I l OFFICIAL DULL ETINI Ithe Bull etin io constructive notice: to all members of . Copy received until 2:20 tD. in,. (11:20 s a. S aturday.) 8tN-DAV, 3[11041 2%, 19,213 nfmbei' 121, of Lifteriiture, S~leuce, and the Arta, y rcquested that morn'bers of the faculty who have notA al- III ~out the Faculty Directory blanks whiceh have beea di%- the miessenger bases and return them to the bean's office ble, There are almost dally calls for the information ran- gainlts, and onlyas a ol prqportiozi of the Faculty hii a Cthis request. I f fbrwPy rfe~on these blanlo, him, not are, Dot avalla)$le, they wil i sueppb~ea im requesE t'~ be a general Fa.culty meeting of the Sclho of at)dcatio~n 26, at 4:1v la-in. iu the affte of the Schaool of F1ucatiou. A, ~WHITINEY. Lecture: Garland lecture, March 27, hae been Vtpon&I to lip 4.. C. T. ANDR9W9I. of Liter-ature, Seiemc, and the Arts: March meeting of the Literary Faclty will be heldA Mon- it 4:10 D~. Im. in the Auditorium of N'ewberry II. There 1unajy report by Professor Canifield, Chaihian of the curnt- riug the question as to 'the advlsability of dividing etu~ets ordlmg to ability . j011N IR,. llflINolR dIol A8-,embly e au assemnbly of all students enrolled in the School of Feh- :,r,1ah 28th at 4:15 P, iX, it Room 201, Tappan Hall.. 1l.. .WHITINZ plowa Schoos: Da meeting of the nUlversity Committee on tDiplomna scbool8 'resident Burton, Tuesday', Jaoh 27th,, at 4 :0'0 P. AT. J. B. YLlDMOI FSON, Secretary. acuty: lis-ell, Assistant Professor of Pysiology, Washington U~ni- hie guesit of the mnedical faculty on Alonday, bMarch N~. PL 11, talk to the school in the Wes~t Amphtheater of the Tuedi- qu are requested to dismiss all except first year classes at rite;'your 'students to attend the lecture. Seats will bie re - hire faculty. CARL IV. BBIRIIACH.' E9 andi Meehaxcas: ter of the Westinghouse Air Brake Company will be in Room Building, Tuesday, Mrarch 27, for the purpose of irterviev- ted in securing employment w~it4a his company. 'J0SEP11, .CANNON. thibgan Band: or the week :- 'c 26, 77 P. l.---Lane Hail Auditorium. March 28, 7 P. M.--Univer'sity Hall Auditorifn. arch 31, 1 'P. Ml.-Lane Hall Auditorium. * WILFMRED WILSON, Director. bwill meet Tuesday evening, Mslrch 27, at t:00 o'clock in 6ugell Hall. Strindberg's "'The Strongeri" and ',.ame and usany will 4e presented. This eeting is eery - important. will speak on "Mr. Pim Passes By"' and our general pl~abns be outlined and discussed. C. J. DRFSACI Members of Mhe Faculty: enitertainment Nwill be held Alouday night at 8:00 o'clock ini ,nxell Hall. T103 will be iii the natiure oft a joi1t prog;ram s peakilng societies on the oauipue, Adtlphi, Athena, Alpha ' Nu, and Portia.. A number of interesting readings, a humorous debate, a mock trial, and several short speeches will be given. Evreryone is welcome. ANDREW C. DEA M. ' anical Engineeri ng . o Trip Mtlcnday afternoon, :March 2G, to Towson ;Body Company, Russell Street and Clay Avenuef. C. B. GORDY. Alpha Nil: The attention of all members of the society is called to the Joint meet- ing of the four literary societies of the University on Monday, March 26, at 8 o'clock in Sarah Caswell Angell Hall. This is an opportunity to indicate the purposes of our society and to show that it is attempting to make a real $2,500 for a scholarship in scenario BRITISHi MINES INf'R.1 w itiI~g conmpetition boing open to, London, Mlarch 24. I ~I Daring the last threer undergraduates of an.y college or un-___________ versity in America.1913ll111111l1111 Several large education institutions h lave already entered the contest am>- ong thetasbeing Brown University, the University of California, Iowa State 'University, the University of Chicago ',and Yale University. The scholarship will consist of $1,000 to the w inning student, $1 ,000 to, the endowment fundl MAR. Announces(C icobtribution to University life. A large representation of the society will o i olg n nadtoa m b . aprc~td LE AZMN unt of not less than $G()O to ,be paid; i Loe ]' fto the winning Student for the scrieen L. alPastors SugetChnes i rights of his scenerlo. - InWrigOf Drinking S ongs sLIVIG 4IUST DAP (. Holslngfors, Finland, Mar. 1.-B several Ann Arbor ministers join- could best be done by the introduction A. F.)-The cost of living 'in Finland .ed In suggesting that some revision of new ones, allowing others to drop decreased eleven points during Jan- be made "in Universcity songs in order into disuse." n Dary. 'This is the largest,' decrease' to eliminate objectionable °parts, when "T .Icdonot feel that nresezit qons'q recorded ,since the war. In Sunday Evening Serving Open 4 to 8 'Week Days as Usual Luncheon, 12 to 2 Afternoon Tea, 3:30 to Dinners by Arrangement,E ;. .,. ,.. ,.. .. ,.. ... .. . . ... . . i::llEitf101 SPECAL PH( 41-P, interviewed' on the matter. Most of contain enough sitggestion of the vul49- them, however, agreed that the prob- gar to warrant any serious altera- lein is not a serious one. tions," Rev-. 0. A.. Neuman of the "'Many of the University. songs are s Bethlehem Evangelical church said. drinking songs that have comes down "However, It you have someone who1 to us froir the early days of the Uni- can write songs to tale the place of , JUST PUBLISHE For Students in Business Administration, In Economaics, Education, Biology, Ps versity, and as such, have no parti- cular significance now," the Rev. Hlerbert Atchison Jump of the Conr- gtegationai church said. "In-so-much as Joe's' and the Orient' are now plead issues, I feel. that it might be "well to revive some of the songs. In fact, I would say that if some one were to write a snappy bootlegging song and set It to a catching tune, it would ' arry more weight, for that is the only vmy liquor, now enters the life of a University student, if at all." Would Introduce New Songs The Rev. Edward Sayles of .the Frt laptiot church offered the sug- gestion that "new songs be introduced, which In time would displace t h e drinking songs °of today. As a gen- eral rule, the vulgar, whether it be in songs, cheers, or in other: matters cannot be but a detriment. Elirina. { tion of obje ctionable' songs, ,I believe, present ones, there would of course be no reason for 'objection. If these proved popular, enough, the others would soon be forgotten." "iMichigan's. songs do not present a serious nroblem," Rev.:lEarl A. Brauer of St. P6,ul' Lutheran church said., "I believei it would be well to elimin- ate :profanxity in songs in-so-far as possible, yet even this is not a serious problem.", Need No Revision Rev. Arthur W, Stalker of the First Methodist church, and Rev. A. L. Gun- der an of Trinity Lutheran church, Joined in declaring' that profanity or vulgarity in songs or cheers is "de- basing. and objectionable. Michigan songs or cheers, however," need no re- vision;," they, said. Carl Laemnle, president of. the Ulni- versal motion picture corporation has' just offered an endowment fund of I-..K Tables in Applied Mathematics by James $4.50 Includes : Interest Tatbles, Tables for Staticlans to 100,000, 186 pages. 084 pages; Insurance an and Bloinetrlcians, 100 W AHR 9s U: !S"e Y M..u~p~ N n.. .. ......". .. .. " . fl,, ,***a ,V,, . . . . ORDER NOW Th( _ ~Mab Di An Attractive Line of Novelties V The MacDiarmid Candy Cc, Next to Arcade Theatre :.w ..................... ... eGift for Easter larmid's Can ORDER O Deliveries in ea THE POLLY LITTLE TEASSHOPPE NOW OFFERS 'A ,NOON LIJNCFH FOR 5c THIY OUR DELICIOUS FUDGE+ CAKE SUNDAY TEA OPEN 11 A. M. TO 11 P. M. COME IN AND GET ACQUAINTED PHONE 951-W ON THAYER JUST BACK OP HILL AUDITORIUM a: 71. ( Best Of at Easter all gifts time-- your phonograph! These most de ightfzd remembrances re ine- pns ilke. 'Phone 641 for early appoint im-en!t WALI +OVER Advance Sport Fashion, the New Colored Stitch Another exclusive Walk - Over triumph. "Square -,toed, uniquely stitffed with rakish lines. The new Walk-Overewalking shoe that you hear so many people 'talking about. ~~ 115 S, MAIN ST. Announces, a new f lee of 81i and White Cabs. Same careful, courteous drivers. Same telephone number, haeres to stand for. Black and Whi 999 I~ dabs equipped for your' with General Cord Tires comfort and safety ' t Q albt 6o19 East Liberty Street ;X TAXI ILI f I lltI lllll~t111Tl illElIiii11ilIilfu lIlfiliIlfiltlIlu ll lllflll111l11111iII1111~l~1lIifll n11111lI111111lt~l lililIliltt1111Il1111lII111tt111lif1[tt1lI1111111l1U litll lll' TOMORROW se $2.00, .1 to' . ' A A T ! F' 1 lTIE WA1T C