____ THE MICHIGAN DAILY W,,. back on Coach Yost's champion 1922 football team. RI ~HbUL IUMUflflV' "Racing hearts", the movie to be [yen by the sop.homore women, wvill I pen at the Arcade theater tomorrow. .ges Ayres and Theodore Roberts re the star~s. The author, Conrad Py-' on, also wrote the racing pictures ,hick. helped to make Wallace Reid ofamous. Tickets may be obtained tthe regular price of 35 cents in thei brary, in the League booth in Uni-i ersity hall, or from the "girls who'f 'ear their hearts on their sleeves."j he W omen's League will receive a c n a e o al th s sld b t e phomore women. The management of the Arcade the- i er offers two prizes, each in the Form loge passes, good at any time. The I stprize of fifteen passes will goj the woman selling the largest numn- r above 100. The second will b), m passes, given under the sameo )nditions. I NGAGEJWE NT IZP)F VARSITY _ Announcem'ent 11as recently beeil .ade of the engagement of MNiss hen-'1 [etta B. Van Putten of Holland to ranklin C. Cappon,. '24. Miss Van Putten was gradua tedl last) I ar from Hope college and has since en teaching in the Saugaluckhig ,hool. Cappon is a memb>er of Sig-I a Phi Epsilon and vvas Varsity dull- AT THE TfE.,T]ERS Screen-Today Aracade--"Dollar' Devils," with all-star cast; "Twin Hus- h)ands," comnedy; Universal 'News. . Majestic - "Adam and Eva"; comeody, "Be Yotqrself"; Sey- moar Simons and His Ten Ser- enad'ers. Orpheum -Harold Lloyd in "A Sailor-Made 'Man"; Reginald Denny in, "The Leather Push- ers." A Wuerth - Estelle Taylor "in "Thorns and Orange B'bs- S somus"; comedy; Pathie news. Tickets for the sophomore movie will be on sale this week in Uni- versity hall, the Library, and at Gra- ham's Mate "street bookstore. They nmay also be obtained from the sopho- more women. Members of Jthe industrial discus- sion 'group of the Y. W. C. A. will meet at 3 o'clock this afternoon at New- b-erry hall. ' The schedule for the class basketball gamnes to be 'held this week in Bar- bcui, gyminasium is as follows: At' 7:30 o'clock this evening, seniors VS. juniors,' sophomores vs. freshmen; at 7:40 o'clocki tomorrow- evening, seniors vs. sophomores, juniors vs. freshmen; atw 7:9.0 o'clock Thursday evening, seniors. vs. freshmen, juniors vs. sophomores. tiWyvcrn society will mecet at 7:30 'o'clock tomorrow night at the Delta' Delta Delta house. Tryouts for Athena will .be held at 7:15 o'clock tonight in the Alpha Nu rood., University hall. Dean Jean Hlarilton will be at home to U3niversity womsen from 4 to 6 'clockw ti is afternoon at her home, 1122 Ill- street. This is the, last tea Make , your ink is rig*i. ! r. Our Special n#4 INK is always right. which. the dean will give this year for thle Women of th~e Uiversity. stylus Literary society -sill meet, tonight at the Delta Delta Delta house. The corrective gyminasium classes Iwhich did not meet at 10 and 11 o'clock yesterday will mfeat at 10 and1 11 o'clock tomorrow. All other gIymnas- tum. clas'ses will meet as usual. Extra apparatus practice may be talken in gymnasium classes from to 11. o'clock Wednesday morning. .Michl,-anl song books -are still being sold at % oth of Graham's bookstores, a part of the proceeds being g veii to the University of Mlichtigan. League l ild- ing fund. Women interested in attendting the summer conference of the s udient ;' de- partment of, the Y. WV. C. A. which Is to be 'held August 17 to 27 at tie col- lege camp, Lake Geneva, Wis., ae re- i qes-ted to consult Dorothy Bishop, '24,1 To NOMINATE OFFICERS; Womeon's League officers for the coming year will soon be nominated by Imembers of the board of directors of the League, Representatives from the four classes will nonrinate the of- ficers first, after which they will be nminated- by the offcial committee. This committee is composed of Fran- ces Ames, '23, president of the League, Beatrice Chanmpion, '23, representative of the senior women, Margaret Whyte, '23, president of the Y. W. C. A., and Gra ce Fry, '23, president of the Ate - letic association. Announce Harr ae Announcement has been made of the marriage of Wilma E. Welch, '21, to Mau rell L. Baxter, '23E, in Lansing on Feb. 24. Mrs. Baxter, who is teach- ing in Lansing, is a' member of Gam- ma Phi Beta sorority. Try 'a Classified Ad-it pays.;-Adv. 11)1 South i Engineers' and Archit( Stationery, Fountain Pens, Cameras and As' Students Candies, Laundry Agency, °T 0 k h r 1 I 1/ a ' gr-F'I l i ek at 3 o'clock this afternoon or 'tomor-'FE U1IO this summer. Young row afternoon at the Y. W. C. A. of-' Mon's Group for University students fiee, Newberry hall. and young mien from IS to 24 years; op- _______________ portunity tosee Europe thoroughly with When you have a want, always let cneilcmain fyu w a "DilyClasifed d" stisy i.- zage; °personally conducted tour; capes a "DilyClasifed d" atify t.-able leadership; moderate cost. Wr'ite for descriptiye folder. Daily Qlassifieds for real results.- NEVIT LE S. BULLITT Adv. 2I04 Keller Bldg'. Lousvlle, Ky. U. , I ~ f J\ Garrick (Detroit) ..- "The Mon- ster," with Wilbur Crane. 1 Shub er"t - Miebigan (Detroit) - Bonstcele company in "Dad- dies.'' 2:00-3:30 LAST TIMES TONIGHT ;iniJ aen rof te bI' ar1 Thetret isw. poivored to'I-Rene" t~ en f~b r aa o eothale 1uQ e" C esoftshlmart nd'nuulp a le '0vner w.."hie ~ ~ia h~ al~Tetei :Ind i c ,lug t l 1.C a'-le Crth .on, who spo nredY aend II d ' o E GY to th e W h : ryi Ttia j ay foI~a a lai ( nan e l o i mtln ceolpany, c~ares"011y del^.ed 1by r. Cnrlelto, , mad lI dnoan mic al cwicdy rd orits. A enkpete aaid heau-tlif I tPui33 ':,d 01 will -1I1 e+':dIdc and p1iInelpal IISlcia-w Carried cons), WRI p ill°T=rgely a'ent 010 Poml OrchbgStra to Five it fi to npL'rI.d ?Je! iw imiy new l'.ecure .seats by Iuil OrdeIrs 4oe a t"ekaio E u pan t heir re°.ceipt9. State lo)cation desired and :a. h ,c 41r isney orde !> or -' e '' act allinount, 1 ui (ornn','ient, tI per dcens, t wth se f .adxeys d a~d Stamed enve'lope, a3d zi . ir 7eirtedj by id].i1( Oherwse they xw1ll be held at the CIAT n 07ed a. ai all Fl= fts and jnoiey or~lers paya blc to TE " Rec':>FI°; dSl Nt a:'' gips 4tbox office F id4ay Afarch 30. K 1,.dll'La It $-I X .n :1 0,9 3. 171 1 TOD - ANN ARBOR BU DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY' tohIagi' or k A:. . 'P.31. Lv. Toledo 7:00. 10:00 2:00 5:001 Arr. A. A. 9:35 12:35 4:35 7:35 Going south Lv. A. A3 7:00 10:00 2:00 5:00 ' A Xr. rroledo 9:35 12:35 4:35 7:35 EAST RN IV'lME. SU1ND AYSSAND HJOIDAYS Doing North A. ). P.31. Lv. Toledo 8:00 11:00 5:30~ Arr. A. A. 10:35 1:35 8:00 Going South Lv. A. A.. 8:00 11:00 8:30 Ar. Tol. 10; 3,5 1:35 11:05 Cars Leave Court blouse I 1 What would you do if you had *, Y $10,00,000.00, See what hcapened to H-emling when everybody1 wealthy over night. ALSO COMEDY AND NEWS . COMING WEDNESDAY BENEFIT WOMEN'S LEAGUE - SPECIAL ENGAGEMENT i IN W !1H.192, WHITE '~ & HARDY' B /EWy An 40.' STRETET 144 WESr 4290 TR Mf'nOxworx O ptsc 105E uxn, KNCK~8orcKa &DrnLDN' NEW YORK TODAY. O'YY a ., . THIS SIOW CLOSES TONIGHT ,,# Now - There Is Just One More Day To Sec T his One., It's Just A nother Show Worth Heralding to the Skies,t Which ADVERTISES. ITSELF! pencil in hc ivwld e studenw or prof., the bVEN{JGS out-rivals rerfect pencil work. degrees--3 copying. 1: Lead U ... , YOU'VE HEARD ABOUT. IT! EA STER Only a few :Hear-- Days; awayv Write for, boouklet .'n VENVS P1'.41iJandi fi!J DtV:(lrrPOINT E7D I I I T 11: Te' I A k Bringring h Sure enough Beginningof Springmayneans Appetites for GILBER T'S CHOCOLATE.S The 1,ind we 4 Comedy From Title to Ta lpece- andl Action E Galore CO31E TONIGHT i MA111 IMON~ V., 0DOE t DQn't Pass on Without Resolving To See "Adam and It's} the Gayest Show in Town i. DIX .. I' % // When a pre flapper gees se~ed-mad, Oh, Boy,~ f/ Stop!Q Gjaramount 1t'lrrf --' ' Carry at Comedy Toipics -Coucert Daily 2:0 -3: Balony 250- Main Floor 35ce Kiddies -;1c. Includes Stage Features 59! 80! dhen it ~5! 65 ! 70! 90! 100! 105- The' author of Wally Reid 's racing hits wrote it especially for her. ALSO NEW LEATHER. PUSHERS ANNUAL SUPER EASTER CIF l 1I EI HAROLD" LLOYD, ASAIL9OR- K/FAVW' lviAM ji1 t 1 I 1 I I ClueDrakss Drug and Prescription Store Cor. State and N. Ulaiz ersity The B3EST is all we can sav-n°o other word wil do. Phone 3038 NEW-A", NE Cqmp cete uew program of sW t)'r xs, YOV LI'PIS aundj N MT It's Somue t ' ' version of I'llTRAVATORE" Have you heard 'em play 6T1 7T~ Y'i Q9 Mrse ilitgs Sp~~etaIiDim PROGRAM I 7~ aid the vAjmn rbo Fertm I' "ThP (lilnrrxT" 1 . I I fl E