'c ll S. IN JUNE For Easter-What could be nicer ,,,......., .. ; v ;. ,, .._ SLEIEP A' YIIERF, BUTE EATAT R-X's Til'E CLUB LUJNCH 71" Arbor Street f N~ear State and Packatrd Streets GREY SHOP than a box of M avis Chocolates Famous French Confection Nunnailly's Southern Candies 6o E.Liery A i .. I /'+ ~=' ' v c3 c * To Brotheirs- and Silr A AG 0 ..r ( The S. S. Fanconia, the first vessel to be deslg iede spcially foPur iaronn3'd the worid. The ship is old to be the last word in maritimne luxury. The new Ltourjngpalace is or peto , to arive is NewYork in' June ad shortly thereafter will start on its ma.idcn voyage. ° Inmediate ac.claim, but astonk h ded .vlan y season in a decade, the .triumpi, Th 4AtUrs cryonae for its amazing vitality.,' to of "Ta ngEr_+2Ci e ill the ni ore not-E gerine" soon became reeognQzd a ai O C t thre was a reasaon ~'Whitney Ithe outstanding hit ofthe se aso ,Wan ;andit ::t em vidnt that Guy rDel- The attraction at thle Wbitney On it continued at thnta. otn playhousej tn'sMaaptntion of a,, play by Phil K, nday, Apri L ,will be the altogether for more than 'ayear tc ceso sIl shl om W:ac and'LawreceLinger hal fferent 'whlnisical tale of the trop- of caplacity audciences, indde Cntsly I,)(Aved a sparki.lng humorous story ~"Tangerine." This is the work shattering all existing rcords a ,t tPeP to ichi' Carlo Sanders'hddel at, when produced at that birthplace Casino for big business. Whenh it in' fatenc stirilben~nijbles and the-- splendid musical plays, the Casino rememzbered that last season was e.:br,., dee!daty mnelodies for tlbe watre, New 'York. niotmlvW1, '-marked, by fewer office succese hn rs 1Hw~dJhrn JST A.R EMIN DER . j Gs e .$ave the apc7 SNARIS$ The Great American Sweetmeat with an Easter Box of All Sizes, Shapes, Colors, Prices Top off your meAs with "RI6LEY'S and dive, your stomach a lift. It aids didestion-it provides the "'bit of sweet9" ia beneficial form. Helps to cleanse the teeth and keep them healthy. NOTICE LOST The following Box Replies are at the DalyOfic :DA 1. C.,LIT-Near campus, pest office,1 1lc61,ly: V2LLl'rG. ;iiirs},s.o a.rv.- 3 "THE PALE VENETIAN MOON" and TH E LONE-LIGHT IN YOUR ~EYES", played by' Arnold Johnson t and his orchestra. STOFFLET P PHONO SHOPS, Nickel's Arcade anid 110 E. Washington. 1;2-50 DON'T FORGET Smith Tire Repair Oldest and most reliable place L to buy tires. X elly Springfield Diamond Tiresi T PE WOMEN'S LEAGUE BUILD ING ~FUND receives a percentage of ALL 'cash purchases at O. D. M1'ORRILL'S 17 Nickel's Arcade. The Stationery and Typewriter Store. 125-50 ORDER ,that Spring Suit at George KIpr'4.. 7JNorthiUniversity. 45 CENT COFF'EE 35c. Pierces Casbi Stores. '113-20 IYAN'EDI black' wallet containing bills and, change, Military B3all ticket.' appli-a cation. Finder please leave at Cush-! ings Dfrug 'Store. Reward., j UINS 031Pd NIU &,TII"Y' POP. l~'u"TiUDNTS-Last wok Slide earnd $A.20; Morris, $52.25x; Patterson, $49.50; Roney, $69.75; Little, $92.25; Anderson, $96.50?, selling Now Indexed Bible. C. A. FCook, Sales Manager, Lane hall, next kfew days, betwen 5 F and 6 any lay LOST-Saturday jaftrnoon a black -will show you how to mrake your han~dbag containing money, cnprfiabe Fourth Ave., Liberty, Mainsmvatin 132-5 0 Washington, Streets. Phone 2301-____________________ W. Reward.12 YOU :OWE IT TO YOURSELF LOST-Diamond dinner ring , set in+ To investigate! Will you earna onyx. Lost SaturdaC y in) N"1,:ice's A r hosanddollars or niore during the Cade. Reward, if returned to Jean' su"n:ne°r vacatio. ? It can be done and Reidmann at Betsy Barbour. -il be done! For further particulars 130-' scee Mr. Fink, 119 N. Thayer. Phone ,..._.. -J. 132-50 IOST-Wedding ring, white gold w it I orange blossoms. Probably lost in SALESMXEN - Steady employment neighborhood of University. Libecral ' troughout college career at good rEward.! Box 10 Daily Office. 13"1-3 pay. Apply 708 First National Bank Bld1(g. Telephone 30>6.1U,0-3 LOST-The pressq ia my trousFr . - ' 'ounct at C re r al 4'- . Oili- IT-UITY for two men to join. 121-50 Prof'essional Salesman's crew .a SSpring Vacation. Apply at 625 LOST-Ph i Beta Pi frater nity pin.) Chur(ch between 1 and 2. 132 jReward. Call Sargent, 34 3 LOST-Valuable silver bar-pn at Sol' :hZl' "Rememnber, Everyibody Likes Candy" If y~ou' want the best, you need not guess, but come. to BeISN Ross." Nicke~lsArcnade Tan ew' P.IK. isaa double treat-' pappermintx flavored- candy- 'Jachoted WRIlGLEY'S pays big 'dividends on a stuall investmfet. f very IC'S the best chewInd dum~ &that an be made and it com~es wax-wrapiped to keep vnitto i good vonditiom' The Flavor L-a-s-t4s Boost Women's League. See "Ra cin2g Hl.ea.rts" -ff ... ,. WANTEDu-Several fellows for unex- P rom. Call 3062.' 131-2 'We do Typewriting and Mimeograph- celled' summer salesmanship propo-II ing;, repair, buy,' rent, sell, ex- sition, if acceptable. - Every man LOST-Pair of shelled? rimmed gl -'s chant c, all makes of Typewriters. qualifying guiaranteed more that es. Call Sargent, 3144.. 132,1o .Mril 7Nce' rae five dollars daily. Call Ruhl, 2340- 255 R; Larson, 1433-M; or Miller, 437-RELSTT___________________ M. T131-3' TWO HOUSE.S close to campus. 1' YOU GET. PROMPT AND ACCURATF rooms andl 3Smrns re ,ectively~. Iservice when yo'ur MANUSCRIPTS WANTED-AT ONCE-Four or five G ood lot. Garage. Htot ; ater hJ a.re TYPETD by iEXPERT-0 at DID- stu~dents who are anxious to make., Hard wood floors. Frpae reA DT LS 300K STORE. 11 Nickels money. The Daily has several good frte'wX00, ,' h 5G ryd.115 ,,propositions which are highly de- forwhetw, 2000 wth$509 Acae.11-- sirabjle, to offer. Call Daily office 11iRSPEWRTNEITzING1 by expert stenogra- 960 between 3 and 4. 131-83MR.aGUSTNE phe:r. 10c per page. Call 959-R. Realtor.,.11 M .T130-21 HELP~ WANTED-Experienced book- keeper. One exp~rienced in bank- ing preferred. May secure steady part time work for. the rest of the school year. Reply Box PDU. 132-3 '"AN'TD-April 1 to July 1' first floor app'artment or small house 'for cul- tured family- of adults. Phone HELP WANTED FEMALE-Epert- enced stenographers for summer mqnths. Box PDU. 131-2 WANTD-To rent garage in the vi- cinity of Geddes and Wlashtenaw, phone 2310-W.' 13;2 "Daily' Classifieds" work wonders.1 FOR SALE FOR SAL.E-Conn straight "C" so- prano saxophone. Finished in sil- ver with gold keys. Very littl eus-E ed: $75. Call 639-M for Heidloff.! 132-4 FOR' SALE-Mlonarch visible. Back spacer. Two color ribbon. Good shape. Price $20. 308' So. St7 te. second floor. 1321 FOR{ SALE-Flat top oak desk,, suit-I able for student's room. Phone![ 2343.'1105 Oakland Ave. 132~ FOSALE--Corner lot, $550l down. Also a new modern, seven room buingalow. Call 1286-W. 131-2 FOR SAL.E-18 ft. canoe .fully .equp ped, and in first class condition. Call 154 5-W. 131-2 FOR SALE-Tan topcoat, size 36, in excellent condition. Call 386--M. 180-31 FORF SALE~-Seconld hand 'Remington Portable and Corona.; Call 1 12S-.. - ' 131-2j 7 17 iNatlJBank. Plione 85-I _i . ,_1 Evenings 325-F-2, 2738, 486-J. j 132-50 EPER TYPEIVRIT'IE 7 ROOM 11OUS.E, large lot,inneo eks the best sections east of the earn- I chang e. pus. The price is $,000. If you are flocy. interested in a pleasant homle in surroundings O ta peaeA ~de- light, ask to see this. - 'F. ROY HOGLMtES, 113 S. Main FATj Tplewriter Repairing, all An Arbor Typawr ter Ex- Pligne 866. 9 Savfigs.Bank 123-50 TFOGS-Society Club Hats 131-2 10 ROO.M HOME-w~ith fine income, 21 blocks east oif the University, go6 lot, garage, $10,500 with $2500do . F. ROY HOLMES, Realtor, 113 S. IMTain 1^1-2 fL ~'IT A'NEO1 S FOR ROCK BOTTOM PRICES on gro- ceries, see Pierce's ad inl the Wed- nesday issue of the Daily. 125-50 ORDER. thit Spring Suit at George EKyer's, k721, Norfth University. ! 129-50 STOCK TREDUCING 'SALE at ;0. 1) Morrill's 17 Nickel's Arcad le. 125 -50 Frank Wilson-Ashes and R1ubb}ish Hauled. Phone 2018-M.12- SAVE' MONEY on your groceries .:f Pierces C ash Storo's. 118-201 ARTISTIC HEMSTITCHING White Sewing Machine Co., 205 E. Washington St., Phone 919. 120-1 ? SPRING DRESSES made-suits re- dined-work guaranteed-reason- . table. 711 Haven Ave. a402-TA. X12-50f SHOE FACT012RV ANN ARBOR CUSrTM rSH30 PA7 TORY. Bring your rep irs 'wl1er 5.0to $5 S tyles of today wiha touch o oorw DAVIS TOGGERY SI1OP, 119 S. Main St. 130-50 ORDER that Spring Suit at gorge. Kyer's, 721 North University. 129-50_ CLEANERS AND PRESSIERS CLEiANI NG, $1.25-Pressing, 35 cents. Laundry, Agency. L. 0. Clasp, 1119 S. University. 121-50 Y ttRENIT d ROOMS FOR RENT-1 suite, 1a single.; Students 'or business-. men;~ 207 -So. Ingalls. X32=2. FRONT ROOM. 'First' floor. -:Division Street. Call 1780-R. 130-21 110ARD - For Snappy Service at breakfast or any other 'tin e, try R E X SCLUB3 LUNCH, where Toasted Rolls orig- inated.' 122-50 USED CARS A. GOOD IFLIVVER-cheap for cash. Call ,1158-J evenings. 130-3 WANNABYAORD-C-DAN? Call 1780- R. 130-21. 1"'l:" TI NIUR DO YOU K:NOW we have the most Completely equiipped plant in the comntry for .the Repairing,.Refinish-I lE1 l111l~ lllllll1I 111;R131#11i111ilII11I1I11I11111111I II11tI11QlII l~l@I111ltII1ilu Ii n =4 =d A Isbig u nthi ae o h ups flligteatnino h ~I Ablitlgo rurintimena pfor tonpofoe "oodEacsallth atnisnece-h sarEtNpOv TE yUcNcluSIeY taO MICRITANGndtPROENOF TINisRnORtowbe beaad se e quallt tefanywh heerfnes oe ithSesnsnwsFacar hwaoIRERTHEyourCseRvieING TeTEdsISRgIN- DIUninshEAoSTYS,c.Al OThIgheSt qalityraizdolorings. icNOthNG Sod y fis include noMt. 'A litle of Yourtieaarin oflone "Go'o I~d r salta sncs say o roeoMEucn'lsivltatOUGSRICEIG RPOI TIO isnotto 721batn. nd IVdoqleRITywVe. I 11