'OLD-1 I II, I6 4:3 at TR T -- --- . EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, MXARCH 24," 1923 EIGHT PAGES Temporary Aide F STATE E HERE AND HOUSE S GROUPS Of Secy, Hoover .} SLENIR LITS )LUST ORD)ER CAiPS AM) GOWNS AT ONCE Senior Tits are requested to get Imeasured and to place their or- ters for cap)s and gowns at once" Iat George 1;oe's, 711 North Uni- Iversity alvenue. Considerable, time wvill be required to gct ev- Iery member' of the class measur- ed, and in order to facilitate the Iwork, and to insure that the gowns will be in Ann Arbor by C the date set for Swing-out, mem- bers of the class are urged to re- Iport at once. A scarcity of gowns Ithis year, and a large demand by Icolleges all over the country makes it especially necessary that orders be placed early. a I tti ij I If r 4 } f! ( I I i { BRILIAINCE Of SOPHOMORE PROM IS OUTSTING~f6 !G E _ , ,. 4W ISTER LEADS .GRAND MARCH WITH MI" SMARTIIA ISCHER OF FORT tWAYNE LIGHTS AND FLOWERS FORPM SIMPLE DISPLAY'a TWvO COOJ(S POISON JRICtE BOOW~ IN !CYINESE SCHOOL Shan ghai,'March 23-(By A.P.) '-Two cooks who recently con- fessed to havring poisoned the rice' bowl of the Hangchow Nor- mtal school, which resulted in 27 deaths and the 'illness of scores of pother teachers and students, told the investigating magistrate today that the real author of the crimne was Yu Erheng, head of the 'student self' government as- sociation in Hangehow. The cooks charge that Yu has emn- bezzled the association's funds and .,planned to wipe out the teachers and personnel of the school to hide his peculation:. Yu lately made ,a denial. MICHIGAN FACES CORNE FIRST HO EI MEET 7 WOLVERlI ES FAVORI To Lead Michigan In Meet Tonight .ENI AY1 Comfttee tC~li' Floral' Shield. Bearing 61 t n Nuineok i~s Hatt-AboVe lirerlAe ,. ITS A ANS AV B hALAN C 1 ANNU RIVALS -OF TOFIGH' 3Laley's .len. rell's ['nee Class bers ofr the State Legis- Pf IT I Released frome the sepulchre of Win-1 If. 0FIE hoef.tUer, symboiing the, reignnd 0y f .#zn priso iThe finance corn- H ..I i.IJ III 4,. Joy, yblin th ne ad of t .senate and the ways " l~ lf~If l~tf during five short hours lat night at iea #.x . c< i itt be of the house., f rII the ann al .ophom ore Prom .I n 'an :,, <..re !etrayfrtei or! ~I atmosphere of gay. ranow coloratin Kd} CtR ostf~er Univ er 5t ur and melodies whose strains coniplete- 0601 fth nvesty rStephlen B. Davis Authorities Discuss Plan Athorized' ly charmed, the dancer, more than dyrig° tunehin te Unon a ! ', ;500 persons made Happy at .te for- ow1~l~c nteUin t Stephen B. Dav is, New Mexico, has . I3 Congress W1hie Othler P oersf ue'vera men~bers osf the faculty been named to fill, temporarily, the ,W~tch Front a Distance mil ball given by the cas of 1925. prey ; ~Ireident Marion L. vacancy caused by the resignation of i__ Sounding the call of dlancing short-q i ~~~e h bidn lnAss't Secretary Huston, aide to Coin- $ RdOGBiA3U WILL NOT VIO.LATE ly after 9 o'clock( th'e preier muisi- emerce SecretarydiHoover. WASh INGTON NAVAL TREATY cians of the South strck the firstj x ehilt3. Ils address ;was______________________ notes of syncopation. A brie season Sto that Qlivered ;last week, Wash-ington, March 2. (By A.P)- fdnigfloejadte'cl o t1~e~e~brs f bqh husesof f 1111 'lflWhether the United States should pro-~ the grand march was given. tlea *r he' for. their 1 s1j* eed with its battleship moderiza- ;e~e ed ac t~i ~Jiivrsiy. e rfered ~ VIYI U~tion program in the face of the state After a short promienade.led by Ir- I"t ,la~z a map upon fi n I RI~ met recently made by the British wi, .Ditr 2,carino h rngthepas fe das a a umbr ~I Mrtha Irmitadher of F rtWane, Md., th gpeeprogram was out- igovernment has been considered dur- PImrom Iiic itee adof isPrtyne, M d. 0 tiflYIJith e atdip-y a nmero H 9TORT 'conferences held here while the dp the column of guests broke up anid cow J~~u~~erary Mutlding First ~~Ilonatie representatives of the otherfomdarsth llort ltr. fe s1" fops; >+he said, "who urges People to Think afore Inde- powers watched from a distance. There Wi4ithin a second after the flash of the, 4~av~rn~ toforce heir lansC pendeiitly in Oralon can was mozre than ordinary inter st for cmrtedne~ruddit ieo plk the st ge.: Some are " Thie Mind in Thrall" a decision, sea of colors. ink ta 'th L; ( iiersity must ____1 So far ases known no formal protest The mnirth and , ecstasy remain d hi~kI tii p qupment. But the ;IS(NE~ 2,AK O against the program as authorized by unbroken throu~hot the entire esve- 6V RAegenta has cut thousands TPL'Qt" rv Congress has been made to the State nking. The' iey tan f ui lar} gi1 ~bauggested needsOF SIIj departmxtent. It was pointed out fur- continued after the, gratnd ;mnarchi; ,.4 ~bri reief first toI ther that since a contest would notj with only a ;short itermnission now h11is here It is mnost obviously .rrtDniik '3 as In close ' proximity around the -h coI egntJist E eajuge presiDeat u of the action. s ~hield hung n. number of small col- Ilili ns'n~ irnni RegconteJist..Thealge wresidean The resolution reads as follows: ored electric lights which iluininat-. IIWI R~ ffi ff CU S Edward I. Kraus of the Summne r "The Student council considers it in-! ed it._ if (11t1ttl Session, Prof. EdmundE. Day, Prof. advisable t approve a general cam- I Palms Fl1 Freplee. I.Lo4afaadPo.Cae~ pus drive for funds to rebuild the Me- The fireplace had a background of of rcitctreDiplysDc Giffn f heecnoic dpatmnt morial Library at Louvain, and ferns with a basket of gladioli sta- S g~s ainDetroit Prof, i"TThatsthe counclofurther disap- toned before it.Iainms were placed 'Toms . ee o tepoica provues, in general, all campus drives1 at the edges of the chaperone (Kith. science department, Prof. Edwin D for funds from the student body Uin- 'Tohrsftrmditteo- M1 klteturai °school is being j Dickenson and Prof. Grover C. ris- ! less specific approval of such requests' wo;urafemingther ~ne ~ ~' Go oe xi more of the Law school, Prof. William; for funds is given by the council af- cetabgn sudn h ia beipg' held, in Detrot' this A. Frayer of the history department, 'ter presentation of plans, and; strains of the dance, and in a few t the. General Motors building,: Prof. P. Brand Blenshard of thea "That this resolution is not' intend- short minutes more the 192x' annual exhibitI of 9Mass work in arch- philosophby department, and George S. 1 ed to stop legitimate calls upon thei Sophomore rom had become a mem- l andeco rative design and ini Lasher of the rhetoric department. general body but 'to discourage re- D ry, but a most unusual and happy gand kaifting. "Phis exhibit is ________ quests for support for enterprises inr one. p. C. C. ccon~lttted as an educational ! l11 A which the students, as a unit, are not ris the reading furniture ;~,floigshdl o vetigIpeculiarly interested." i{ i ibu i i nt asaesexil=I hefolwig chduefo weslig The request was .made by the Naic-I1I3 b tis nopusls x Ib-'n the All-campus tournament has I tional Committee of the United States i CLUB WIL hli~ wl ragd it-been anue., All mnen are request- for the Restoration of the University 1~n ~ nr-r'.Iuu istiat electresaebine ed to report at 3 o'clock. Do ty vs of Louvain. This committee has been ++, TIP o vs. TI 'HlIENT1 ui te~ietrsaebigLeet; Carmierner vs. Howard; Walk- working for several years past to rains f IL.IIEi 1 IfhII1IU ,n tliedddsln of the house, its er vs. Karbel; Shepherd vs fBradfield; I money in this country for rebuildl",i 1 ine do ldopment, and on g2r Brown vs. Gldmnan ; Katz vs. Mower; i the University of Louvain and patic- FORTY IEN 3MAKING ; PRING a l3aver vs. Rose.r ularly its library.a TOUR W1Ll FEATURE; SPO- f ,. "LIGAHT PR1OGR1;A2I. YIITNGT RAC KME[N MILL BE 1WELCOM EO eet Iosn COMIuiwttee to Sleet Itlhcans at Station and Show Thenm .. City BANQUET WILjL BE GIVEN AX UNION FOR ATH*LETES The ,Unioin reception committee for; the Cornell trackmen will begin their 7work when they, receive the Eastern- eria at 8:35 o'clock this' morning at the! Michigan Central railwray station. The1 committee under . the direction of John ,Mor se, '24,, will take the 34 Cor-' n ell men after their arrival in autonio- Hiles o~n a short tour about the city I and , will end their trip at the Union wvhich is to be thee headquarters of all of the visitors. today. Will l 1eet at.Ucolon .Friends 'of the athletes and frater- nity brothers w:ho 're to act as their hosts' while here'will meet the track- mien' at 10 'o'clock this' morning at the 'Union. The visitors will have lunch' there'after which they will be free to dlo aste ih They'will also have a" spocis4 'luncheon served to them Just before the. track meet. Sixty Cornell alunini of Detroit will also have ,a special dinner 'at the Un- ipn.'and will attend the track mneet, after~ the lunch. This group, known as t'lie Cornell club, will attend the ms {i' a body. To Leave at M1dight The fornml reception at the Union. i i addition to the buffet luncheon }will consist of orchestra seleoctions. v sog numbers 'by James Johnson, '23. and a numiber of speeches. Thomas I. Unerwood, '23L, will act -s toastmas- ter at the reception, while Prof. Ralph W.' Aigler of the Law 'school, Major JoThn. L. Griffith, commissioner of C~onference athletics, Coach Steve Far- rell, anti Coach Jack Mo04kley, 'of Cor- nell, will 'deliver ,speeches.'' The ath- letes wiUll ea've shortly after. midnight for :Ithaca., Tickets for the banquet which will adlmit thte bearers to the rack meetS are' on 'sale at' the Union for $1.50.s eacli. (Spnec ial to The D. Ithaca, N. Y., March 2" four Cornell track men, Jack Mfoakcley and \Manag, ker, left Ithaca this after ,,an abound, where they 'w j morroW evening with th team in a resumption of t ored rivalry between the tions. I P~AST -IIEETS '~' 2 112I12;2 29 1-. 190 4--1>ichhgan 4.9; Corm 1910-3ichigan 5-1 2.37 "( 1911-Michigan 33 4; 28 12. I 1912-MIichigan 28; Corm 1914-Michigan 4317; UCr 1913--11ichlgn 40; Corm 112l-Michiganu 'i402; C 4 I 19 -Michigan 27; Cornl Twvo rivals of 21 years % will meet again tonight for te nth dual track mpeet 'when N o)f kicy will bring 34 represe of Cornell's well balanced trac to W ,aterman gymnasiun in tempt to give Coach Farrells en t-am its.first defeat of tl T'he st,-igei;est for a: ite both teams have madle credita rfi this secason anri althou iWolverines appear 'to be the Cap~t'ai Burt. Bi'ke, °'r§? ;tes thie outcome is far fromn Who will lead the Wolverine track Farrell Sp~eaks Wleom mien against C'ornell in their first dual rr(kriay bewe meet of the year' in AWatermian gym schoolshasrialwys'bewen i nasium. YOST IS GIVEN HRTN R ECEPTION AT PASDENA[ (Special to The Daily) Pasadena., Calif.,' March v23.-- Coachb aft The, ASHIEELECTU RI Ii MPASIa's SEtRIoL S. RE.ACTIO) QLTESTLO1 in speaking of'condil tine and Jerusalem ICharles TR. Ashbee, pry Yil'sh architect and civic of the British governn. 1cm; in his lecture ye { noon, in Natural Scien~ ezmphasized the 'fact tlu Sof 'the Uitedl States o extremely, serious as money expended in .Pa] turtherance of the Zic Bn i o ,ficpv come r o1.i - ' 9:30 oclock this morning. Everyo(ne r fliwas in fine spirits. They 'were of- Eree an impromptu filn meeting. at th S IIfedUniversity of Utah. Four hun- t1'IIIdred people received them at Los An- 1 eles, giving them a rousing recep- Stion. ISNESS OF L . Coach Yost made a 'wonderful ad- SON dress at a luncheon given in lhonor of 'the University of Michigani at the. Uni- versity club in Pasadlena, where 500 tions inl Pales- i; members were present. Reporters in paericular,I from newspapers are seeking photosI -oininentl 'ng land interviews from him. I Two thousand high school athletes' admiistrtor will tax the capacity '-of Graulman's .etat Jerusa- Hollywood theater tomorrow in, ordler ic tor v rr- iewflr n erCahYs atcte at'rat'n, tosewk.fAlmsind e aril]e C' oah ost an 'olale tiue is row evening at~ the Elite, Banquet most o the all by Dock Winchell in honor of destine for the Coach Yost.. Six' hundred Wolverine s ones't n Tnal ; are expe(,ted to;'be present there. intense_ comnpetition; the 'W ha~ve never had' easy meets' Ithacans and the Red and WI SNever 'found('the Ann Arborn rivals. I11 the past Michi° taken seven dual meets to four, while the Ithacans- tools outdoor imeet from the Wolvi 1912 by a one-sided score. "Michigan welcomes the we the Rbed and White, but th they will return to Ithaca. short end of th~e ,scoffinn-list is doutbtful that there is any the Wvolverines would rather if lose they miust. A warm hospitality combined with a termination to winl is in s. feeling that the Wolverines before the beginning of the d tonight in Waterman gym says, Sieve Farrell, veteran 'A mentor. Fernier Trach k Men to 'Be Many, for"mer Ithacan tra and iichigan track men wi handl to support their r( teanms. The officials of the z include Mlaj. John Griffiths, athletic commissioner, Charle pre: idenrt of the Central A. .A T. J. Can ty, offlcial Western ence announcer. (Contirnued on Page Si: srpr ix) )m the UTnitedl g1KES INITIAL APPEARANCE SEEK PERMANENT ST I NG FAVORABLE COMMENT';IT m [OmeRCID QP Alf P As a en - ..fo- her--rn tu S tates. As asen-of fo ther Srin tor !Mr. Ashbiee gave a.general outline of' jof the ,mid wnest the Varsity' Glee tclub the whle q cuestion of Palestine andc OF- :"JANE11 CLIMBS A MOT,? blication is reviewedI there must always nts on what shouldl le. And they are us- r' mistakes occur in! hat are often easily there were a. few noticeable placesa Have You Read? in the beginning number of the. 'Optic; Iwhere improvement would be of great ladvantage. Thie inside front cover ap- j p eared quite a conglomerate, mass, with. the staff off to. one side on top F an advertisement bearing an Optic cover to its right, and a varied as- sortinent' of photos underneath. Again in the magazine there is a page where a pair of black (or may-' be, brown) oxfords top' State =street,1 University hall, the Union and other' similar scenes.I Aside from these the trial issue of .the Optic was exceptionally well dlone. Terotogravure work was excellent, the, snapshots were good, and the choice of pictures was well made. Thre cover, a'full page picture of Captain I Burke of the track team, was illpres- sive. Inside, from "tour oldest grad- Iun!.to". Gerze W. 'I Carter. 153.to the, Detroit, llarch 23.-The work of the University of Michigan fresh air camp was the subject of a talk given by Lewis Reimann, of the Student Chris-" tiana Association, at a luncheon of the Michigan alumni at the Hotel Tuller, Thursday. "This year will mark the third sea- son that our camp, has been open," said Mr. Reimann, "and we hope to take care of nearly 500 boys this year. In 1921 our first .camnp was located near Fort Huron. We took care of 143. boys there, each of them staying for a 10-day vacation period. ~"Last year we moved to a site near- er to Detroit, as most all of our boys comne from here. "We had 300 boys last year, most Hoif them taken from fain- iies who were nable' to provide" any run rocan in uH I i w iill give pre-trtp .ente'rtainmnet at; concluded 'wih a uniary of conch- __ 8 o'clock Tuesday evenzi Ill ill i t- s there. With _the aid of slides audjltorium. The progranm will con- I showing the maxis of this country and (By Leo J. Hershdorfer) M1ild 'ed Brodieison and Mla] sitof1teatire numbers of music vrosbidn nJeuae hews finale' . ; . curtain fi..lte lau