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March 23, 1923 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1923-03-23

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_JJ ......

I ' '
YY 11

Calibre While


y material galore is contained
quad of freshman track art-
have just passed their indoor
under the tutelage of Archie
Starting out with practically
as a nucleus the team now
any num'ber of men who show
ities that go to make up) great
Every branch of sport is well
re of although some are much
wpplied with promising men
ers. There are comers in ev-
artment from the high jumpl
vo mile while the quarter mil-
n to be out in greater num-
.n any other variety of track-
Dash Men Good
Feinsinger, Moody and Mer..
e the best bets in the 50 yard
lhite having clipped off the
in 5 3-51'seconds and Moody
covered it in '5 7-10 seconds.
ie fastest man on the team, had
in before in his life until he
Michigan last fall and start-
ork under Archie Hahn.
are four quarter milers on
n who bid fair to score points,
Varsity in another year or
reybourg has made the dist-
53 1-5, Feinsinger in 54 fliat;
1 in 54 3-10, and Brown in 55
1 of these men have shown
ment in the past few weeks
he time they have had.Archie
for another few months they
be ready for Steve Farrell's
The half milers although less
is are of equally fine calibre.
rg is capable of running the
:5 while Fingerle can make it

Mason, a former University ofCh Phi Sima Kappa Wi
cago star, has m ade it in 4:50. I-licks,I i S i mK a p -a l al h n a d ;R c ar s re;nt 7 f a r
IHaull, Callahan, and ~Richards are Inter frae
four two milers who can be counted
on to fill Isabel's place in the long
distance. Being represented by a well-balanc-
A bevy of low hurdlers, only one of ed team which copped four firsts, one
whom has had experience previously, second, and a third place in six dif-
includes Snyder, Soule, Frank, Jacox,sds
Levy, McCoy, and Weaver, the latter ferent events, Phi Sigma Kappa mass-
being especially good at skimming the ed 25 points and won the annual fra-
low sticks. iternity track meet from a field of 23
The field events are well supplied entrants Wednesday night at Water-;
with steady performers. Doyle heaves
the shot 40 feet, 6 inchese, while Orcutt man gymnasium.
and Neilson both do over 35. In the Delta Tau Upsilon surprised their
high jump, McCann, Hicks, and Viant followers and gained second place with
all promise to approach 6 feet, and in a score of 11. Beta Theta Pi gained
the pole vault Viant has done as high. 10 points, while Delta Sigma Phi cap-
as 11 feet, 6 inches. Archie is chang- tured fourth place by taking eight
ing his form and at present he is not points.
doing as well as he will later. In Snider, Phi Sigma Kappa, was the
the broad juip both Stern and Snyder individual star. of the meet, scoring
have leaped 21 feet. 15 points for his fraternity by win-
ning first place in the 65 yard low
1111 1and high hurdles, and the running
P .AMMA DELTA broad jump. His tine, 7:9, in the low
hurdles was exceptionally fast and
AyI establishes.a record that will be hard.
. . to lower in future interhouse meets.
METAAI I E In the broad jump he also established
a record travelling through the air
Semi-finals in the eliminations i for a distance of 21 feet four inches
among the fraternity teams that will before he came to earth in the pit.
In the mile run Reinke, Beta Theta
compete i~n the special relay race at Pi, lapped all of his opponents with
the Michigan-Cornell track meet to-1 the exception of Green, Delta Tau
morrow night were held last Tuesday Upsilrn, and easily won the race, turn-
night, Phi Gamma Delta and Acacia ing in a mark of 4:43 for the distance
winning the right to fight for the sl-The 880 yard run turned out to be a
I hotly contested affair between Gibson;
ver loving cup. Acacia, and Fingerle, Phi Sigma Kap-
Phi Gamma Delta turned in a nark pa, the forgmer taking the event by a
of 2:53 3-5 for the event and is ex- three yard\ margin over his oppon-
pected' to win the race in the finals. ent. Gibsons's time was 2:10:1.
They have a well balanced team in Two freshman runners, Freyburg,
Cossitt, Yakey, Gowen, and Hulse, and Delta Upsilon, and Feinsinger, Kappa
their form in passing the baton is as Nu, ran a fast and close race in the
good as that displayed by the Varsity 440 yard dash. Freyburg captured the
runners. event, making the distance in 53:1.
'Acacia also has a crack team in IArchie Hahn stated after'the race that
Stewart, -Rowe, Harvey, and Gibson f Freyburg had run the 440 in faster
and ran the event in good time, being, time than any other freshman he has
less than three seconds behind Phi ever had under his tutelage while at
Gamma Delta at the finish. Michigan.
., In the finals tomorrow night each' White, Phi Sigma Kappa, freshmen
team will run eight laps, each roan star, defeated his contender, Moody
covering two rounds of the track. Delta Sigma Phi, by inches in the 5
The time for.this event has not been yard dash, negotiating the half-cen'
decided, but will be announced at the tury in :05:3, which is the best time
gymnasium tomorrow night. ever made in this event in a fraternity
indoor meet.
The new Lit. Building is growing. Summary of events:
Have you watched the classifieds 50. yard darh: White; Phi Sigma
grow?-Adv. .. Kappa, Moody, Delta Sigma Phi, Fein-

ns Annual
rnity Track Meet
singer, Kappa Nu, Adams, Alpha Tau.
Omega. Time: 05:3.
440 yard dash: Freyburg, Delta Up-
silon, Feinsinger, Kappa Nu, Kruger,
Phi Sigma Delta, Travis, Beta Theta
Pi. Time, 53;1.
880 yard run: Gibson, Acacia, Fin-,
gerle, Phi' Sigma Kappa, Cherry, Phi
Gamma Delta, Graves, Theta Chi.
Time, 2:10.
Mile run: Reinke, Beta Theta Pi,
Green, Delta Tau Upsilon, Grab, Beta I
Theta Pi, Sims, Phi Sigma Delta. Time,
65 yard high hurdles: Snider, Phi
Sigma Kappa, Anderson, Delta Tau
Upsilon, Emery, Phi Gamma Delta,
Foster, Phi Mu Alpha. Time, 9:3.
65 yard low hurdles: Snider,, Phi
Sigma Kappa, Foster, Phi Mu Alpha,
Samuels, Phi Sigma Delta,. McBride,
Delta Tau Delta. Time, 07:9.
Shot Put: Doyle, Delta Sigmal Phi,
Walls, Acacia, Palmer, Phi Sigma Kap-
'pa, Tuttle, Delta Upsilon. Distance,
36 feet, 10 inches.
Running Broad Jump:Snider, Phi
Sigma Kappa, Adams, Alpha Tau Ome-
ga, Samuels, Phi Sigma Delta, Gess-
ner, Phi Sigma Delta.' Distance, 21
feet, 4 inches.
-High Jump: Anderson, Delta Tat
Upsilon, Robertson, Delta Tau Delta,
Lawrence, Beta Theta Pi, Adams, Al-
pha Tau Omega. Height, 5 feet, 5
Remember "Jimmie the adtaker's"
Daily Classifieds for real results.-

Taking two of the fast matches that
featured the event, Delta Upsilon de-
feated Beta Theta Pi for the conso-
lation championship of the fraternity,
wrestling tournament last Tuesday1
night and won second place in the
final standings.
All of the bouts were whirlwind af-
* U
0 More Michigan men play
* Billiards than is the caseS
in any other Ainefican or
* Foreign Univer lty. This {
d has been true now for a
period of nearly twenty
years. The reason-
~ J-
* 'S a twy +a tr0t yre wr~xt'
a -eu .-- ter a

fairs, none of themla hsting w il
utes at the most. The grapplers an- j The
peared to be well learned in the wrest- ,ave an
ling game and the holds used by the ject, Pi
victors to win their bouts would con- in Wesi
pare favorably with those employed lead in
by professionals.
The new Lit. Building is growing. want.-.
Have you watched the classifieds
grow ?-Adv. Patro:

of mediuiaheight

Made -v
give ICi
the we

P~P&~ ~ RO D AYE
c c~a n ar4



,. ,.
:, '.
#," . a
x, tt
4' , 4
.n ; '

Strong in Distances
of good milers is another pre-
at Steve Farrell will receive
chie next year. Murray does
37.7, and Reinke 4:43, while,


I..,.. ..t W..~ttattta lt .. ................ .fl. ..... .*aY 4.1 . . . . . . ..1 Y a~ttl~t" I



A Victrola and the "Wight Girl"

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"I Gave You Up Just Before Yoi Threw Me Down"
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"Rose of the Rio Grande" "Baby Blue Eyes"
Grinnol Bros
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Complete Stock of Small Musical Instruments
Sheet Music, Books, etc.
Music House.



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