O iK1~mN ' ., ~ 1ti _ 1 tn L. " . - -- .0m." 11 BEATS LI IN TRi GKi Griffith Forecasts Serious Results To Intercollegiate Sports If Pro Rule Is Broken ContinUted from Page One)" the half mile, however, a clean came out of the clear sky, e, Hattendorf, and Cusling fin- in one, two, three order, Roes- dichigan's fourth man, finishing even basis with Cornell's first. e's race was one of the big fea- of the evening for he sha.ttered i of a second the long standing d of John Paul Jones and wrote .ame indelibly as Michigan's st half miler of all time. His mnt mark was 1:56:4, 1 1-5 see- faster than the Big Telf record. i Orden, Hubbard 31ake Firsts I Orden, in the meant me, had he shot put, bettering his own nark and putting Michigan fur- n, the lead. Hubbard, the high winner of the evening, crashed gh with his second first place he dashed home far ahead of arest competitor in the 65 yard urdles, just after .:rozier of 11 had taken the Red's second place in the 440 yard dash, nar- defeating Michigan's best..1 l, ripped .19 4-5 seconds from gymnasium mark in the two formery held by LH. U. Davis. followed him in the second some 20 feet to the rear. Is- inished, jt, a.. beautiful spurt :arried: him far aead of ,the t Cornell man and sent Michi- ray to the fore. Wol **iLeS Wn Relay oker and Prosser, as was ex- L, took first and second in the rault. higan won tli relay after a contesteid eiglt laps with Cor- n the lead half of the way. n's run, when he started on even terms with .Crozier, who eaten him previously in the r, was particularly outstand- nd it gave the race and five ad- al points to Michigan. ramnal Bowling, cking in conjunction with the aural departnient, Jimmy John- ill conduct the aiinual All-cam- Sowing tournament, beginning y night on the Union alleys. :es the All-campus singles tourn- , an All-campus doubles tourn- is also scheduled. A large num- entries have already been re- but more are being solicited. lie intention of those in charge of arnament to make this year's af- fe best ever held since the lau- on of bowling as an intramural lver loving cup is to be presented winner of the singles contest, both members of the successful as. team will receive a similar . Runners-up will receive a x of cigarettes. All those who to enter- the. tournament and. iot done io as yet, may enter at at the Unionalleys. )F C. TO HONOR BEAL AND BURKE ius E. Beal, '82, Regent of the rsity and canfdidate for re-elec- and George J. Burke, '07L, can- for justice of the Supreme will speak to the Ann Arbor ber of Commerce at its lunch- eeting Tuesday. Both are mem- >f the Chamber of Commerce and eetng will take the form of a atulatiomi on their nomination to respective offices. ent Beal will respond to the sen- t "We point with pride," and Burke, "We view with alarm." C. Michener, congressman for mcond congressional district, will le at the meeting and also will a Wrief address.1 Growing, sentiment against inter- collegiate athletics; possible future abolishment of all sport relations be- tween universities; the tearing down of huge stadiums; the cancellation of building plans for others; all this a distant, indirect result of failuie to comply whole-heartedly with the exist- ing rule in regard to professionalism! These, in brief, are the pictures paint- ed by Major John L. Griffiths, Com- missi oer of Conference Athletics, in an interview yesterday afternoon. HaIust Comply Strictly Major Griffiths, who refereed the Cornell-Michigan track meet. last night, talked for a full half-hour, stressing the importance of strict al- legiance to both the letter and the spirit/of the professionalism law. Ma- jor Griffith is the type of man who distinctly impresses his hearers with his sincerity, and his talk carried the discussion to all angles from which the situation could be viewed. H admitted .the extreme difficul- ties in arriving at any definite reg- ulations because of the varying d- greesof sentiment. "The great prob- lem," he said, "is finding just at what point to draw the line." He discussed the ,diversified viewpoints, one of them being the belief that professionalism in one sport should not make a man ineligible for another. "If," he stated, "two men should play a round of syn- dicate golf for a dime that, under the existing rule, would make them pro- fessional football players. If a man writes an article on how to put th shot he is automatically a profession- al baseball player." Sentimeni Growig -Through the widely shifting opin- ions he showed the distinct .necessity of drawing the line at the narrowest possible point, that at which it is now drawn. "The rule," he said, "was thoroughly thrashed out last summer by every athletic director in the Big Ten, most of them men with from 15 to 25 years experience with the sit- uation. It is obvious, therefore, that it is the most desirable regulation all opinions to the contrary notwith- standing." Going deeper into the matter, Major Griffith outlined the growing senti- ment against intercollegate athletics, which he traced back to the increase in professionalism. "The sporting goods business has more than doubl- ed since the war," he stated. The grow- ing number of college men participat- ing in professional football and base- ball i, according to his belief, mak- ing taxpayers wonder whether or not great universities are worthy of their support. This, he claimed, is one great reason for the hesitancy of some institutions to sink money into ex- pensive plants for the conducting of intercollegiate sports. Favors Amateurs "Amateur sports," said Major Grif- fith, "are a great incentive to loyalty. One can witness a college baseball game and be certain that the players are in it only to win for the institu- tion, with personal glory taking a back seat and money not a consideration. while one can never be positive of this at a big league contest." As a further illustration of the teaching of the element of loyalty the Big Ten commissioner stated that there were more than 1500 letter men of Confer- ence institutions in the World ,War at the same time expressing his doubt that there was a number even ap- jiroaching that of athletes from all the professional ranks combined. Major Griffith denied that his own opinion favored those who were de- manding the breakdown of intercol- legiate sports. "I believe heartily in Try Our Business Mien's Lunch 11 -2:00 - -. 6 e JOE PARKER'S SPECIAL SUNDAY DINNER Kennedy's Orchestra 11:30 - 4:00 Cornwell Coal Bldg. athletic relations between institu- tions," he said, "and I am sure that they are bound to continue, but they call for the heartiest co-operation be- tween all concerned, particularly as regards obedience to the non-profes- sional rule." Intramural Item s Approximately 100 athletes, the ma~a jority of whom are freshmen, have en- tered the annual interclass indoor track meet the preliminaries of which will be held at 7 o'clock tomorrow ev- ening in Waterman gymnasium. The finals will be run off Wednesday night. Many yearlings who starred in the recent interfraternity track meet have signed up for the event. Officials in charge believe that many of the fresh- men indoor track records will fall when the times and marks are turned in. M. Reinke, '26, has entered the mile; Freyburg and Feinsinger, year- lings, will compete in the 440; Finger- le, '26, will run in the 880; Snider, '26 who has jumped farther than 21 feel will try to better his .mark in the broad jump. Each entrant in the meet will be al- lowed to participate in three events and only one of these may be a dis- tance run. All men garnering three- points will be awarded their class numerals. Entries will be accepted for any event up until 7 o'clock tomor- row night. All athletes competing should be on the floor promptly at the time stated. Although the fraternity handball tournament has been 'started, plans for the event have changed and will effect all teams that have not played their first ,game. A few of the players on the house teams have been unable to appear at the handball courts at the time at which their gamestwere scheduled. The officials have decided that these teams shall be permitted an extension of time in which to complete this round as the delays have been plainly una- voidable. The dead line has been set at 5 oclock, Wednesday afternoon. Any nlatches in the first round not player' by that time will be scratched and both teams automatically eliminated from the tournament. Each team should turn scores into the Intramural office upon completion of their match. Following are the games in the first round that remain to be played: Nu Sigma Nu vs. Theta Delta Chi; Delta Tau Delta vs. Alpha Delta Phi; Lambda Chi Alpha vs. Tau Delta Phi; Phi Kappa Sigma vs. Delta Upsilon; Delta Chi vs. Phi Chi; Delta Sigma Phi vs. Phi Gamma Delta, Chi Phi drew a bye. Any ponficts resulting from this schedule should be report- ed to the Intramural department at once. In a close and bitterly fought match Rockwell and Scarnechia defeated Greene and Sanchez 3-2 for the cham- pionship of the All-campus handball doubles tournament yesterday after- xnoo on the handball court in Water- nman gymnasium. The winners won the first two games of the match by a cse score. Greene and Sanchez me back however and copped the next two necessitating a fifth game to decide the winner. In the final tilt the champions took on new life and aided by the failure of the losers to place their serves in the early rounds won the deciding game. Just call 960, when you have a want.-Adv. uER ANY' HOPES. ATO PLAYMICHIGAN A. J. Schultz, '08, U. of D. Grid Mentor Thinks Gane With Alma Mater Likely Soon ONE-YEAR RESIDENCE RULE EMFORCEMENT OPENS PATH That Michigan and the University of Detroit will meet on the gridiron before the passage of many years was the belief and the hope expressed yes- terday by A. J. "Germany" Schultz, '08, Imember of Walter Camp's All-time All-American football team, the great- est guard that ever played under the tutelage of Coach Yost, and now head coach of the University of Detroit ag- gregation. Coach Schultz was in Ann Arbor for the Cornell-Michigah track meet, He expressed his happiness at return- ing northward to carry on his work, for during the past two years he has guided the gridiron. destinies of- Tu- lane university, New Orleans. The fact that the former Wolverine star was coach at Tulane resulted in the visit of the southern football team to Michigan two years ago when, though it lost to the Yosltmen by a heavy score, it iut up a splendid exhibition. Pleased With Prospects Not only is Coach Schultz pleased with his geographical location but lie is optimistic over the prospects for a good grid year at U. of D. He will have to build up a new line from one end to the other, but he is sure to have a capable backfield. The one-year residence rule goes in- to effect at Detroit in September, thus removing the chief barrier to a 'gamne with the Wolverines. Coach Schultz stated, however, that the only open, date on the Michigan schedule, Octo- ber 6, was too early in the season for him to have a team in shape to meet FISfltfiS MENCONTINUE{ FIRST WART DAY TO SEE SQUAD N ACTION ON FERRY FIELD With no change in the routine of the daily workouts, the baseball squad is rapidly.-rounding into fine shape, so that the first warip day will find the diamond performers ready for the more strenuous workouts outdoors. It is practically impossible for Coach Ray Fisher to determine the ability of his respective candidates! until the squad has worked out on the grass for several days. Devrieux, Dil- man and Bockinan continue to show improvement in the cage but have yet to meet the outdoor test. Numerous Twirlers As yet, nothing extraordinary has turned up amongst the candidates for mound duty, but the following men.all have possibilities of developing as the season progresses; Mudd, Nooman, O'Hara, Weede, Shoesmith, Slinger- lund, Baker, all righthanders, and Farley and Gibson, lefthanders. Ben- son, All-frosh last year, is command- ing quite a bit of attention from Coach Fisher, while Liverance' re- mains the mainstay of the squad. Gre- gory and Slaughter, both sophomores, round out the catching staff. The veterans have been kept busy hitting the horsehide the entire af- ternoon, and .this method seems to show encouraging results. All the oldtimers are knocking the ball about in mid-season style. Klein, garden ca- vorter, has especially, shown signs of improvement over his last year's work with the stick. Haggerty, AIh-frosh infielder, is still out with a bad ankle, which he injured during the exhibition game of basketball held for the legislators during their recent visit. During more than thirty years I I of coaching track teams, Coach I Jack Moakley has met with a lot of obstacles but he always does the best he can with what he has. This year his team has been lhit by ineligibility and sickness I but he got together an outfit that I took a second in the Eastern In- ter ollegiates. For the last week and a half he's been drilling his team for the Michigan meet and f for a week and a half he's been so ill with the grippe that he ought to have been in bed. Little I wonder he develops the teams he does. He doesn't give up! C "Michigan could have made a clean- up in the intercollegiates this year, I am firmly convinced," said Coach Jack. Moakley of the Cornell track team in an interview .yesterday aft- ernoon. "The only way any compar- ison can be ,made between two team is by comparing the individual ath- letes but I think the Michigan men could beat any aggregation in the East." The coach spoke highly of lichigan's athletic standing and of the ability of Steve Farrell, whonl he has known since they both starred on the track in their under-,graduate days. JACK RATES STEVE' ABOVE E AST ERN a will do a lot toward getting good ath- letes to come to Michigan," he said. The Cornell mentor has been lead- ing his teams against Michigan since the days when Keene Fitzpatrick tu- tored the Wolverines. During that time he has developed some of the greatest stars that the track has known. John Paul Jones who did the mile in 4:15 and Walker Smith who ran the hurdles in 15 flat were two typical products of his coaching. In 1919 he was selected as head coach to take the American team to the Olympics at Antwerp and it was due i great measure to his work that the games went to the United States in spite of the poor training conditions. At the present time Moakley is, to- gether with Keene Fitzpatrick, now track -coach at Princeton, the best coach -in the East. Can you afford to neglect the oppor- tunities in the classified columns?- Adv. Want to sell that used car? Call 960.-Adv. Classifieds really pay!-Adv. Praises Field Hohse "That field house of yours is a won- derfully impressive structure and is typical of the way people do things out here. They do things on a big scale here in the West and it seems to pay. That building down there Michigan, but that he was more tnar illigto lIaost'steamin 192 4.I'Chicago's extremely strong quoirtet willing to play Yost's team in 1924. capturing first place. Winters, last year's captain, and Smith, winner of the first flight of the state tournament held at Flint last summer, will be back en force. Coach Little, who will direct this new sport, has two men who rank high in the Big Ten golf circle. Likewise Crosby, Broderick, and Hastings have all had experience and should prove good 'With several golf veterans back, and material. Seven intercollegiate games the game recognized as a Varsity sport have been arranged and the schedules this year, though the Wolverines took have been announced. The Confer- second place in last Spring's tilt, ence meet will be played the Monday chances for a successful season' ap- following commencement. pear brighter than ifsuaL. ' The men will be kept active, and the At four o'clock, next Tuesday af- conditioning process will begin in- ternoon, a meeting will be held in the doors that the Wolverine pill drivers Michigan Union in which all who are may be ready for the first contest May eligible for the Varsity golf team, and 4, with the Midway quartet. Prospec- freshmen who hope to be eligible next tive candidates are therefore urgently year, are asked to attend. It is ex- requested to attend this meeting. tremely important that all who are in- terested be there, as plans will be set' Harold G. Furlong, '24M, is reco'v- on foot at this meeting for practice Harold A. Furlong, '24M, is recov- arrangements. Talks will be delivered ering from an operation for appendi- at this meeting by Coach Little, Coach citis which he underwent last Wed- Wells open champion of the State, and nesday, and is expected to be out of Coach Trueblood. bed within .10 days. Of the contests that took place last I year, Michigan won all the dual meets The new Lit. Building is growing but one which she lost to Chicago,1 Have you watched the classifiedr and placed second in the Conference. grow?-Adv. Btii 11111111 H 111111111111111111111 I!1IlI11111W IJULII10IiII IfII 11111111 illlll Hh1Hid Modern Social Work Requires the Psychiatr-c Approach Psychiatric Social Workers Child Welfare Workers Community Service Workers . Visiting Teachers Probation Officers Attendance Officers Fanily Case Workers Medical Social Workers _ ~~esslin Opent=-July . 1A:23° Smith College School foy Social Work College Hall 14, Northha npton, MasA eit 11 |;111|||111111111111[llll1tltlltllllllt'l l 11 1H11111 lll lll d11!1 D9111 # 1 99!81 11 DETROIT UNITED LINES Ann Arbor and Jackson. TIMIE TABLE (Eastern Standard 'time) Detroit Limited and Express Carr-- 6:oo a.ni., 7:0 a.m.,' 8:os a.m., 9:0; a.m. and hourly to 9 :05 p.m. Jackson Express Cars (local stops west of Ann Arbor)-9:47a.m., and eve ,y two Hours to 9:47 p.m. Loca1 Cars East Hound-7:oo a.m. and every two hours to 9:0o p. m., Iri:oo pam. To Ypsilanti onli--11:40 p.m., 1:15 a.mn. To Saline-Change at Ypsilanti. Local Cars West Bound-7:5o a.m., To Jacksop and kalamazoo-Lim- ited cars 8:47, 10:47 a.m., 12:47, 2:47, 4:47 P.m. To Jackson and Lansing-Limited at a 47 p . meeimally n l requir erate regular recre game of Hlhiard will do it for IN men. Come in and prove it to yov, In" "We *try laireIC y0 ' s~as rewascedy' Classifieds really pay!-Adv '' 111111 11111 111litI l111ii11111131ilno inn 6111@9111nollIIIImfill I11111111111ImIn IIll 1 4 I :° I , ,,, ..~ I .: AlKp-nhie 1 _ 11 Tennis cet -and here you'll find just the suit to bring you in tune with the season. Styles that express the last word in originality; tailoring that is a masterpiece of skill. Fabrics -new, colorful and distinctive. 1I "Cos Corse lea~ j andWiches aad- rnqoqTea Bring your Racket in Early and have it ready when the courts are in sh-ape AllHOUR SERSe All Restringing Done in Ou~r Store Just see the new arrivals from the House suits and topcoats. Models for all bui ment for Men and Young Men. C {I 'I ... .., .W~ :. * , Keen Values $40 -$45 I/ THE PLA C E Allen's fcature values$25--$30-$35 ' TO ENTERTAIN YOUR FRIENDS- f' cr v rnm iTAn v , : t i ~1 T A T l °T (