G ON j olnn Should )o'clock of in ecngre- ane hall. es 111eet ill forum in Collgregationual f. C. E. Kent speaks op School of Religion." ts' class, Church of s in upper room, Lane" tguild meets in Ilapilst i) meets in upper i'e&141- tthe UJnion. At Science Iec~iirp at. -ell Ang-ell hall. mse at Wesley hal~l. Vofficer!, rehearse in. lple. guild friendship how. In church parlors. iclub of Flint dinner in the Union. peoples' meeting in Up. .ne hall. Prof. Russell m guild meets in Nfetil. ' mieeting in Congrega- L. guild devotional meeting' hurch. Miss Irene Find-, Stiudents' congregation- ne hall. H. J. Berkowitz i C. Trueblood read the ay" in the First Mlethi-! MOND)AY in lit social commnittcee onm 204, University hall. ;o club dinner in roost nio. !rs meet in room 306 of innttee meets in room nion. reka club tweets iN rooma Jnion. meets in club room to program in a body. ibtic enttainment by peaking societies in Sar-,gl al lmens recital ill patten-" um. TUESDAY 1faculty lunch in plrivate of the Union. 4 :30-,tnntbor Golf ('10 riet~s ilk 1F, :(---Ceu~edy clubi perfor.-narce in$' room 302 of the Union. Sarah Casxell Angell hail. FEH N 7 :00-, aesnansbip class in room 362' EN-FlE -M N E1110 of the Union. jUN hES in r ;inIr'Ini 7 :0-J-nstltiute of religious edifteation Sentior engineers' euri must beor- iD fHOME IGflH SCifHOLS~ meets in Lane hail. jtdered at 'Wagner's before -'pring va ' TO:00FIIIWIIand Wwit metEn5atin. room 304 of the Union. No instru- Hamilin Gar'la'nW's lpeture. s-tuor Records of all freshmen 'of 'the ments. ! March 27, is postpone(, to May 4. ?literary college for the past semester 7:SNI-4_merictant lgIon niree; in room Tickets for Vae l&OrvbPail iill Tbe are being sent to each individual high 306 of the Union. (ldistri')tted from I to 5 o'clo, 1. Tue3 E$chool principal by the registrar's of- 7 :1i -Tryouts for Adelphti freshmiau I a I Wd~a atro n flve More. than 1,500 such records debate meet in Adcllphl room, Uni- the -ohby of the Union. have been compiled and were mailed ve st al -7 1 r1-'Jryouts for Athena Literary Fo- y se d y cit wl b el n l~ everr :More 4Ae, d Rides In addition to their notifying each roomswil ye hli l. o O Seven maore students were booked high school principal as to the call- romUniversity hanllh.g o isrery codct're of the students who attended high r: is,-1tound-i'p) club mnee#s tsipper I Friday for riding on the rear stepsIredn school after leaving these institu- raigroomr of the Union.I and fenders of Ann Arbor street cars.tonherodshwth vaiu S :t)-ie clb oncrt n f11 81d. IMany students have. previously been h~ishosweentertann torltun. arrested and fined. Future offenders ihchshosweentertann will be severely prosecuted, accordingfoteUnvrtyiwa. ',to police officials. The records are beng miailed this' I 11N CAU.lGHT AT TOME2N'S early, in order that they may reach SHO0W; RECEIVE ICY BAM 1 I Remember "Jimmie the adtakrer's'' the heads of the preparatory schools Inumber--960.--Adv.j before they leave for the Michigan Lawrence, Kan., M4tarch 24. - { Schoolmasters' club meeting which is IAn icy bath in the "ole swimmini' J.-sitesralypy-Adv. to be held here March 29, and 30. Ihole" rewarded rive' male .stu- . Idents of the University of Kazn- Isas Thursday who were curious I to see the annual Old FashionedC E 1Circus, which is a 'show given L a n al by t e w m n o th'University. A lf m en are barredAn o ce nt pr e i g th j Ishow urged all women to dress I }up as farmers in order'to make I- the circus appear as old fashion-j Ied as Possible. The rien took ad- Ivantage of this request and dis- guised themselves as typical "old Shay seeds". a I A girl friend of one of the in- I V S truders discovered their true 1 iidentities and gave the alarm. inma With a cry, of fIee the co-edsI ISeized the unlucy males and D AO N 6carried therm to the "old swim- , (min' bole" where their curiosity and in a mtih was dr-owned. ouwl hva L 1 y u wil hae ha . 6EORGE ORTO,018 YIITS UNITED STATE George Horton, '78, Consul General at Smyrna, Turkey, has reached tis country for a short visit. For many years he has been in the consular ser-' vice, at Athens, Saloniki and Smyrna, 'fie is an authority on. Near Eastern problems, particularly those of Greece. l l i From the beginning jof the wear to l thatthe athlete bdoesn't need furher April S, 1917, he was in charge of the phscltannadsnete Ir If that interests of Great Britain, FncYoung they hleedl but little the argu- me e Italy, Russia, Serbia, Montenegro and ments that laws are laws and must1you over Roumania in Asia Minor. lie also dis- tributed relief among needy civilians and prisoners of war. For his war SUI services, he received the thanks of t IRtV'G WAR JOLTS, I. . C the British and Frenich governments CHIjrOPODS T and was made Knight, Order of Greg- ory the {Great (Papal) and Command- t 707 N. Lnilverelty Phonte $$5 Nea er~ Order of the Savior (Greek). Mr. ____________________ , . bor while he is in this country. the resultiz has sprun- RU-LFS IS RULES! night; we (Continued from-nPage Four) tliiesir lu rules can be made that will cover al211 smia cases andl the sooner this is learned'- the sooner will laws cease to bie dii- !AliM regarded. Alpha Nu The entire student body is at pres- regular we ent. laughing at the rules thaL the the club re faculty of the college has decided to' question W1 .enforce strictly. ;every student. knows of one cent 1 +-++U -+7-w s.... ,+.- A - 11,- .on gasOline Ever see the kitchens in. which the foods, you eat' are prepared? They'll tell the story of cleanliness. Inspect ours at any time t i more ical pleasure than a bank can give you in',a, year 4 Try Our Special Sunday Dinner for 85c "A Different Place to Eat"= VARSITY INN 512 Eh WILLIAM A rcad Up s 1-a f.s, o C afe te r Nickel's Are Carl F. Bay Arcade Jeweller t t F qIQUALITY. pj' No r _ .. - /* AIF " H~oY WWAIT 1~ Till midsummer to buy your Spring Suit? .Step 'into our store, . 721 North 'University, and' get fitted today. We've a' pro- T position that no student or citizen of Ann Arbaor' can of fordc to pass'by " See Our Display of I s +You ha-ve always wanted a tailor See Ourmade suit- SeXO r indow- fh ot "Now's Your Chance." ,Spring Woolens "We've the suits that put the spring-in spingtime" GE'ORG EW Y MERCHANT TAI LOR 721 NORTH UNIVERSITY -' OF~ HtILL AkrITOIIL OPPOSITE LAW LD1x., li!Il1lf~iltltltllltitdl~iN~tl~tltliltMllillil 11 1 I~lB lt llli;llliil OI~~llil llltt l111~i~ t~~l1 #i~tfi I1!lli oa See the Demonstration of the Elctric -Washer and Ironer MARCH26, sld 27 The secret. of clean :clothes and the secret of easy, pleasant ironing will be ivevealed'Monday and Tuesday next week, when a practical demonstration of the Horton Electric Washer and the Du-All Ironer will be given' in our store, by Mrs. Tracy direct from the factory. Here we cannot explain the wonders of these two. machines but we do want you to see them at work during the demonstration-you will have a delightful Surl'e prise in store for you. II t 1 JNO. C FISCHER CO., Up-to-the-Minut Hardware, Mai nonar Wash. Was.. sar, Main 3JV81'WEST p ,:.. ., .., ' i awtr i11! i fir. U Z U E I