s i . r t. tI~47')4t~ It ..w. Presents: PLAY ?ROJDJCTI) CLASS~ES IPANIICA "Clarence," a four-act comedly by - -Booth Tarkcing ton, will be presented ai for "Las Cig- Jb'y stufnts of Prof. R. D. T. 'Hollister's ich is to be giv- play production classes at 8 o'clock rrow~ evenli~ ng i rday night in the auditorium of Un- .alb ,L o -i e sty hal at o e e s n "he held tonight. will act in this play which is the first ~play is laJid in; of a series of five plays and recitals to It is. a farce of]i be given by the classes 'during the re- r in three acts,1 m19inder of the year., Tickets for the of' the best' ex-! series are priced at $1, with single f Jacinto Bena-i1admission at 50 cenits les.far the pro- all State street I'lMYEJ$ S' CL4 B. 75 cents for re-i cents for gen- Tryouts for parts in the two .Play- ts for the Span- ers' club dram~as to be offered May 2' in Sarah Caswell Angell hall will beI The plays are "The Camberley Trn-u held at 3:30 to 5:30 o'clock this after- 'angle,' by A. A. Milne,'"Any Day," by r m ttia noon in room 301 of ?Mason hall. All 'J. P. Parsons, and "Two Slatter"ns and I IIIIU i IV IM VIRI I members of Players' club are eligible ~a King," by Edna St. Vincent M2illey,I to compete and anyone on the cam- All seats will be reserved and may be! HITE 6 pus nmay' tryout by Joining the organ- obtained by mail. Odr should beU izatin. adressd tothe Untrn. Tickects ire - Theprgra tatwill be offered is 50 cents each. To 'secure University men for ,an original one, th~e plays having b~een --ers in the stagt Y. M. C. A. Camp write b Mx ~ig,'2tadeillo~iam mT1iemne to L'ecturme onFre nclhPainter summer, R. L. Flynn, boys' sect P.Cmpel,'3E ftrthi oi- Prof. Hugo. P~. Thieme,,c"' thei of the Detroit Y. MV. C: A. will 4;ra~l writings these plays were re- French department, ,will deliver, a lec- Lane hall this afternoonN worked under the direction of Prof. ture at 4:15 o'clock this aftecr- anyone interested- in 'thi3 work Roy W. Cmvden, of the rhetoric' de- nooniu ~ the Natural Science atuditor- see him. partment, facuilty super v: or o f all clb laa~imp on .Francois Millet, the French Mr. Flynn has charge of two c: ~painter. "The lecture will be illustra- & f more than 100 boys each. ted 'camrp is ins northern Michigan -- Alpena and the other on Fish ~ ,~rtn1'ru '~ 'i ~ ~ C lassified, really pay!-- Adv.' 40' miles from Detroit. I-n vi N MP rlead- ,3 next ,rtary be' at, where One near Lake. ., rl t , f I 1 i f t " ttt t j , . i i I i i - laye.-a'Wilii be given next. Aio ndav and' Taesrlay n; ghts at, the Mimes theater. , %oLA551F9E ADVER'i'IiG THIS COLUMN Cl .Q$SP :111 $4s .. f Classified' Rates. Two Cents per word a dlay, paid in advance. Mml- im~um charge for first day, 25c. Aiinimuni thereafter, 2(7c. Three cents per word per day if ch~arged. White space charged for at rats; of 5c per agate line. 'Classified, charged only to those having fifiones. _______ lione 960 AT 3 P.M.' The following Box Replies are at the Daily Ofllce,: BA, ECP. DlON'T FORGET Smijth Tire Repair 01teUn most reliable place to b~iy tires, Kelly, Springfield Diamond Tires" 128.-50 "FALLING1" and "BEH'S KNES" by Oriole Terrace Orchestra.. Stoff let Phono Shops, Nickel's Arcade andl TH{E w6M9EN'SLEAG~UE BUILDING FUJND receives a percentage of ALL cash purchlases at, 0. D. MORRILL'S 17 Nickel's' Arcade. The Stationery an~d Typewriter Store. 125-50 013D)B that Spring' Suit at Georgi7 B~yer',, 721 North~ University. 123-50 45 CENT COFFEE 35c. Pierces Cal) Stores. 118-2C ' FOR SALE FOR SALE-Beauitful builing spot, near camipus, on car line... Large enouh fortwo houses. Call 10413. ' J. W. Dwyer 508 First N~ational Bank Building 125Q FOR SALE--Modern, 7-room house, 845 Brokwood St. (about 3 block~sj south of campus). White enamel "'nd. mhogany finish. A1l oak floor.t Large lot. Garage. 129=501 REAL ESTATE FRATERNI'TY OR SOR~ORITY IWe are now offering one of the best buys i this-class of propertyto bo.; :hadl in Ann,~ Arbor, A sixteen room hous-s with a living room 24x36, a music room 20x24, and a card room all on the first_ floor. The sleeping, cooking, dining and bath facilities' are sufficient to house 25 to 30 men. C. LOUIS ANDREWS, 'REALTOR 512 FIRS' NATIONAL BANK BLPDG, 'TELEPHONE 3064 i 121-50 66A STONE'S THROW" FROM jTHlE CAM~PUJS $8700y A NINE ROOM IHOMVE IN' GOOD CONDITION OAK FINISH AND FLOORS DOWNSTAIRS Ali °EXCELLVNT TALUE C. LOUIS ANDREWS REALTOR 1512 First Nat. Bank Tel. 3664 131-50 FOR A QUICK, SALE A 2-family flat located near Cam- pus and Main St. Everythiing in gourd cwndition. A double lot goes with this. The price is reasonable. Phone at once. 1 ~MRS. GUS'TINE Realtor r717 Nat'l Bank Phone 835-F4 Evenings 835-F-2, 2738, 486-J. .181-501 7 ROOM HOUSE,., large lot, in one, of the best sections east of the cams- puis. The price is $10,000. If you are interested ini a pleasant home in surrou~ndings that please and de- liht, ask to see this. F'. ROY HOLMES, 113 S. Main~ 131-2 10 ROOM~ HOME-with fine income, 2. Cblock~s east of the University, good lot, -larag-e, $10,500 with $2500 down.. F. ROY HOLMES, Realtor, 113 S. Main 131-2 BU N i:S )PP0I '1'U1 'TY STUDEANT; AGENTS Make Big Money Selling RADIO CIGAR"' XAGflIRPS An ,imported novelty. A lighter that ,always works. Send no .money. Write for particular$. THE; MODERN SPECIALTY CQJ. 1147 Grandview Avenue, COLUMB~US, OHIO' 125-21 PROM, SSIONAL SALESMAN Is as- sembiling a gals crew" for~ Spring Vacation. Three men needed. Ap- plyati' 625 'Chu rch between 1 and 2. No experience required. 129-3 PROFESSIONAL SALESMAN is' as- sembling a sales crew for Spring. Vacation. Two more men needed. Apply at -625 Church between 1 andl 2.. 131-3' SALESMEN - Steady employment throughout college career at good pay., _Apply 708 First National Bank Bldg. Telephone 3086. 130-31 AUJTOM~OBILES COLUMBIA SPECIALIZED SIXES Demonstrations gladly given GROSTIC MOTOR' SALES' 209 N. 4th Ave. Phone 2770-M 129-50 U4ED ARS~ Fords-$50 tUp. Buick Touring, D-45. Buick Roadster, D-44. WASHTENAW MOTOR CO. 207 E. Washington, 129-50 A. GOOD FLIVVER--cheap for cash. Call '11i58-J evenings. 130-3 ?QIL RENT ROOMS FOR, RENT-i suite, 1 single. Students" or' business men.' 207 So. In galls. '130-2 BO AR1) For, Snappy S~.rvice at breakfast or any other time, try R E X ' S CLUB LUNCH, where Toasted Rolls orig- inated. 122-50 SHOE FACTORV ANN ARBOR CUSTOM SHOE FAC- TORY. Brinig your repairs where shoes are made. Crepe soles at- tached to your' shoes, X2.75. Bring ..themn in today.' Made-to-measure orders-one week service. Satis- faction guaranteed. or money' re- turnied. sa04 Forest :Averne. Call 3043. 198,21 BRUJSHES ~U1N1 ONEPICEAL-LATHER COVERS F TRUSSE LL Loose Leaf Ring $My Budget$, is a compact little 3 ]Binders have one-piece covers account' book, Inade "for the of genuine cowhide that will not special use of the college stud- 'Wear out or beconme. shabby- exit, to aid 'himn in keep'ing a j looking. Made in, sizes and record of his expenditures, En- styles to fit every need. dlorsed by leading educatoirs. 11c1n Books '$.ly Fiiiaces$ is a Dr. ies i suse im1'¢vAnced account'. $my FillitC4",$ book .that mak.tes a pine ;b iltttfgudget$ fL for the famt~t41y f4- .4i1ess 'B'Oks ' nacier. Fox'r atb 0. ). D.IOIRRILL NICK SARCtADE ANN ARBOR 'U. I STUNNING NEW "4TS II PHMJlUpS-JONESCORPORATION Q ms O PT"MA wisntoU.ppea ceases to bea comfort and si ence for the v at AT[TRACTIVE PRICES Popular Price 'Hat.,Shop 333 S. MAIN 9. I'' t7he Cosy Corn lea m Sand iches /aladr- MAKE THEROME CJOM1?ORTABB Thvrcough the WhtU Wi on frs 70h ou.the ma rW to a sormhouse an h~at nore*4v u u% ndthat an . J"Y bs eora for thesummer. .Ledt ,usgve you an estmate.o sor wash, storm doors acid thaMt tmaMose We have stock sash and inow ;ta Witl enclose that baak porch. once it acI *Hence,I ;EN. '-w . TO' ENTERT'AIN YOUR FRIENDS A ~F4 -4 1F4 ~F4 ~F4 ~F4 N EXCEP'TIONA.L OPPOR~TUNITY to secure two new oriental rugs. Sfzr '9xt12, at a figure very 'close to kalf price. For particulars call 386-M. '129-3 'OR SALE-RLaincoats directly from facetory. Save mou~ney. Satisfaction guaranteed . 'Simons, 284-. 119-21 ,OR SALE=-Remington Portable Typewriters. Call'Black, student dealer, 432 Thompson. '1128-J. 'OR SALE-Underwood 'Typewri1ter. Nearly new. Late model mnachin~e. Cheap for quick sale. 308 S. State,I second~ floor. 130-3I 'OR SALE--Two May Festival Cow- pons for $4; face value $6.' Call Ed- wards, 2100-MJ after 6' p: m. 131 'OR SALE--Tan topcoat, size 36, in excellent condition. Call 386-M. 130-3 'OR" SALE--.Corner- lot, $5'50' down. Also a new modern, seven room bungalow.' Call 1286-W." '131.2 'OR SALE-Second hand"-IRemington Portable and 'Corona.> Call 1128-J. 131-2' 'OR SALE-1$' ft. canoe fully equip- ped,, and 'in first class condition. Call 1545-W. 1.31-2 'R SAL~E-Two lMay Festival cou- pions, cheap. Call '1545-W. 131-a WAIJD COSI LY,- CO)MQORTABLY, TEAFU..LLY VT . ' I,' I T RY OUR EASTER CANDIES )NE- IM Q ,,I mt AAlit 1 s u .t Q - iy-.. r:U STRICTLY flOW ECOOK(ING uA WANTED-Several' fellows, for' unex- celled' summer salesmanship prop o- sitin, ifacceptable. Every man qualfyin g guranteedimore' than five dollars daily. Call Ruhl, 2340- R; Larson,' 1433-M; or Miler, 437- P V. -X3' WANTED-=AT ONCE-Four or' five students,_ who are anxiouis to m~ake mioney. Thep,Daily has several good propsitons ' which are highly de- sirable, to. ofr.' Call 'Daily' offce 960 between'3. and 4. 131-3 FOR ROCK BOTTOM PRICES on gro- ceries, see' Pierce's ad In the Wed- nesday isxue of the Daily. 125-50 ORDER that Spring Suit at George. K~yer's, 721 North' University. 'Frank Wilson-=Ashes and'- Rubbish Hauled. Phone 2918-M. 128-6. SAVE MONEY on your groceries at. Pierces Cash Stores. 118-20 STOCK R~EDUCING SALE at 0. I) Marrill's 17 Nickel's Arcade. 125-54 ]COST LOST-Near' campus post office. black wallet containing bills and change, Military Ball ticket appli- caption. Finder please leave at Cush- Ingss Drug Store. Reward. 131=-2 LOST-Diamond dinner ring, set' in onyxz. Lost Saturday "in Nickel's :Ar- cade. Reward,, If returned to Jean Reidmann at Betsy Barbour. 130-3 LOST-Wedding ring, white gold with 'orange blossom . Probably lost in neighborhood of University.iberal rceward.' Box 10 Daily Office. 131-3 LOST-The press"in , my trousers. Found at Greene's.' Call 1449-M. 121-50 LOST-Phi Beta Pi fraternity pin. Re- ward. 'Call Sargent 344.- 131 LOST-Pair of shelled :rimmed glass- es. Call 'Sargent 344. 131 LOST-Valuable silver bar-pin at Sopl i Prom. Call 3062. 131-2j HEN~STIT RING~ ARTISTIC ,HEMST ITCHING I FULLER BRUSHES SPRING HOUSECLEANING ING! i cm .We've. got brushes" for every need. Call 1158-). 127-50 TYPEWRITERS EXPERT Typewriter, Repairing, all, makes.. Ann Arbor Trypewriter Ex- change. Phone 866. 9 Savings Bank Block. 123-50 MEN'S TAiLOiRING EASTER TOGS-Society Club Hats, $3.50 to $5. Styles. of today with a touch of tomorrow. DAVIS TOGGERY SH~OP, 119 S. Main St. 130-50 ORDER that :Sprig Suit at George Kyer's, '721, North' University. 129-50- TYPEWRTNG We do. Typewriting -and Mimeograph- ing; 'repair, b uy; rent, sell,' ex- change, all makes of Typewriters. 0. D. Morrill, 17 .Nickel's Arcade. 125-50 YOU GET PROMPT AND ACCUR~ATE service ywken your -MANUSCRIPTS are TYPED by EXPERTS at BID- DLES BOOK STORE. 11 Nickels Arcade. 111-50 r 409 EAST JEFFERSON ST. . < . - J ; l - .. / F 1 £ O 4 . ; . !1 -ilf 'I . f r ". . Il "'" r 1'i r i G I ' " l I .. I - .. i ADIAN-ANN ARBOR BUS Schedi4e in Effect October:'18,.1922~ . Cntrl Tme(Sk# -Tl'me) D x x D P.M. A. M. P.M. P.M4. 3:45 7:45,. Adrian . 12:45 8:45 1.15 8:15 ... Tecumrseh ... 12:15. 8-15 4:30 8:30 .Clinton .. 12-00oo8:00 5:15 9:15 .. Saline 11. r:15 7:15 5 :45" 9:45 Ar Ann &r1borI~y, 10:4.5 6:45 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. DI'ZDaily. X-bWily. except' Sundays and Holidays. Friday and Saturday special bus fo tdns laeAra 1:45. leaves Ann 'Arbor 4:45. JAM S . I. IOT1T. Proprietor Phone 46 WHILE you may. not find it in the curriculum, the studicy of how to. select 'garments that interpret effectively your! own personality is; oneo 'h ms important thins~ to learn. When You have discovered what HOUSE OF YOUTH Suits, Wraps and Dresses. can cdo toward' helping~ you produce the I W~ANTED~-Coop's "Middle English Reader" used in English 1.9.Mr. Hanford. Call 1555-R. Miss Street, 1280- Observatory. 129-3 WANTED--April 1 to July 1 first floor appartment or sm~JI"house' for cul-1 tured family. of adults. Phone HELP WANTED EMAE-Bxerl- enced stenographers for sumfmer mointh hs. BogPDUT. ' -131-2 Impression of' grace,, pose, and attractiveness graduate in the~art of Successful'Dressing., you willbea'pst I S .7 - r ; ! , -, , - I - . o. M k 2"'7 '~" ~N; -' In our new fashzion