I-I :J, 'su uiIA L-. . . -- TWE~NTY PAGES ANN ARBOR MICHIGAN, S1 t DAY, MARCH 25, 1923 TWENTY PAGES I T H TEE Reads Passion Play ' I~lII Big Te prts Here This EveningiVtJULIIJILJ Dictator Here {) GOVYElINMEN I 5I X l A tE ~' NIH161BEASCORNELL 681-2 TO 28 RlEINKE BETTERS CONFERENCE MARK IN ',HUBBARD, MARlTIN, ISBELL SHATTER I i1 PIlOPOS-' FOR IIADS OF UNITS OF, FASCISTIC ORDER 114,q Ec onaniics Being Introduced in to Bialance Budget; ,NO Nonsensce" Order VISITING TEAM TA1(EN ONP SHORT TSOUR 0OF CITY BANQUET HELD IN UNION #BALLROO0 M AFT rR MEET (Inderwood, ".RL, Aet4 its Toa.stinaster; Itereentatives of Two s schools Speak 'niversity build- ussed yesterday ,g of executive ithe University r ive committee:~ ieir tour of in- Rlome, March 24-(By' A.P.)-Pre- mier Mussolini today expressed his views on the Italian situation, for communition toiAer oia, Lee, ori comemnition toAmver oiaineapr-1 \i'ioYork, onetof theAmericande- Prof. rlTlomn s . Tiiiblod ae oth ogesof teItra OBSERVAtTORY IRECO RJPS [ 24 ) $E( , FEARTHIQUAKE TIU-1MOII1S20SC Slight' earthquake disturb-J FARRELL'S MI ances were recorded at theo Uni- I s E Pi Iversity observatory starting nt I8:10 yesterday morningandlat -- Iing approximately one and one- Time inl 8Si) Y O' It half hours. The maximum tre- ( aomit fc rtM-ce1 mors were noted at 8:45 and ap- $c I peared 'to be about 6,000 miles -- distant. As the disturbance 3e ore one of th seemed to 'be equally distributed II that ever jammed it, Ifrom the north, south, east and man gymnasium c Iwest it was impossible to fix the1relsMcinTa I locaion. ered one of the wor I___ _---____________e by'a Corne' )pitalan the Professor 'Truebloo;L, head of the osatetono public speaking department, will re- eatnion.ofr cite the Passion Play at 7:30, o'clockI of the Univer- tonight in the First Methodist' church, in etil heunder the zmspices of the Wesleyan! inmpletion the guild. the nurses" the proposed, indispensible 'oup, with theANONE GE bucilding and 4 n n iT. a nan hat an [grc Lew 'tional Chamber of Congress now in progress in Rome. The Fascisti leadier said: "First, America should understand that there is a stable government .in Italy; second, that economics are be- ing; introduced in order to balance the budg et, the result of which will be realiZed within two years; third, that Italy is a, country where, great liber- tyis per mitted to its people b~ut at the same time the Fascist'i government insists that there should be no non- sense in the exercise of liberty. I am for 'the working man but not for de- struction." La lorers Organized The premier outlined how laborers on farms nuinboring, about' one mil- Xajo Jon 1.GriitkReceived yesterday morning upon I Major JnL Griffith frne(oms their arrival at the railway station sioner of athletics, attended the Cor- r, temmeso h onl nell track meet here last night. An track team were taken by friends and interview giving his explanation of ,j studeants acting under the Union re. the Big Ten professionalism rul1in g ep tion coinmitt~e on a short trip 1appears on page six. around the city and were finally brought to the Union', their hcadcitiar- " ( tern for the day. After their arrival at the Union, 11w EVncDENTattheNUiP1.While some of -- the visiting trackmnen strayed about 'Natinee Periortitiaie of ,Jun or Gils the campus accob.npanied by friends Production Sihows I'oI- during the afternoon, the majority of i4 ( them remained at the Union where they rested for the meet last nlight.f L~tIL CLORTHES PATLY They were served a light lunch at the RESPNSIBE 'FR SUCESSUnion 'Aust before the track meet. i VEl'OSIBE t~t.R .SFCE",CoarneII Alciinl Dine I B~ore; than 50 Cornell alumni, of Dae- Summary ber of patients modated. He es- es will be needed patients who will edical attention tal is completecd. said .will be used ULUIJ_ IPLAKYT W1ill Giro Coli1cCIP4inlYoulm-4tow~n, o ledo and Cie veland, Obio le large is way ii 'oach St ck lean )rst drab ell teaim Mile run: wvon by Kirby (C); see-' onBowen (M); third, Leussler (C). Time 4:22 2-5. 50 yard dash: wvon by Wlittmiann (14) ; second, JLovejoy (C) ; third, Higgins (M). 'Time 6:5 (new gymna- sium record). 65 yard high hurdles: won by Hb Hu-bard (N) second, Tremnan (C) ; third, Jaeger (C).'Time S:?. Shot punt:, won by Van Orden (lVI) ; second,'fBowen (C)'; third, Wolkiwitz tWolverine runners took: 9 e.; in 11 events and rolled u total of 66 1-2 points to 28 1-2 for their rivals fro Ithaca. it was ono of the most s, track meets that has been Ann Arbor in the entire1 Waterman gymnasium, and the reputed effete air of t1 officials in full dress and kMing of siwctators out of sands present similarly g preparation for the Banque~ or of the visitors. From th.e second event s'QuestlisPRT PPORA TO E lion were organized according to the f President Mar-I OFFERED TFESD)AY \ iGHT Fascisti program. Besides the fas- er of the legis- ___ cisti organization about' 30;,000 men estioned Dr. Par- JTreo h agrcte fOi pledged to maintain order.. Is 'of the propos-,wllhearofthe Variygece us on Ohio Answering :a question as what n a~nswer he stat- wilha h astyCe lb nt America could do to help Europe Mus- spring tour which they will. masse re~ now living in during the coining vacation.. Tang solini called attention to acc'umula- about the city. and Tavares, Hawaiian enter'tainers. tion of capital in America and the pos- situation, he sta t-n Booth's orchestra will 'coman isbilityT of the use' of a great: deal of t nurses, who o {an;acoman American capital for. development of 3ck n te mon- the organization on the trip. ~ck~ th mon-,The 40 men who will represent the; European resources.. old and wvet. wea Uiesiywl laeAn roSat peaking of the League of Nations 'oca t wlkaurday, April 7 Toledo will be the ' Mussolini said: fospital. The un-frts;p hr he ilpa a h Views on League apresent, h, irstaturally thheyleagueplayuat th ~~ 510k Waite Nigh s>chool un~der the auspic- Narlytelage wud e a onin al si k s of the junior. class. Foli m_,r..-luch stronger' if America would join. whic. hranaps concert there will be a dance, the mu- ;but is this the psychological moment Itl .Pe rnhall sic being furnished by Booth's orches-i when the best results are to be real- le nrse shold ra.Sundy ad Mnday wil beized when America is prepared to en- onveniences and tera.heundayuandIt wouldybwillsbe t lorded a collwee; pent in Cleveland. They will give a wti the eaguchItolbowiento concert Monday evening at the Winton waitentil thesycmiholoicmpoe nt speaer xplin-hotel under the auspices of the alumni whn Afmericaty m igh im oeldi- speaer xplin-association of Cleveland. This willtif5 f renywhcwolas 3class rooms and h.b- followed by "a danice in the hotel sist in the stabilization of Europe. ":I. he nurses would baloo; the present condition in the Ruhr it ii bcil a llom.ul Tuesday night the organizations will would seem wiser to wait. Ficappoahd'tha ivea"ptihnntranet t "A great desideratum would be that. nelal~~ stn ~ t v South otHight chool ainmYontownameiaemn adRsi ne follwedly astncnatthenot. Ohi.fIthe league. America may well reserve reciable savingThUnvriyoustwclbad her influence and use it in the direc- there were ac- Ih nvriyYugtw lb n -the Michigan alumni association of Lion of other achievements. enough studenl Thprmrsadhbled u- J'nverity uldYoungstown are backing thle perform- hepeirsih eivdRs Tnvesit 1voudar ce. This will conmple'te thre tiip sia would again be received in the ate nurses. This th'e orgaiainsrtrig to Ann family of nations in a few years. hre stated, is InI- Arorgapilaios1 euri. rb and where prl1. . totanenough The program 'hich has been plan- I~l f litostra wok. ned for the tour will be given In the T "S 1'O PI dinin spita l wokpre- trip entertainment Tuesday 'night An u11SJ i be ei i ae .;i il a dtru . ikt o h O O R W saving of about concert are on~ sale at Wahr's amid H Rh nvriyi he Uivesit inGmaham.'s bookstores. hB lspital. DT)^a'I DPRC.IM S TOfKARD WILL DID,' Aica schol aIL-!CUi.SS ORIGIN OF IITAN hositall is the WATSb FR IJILII1J ___ e country of its ___ ly for teaching P111iflDUllTIfHI ntE D['RV Dr. Charles R. Stockard, professor i i 1 3 i a 7 G i i i 3.a >,. 4 t 3 { I ,, w, i ji . . , f!i' i i 5 1j{j . i X3 1 1 I A I 1 #1 Ease and -confidence produced ,by trolt, members 'of the Cornell club, three prevI us presentations added thej had dinner at the Union, and proceed- finish needed to ae'the $aturday'a- ed asa group to the meet at Waterman ternoon performance ' of 'the' "Junior gymnasiumn. Girls' play an unqualified success. Lo-j Dir'ectly after the track m~eet, those cal. color, to which is owed some:, f who attended the formal ba quet of the' popuhxlrity of :the productien, wa the evening accompanied the Cornell Dirduced by the setting of the -fir'stj athletes to the union wyhere they, wvith1 act in the Health 'service. " - the Varsity athletes, were the guests Mary Fair, as Dr. Tomn Blackr., again of the Union formal reception. carried off high honors, an unusually; During the dinn~er Rhodes' orches-f fine voice anmd mastery of her role pro- tra playodianmber of popular seec- ducing an' effect which was alniost tions. James Johnson, '23, entertain-' professional. Frieda Washropp, who ed with songs during the intermissions as Poll1y. Fairweather; a nius,'OTa- +V Vnthe ~speeches, which followed ing opposite Dr. Tom, entered into' the luncheon. Thomas I. U1nderwood, her. part with a" sureness and ease{ '23L,, acted as toastmaster at the ban- which .completely captivated the audi- duet, while Prof. Ralph WV. Aigler of ence, the Law School,) Major John L. Grit- Shirley Salisbury, as Jane Fielding: t1fth, Conference commissioner of ath~-j and Mildred Droderson, as Dr. James leties, Coach Steve 'Farrell, Coachj Black, had the more serious roles, and9 John Moakley of Cornell, Burt S. succeeded: in making thema as effective I!fBurke, '231±1, Varsity track captain, and as the lighter Parts. F. K. Lovejoy, Cornell track captain, Constance Smith and Catherine!I all gave short. talks. Riggs, the ,Drs. Hasconibe, did muich ' l-uterseh~oastic Runnette Attend I to lend a comedy atmnosphe're to the Atteniding the baniquet besides the play. Madeline . MoGurk; as Horace tracknwn, their offcials rand students Twigg, the fat cheer-leader, convinmced Ianid other guests, were a number of in-j the audience that everybody loves a terseliolastic mile~ and half mile r'un-f fat mm n. Rlhea Schlaack, took thie iinrs who competed in the ineet last. part,- of a colored' porter, whose ha- ( ight' ou invitation by the interschol- bitual slowness and inquisitivenlejs-astic department of the Athletic aisso" were -extremely hilinorous. The eiation.. I uncle, MarlcIHolt, another comedy The Eastern trackmien left shortly character, was cleverly impersonated after midnight for Ithaca. by Marian Taiyor. ' Graceful dancing; characterized' all '5OE of the numerous choruses, but several S O I were. especially popular, both for ,the -0T cal oua ohfrte songs and the unusual chorus ideas ni Tua The college men and girls were best ; lNT[ hNAIIL ,MEU in the "1.M.O.C." chorus, whilo tll professors chorus, with new lines add - ed sinlce its first appearance, scored i DE LEGAiTES EXP ECTED FRO3 11161 its usual hit. The Bro;Adway revu( 'IIi ERSITIES OF t'. 9. deserves credit both for dancing and AND ENGLAN D artistic costuming. "Charm was, add--, ed to the last act by the solo dancing 'Prof. FReed N.:'SeQt of the rhetor-' of Hortense- Hoad and 'Marian Miller.idpatehsbennvedo el W.H., and.,H.B., cdprmnhs enivtdt e -- '- liver' the open ing add ress at the In- CIIIII.STLAN S CIENTIST TALKS, s# ternational Conference of Professors TO CHURCH S40CIFET ODAY 1 of Englishk to be held at Columbia un- iversity June 13 to 15. Professor Mr. . H Lenar ofChiago~llScott was also° invited to preside at give a lecture at '4' o'clock this aft- the irst's1sion ernon inSarh Gaswel An .ll.a . The conference will, be 'composed of under the .auspices 'of the Christiandegasfo "xorCmig, Sciece ocity f th Unveritycifand other British universities, and rep~- Michrigan. The .subject of his talk resentatives of, all the leading unliver- will be announced there. sities of 'this country. Mr. Leonard is a member of the Board, of Lectureship, of the. Mother , .'GIE Church, The Church of Christ, Sdien-'iHISTORIAN GIE tist in Boston, Mass. LECTURE THU RSD~AY It lin Take T1ow1ns 1I Prof.. Roger B. Merriman of thie his- Rome, March 24-(by A.P.)Y--Italy ! itory departmnent at Harvard Univer- Ian forces took two African townus sity, will give a University lecture at from tribesmen today. 3 o'clock Thursday afternoon in the _________________________ INatural Science, auditorium. The sub- 1 '1ject- of his' lecture will be on "Spain 1SENIORtS 3MUST PLACE CAP I' Under Charles V." AND GOWN ORDERS AT -ONCEjI Prof. Merriman is, the author of.two f ~well known byooks, "Life. and Letters ISenior lits, 'engineers' and eds J of Thomas Cromwell", .and "Rise of ar req~~nuesctedto tt masueds !: iC'niq e Ti i'-ar A h s :4 rE 1, I"i t '+ t ; ,' (C). Distance 44 feet. 5 1-2 inches. very last, with the e-xcE 440 yard run: _won. by Crozier (C) ; yard dashb, AMichigan ha second,' Martin (M) ; third, Joyner her own way. F+our gyj: (MW). Time 52. orrds went by the board jHigh jump: first place tied between hands of Maize and. B MacElven and Smith (M); third ers>. place tied between Nufer (&I), and R~irby Fast in; Novotny (C). Height 5 feet 10 .inches. Kirby started the sc( i880'yard r-n: won by Reinke (M); meet for Cornell when second, Hettendorf (1); third, Cush- I ret.tiest mile that has 1 ing (MW)'. Time' 1:56:4 (new gymna- the local track since -lb sium~ record and faster than Confer- 'ao, when John Paul J( ence record). Cornell, set the present; .65 yard low hurdles: won by Hub- 4:153:2. Kirby wonwit ~bard (M); second, Jaeger (C) ; third, ond, in the great time 'of Batchelor (C). Time 7:3.' It was not long, ' ho« Two mile run: won by Isbell (M);j Farrell's men sped east Davis (M) second; third, Bonsai (C). lians, both in evenits ar Time 9:37:4 (new gymnasiumi record for two of Coaschi Moakl( 41a3 20 seconds). werfu clown in rapid. sui~ SPole vaalt: won by Brooker (M\),* lwin Lovejoy failed befo: second, Prosser (M) ; third, Stevens 'recer ' 1 speed in the 50 y" (C). Height 12 feet 3 7-8 inches. Wolverine winning in 5! Two mile relay: won by Michigan e nd Treman, Cornell's (Joyner, Siemnons, Purdy, Martin). proved no n:atchr for fHu Time 2:43:3. igan',S dushy skinned Officials: Referee: Griffith. Starter: I 1Habbar1 left Treman far May (Yale). niti in 8:2. Miichiga'n third in hu pair of el Hlig gins beating; out Nile ithe half century. DOMEOYCLUBS TO GI Wvolverines Sweep in 3 j iR Y~ The WGZolverines approa 10li IIS 1 sweep in the high jumli Lllyven and Smith, wlitho - ertion, tied for first at 5 Comledy'club will-open its doors to es. Bothi failed at 6 feet, the public at 8, o'clock Tuesday eve- in natmt obekt ning when it will present two plays mark. Nufer tied for th I I I I at its monthly mneeting' in Sarah Cas- well Angall hall.. Although meetings are usually for; club members only, an exception is being' made in this case, The program will be given under the supervIsion of Robert Hien- derson, '26, who directed that last se- (Continued oc HORNBERC ,euttlves Fel Neeids its of the program were ail by representatives I colleges concerned. A in each case of the iojns which are Nandi- fforts of Vieir depart- , Effiger of the Liter- .plained the congestion , ~with particular cem-'1 he confusion resulting fteaching room's. re committees will su")- the University appro- I their respective houses." e . ecisions which they :luring their -inspection. will probably appear t three weeks. dies and Pollce Clashi t11 24-(By A.P.)-Po- plian soldiers clashed hi 30 wounded. It isI o political significance affair. You Read? anger in the LivrV, Miss Inabit Fords ronce read have lit- you, yet there are' hom they still have .' rough ia Flor Salead unlI tInivi n I iWn uFr nDtlaI: of an~atomy at the Cornell university s ______ Imedical schiool will lecture at 8 oa'- COM3liIlSIO PRESIDET AVOW. clock tomorrow night in the NaturalI El¢) PA9CIF~IST, UPYHOLDNS LEAGUE Science auditorium on the subject off ASPEACE OPES "The Origin of Human Types and The;c ____ Influence of Internal Secretions." BruselsMarh 24(ByA.P.- IThis lecture will be of a popular na-y Jules Gestree of Belgium'who is pr- tTwo other lectures to be given' by siding over the mxeetings here of the'D tcadhr reo ir ch League of Nations commission on In- i D.liokr eeaeo oetc lerntioal ntelectal oopraton nical nature. The first lecture on the serai oday'Itha etuaaw eaticon-Isubject of "Modification of Dveop saidtody tat e ws aaitng on-mental Rate and the Structural Res- firmation of the press report telling£ of the resignation of Albert EinsteinF ponses" will be given at 4:15 o'clockx fromthe ommision Monday afternoon in Room 21'4 of the fromthecomisson.Natural Science building. The otherT He expressed surprise at the tenor letrIeln ih h oi f"h of Prof. Einstein's letter in which the lcstrueCydealingsithteatopicof A"The' German member said he was convin- jCsru ylsa en fAay ced that 'the league had neither the zing Structural Changes" will be giv- strength or good will necessary to ac-ent :1o'lcTusaafron complish its task and that. "as a con-I in Room 413 of the Natural Science vinced pacifist it does not seem well j butll ling. The lectures are given unx- to me to have any relations whatever dter the auspices of the zoology depart- with the League.", Drentocadscifsinii.n M. Gestree declared he was as great i Dr.stgtock aed'snchie in ti a pacifist as Professor Einstein yet vfesidonsorhavegybee adeainohe# "the League of Nations seems to m elofmrhog.Hhaasoed the b~est hope for realization for the inquieitions into the cancer prob-l peace of the world."He added that1 lem. Dr. Stockard~ has been prtofes- Professor Einstein was never present sor of anatomy at Cornell university at any meeting of the commission. : medical school since 1911. He is5 rec-1 ________________ognized as one of the leaders in his, field'. All his lectures are concerned ]EFFING ER TO BE largely with results obtained from his. AT DN~ MEET' ow'~ investigations and observations: OFI('IAL~ ATH~LETIC PROGRAM #Dean John R. Effinr will attend SELLIS FAST AT TIRACK( EET' ,i 1 ries of Comedy club plays.. A-, tle sixth ev ent The first number .will be Strind- programn last night cl burg's "The Str'onger", in which the from several cities in t two parts will be takren by B~ethany f eted in the finals of Lovell, '25, and Virginia Brodel, S. of lHornberger, an Ann Td. H'ere two women constitute the! placed first with a ti'me entire cast. One of them does all the! closely followed by Bu( talking _of the drama, while the other zoo and Horn of Batty is, a 'pautomine part with facial ex- followed in order. pre~ssion as the only response. In the state inters( .Dunsany's "Fame and. the Poet" j n lart of Saginaw will be the second play. In this the a spirited race in 2:0 poet is MW. D. Spencer, '25L, while Hough,,ton of Eastern, Fanie is played 'by Robert Render- lVoorhies of Southwest( son. Edward Parnall, '25, will carry In the fraternity chain the r'ole of, Dick Prattle. Phi Gamma Delta set for the fraternity relay DISTRIBUTE BALL, bY defeating Acacia. team was composed of J. TICKETS TUESDAY D. S. Scott, '24, El. 'Gow 11.. Hulse, '25E. IITickets for the Military ball to be held April 27 will be distributed Law Prophecies 10 from 1 to 5 o'clock Tuesday and W ed- London, March 24-.-(1 nesday afternoons in the lobby of the mien Bonar Law told unin, o al hos whseap plicat ionsj Commons today that h Uniovebn, oalletoed.vogreat war within the in Specific hours' for the presen-ation of applications, noted on the blanks, 1)AIfLY TRYOUJTS should be observed, the committee;I states. 'Tickets will cost $5.50 per A few more tryot couple ,andt 650 will be sold. I sired for the basin, i -- - The Daily. Responsit 1{ussey Lectures at lllgitiand Plark I will be given to tho: Prof. W. J.' Hussey of the astronomy show ability for the department, director of thle observa-, ! interested in advertis J i 1 J 11{t{t{! J 'ie' I ; H and to place their' orders -for cops and gowns at once at George Mhoe's, 711 North Univer'sity, a've- anue. Considerable time will he required to get every menmbe'r of the classes measured, and' in order to facilitate the~ work, and to insure that the gowns will. he ,i ' 1 f 1 Johrn Harvard fellowship' to Blaliol ICollege at Oxford University in En.- land in 1902. He has been a profes- sor in the history'-department at liar- ya vrd University sin ce~ 1908. Prof. W errinian Is also a member of Century Iclub .of: New. York. the conference of deans of the colleges; of liberal arts to be held at the Uni-! versity of Oklahoma, Norman, Okla., . All of the 1,000 copies of the Of- ficial Athletic program_ for the Cor- i 1! -7-7