THE MICHIGAN DAILY GOING ONL for th~is column Oon by 5 :30 o'clock ,e publicatioin. ;URSDAY hers' club )meets " itectural corridor, Ngineering bition. The Ann Arbor Art associa- Moody is superintendent. The tract three features: the beauty of the and I laders, acs and lanterns. There are this of building.. tion holdis its exhibit ions in this bild' Ihasarie rotgeo ore txan on ; as a public park; a collection of nra- 125 employees of the buildings ia t' nce an ing and a half miles. The tporaty 3 iv plants, shrubs, and trees especial- grounds departmeant ;organized int Charles - torph ly those of the Mkichgan fora; and e fve crews under captains an~ lie- the pbi [ ~~~~~~ exceedingly rugged, the highest point tresan perennias in landscape de-!tenants. These men are furnished hog h gnroiy ffinsi !big15feIbvetervrlvl al O ~ l U general and of W alter 1-. Nichols ant 'The soils vary from clay to light wiIT5.- the Uniesiotys, ha pparatugleiset Itd( sie Cno ihl in particular sands. Th school Girl's glen is lo- b h nvTst.Teapaaubs _____________ iteUiest a curdatatof cae(n h ratTthrsnttee e campus fire station is situateC i for the most art, stred in the ca- theUnierityhas________araco___ateothtrctAtpreenthrus fire station. "I 'andI comprising 90 acres located be- are 15 acres covered with native trees dust behind University Ball. The___________ What is the Saginaw Forest farm? tw en Geddes avenue and the HuroI shrubs and herbaceous plants. A de- equipment for fire, fighting =includes i What is the Phi Delta Kappa fha-rver. The Board of Regents named finite plan has been formulated for two centrifugal pumps capable of de Harvard men to LetU I befci In~ ternity? the tract the Nichols Arboretum. It is the ;development of the land by Pro- lvering 1250 gallons per minute 10 Prof. Roger B. Merriman. of 'the hxi- l When the Law, school was found- under the direction of the department I essor Tealdi of the department of 000 feet of 2-inch cast iron pipe ar- tort' department of Havard unive inj ed? of Landscape Design and Charles Leo Landscape Design. lie is stressing1 ryina water to the hydrants, hoses Iaty, will deliver a lecture at a o'clo V Club flue ti .language teaclt 323 of the union. terse club meets P.2 S YESTi IERDJAY'S ANSWE1ZAS Oil meets in 1"0c inner.; °ommittee of Gua aa room 306 of the U Alumnni Memorial hall Nwas built ' 19101. _Money for the structure w a' raised amiong the alumni of the U ni- versity. The building is a inemor- ial to distinguished alumni wvho hav~e: otserved the nation in both peace andl wvar. In this building are located the prmnso ieAt d rh aeology, the 'University club, and the~ ldgeneral catalogue room of the Uni- n-versity. It is the headqiuarters for the: Alumni association and contains one o~ of the magazine rooms of the ib rary.1 The lest art collections are also hoes- lections are, the Lewis collection, por- traits of former professors, .and, a number of histori cal portraits. There I 0'are some fine specimens ofcat and l statuary. Portraits o of President. 'csJaes 3.Angell and o Dr. H. P. Tap- i pan(on by Karl Biitter are on cxlii- a. "t IMSIES PRES NTS Two Excellent Lectures Under Auspices of TI-E XAERICAN ASSOCIATION OF °UNIVERSITY ' OMNIN -iLFRE FD 3i REY:fI"IO I, Poet and Playwright, April L' A 'Talk on1 the New*Verse, with readings. 2. ;A group of tone poeras, with inandaltute. 3~." "Vote the New Moon," a Kreymnborg play, presented by a group of the Dodo players. IJMMIX GARLAN)U, ANovelist and P'oet, May 4. Reminiscences of Mleetings with, American Authior-s. 11il1 Auditorium, 8 P. M. T ikcl&-To Lclue',$1.0;Reservedi Seeion1, $1.2N ingle Adriaai ionus 500and ?7rc On .'ale at GRAILM^I'S AND) WAIIR'S BOOK STORKS diluncer i11 roo FREE 0 Quicker, Bfetter Shaves juimicaEClip Coupon Ah-hh ro~t aAlpha Delta Wipes of the Union. iry ball commuit tee mieets -al cliffJ) inets inroom:3t C. L. .11ea.der addres-A itan club in room 203, Ui Science society meets. club nueets in Iroo11 All. waidoss and 0. 0. eals in Lane half. lad lispanica present, s Hormigas" in Sarah I:00-La So "LAs Ciga -,Caswell. Angell hlil. FRIDAY~ S9:.3l0--.Sehoohnisiers' elithm tni( , In SHill auditorium. ll:0 1han~ tfn a se'in hill auditorium. X-2:14l--AM011 college laumni reuii on banquet in room 319 of-the Unzion. Y 1-ilghyl school librarians and art Ssection of the Schoolmasters' club J unches in main dining room of the ' Union. ADMISION 0 CETSIU'ICO(LAUERPnSE TCKTS$10 AtA grhms n h -adA teDo _ Hae aGoodLauh wth Both'rarMngon iiltl(if~lltiH111#H~l~i!tf~ill~i Ii=' lifYHlIH~~fHH~lllitl~l4lH~lllllfll4818H!!llf1i1it~t#f il iliilllli 2 It romps with the wickedest bc Faster shaves, men, in comfort! You can now "stahd. to"-for first class- clean of cheek and chin-every day.. New intercollegiate records have been made 'in all the shaving events. Blecause we offer you now a shaving cream which has live distinct new ways- to, make shaving a quicker, easier, more comfortable process. Soap experts for 60 years, we spent 18 Tnonths, tested 130 formulae, in perfecting it for you. Now we ask this favor of you : try it-at our expense, 5 big improvements This shaving cream softens the very stwb- bornest beard in one minute-without tedious "rubbing in." It multiplies itself 250 times in rich lather. This lather lasts for ten full minutes, if necessary, on the face. Lather-bubbles are strong-walled-holding hairs erect for easier cutting. And, because PAL',NOLIVE SHAVING CREAM is blended of palm and olive oils, its after-effect is soothing to the skin, almost lotion-like, Make us prove it Give the thing a test. If actual use of the cream proves our clainios correct, you'll bene- fit. If it fails in the test--we, alone, lose. .Clip the coupon. Present it at any store listed below. A test tube: good for 10 fine shaves will be given you, free, ~1 W s15r-tkology depam Ient luxnch III ''ladies' dining room of the Union. ,;J-A:1---Law faculty lunch In prjv-te 'dining roonm of the Union. ~121 -$~te'society for Vocational SEducation lunch in room 316 of the ,. Union., ; '1?:16-- ociernr language t.achrels' Slunch in room 323 of the Union. S4 :00--Ph~i Delta Kappa. meets in room32ofteUin 6 0:0l0-11.1lDelta Kappa dinner in room S316 of the Union. S: 5:0--IL A.. 4th ~uspeak:s ini \ atural SScience auditorium. S S 00--Play production clases presenut ", "1lnrence" in University hall. U-\ OTIC'ES TSenior l1rS' and enwbiecer,' canie- must ~'be ordered at Wagner's before spring,- '~vacation., SPhone 1440.11 for reservations for Al. rrbion college alumni reunion banquet Swhich is to be held at 12:15 o'clock t- Pmorrew in the Union. .. ,Ma il order applications for f ickets, to "M1r. Pini Passes By," Comedy club Splay, wvill be accepted until tomor- row by William Ottoway, 1331 Hill sstreet.' Senior ed ma y order conwteTeeienf -invitation~s for the last time from 5 .' to 12 :end from 2 to 4 o'elock to- ' day in the, lower corridor of Tappan Bail. Class duiter rmust b Spaid at that time. )Em Pe edultlouu of original siuidies by Y, Italian and English painters, arch- .... _..k_ _..m.. ., - - - U aW -_- ,' ' h ..W.....,....1 WE ARE TAILORS' AS WELL AS Cleaner s and. Dyers Stleafr Srig Eey°t adop lat ordinyor estye Darchco, sutsofele The'reevlSetyd Brh andfresmart-, nqusadindividuality er ocentmuch onyes coldpaddgtoEthat,sutadtI. Here the mant worbusicoetestcare- Flly wllfndeabrctl hthewns Thereall omthesg olleasepvroutoe wear, cTsofloatgrunteconomrkyn sTeyraiochty Brwhy-weforsrtm Coesn and niedulitherehileot urtck isll copet will enoyhs ente, and we wvill enjoy showhing them. * 217 N. Alain 219 S.' MFain CO 340 S. State JDA WSON BROS. 106 S. main QUARRY °DRuct CO. $1?,&Stt GOODYEAR DRUG CO. lo078. ?main SUXEN RG302 S. Staite 3.34 S. State 110(3S. U'niversity vii8IS. State.a 10oShave Tbest F1 Fill in and2 present coupon at at Inamed for free 10-shav~e test tube CO. I OLIVE SHAVING CREAMf. IName-----------------------.... "".......... Address....... ............................. t M( 5F1.vINO; CREAM in exchange for thisc properly filled, out. i t -. (. S { 1 1 f' f t f i r i ky // , i i ~''" ' -- - f \ \ ,\ ) )1) ;s ;II ATI PALMOLIVE N e SHAVING CREAM On Sale Everywhere AMC a; s4pirit of ]Easter -I1s B3est RDeflected in Flowers .I New Spring Samples Just'In LADIES' HAND' AND MENkS TAILORED ,t Adorn our Hdome with Potted Easter Lilies, Tulips or Jonquils four the Occasiolf SUIT; $30 to $52 SEE US AND SAVE MONEY N.. /41k . All flard Woik In Cleaning, .P"ressing and a Tailoring Iitosso Direct Western Union F'ires. From Our Store :'~ Phone. 3117 I . t