II' - IA,-IU-IN I-A! I-
_ ..
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University year by the Board in
Student Publications.
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Ann Arbor Press Building, may.~
'editorial, 2414 and 176M; Busi-
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y endorse th:2 sentiments
12 and 176-A
:tor.............. ..Paul Watzekl
:). .. . .James B. Young
city 1Editor ...........J A. }S c i
Board Chairman ....... R. Mciss
Dyers Harry Hey
Heralidorfer R. C. Moriarty
Donahue J. E . black
itor.....I....... Wallacee1". Fliolt
Editor........Marion Koch
aga-rine Edlitor.. 11. A. louia hue
tor.-..................ZE. 11. Ailes
itor.......... 13ulcy C. RZuomis
Editorial UEoard
err 'Maurice Berman
Eugene Carmichael
rmstron. Franklin D .Hepburna
ted Winona A. Hibb~ard
,ton Edward J. Higgins
ii I Clweth C INejiar
Elizabeth liebermann
ble John -McGinmus
,Otc )arnuel Moore
ughlin M. 11 Prvor
in NV. B. Rafferty
. RobertG. Ramsay;
Victories over Illinois and Wiscon- Mum L DTO ILCO M N
si n d b t s l s rd y e e i g;uLVgive. M ichigan the unquestioned title / 1' ..- -- - --
of chanpions of the Mid-West ebat- DOiNT II ANU JV2IATO
ing league for the present year. Al-TitIA ES
.h "g th smeailtyad ere (P14tdue Exponent)
va~ed tesaebiiyandere which have characterized our IFAUE.II As far back as history records go
aeatn teams in the past and have manAUR riis ha~ shwn himself, to be a retrb -
give Micigana rcordin tis f A bunch of the girls were whooping it
tivity unsurpassed by any other Con- up in a league house out Washte- jbtv en.Hsmtowsi le
ference school were demonstrated ' h aw; times, "An eye for an eye, and a
the squad this year, the apathy ont The Jane that was in the upper front tooth for a tot," and all indicationsi
the pat of the student body has been romws nrig itsod' are that his slogan lhas not tinder-
eve moe nsaw;bl, chorusheast gnemuch change. Students of his, E
e'vn mre otieabe tan n te pst.Inanother room, joining the cors
A debate is not aos spectaular as ~tory have son nation after nation
a football ,game but as mruch may be slept Matron Elizabeth Perew, mobilize its strongest and ablest and,
learned by attending one. Poise, men- And 4own below, in th'e h'all near .the aryte gis ahohri t
doarraytheeclockinstadajhsttstruck a
tal Alertness and acumen, andI fa- d;t. Andckedesie tosevn thingcupthas
cwilityr t in mental combat are qualitiesk
which the successful debater must de-1 caused the downfall of many other-t
vlop, and which are brought ut by Whnut of the nright, which ws * wise peaceful and strong nations.
the respcctive Participants in every ark o light, Crept on his knees Ol e er g uhtl
good debate.aTheewameaivalryoper-h tall:
gooddebae. Te ,sme rivary pr-, §fute.was heard that the world was ~o en-i
vacles a debate which is entirely men- In othirdughi a window, a forced open lajy a permanent peace, and that the
tai as is noticeable in an athletic "., .w~ ..o, crept on hs'ne hsswards were to be beaten ito plow-
contest which tends to stress' the.: dude. shares. All old scores were 'to bee
physical. And hence it seems reason- And inside the room he straightened considered settled and the peoples of'
abe to expect that. a mHetal contest hmef n akwsvrhs the :earth was to begin anew. Wthen
which approaches the degree of dex- e yes;3 the world conflict engulfed practically
terity of a varsity debate would inter- His hat, which was brown, he wore i every nation in bitter conflict these;
est more students than is the case at (ona his head) ; it was too large altruistic ideas were forgotten, and
sieset.. then with .the catclysm of carnage
The few students whose,, endeavors I From a piece of red string round his ended the peacemaers again pressedi
coupled with the aid of the \aaculty of durty neck hung (yes, I amt sure) for'wrd with their ideas.
the Oratorical department' were re-" A cake of white soap marked 99 and The Ruhr situtatioix resets a per-
sponsible for Michigan's newly ac- 44 hundredths percent pure. plexing -problem to the nations of the
qired htonor of again winning thte i world. France and Belgium are able l I
Mid-W'est debates deserve considera Ihimotheelntagerf. to prohitce an' abundance of justica-II
ble credit. But Michigan's success int steel, shining and curved of blade, j Cor for their actions by citing deds
this activity does not .obviate rthe ne- iBu tenylowdeth enId committed by Germany in 171 and
cessity for pointing out the fact that tih a teselwsatolo 9.4 emn in turn could proba- j
it wan acquired with little help fromd the electrical trade. bly justify her motives in these nears
the student body and that more stu-I Long, thin of shaft and sharp on the by recalling French aggroissin un-
det s might do well to develop their edIih adeofruddder the Napoleonic regime.
senseof vaues t theextent that I wood ;Anso emihhngprccal
thywud cur sm ejo 'n screw-driver it wvas, and, from bow Ads eiilt]ig rcial
an intewollecule simelusetougteenfultnneich tevery national movement as beipg
and," itelectul sinilus hrogh o strnfuly nie iche itjustified on account of some previous
watching a mental contest such a a stood. national crime. 'Each seems to be a
debate. retaliation o n epefrps
______________ed by the sounds, the Matron1 deeds of another. However, every war
MOE~AAINKIhSMiss Perew cannot be a 'war of reparations. The
An expedition organized by the IWsenoig erwetltebau trouble head to rigiate somewhereI
Chicago Tribune wil soon enter they t()np n tegrswr and it will likewise have to ends
wild wastes fteshrai no- helping her too. -, somewhere. If every nation Is bent!
wastrs f rie Sharain a of-i upon staying even there is sure to be 's
frt to disclose the mysery which sur- Anont h asmn h u continual conflict. Retaliation sems
rounds the tribe of Tauregx, an Aral prit wet,-surely not after booze.tobthwahwrofheimsan
peole nhaitig he aggr pateu.No, he stopped not there, but kept its use by nations #comnes only as a
oVery. at ittle stis known ie of tiheh customns right on (having already removed direct reflection of the attitudle of
or hbitsof his rib. Itishoweer, his shoes)thipepe.
authentically stated that a peculiar ept on -past the stock 'of' ginger-ale I their___eoples.
tribal custom of these peoples com- and of already-cooked chocolate ITLETA-(-)'IwCf
pets both the men and women to dips. I1TE2ET I O-ER IN
shorud their faces with a black veil. For some unknown rxeason,,he. slimed; (New York Times)
The object of the expedition will be to avoid sneezin' and therefore It was Gabriel.,Tarde, the Fren c
to get a comnplete story of this strange made no slips. social philsopiher, who said tat preo-
people. The trip will by no means° Straight to the corner, the northeast, pisae;ai~ o okt h rc
be a pleasure jaunt; the desert at ths, corner, his weary way he went, 1 lsaecaigtoloIotepa-
time of year is subject to terrific heatAdthr or!ie mnuea :og tices of their own past for sanction,
and numrous sad storm.Besids, thfue fuse, ie mnerges angabt; r iqiigaondteerht
th e re u e r usisndsth es B e id s ,.f usdiuseth s nth a ts a n th e J bro ry -n]i riu''esu h ee e rb etont.re ifind o utbi it y tthet e b e stus s hInnta nyn o tc o u ntst in n yandtry a n
ing nomad bands who frequent thle inmany ande every field of iona co-,
Algerian-Mrrocan:,frontier will add a And, thus thle. awful :deed was. dne,':crn and to make that best uive-
serious element of danger, to the pro- and two floors up hiis next stop sal. ashins in costume, we know,
posed journey into the "Land of Ter- ' a;SO3)rudteerhwt hi y
ah~,s it .Yas ~eei nam nedl by thie na- HIS P fpu os~e as fne, accorrin to rannical but ephemeral rule. And so
t ives living adjacent to the region. his line, the foundations of a for- it is that the present-day discoveries
All of \'Which goes to show that tune to lay.' of science and achievements in art
whle the glattiorou~ days of stirring fie thought of the cash he had spent and letters make their way. It is
' adventure,, characteristic a'of earlier ~ before, running around with 'the necessary first to get these dli cover-
centuries may be gone forever, still! women, j is into print, with gets preci-
there are opportunities for those with Which he now was 'collecting from sion, then to translate them from
"an incination to :brave the dangers the sweet little, things, so kindj language to language and then to cir-
' of the unknown. At present several.addlct,(am e) uaet
expdiios ae ndr wy ahchdredeeltouhtoftese(dtmnem). en- Of" tem from countryto country.
i exediion ar uner aywhih pe- Hethoghtof hes thngsas e e- Otenb the time the news has reach-
tserve in part ther adventurous atmos- tered the room, where the kaid wasi ed some shut-away countries, still
'phere of the days when 'men sailedthe whooping it up, ! further discoveries :have been made,
Spanish Main in quest of gold and 'The room that was filled with a ooth- whrlh start on lo relay journey
blood or when the hardened American ing squad, like the caroin;,of a ,from scholar to scholar and frohm
tfrontiersmen fought the Pawnees and big bull pu~p.; people to people.
the iou for she r a vent re.i ! To hasten these, journeys, so that
tThe prover'bial search for Captain Just as this bird was writing his9 the whole earth may be made aware
i! Kid's treasure has been in a way 1 name, having collected two bones, as quickly as possible of what has
Ibrugh toa ralzaton y te mr-On the mirror over the chiffoier, hie been earned in any one corner of it,:
ivelous riclie~ unearthed in old Kin~g heard a gasp and two groans.' thie Com mission n Intellectual Co-' eNu'kn a acpau
Tut'nsarophau.pz Theh e hunt fo ird- He turned onl his heel and ducked l operation, oiganized under the League
i skn(asbe'splntdbGahn ust in time; as Bizg Bn came of Nvations, is recommending the prep-
; f1 th mveu 11or.ipcI iJUUr A l'"" ailng yflaton nd irclaton..,aly
Ann Arbor' and Jackson
(Eastern Standard fV ie)
Detroit Limited and Express- cars-
*:oo a7 :0o0*.M., 8:o0 asiU., 9.C.5
a.mu. and Hourly to 9:o5 p.mt.
Jackson Express Cars (local stops
wt'st of Ann Arlbor)--:47 a in., and
every two hours to 9"'47 p.m7.
Local Cars Eas, dowid--7.00 a.-n.
anid every two hours to g9.to0 p. in.,
t t :oo pm. To~ Ypsilanti onl1y--H 1 :40
p.m., i :15, a.mn.
To Saline-Change at Ypsilanti.
Local Cars West B,.und--7.:50 a.ifl~
ta.::o P.1In.
To Jackson and bXalatazoo-L:m'
ited car's 8:47, :0 :47 a.m., 12.47a 2:47,
4:47 p.mi.
To Jacl-son and Lansing--Limited at
8:47 P.M.
Presentvd by
11923 3ARCII92
1 2 3i
4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11o I3 13 14 15 16 17
1s 19 20~ 21 M22 3 21
25 ' 261,27 28 219) 3U 31
B16 Selection of Latest Siap"s
Take the " Beaten Path" to.
our door and save a 'dollar or
more on a hat.
WVe also do all kinds of Clean.-.
ing and Reblocking of B'ats A.
low prices for HIGH CLASS
_ _- WORK -
617 Packard Streest Phone 1792
Where D.. T. R. Stops at State
loqhtulCabin Steam~
Our fleet of 14 cabin steamers has lowered the
cost of comfortable travel 'to Europe. On board,
you obtain even the most comfortable room~s at
rates surprisingly moderate. Some accom~moda.
tions as low as $120.
Regardless of how much or how little you spend
for passage money, you obtain the best food
anid service the ship provides, the use of spaci.
ous decks, attractive public rooms--all the
pleasures of a sea voyage under most favorable
'Included in our cabin fleet are some of the fin-
est sips in the North Atlantic.
ThMe atmosph C re is ideal for the college man.
Statesman and student meet, professional people
and houise folks -- a truliy cosmopolitan assem-
blage of travellers. Delightful, pleasure-filed
days will be among the most treasured memories
of your trip.
Write us today for our booklet -"'Your Trip
to Europe"-anid detaile~d information.
Pattengill Auditorium
March 26-April 3, 16, 23, 30-May 7
Course $2.00; single, 75c.
Courtesy of Graham's JBooe Store
Garlinghouse J, . V witch
er S. G~odspeed Soil J. Schnitz
a Gouldcr Pii M vagner
Telephione 960
rtising............. John J. H3amel, Jr.'
rtisng............ .Walter K. Scherer
rtisiiig.............Lawrence IH. avrot
ication ...............Edward F. Coniir
writing. .............David ,..%1. Park
iation ..............ownsend II. Wkolfe
cants................ L. Beaumont Parks
1M. Hayden "Wmn. H. Good
one ?,. Du~nne Clyde L. H-agermnan
C. Ilask in 1 Penry Freud~
Putnam Clayton Purdy
fArmantrot . B.Sanzenbacher
ini 1-. K,io. Jr. Clifford Mitts
Id L. Hale Thomas 'Mclacliren
1), poesser Louis M,. Dexter
iS. Morton C. Weclls Charistie!
,s A. Dryer .3Edw'rd T'. Reidle
ThU DAY l1AfI'l23, 1923
ht Editor--JI.iU AN ELLIS MACK
pproximately thirty thousand dol-
were expended last -year by the
ven ity Extension Service in -ac-
plishing work. Considerinig that
Uiniversity believes this branch'
ctivity valu~able enough to warrant
expenditure involved, it seems thait
ecently pr~ovidel method for vast-
uncreaSing the extension wor'lat
iparatively small expense has been
to the prc,;ent time overlooked.
i 7higan is one of only a few large'
vt rities vwhich have not yet in-
led a radio broadleasting- station.
ile ~Wisconsin, Cailiforniai,'Ohio
. ,
Blu-G old LunchI
214 Majestic Bldg., Detroit, or any
-------------------- -
6, lath oles
i -rY;is %r r., '.'v '' &a a t4'i'!''iam v'.i .n n.'cgx.; :a ii i't+dits. y;-r.6, :'3'iN 1 . . . . ..a.: . 9 ',. <
e, Minnesota, Illinois, Cornell, I tic regions. Quite' recently Roland
i A half second later, a half second, tical scientific bibliography. Muil.]
th. Dakota, 'Texas, P'.urdlue, Neva- Aniundsen astarted on an Arctic ex- I soeoi redwud onaCre h icvrro aim
Colorado and MIityiouri aire all able -' oorfin old onapoaintipwihsolpo i'ji
end out from. their campuses thepoaontiwhc soud vde I black eye.ifmembier of this commissiozn, has pro-
r~ f he ay Mihian asonl 1thrills enough to satisfy the most~ The lights would not light, the dark, ;;posed that this be done at first for
is o th da, 1Iich"I as nl'adventurous spirit . Moreover, cer- ness was dark, and all was quiet. one science and that when the dem-
mall makeshif't station assembled:ti otIAeia cenit'hv
withoutonstration has been made it be ex-.
ugh-II the efforts of the electricaluntdeSthenaetrinscenthisthaveouwitout
SBtwtith legehse ou ieze t ter atment las1t sprngn. Several amaze even our 'wild, blooded ancos- Washtenaw, the Lone Kid had It will be noted that Japanese doc
(lsa ns eof dollaristhave rdibeen ex-tors; nepdto lne oetrI just lost this bout. Itors of medlicine are in a sense1making;
,dn e p d t o la n d t n ee in thle t erea s b t m aioy but Patagonia n ain search of a dinosaur or t h'eir ow n hilblior ra by. They qre ac--1 s 'o m' i tr c on n th en el d t e r st f t e htu ? A ar e l a n in t e rs lv t f sta dj
or ututo inteei-It isclearly evident that the nmod-' n h etoftehuell ,c uitigtc~evs tfrtha~
ringschdol em youhs ho psses feryten- I of course, by the sound of the with the best thn.t other nations have
riny s oene n utswhusandsdllars aeenec-ttei-' Big Ben's bell ' 'to oiler. The e auiinsign of enuinen .I
~.y o stblsh a Mchga aI ermetsma asugethirbiey searched 'neathi the beds, all Japanese medical men, which wasI
adcatin se wi~chwoul en ' rie~s t hvingbee bon i a rab over the jo~nt, and I'll say they publicly received last night at a dinx-
ccsi stt jc oudc-' and unromantic age 'bay a knowledge! searched it well. ncr gvni hi oo yteRc-j
lyv fill the needs of the University, of the opportunities fore-present day Th, at htw ,sbs, Il b- r fhe onain ilvsttel
' would have a radius of nearlyf Arabian Knights. blest, and on which I'll bet six:.iuig hospitals and research centers in
housand miles sending capacity.
1.h such a set, eatension lecturesl Ganna Walska has given up e is h ntdSttsadCnd.Atn
htreach thuad flseesini - Was when the jane was throwing the t ion wvill be given z to public health
thosans o litenrs cause sife says the ciqitic's have givenI alarm chock, Matron Perew was and hospital organization and adniin-
evening- instead of hunmdreds. -In' her the "cold potato".. She says she's I
I- -throwing fits.1 istration as. well ' as to medical re,.
Is Our
to You
We Would
Ratiher Make
Fazst Friends
Than Big
ItI2 "4-
any cases meunIus~ul £au.L aXc.Lu1on going to Paris to receive, her; dui: '* ldluo
ichi come to Ann Arbor because of , praise and then after her triumph
being a center of learning mightI there 'will return to show the Amern- I
'broadcasted throughout the state. Icn u.' Wa~iig :is Tie
recerts could be heard byl the tax-: "Hey! I Gimine a handful of waste,"
yers of Michigan as Well as the #one more publication Madded to ~hwe
idents. In short, a hundred and one1 Michigan's supply of collegiate en-1 (I': Was under. the auto to grease it).
ueational wdvantages which it is deavor. The Optic promises to bring But Jimi had an armful of "waist in .
w impossible to extend beyond Ann'1 new treats to everyone. 'That is, te a
bor ~ighlt be furnished to 'the gen- everyone who hbas the foresight to buy 1-And wasn't disposed to -case it.
LI pubic. one before the supply is exhausted. FIn)ttiycIii.
[he news papers and business en-' t
prises of the country are conmner- I The name Piggly-Wiggly always did1
sear-el. rThese earth-encircling schol-lI
ars will also give as well as receive,
There will, moreover, be incidental
'benefits in promoting acquaintance
and understanding ;beyond the bounds {
of medicine, between physicians of the f
Far East and the West. Through
such intercourse as the visit of these
pbysmcians and through much inter-I
change of information in printedj mat-
ter as that proposed by the Commis-
.:0. on Intellectual Co-operation,
science should bring healing to the,
spirits of men as well as to their
Buy Your, Easter Suit
lizing the radio for purposes, of have a suggestive meaning, and now
vertisement. They have realized we find that it h-as "wiggled" its way
You should come down and let us show you our sprint. suits at your earliest
possible convenience. With Easter a week from Sunday you have not miuch
The modern Romeo