49 M..-N THE MICHIGAN DAILY -- --- - -r i ,. :rn ait except Monday by the Board in !rn Conference ditorial Press is exclusively en. for republication of air dited to it or not other his paper and the local at the postffice at Ann Arbor, as second class matter. ion by carrier or mail, $3. . Ann Arbor Press Building, May F~ditorial, 24T4 And r76-M; Busi- to exceed 30o words re. not necessarily to n evidence of faith, will be published in iton of the Editor, is 'he Daily office. Uin will receive.no con ript will be returned es postage. . The Daily idorse the sentiments A PERFECT MEET Aside from the gratification of Michigan's victory last Saturday in herthirteenth annual meet with Cor- nell, the contest was pronounced by officials one of the most efficiently ! handled meets' ever held. From thel first shot of the pistol to the conclu- sion of the pole vault the program! was marked by precision and formal-: ity which neither permitted the wast- ing of time nor allowed for disorderly handling of the equipment. tUnder the competent supervision of the Varsity track manager, this sea- son's meet with the Ithacans was marked by a formal coloring and dig- nity which added muchk to the effec- tiveness of the event. The presence of such great track officials as Major John L. Griffith, commissioner of in- lercollegiate conference athletics as referee, Charles Lynch as track judge, and Harry Steffe u announcer, in formal attire also helped to createl the atmosphere which made this par- ticular meet so successful. Added toy this was an innovation iu the form of an eight page program containing a complete summary of Michigan'sl track relations with Cornell and a systematic plan for recording the re- suits of the various events. A glorious victory combined with perfect management thus -character- ized what was the last track meet to be held in Waterman gymansium, for its time-honored walls will soon, be deserted for the new Field house, where future. indoor meets will be held. CAP, OWN AND CANE Another academic; year is gradu- ally drawing to a close, and with its termination there comep to the mind of every senior thoughts of Swing Out with. pompous cap anti gown, of commencement week and gaily flaunt- ed canes, and finally, in a haze of joy and sorrow, graduation. w These davs are not so' far off now ATDROLLEDITORAAL COMMENT , 0>DA YCONSIDER THE ELEPHANT (Harvard Crimson) te IThe flood of intelligence tests,j Current Correspondence which has poured out since the psy- After reading The Michigan Daily chological tests in the army, has en. (last Sunday) I have decided that we abled examiners to reach any decision now have an immense problem on our I they wished, extremely positive or hands-even greater than that of nam- extremely negative. The most amus- ing Alfred the Steam Shovel. I refer ing results have been reached and: to the article on "Dogs Will Be varying doctrines have been pro- Dogs".,- Heretofore our brave medics pounded. But according to Professor have their best by the hound-dawgs, Langfeld some measurement of in- but the supply being in excess of the telligence is really important, and demand-economically speaking-our 1 certainly most alluring. Even our poor doctors have been overwhelmed. keenest psychologists, equipped with Let me, dear Bunk, offer you a solu- all modern conveniences, have failed tion. Why not sell 'em to Dunder- to devise a universal test, and thej beck and -help out the Women's older philosophers went hopelessly League Fund? I astray. Doggedly yours, To all, the very meaning of intelli- D'ing... gence is clouded. It is defined as the ____ * e"faculty of understanding", and in- Dear Wing, cludes fundamentally the power of You're right. I've noticed the dogs reasoning. Used in this sense, it has too. But dogs ,will be dogs as well as nothing to do with knowledge or in- numerous, you know. Why, I drop- formation. The women students who ped one of my books on the campus recently proved that their professors; I the other lay and by the time I got it knew less of current events thanj back it was -dog-eared. Thanks a lot themselves did not establish a vindi-. for your suggestion. If we get the l cation of their own mentality-un-' assistance of others we will solve this less intelligence necessarily implies question yet. I understanding of current events. So discovering where intelligence stops S CONFI1NTITALL3V iPEAKING and knowledge begins is a hair-I Agnes Ayres refuses to be kissed splitting business. by3a man with a Just as perplexing is the relation moustache. Some girls I of the human brain to understand- would be tickled to jug. The ancients thought head death. .JoKr. measurement indicated intellectual * J*capacity. Later observers remarked Now that Lent is almost gone it is that the size of the brain had little; about time to give up something. For to do with the volume of the skull, one, I will not sleep in French class but still the mass of the convolutions any more. ITIJA. was regarded as somehow significant ~ of ability. But the brains of the OUIJA* You stay awake in Math. 2. greatest weight have belonged indis- * * * criminately to scientist, and suicides, Ii~ OO2S-BOI(SUraham 's BOOKS- ' ARCHI 26th to April 6th "Bunyia ticket from' the girl with the heart oni her arm." ANNUAL .. . r 1923 MARCH 1923 EDITORIAL STAFF ephoies X414 and 176-M MANAGING EDITOR MARION B. STAHL tor.................Paul Watzel >.............James B. Young City Fditor...........J. A. acon Board Chairman.......E. R. Meisas it rS.yrs Hra 4ae Iershsdorfor .Moriarty Donahue J, F- Mack itor ............Wallace 1. Fliott Editor..............Marion Koch agazine 1,ditor.. lI. A. D2onahue tor............ .....E H.Ale litor ......... Buckley C. Robbins Editorial Board err Maurice.Berman Eugene Carmichael Assistants Armstrong Franklin D .Hepburn elfield Winona A. Hibbrd ngtdn 1 dwai-d J. Higgis >wn Kenneth C Kellar rk FElizabeth Lieermann nable John McGinnis Cote bamuel Moore Coughlin NI. H. P or stein \V. B. Rafferty e .- Robert G. Ramsay nghouse J. W. Ruwitch God4~speed Sol cnt Alder~ I dlii \1.Wagnver dSAINE S STAFF ~6Telephone 90 BUSINESS MANAGER ALBERT J. PARKER't . ........John J. Hamel, Jr. ........ .alter K. Scherer .Lawrence 11. Yavrot ... .....Edward '. Conn' .D........Tavid J. 1T. Park .ownspnd H. Wolfe ... Beaumont Parks Assistants Haydens Wn. H. Good -Dunne Clyde L. hlagerman fasi fenry Freud Clayton Purdy antrout 1. B. Sanzenhacher' Reio. Jr. Clifford Mitts Hale Thomas McEochren Roesser Louis M. Dexter ioron C. Wells Christie I)rver Edward B. Reidle V. Coonpr 1 2' I 4 5 6 7 8 '9 10' 11 12 13 14 15 10 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 7OmSPRING, pi ~ a, HM ATS S ] NOW READY Big Selection Latest Shapes CRUSHERS, TOOH WE MAKE HATS -:.<:- Take the "Beaten Path"- to; our door and save a. dollar or more on a.hat. We also do all kinds' of Clean ing and Reblocking of Hats at low prices for HIGH CLASS WORK FACTORY HAT STORE 617 Packard Street Phone 1792 Where D. U. R. Stops at State SALE DETROIT UNITED LINES Ann Arbor and Jackson TIME TABLE (Eastern Standard Tnme) Detroit Limited and Express Car- 6 :0o a.m., 7 :oo a.m., 8:<, a.m., :o a.rn. and hourly to 9:~o5 p.m. Jackson Express Cars (local stopa West of Ann Arbor--9 :47 a.m., and every two hours to 9:+7 tm. Local Cars Eas' Bound--7:oo a."n. and every two hours to 9:oo pt)m., t too p.m. To Ypsilanti only-i1 4 p.m., i:r5 a.m. To Sa;ine--Chage at Ypslanti. Local Cars West Bo1nd-7 :50 a.mn., 12:30 p.m. To Jackson -and 1alanazoo-[im. itod cars 8:47,':o:47 ain-., 12:47, 247, To Jackson and Lansing-Linited at 8:x47 p.m.t TOLEDO- I AUY Going Nort Lv. Toledo Arr. A. A. Gol4 Sout ,V. A. A Ar. Toledo SUNDAYS AN 114 ,n North A.M. Lv. T(edo 8:00 11:00 Arr. A. A. 10:35 - Goin g South, lv. A. A. 8:00 11:00 Ar. Tol. 10:5 Cars Leave Court - -- 1iliili~tli141ti~lt i11 11Rliit 5c The 100% Put I 5C RUIT-N Iliai li il i e Food - In Coni Uer-K lUT- CHOCOLAT , . _.___ ..., .r,_ ..._ . 1' . and every man of '23 must place his She was peeved and called him Mr. Not because he went and Kr. order and have his measurement ta-'But the thing that made her sore en for cap, gown and cane as soon as possible. It will take considerable 1 Was, that on the night before, 1 This same Mr.' time to measure every member of the s Kr. various classes who will wear the Sr. insignia. In order to facilitate theSr work and to assure the early arrival KING PEG. of senior paraphernalia members of TlE (U(KOO COURSE these classes are urged to report at! once to the specifled shots for meas- it was midnight in venice, only the urement. 'plash plash of the venice high school The cap and gown tradition at crew, and the hoarse cries of the cox- Michigan is as old ass the institution wain could be heard annoying the. itself and has always been anticipat- T evening air. It was the last big work- eds with th grates ennthusipa byout before the Gondola regatta with the fast Carlsbad eight. tradition has been cherished with abaft the binnacle, shouted the cop eThe slim youth poling No. 7 respond-; et ual reverence by past grads and the noticeable slump in it'observ- ed with a deft sweep of his peavey. ance during the past few years has The practice was over. . P been a cause of the regret to alumni and old-timers alike. over the bridge of sighs were hur-I The walking stick is not a silly dreds of high school boys and girls, fad but is a symbol of seniority. It is huzzahing and hurrahing. they hadi to the fourth-year man what the come out to strpport their crew. the pot 'is to the freshman, with one ex gruff coxwain wiped a tear from his cpt iso the fweari n ,ofwthc neiexa eye with the sleeve f his. sweat- ception-the wearing of a ,cane is ashirt. I knew they wouldn't forget us privilege and not a requirement. It y i boys he muttered with a kind of catch serves as an emblem of distinction, a . bacge.of ono, o' e wrn nlybyin his voice, and then 'the school badge of honor, to' be worn only by cheer-V-E-N-I-C-E VENICE! CREWi those who by years of perseverence NESDAY, MARCH 28, 1923 itor--JULIAN ELLIS MACK SARAIL E RMHARDTj Bernhardt, the divine Sarah, ver again appear before the [' with an enraptured audi- hinn t to her ever on g m and and tedious grinding have won it.. PlK ' A. nr&V3Uhar ran c ndw a n(] ; v r ( 'A 2 a tF t' ~r: ac . ec r E'ey a l i race your or er ror cap, gown, ant never again grace the stage I cane early. magnetic personality; never' -- ceive the anplause of an idol- lNSPECTING EATING HOUSES public. Long acclaimned by The announcement emanating from s the world's greatest actress, the Health Service offices that in the1 ernhardt might well have rest- near future University authoritiesI er la.urels twenty years age would undertake a supervision of stu-y nature was such that' she dent eating houses comes as a most4 t bear the thought of leav- hopeful statement to those people of1 beloved sage. It was her., the. University community who would1 wish that she night die as insist upon sanitation and cleanli-I ea,-actin. Her wish was ness in connection with the serving she died with the world as and preparation of their food. udlience, a silent mournful Perhaps nowhere is a body of per- but not essentially different sons more advantageously situated appreciative thousands that than are the students here, when the flock to the theaters to wit possibility of having their demands acting of the great trage- satisfied is considered. Practically every institution near the campus ious lesson may be learned ! serving food of any sort is entirely E e life of' Sarah Bernhardt. dependent upon student trade for its I onquerable spirit that would Iexistence. They manifestly would, the polers sobbed as one. . . (to be continued by .... urch. s °* * s Today's Nonsense Novel My Appetite-Hugh Geoffrey Day.! Here's One QUESTION: Will you use the word aggaTIato in a sentence? ANSWER: Shylock -.(inF a hurry) "Say, if dis train's going to Niagara, vait for me. 11 sh-zi. Just My Room Mate 1 wear all his clothes And watch where he goes. I lnow all his secrets Tfhat no one else knows. mad men and bricklayers. And men of superlative genius have done their work with a modicum of tissue that any self-respecting lunatic would dis-- own. Still clinging tenaciously, in our, material way, to ideas of bulk, we may smile ,4nowngly and say, "Ah, it is a question of relativity. The whale has the lirgest brain, but his body is much larger, in comparison with the dog, 'the monkey or man. Arrange everything according to the ratio of brain tp ,body, and you have the order of intelligence." Babies, I then, would outrank us all, confirm-. ing Charles 'Kingsley. And the ele- phant, who is declared to be one of the craftiest of beasts, would come out nowhere. "BREF4AD AND BUTTER. CONCERN" (New York Times) The business men had their say a few days ago about the interdepen- dence of the nations 'economically. No one is sufficient - unto itself. The churches have 'spoken vigorously re- garding international moral obliga- tions. Now the voice of the farmerI rises asbove the chorus to carry the theme to a still wider harmony. The editor of Farm and Fireside in a. special article in his own paper says that what Europe does is of "bread- and-butter concern" to every citizen Sin'America and ",most of all to the; farmer." And it is on this basis that he makes an appeal to the govern- ment of the strongest nation in the world "financially, politically and morally" not to, stand aloof but to lend a hand. 'His specific advice is to open the door which we have "slammed" in the face of' the peoples overseas who have fallen upon evil days. We may i think that we have nothing to do! with them, but they could do for us what no one else can, if only we had not in our "high and mighty ways" made it impossible for them -"to help us out of the fool's paradise into which we have gole to' live." We are deluding ourselves with a temporary display of prosperity, but this, the editor-farmer insists, is at the ex- pense of our own farmers and our European neighbors. The farms are prcducing more than the farmer can profitably raise and yet great masses of men, women a.nd children in Con- tinental Europe are 'not getting enough to eat. If the American farm- er could sell his' surplus abroad,' he himself would be financially blessed while, at the same time, feeding the hungry and ,starving. The observa- tion of this editor who speaks to and for farmers, that we are '"acting like a nation of children in handling the serious international situation," does not seem too severe. "'Let the government take heed," says the editor' of Farm and Fireside, and not lag far behind the business men and the farmers who are coming to the view that we cannot profitably live to ourselves alone, even if we had no moral obligations to do something for others. There are signs that the } ' .... .., / f r i % , " r ,. - I I /, f , r' .!' r_;y / "? -- .1 . - r ;. ,, , . .. - ,. .. f,, .- 11 It's time for that' Easter suit A, /' y f't. f lfrom Hart Schaffner &r71arx ou won't be fooled on quality or style if you come out April first in one of these new spring I know what lie thinks I know what he drinks; I borrow from him When my nocketbook shrinks. suits from the world's greatest makers.of fine clothes for men. f dAit defeat even in the Pity; the will to wVork at i' profession no matter rhe handicaps, until the cu e for the last time;- the 'for art's sake are all attri 'nhardt that might be emu vantage by tho who bit n 'the unkindness of fate hlave passed forty-five. ardt was an artist in the of the word; she was not o devote her time, solely t but entered the field of s and literature. Despite tiat in her seventieth year ed the amputation of a Bernhardt did not abandoi She continued her thea- up to the week bejfore and to the very end shei roles from "Tosca", "L'Ai, Camille", words of the au id brought to fame. ih Bernhardt was the last I feel the necessity of complying with t her any suggestions or regulations re- I steal his smokes, how lating to sanitary conditions prescrib- 'And laugh at his jokes; irtain ed by the University .inspectors. But if he betrays me love If the inspection is undertaken, I hope that he chokes. butes however, it should embrace' not only, lated the several large boarding houses' FOR: tterly near the campus, but should cover He knows what I know e ere every place patronized by students He knows what I owe; Sarah which serves a considerable amount He may be, a friend, true of food. Soda fountains, as well as He may be a foe. con- lunch rooms and restaurants, often' o the employ slovenly methods in the He camps on my trail, culp- cleansing of glasses and other food And reads all my mail; the containers. Especially are they in- He cusses me out she clined to use the same rinsing water Each day without fail. limb, for a number of containers, the n the washing process then doing practi- There's only one thing trical cally more harm than good. Among That makes my heart sing- her' other things the inspectors might in- I took out his girlI recit- sist that, wherever possible, all disbes Now she's wearing my ring. glon" and glasses be washed in flowing Offul. thors water and be thoroughly dried with * * * clean towels. SPARK PLUG t1me Fire-reporter most In the interest of student health He has written telling me that the,; $37.50 $45.00 i Better pick a fine topcoat, too, while you 're 'at it. $2 5 to '35 The Reule Conlin Comn any U