AIDS x DAY es of business in Ann Arb( sed from 12 to 3 o'clock th: and~ services appropriate day will be hield at sever ur-ches and other neetur W'ore than 200 stores ha' a~ngements to close in con th a request of the Chaib- Special services for the public wi econducted from 2 to 2:45 o'cloe the W uertli theatre. They have beio ranged as a special religious Kne g of the Chamber of Commerce a e under the auspices of that bo(d hie details are in charge of Rev. Leor d A. Parrett, pastor of the Pyesb3 Aan church, and Rev. Herbertj Limp, pastor of the Congregation turch. Both of these mlen will s.)e- id a special musical prog-ram ili en arranged. MusicalI services, under the (;ire( on of Prof. Williaml Wheeler of Gb drool of ;Music will be held betwe4 e hours of 2 and a o'clock at th :ethodist Episcopal church. TheT ill also be scripture readings, wit rhaps a short address by the paM ir, Rev. A. WT. Stalker. Passion services will be conduct Iby the bishop of western Michiga, the Episcopal church from 12 to clock. Children's services will b Id at 4 o'clock at the samneplace. Rev. H~erbert A. Jump will speak 30 o'clock this evening at the Ce: egational church. His topic wi. "Some Poetic Interpretations te Christ." tion. At the present time the nursery i us.hoaltatc ue Knisley, '25, Elizabeth J. Pike, : oiffllI~ll1#llIIlII I11IiIII1 CamopusDa i is run by the faculty w"omen for the '24, WV. W. Spanagel, '25E, Celma J = b e e t o h l r n o h a u t n n o s n 2 , D v d J e e , 1 4 n a edchildren of m arried stu den ts. d\e n- R oss L . T aylor, '24. :E . B . W in chlell, E hers of the club superintend the play- '24, will manage the staging, Mrs. liig of te chhildren ill the a! terni i Clas"e in p1lay prodluctiJon underY!Lli~l cahrtecs and in every way nage the a jvel in- the (irec'lion oi' Prof. R. D. r. Bi~lis- 1 turves, and Dorothy Weimer, '24, the SN stitution Of whichl at 1ils ti no there ter, of th^ pl lie specaingl department, properties. sonly one, andI that aCiaourni-' will giv-e "Clarence ", a four-act come- Tickets -for the series which are verslty, d5 y by Booth Tarldngtonl', at 8 o'clock priced at $1 each are being sold at f M The club)'s share of theprcedsoftonight in the. auditoriumi of IUniver- Graham's and Wahr' s book .stores: rrthe affair wvill be used to start a fund sity, hall. This is: the first of a series MATore than 300 have already been pur- whih, henlare eoug, 'illbe ni-ofprog rams- of plays and recitals to; chased for the entire series. ' tI gloyed in securing a paid assitant for b. given the remainder of the year by; tthe nursery Tickets are on sale a'Tithe studecnts in these classes. Find that t pi through a11 W, ahr's ook store, ,:) cents for adults Includ.ed in the cast of 10 are B~eulahF sifted colubih sAdv. hteca- n and 25 cents for children. Fox, '23, W;esley L. Brown, Gxrad, del- nl- rrmi .L, Carter, '24, Lionel L. 'A'es, '24. Patronize Daily advertisers.--Adv. er~ ~~~~ h~Itf1I i1 a cast c LUU 0 IT TIN ,IIler Cha Chooeyour lie-wrk Taylor, Rutm y (Continued tromn Page One) E n- in concluding, ,Pro1fesa~or Merrirnan y r, ugd that the study- of Spanish his- a n t~gjb u e A. tory be riven more aention by stul- feat l' dents. Spain, he said, led aIII Europe Every college' graduate has ideals concerning = .c *n soe 'ran. 4;~h chsof culture durinlg his. future business iscareer. There is one wise a$ the reig f Ch lsT', and shoauld .not m - choice o pen to you. Ti choice will not only be now be neglected simply because she a business of standing in itself but it will put you = has alln frm hr glry.~,-in touch with every business and prove a gateway' l Sixteen 4luetional conferencestoculespprntes were hield yeste "day .afternoon in va- l Scores of the highest ranking grachuates of every lie nious3 rooms andI buildings of the E college are yearly entering the Insurance business. M 1i campus, each section of. the club. They find in Insurance- Fire, Marine and Casualty lo ngits own meeting and discuss- I - ideal' surroundings, ideal conditions and ideal ing the problems particular to that de- buies otct.W________________ t- ar zent.The Insurance Company of North America is a Each meeting i was' attended by thoseG national, historical institution--founded in .1792- 9members of the club most interested] with over a century and a quarter of well earnod intra sbjc adwee pn othe prestige. Conservative policies an~d dependable in tat ubjet ad wre oen o ~service have been responsible for the growth and general public. for the constructive ,activities of the fCompanty in at-tthdeeomnofteetrinuacprfsin n- "Messiah" Sung by Chorw% edvlpmnlfteenieisrnc rfsin ll andel's oratorio, "The Messiah",. Comedy Club Presents Its 39th Annual I A. A.- MILNE'S COMEDY I Passes B y p1im of Campus Dramatic Stars including Elwood EayfieJd, Pwrti,4 arles Livingstone, james. Dresbach, Carribel Schm~idt ,klpMaia h W'rkheiser. Directi on2 J. RALEIGH NELSON 400 PRICE~S $2.00, $1.50, $1.00, $0.7i, WHITNEY TI1EATRE NIGHT OF APRIL 4 ;- ~ _ ____ . --.----r- ' of was given by the High School chor- us of several hundred voices last night in. H~ill auditorium before the' :EPEA T PUPPETj Schoolmasters' club. The concert PLAY TOMORROWV closed, the convention program for the --- Mr. William Wheeler, of the School alf Proceeds to Go to Facult-y W o- of Music, tenor, Miss Doris. Howe', men for tiircerĀ«y contralto, Mrs. Lorna Hopper War- f eld, soprano, and 'Thomas Dewey, Giving a repetition ofhis, first npv-r '23 S. of AT., bass, were the soloists~ of inst~rance u om.pany.or North America PHILADELPHIA and the Indemnity Insurance Company of North Ameria 'write practically every form of insurance elxcept life. ' rz rf rr 'el H in aY mance, H-arry Burnett, '23. willttne evening. sent his marionettes in "Rumpel- Earl V. Moore, organist, Mrs. George tzkin", the popular old fairy soy.1.Rhead, and Miss H-ermeine Hus- 4 o'clock tomorrow afternoon Iin ban-d, pianists, were the accompanists. tixnil auditorium. ___________ Half of the proceeds of the enter-' The new Lit. Building is growing nmnent will go to the Faculty WVo- Have you watched the' classified.- ins' club for use in its 7 irsery~sec- grow?-Av For Prompt Service Call Powder Puff Beauty Shop 320 S. SiaXe1Tejeph one 993-R2 - . . . . . . . . . . TODAY LAST I " Destiny's Isle" AND A N ALL STARt CASE' CQMI11NG SUNDAY "Ten iNights in a, Bar Room-" .,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S--V 1 a m New Im . 614 I I THRU SATUR DAY 2;04 7:00 s 3Q) 1 S ' I I PE~iL E~~A GMNNW N IS IEII ( F 'SLA E I LEI'S A LL (4I Qivaciou'S--- 105, Daring- Nl , aucy-- miles per with A G. N 76iORE1R BERTFS RICHAN DIX Ine 1 l A4j;} 1 New Stb.n.p i A A for Easter! t' / - B~Y Hart Schaffner & Mlarx Y OUI'LL lke thie suits we're show- ing for Eater. at~wte &Marx made therm from, the world's. best woolen-s. S~ret styles; expert, needlework. Plenty of value, too, for in spit~e of the, speb. quality their pri~ces axe tow. i o. I/ I 2 rp L. I , A TER /t I ' PLANT FLOWERS' COf AE i I 'I i i t . Ilyion Mforgamn Auithor of* all wally Reids: Racing Pletug*e Agnes13 1Ayres, lovelier than ever, Theodore Roberts and' his ciga r, hanidsome'Richard Dix and a rac- Jing car-what a comibination for whi:rlwind entertaiment! mm atur W inran a ANNOUNCING'- 0 N UN -EASTETL PROG RA3 ii -STARTING SUiND)AY- _ $37. 50 Story., by Others priced 1 . 4 The Keule Coni Ofrde ryEarly Compan y KNain Street at Washinton Ize 2;lossn a shop : r !1