at the Union last niolht.. for a city block and traffic blocked. SThe Big Four routed trains on its (NRUIT ISVCHE ('Al Cleveaddvio veteHoin J lUI itiJIL UI eln iiinoe h okn CNTValley road for the remainder of{ Ethe day. SLE8M 4 SET D r TnuICOM IT r LOSANGEJLES PRISONER CLAIMS TO KOW OF WAiLL ST1 'E EIL F Or 00UNION APPOINTEDCTSTOH ' ' ' Los Angeles, March 30-(By'A. P.,)I Union nominating' committeemen I ---Herbert Wilson, former evangel- who, are' to select capdidates for, thej ist, alleged mail robber, and convict-a thie Congregational church. Paul Wilson' played a trumpet solo, "The Holy City", R. Winfield Adams sang "Before the Crucifix" and Nora Crane Hunt sang Buck's. "MyRe R-deenier andl My Lord". Prof. Earl V. Moore, of the School of Music, was at the: organ. Words of, the hymns were "flashed, on the screen. N omuluittimia of University, ('onlfirm(41 by lItogejts Thursdiay ig ht 'Miuuy Faculty M[en Cthosen to Becomne Members of Association of Sent11ists !As the last feature of the three day session of the Michigan Academy of (Sciences; Arts and Letters, Prof. AWil- 11lamn B. Scott of Princeton university, spoke on "Evidences of Evolution" at 4:15 o'clock yesterday afternoon in Hill auditorium. Many members of the Schoolmasters' club, and a numnber of students and members of the Uni- versity faculty were also present. Callis-Anti. Evolutionists Narrowv The bulk of Professor Scott's lec- ture was san abstract of his boo% on Senlatte LEAVES OF ABISENCE AND the same subject, which is a compil- lItEES ALSO (GRANTED ation of several of his lecturesfle ______openeds his talk with a mention of the The oardof egens a ther ati-evolution g'roufp which is rising The Bard f Regnts t thir, n the United States, This group is monthly session held Thursday" night, !seeking to have the teaching of the granted a number of degrees and theory of evolution barred from the leaves of absence and appointed to they colleges and universities in this coun- Board in Control of Athletics the; try, and have nearly succeeded in hav- tour faculty, men recently' nonyinated ing; such. action taken in Kentucky, by the University Senate. Oklahoma, and Minnesota. This idea In accordance with the Senate rec- of the, falsity of the theory of evolu- ommendation, Prof. Ralph 'W. Aig- t ion is as narrow as the. old fighit her, of the. Law "school, Prof. William against the theoiry that the earth is A. VFrayer, of, the history..e'part- round, Professior Scott says, and in no meat, Prof. 'Alfred 0. Lee, of the Ro- way can the pursuit of the theory h)e "manc7e languages diepartmnent, andI called atheistical. ,e Six main points. were taken u~p by Prof. Clarence: T. Johnston, of the PrfsorSotinodr-oso partment of geodesy and surveying, videsoSct noeolto.shew were elected 'for terms of four, three, st was the flexibility shown in thle two and one years, respectively. development of certain animals upon :sake EHmre=rits Professors ; domestication; the' second was the Prof. Moritz Levi of thle, Frenchl similarity of the various stages of the department and 'Prof. Frederick ,C. ,le bryo of fish, reptiles, birds, mai- Newcombhe of the botany department i suns, and man; the third was the proof who -will retire at the close of the; offe'red by the new blood test whichl es- current seme ster, were' made profes- (Continued on Page Two) -If accepted a~ of Japanese oe interpreta- rthe United ver the exac gver was set-l speaker En Have YY ~~~~" C i v i l i z a t i o n w i l l v n e n r h a d - t n INorth on thne shore: seas," said VTilhjalm noted Arctic explorer --Photo by Reritschler. ; t the regular Convo Dean John Ri. Effinger hl etra on Dean John 1". Effinger, of the Col- toIu. lege of Literature, Science and theI The speaker laid es 'Arts, was ;elected to membership in on the point that the the section of language and literature useless mass of snoNi in the Michigan Academy of Sciences,; lief that we inheritf - Arts and, Letters., tors, but is a valuable ______________________________there are unlimited Iwhere wvhite people ca I ' per. "As a matter o 1 "only 25 per cent of MORGN TO GIVE permanent ice and mountinousterritory i he developmento Coliinuibia Ltniversily Professor W'ill various historical as] spa n"Genetics anal4 discussed by the speal eyelopment how England had lie th ossno uar-raising island int WlL, ALSO GIVE TWO and Canada, after a w MORETEUIMCA TAKS and how Canada was only because of its co "Genetics and Development"' will land and the danger bey the subject of a 'popular leCture session. In speakinf to be given. by Dr. Thomas Hunt Mor- pointed out that this gun, professor of experimentalzo was purchased for ! olgy t Clur~bi unverity at. 8act of gratefulness to * oogyat olubi unverity 'a Sbecome exceedinglyr o'clock MN-onday evening; in the Nat-!O."t srchi1o r'ur'al Science auditorium.eregodadsve To Speak Three 'Tim es cis,1918d and5silver Hie will' also deliver two other lec- iust1one,:3aticular tures which will be somewhat more; salmon." technical in tone but to which all in- j Is dt "Efr41l terested are invited.' The first of! Mr. Stefansson cali4 these talks will be given at 4:15 unjust to term the Ar o'clock Monday afternon in' room North" and said, "In A~ 214 of. the Natural Science building ClfriadTx on the toipic "Somec Recent Work oni tuire often reaches 1: Mutants in, Drospophilia". The sec- zer an'd yet we do n, ond wil be given at 10 o'clock Tuesday boiling or broiling morning in the same room on the srcugan btii suibject, "The Particulate Theory of ' should we be unfair Inheritance",.n pako h Born in Lexington, Ky., he gad- ath eaofNth P 'uated fronm Kentucky State univer- !Ini telling of th sity in 1886, receiving his master's de- se1en European count gree from that institution a few Bergen, an island 600 -years later. He then' took up his stud-; the Arctic circle, the ies at Johns Hopkins university, er said that Norway whera, he received the Ph.D. and land just as Engla LL.D. degrees. In 1891 he went to "ning to realize that th Bryn Mawr as professor of biology best for use on bal and in 1904 he assumed the professor-; time will come," he ship in experimental zoology at Co- Spitzbergen coal wilJ lun.-bia university, a position which ;great extent in Great the Pow Lew*s March 30.-It is not! ne hitherto unknown discovered as a sub- ine, according to thet ee Lewis, famed in- ssor of chemistry at iversity. of scientific men and! is being directed tracting more gaso- etroleum and~ utiliza- dIe sources such as ales and sandstones," "Rapid progress is g the first line, that pment of so-called ses' which increase dline from crude pe- k there is a great so-called aluminum if one distills 10 nso with aluminum ins some sir or sev- ;oline. The OdfFIculty ecover the aluminum y be used over again ve that problem soon tales are already be- gasoline and if the' will become an iu- 1source. lines of progress:- in present Ipetroleum~ ion of low' grade hales, better c,,rhui'- asteful engines, anfl s~ to cases, as switch- bustibles such as al- )nceive of any mirac- )utside. of the above presidency, the 'five vice-presidencies, and the, position of recording secre-; tary for the next school' year ha~ve been appointed by Thomias, 1. Under- wood, '23L, Union president. Robert E.. Adams, Jr., '23, chairman,. SPaul G. Goebel, '23E, 'Edward Moore, '22E, ht. 1B. Stahl, '25L, and Burton! Dunlop, '23, will form the, committee. They are scheduled to mneet Tuesday it the Union. The men nominated for next year's offices will be voted upon in the an-{ nual campus election by -the male students of the University.. FRENCH SCHOLAR SPEAKS !Professor. Caste Tells of Dramat c j Work @of Xaeterhlnek Prof. Jean-:Marie Carre of the'ni versity of Lyons, F'ranlce, spoke; at, 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon in the Niat-' ural Science auditorium on the Sub- ject, "Le Theatre 'de Maeterlinck." In his talk, Professor Garre attAemlht- ed to analyze the moltivesanat! methodfs underlying Maetrei inck's dramnatic work. Taking ai number of works, 'he discussed them in detail, showing how the poet, throug~h his, cb..raeter-s, sought to make known hid the ries. ed1 murderer, has told postal ins~pect- ors lie can solvie the 'Wall street bomb i xplosion in New York, Sept. 17, 1,920. Wilson, a prisoner in the Los An- geley county jail, who for'merly main- tained silence concerning all crime attributed to him, "has changed his attitude and has talked", according to jail officials. "~Men are likely to makte mistakes in' life," Wilson reported, ",and after- ward to regret themr. I believe I will be rewardled if I assist in clearing tip activities of criminals.", Hle is said to have decided some w~ek~s ago to fall in line with law and 'order and Sheriff William I. Tre-ker took him at his word when notifie'd of the reported change of grout. Witon, according to federal au- thorities, is believed to have knowl- edge of mail robberies in New York, Buffalo, Detroit, Toledo, Columbus, and L~os Angeles, although it was only for one of these that he wasar'- rested in Iros Angeles, March 1.192.1. Spanish Society. .Presents Comedy' sors emeritus by the Itegents. -Prpt.'Itcne Talamon, df the .14rencb department, was gratt:l a leave of absence for the university year 1923- 1924 to become head of tl~e modern ; language denartinent of the, MYcCan- d ler Flo ating- school: Prof. IFred'erick .. Novy, director of the hygienic laboratory, will leave May 10 to attend the Pasteur cen- tenary celbration and the eight hundredth anniversary of the found- ing of St." Bartholomew's hospital ini (Continued on Page Two) RobinsonFer Turks May Hinderu Scien tific Quests "if the return of Asia 'Minor to the Turks means that archaeological in- vestigations, there must cease, I ain greatly opposed to ,its" asserted Prof. David' M. Robinson, of Johns H1op- ' kins university, who'has just deliveredl two University lectures, here. "Just yesterday 'the report came that, all instruction in Turkey miust b,. given in Turkish. This means, that the excellent' instruction given in American and other' foreign colleges will be greatly curtailed or cease al- together. Withx that situation, pro-1 gtress will become impossible as the Turks themselves have no 'great un- versities or. native culture. Such cub- ture as they have is borrowed from the Persians, -Arabs and Europeans with whom they have come in contact." ST flENTS 6REET YOST AT LLANDSTANrF STANFORD ALU) 1, IENBERS OF YOsT's OLD TEAMl, WE],- COME HIM -(Special to'The Daily SPalo Alto; Cal., Matrcir 30.-All Le- hand Stanford~ university turned out ftoday to greet Coach Yost on his re-~ tirn' to the university after an ahb- sence of 'over 21 'years. M1any Stan- ford alumni, former nmembhers ,of° ,Ypst's teams here, returned to see their old football -mentor on his trip4 throughout the Pacific, coast states. T he, last time that. Yost appeared at Stanord. wAas in 1902 when he brought heis first Wolverine team west to play Stanford at Pasedena on New Year's day. At Berkeley the Coach was enter- tailedl by the local alumni asoiatilon and by the athletic aut~horities at the University, of California,' which school he visited yesterday. Speeches, ban-, quets and receptions have made up', Yosts program during his short stops at California cities. Yost's next stop is at' San Fran-j cisco, where he will be toinorrow, and then Portland, scheduled for April 4. He will not return to Anns Arbor until April 12. he has held ever since. Is Well Rnown Author Ie is a member of many foreign! and, national societies and has hadi the ;honor of presiding over several ; of them.. As an author he has writ-I; ten many books on zoological topics and his works on genetics are well, known. His best kiown and most' impor- tant invesitigations have been on ex- peritnental Zoology, regeneration, adaptation and evolution, heredity and sex, stuojies on the mechanism of mendelian heredity, the development~ of the frog's egg, and on other bio-; logical and embryonic subjects. Compares'wit InI speaking of th grass land in the1 could ,be utilized, said, "There is Ian( a half times the sit SUAcs which could be and the raising of re In conclusion he Canada is a great'c Siberia will become said, "Three-fourths is now considered" settled and and it only to the United and rival the wealth Presideant Marion he stated. ",Besides being upconstructive by lHD lfI nature," he, continued, "the ifgooran* A USTOR IHTO Ai I can't .i solution (Crarvon Un prov"esIn Health London, Mlarch 30-(By A.P.)--Te' Earl of Carnavon who is seriously All; in Cairo, Egypt, is slightly better ac- -orin- to a message received at his Condon residence today. ils condi- ion, however, is described as still erious. Around The World Professor Carre illustrated hi varlis I points with excerpts from a number Members of La Sociedad Hispianica of the great dramatist's plays. presented their annual play Thurs- - day night in Sarah Caswell Angell -hall. The comedy, "Las Cigarras Hor 111111 V migas", was enthusiasticaly received FftrUS 1ACE hILL SPEAR by a small audience. ~Had the famous author, Jacinto Dien- Talkto e Bs~ei onHisnrolugavente, stopped off at Ann Arbor on Talkto B Basd on Hi Er jea his tour through America and been 'drip present that night, he would have felt Ae-greatly complimented that people of 'rapt. Eddie Rickeenbacker, Aei another land should .have' labored sc ca's Ace of Aces during, the recent long and well -to portray his comedy war, will speak next Tuesday. in Hill of Spanish life. The acting in the play auditorium under the auspices of thei was uniformly excellent and the lines Engineering society, so evenly divided that to choose any Basing his discussion- on a recent-;individual, star would be impossible. European trip during which he ,made # The artistry of the play, its true an -ex tensive investigation' of Euro- Spanish touches, must all be attributI pean conditions," Captain Ritckenback-; ed to the efforts of Mr. E. A. Mercado At-wil ivP iat W " offli end-and Mr. Norman L. 'Willey, of Athe peasantry, because of wierd supersti-'c cc tesakrwi tions, every year destroys much 6't LIIfj'ODOY rr~~rTlf~lIATr~ rs nte cod hxistorical value. The most coinmzor Iii IIID itlUlU P j J~ JjjI~jReg'ents and faculty n belier is that ancient-fragments' corn ___ University and officers tamn gold, for which -the excavators inaMac 0(fyA .)- (AIA lIJA nr masters' "cluWx were ' are searching.. Hundreds of statues4 ina ac 3--(yA . UIHL 9TN 4L l i ittiLLI111platform. and inscriptions. have been 'destroyed! Austrian. emigration,. which was al-- iYtth s i a n o turk.ist nnetiaibleduring, the greater New Orleans, La., March 30.--Pete jgIl V "Yt heAsa inr ur i nt l-1,part of the world war, is reviving gates to the National Foreign Tr.ade. ~IIII ~ I ways unspeakable although often fan- cneto rmalprso h on IIIII ILI atical. I can oal f him without dis-j rapidly, and one after the other all coetry fo, alrese ting ore than 29oup- ! o f r . I a n A i i o u ? h t a s i g nces f r elvr , a d r p e e t n o e t a 0T ho , in m ore than one instance, gave repre ented in the "A ustro- H'ungar- Inner H labore nd th d usi lcati n al t o UEm cfebeoeIe'nwm nae prsInr aro an nutracanaland, after ,he knew it and where I ran' capital are reopening- ;hair on May 5, here. Thelak f fnd -This' canal, costing about $20,000,- Three one-act play; biled from,. regaled nme with soup 1door's for biisiniess. T000ck is nnlsdesigned tosirten teruesne ~ h pia labad'iah' twsaTr nI fotaihneoentrvl oe sfom; the Mississippi lriver to then Gulft 8:15 o'clock Monday whose house I slept, on the floor or forcibly ataying a r'ush from Austria of Mexico, thus facilitating commrerce the Mimes theater. an equally hard divan to be sure, but on-a. huge scale.; in the southern, ports. I The program: will I the b~est he had. It was a Turk wvho,I: Asked 'hat hadi stimulated this em-1 The project, growing out of the Camberly Triangle", b in return for all this entertainment,: igration fever, the secretai'y of an'imovemnent to continue the government; "Two Slatterns and a would not accept a piastre." important trades guild said it could be ;navigation laboratory experiment, isStVicn Vlayn summed up in one word,. "despair".j expected to attract private capital in- '~P asns ewe nuuirnn - "T~he people.'eager to quit the coup-I to inland water navigation, not onlythr nubsafn tr areu the retired officers of th~e for- in ti one instance, but in the fu-'wlbegvn u . LECTURE _will__ _ Te tiketnal 1 111 t "mrAustro-Hungarian army, civi' tore as well., Thornig etatebox ON MICH EL IA NC EL 0 servants, skilled factory hands, aal Brses Mac 0BvAP-- imstae. ' ON 'tlr~~~~~ilsands union thousands of young Allies Ag'ree Conoerningi Germany urigatebo I W i , I' ' " { -What .vc fice for a t Why not z] real one Nv Id you bid or sacri- paround the world? ,ke your vacation a ia jaunt to the ori-