.._.. i f Because of the Junior Girls' play N COLLEGE IN THE there will be no league party to- ) MATOR OF day. A one-act comedy presented by >URNEY Masques will be a feature of the league party next Friday. ;)men rifle team won Agricultural college The v1 will be a Saturday evening peromance of the Junior Girls' pilay. on college, Wiconsin,jTickets can be obtained at the Whit- nament recently. ,The ney theater. 4. A. C. and Michigan_ )ut of a possible 1,000, Captains and managers of class has- le 1,364 to Michigan's ketball teams will meet at 4 o'clock ssible 1,500. this afternoon in the office of Bar- between M. A. C. and bour gymnasium. cam was composed of ___ cores of the five high- Chaperones for the dances this week live shots were fired cnd are as follows: Union, Saturday, own range, from Mrs. Yates Adams; Armory, Friday, ions, prone, sitting Mrs. I. G. Lerger; Saturday, Mrs. M.' standing, and the Cake, men were as follows: with a score of 182 Undergraduate tickets for the Mich- e 200; Ingrid Alvng, igan women's annual luncheon are on e Cregory, '24, 176;, :, 174;ory, '24, 17o;-general sale at Graham's State street , 174; Leokadya Pow- book store. The sale will continue - until next Tuesday. Alumni tickets, hold a rummage sale on Friday night, G rls' Pl Pleases March 30, from 7 to 9 o'clock, in theG Community house on Main Street. The Dean sale will continue all day Saturday. Any university girls who have any sort' of discarded clothing, may put it to Dean Jean Hamilton, in commenting some use by sending it to the Coi- on the Junior Girls' play, stated that munity house, or by calling Mrr. she was particularly pleased with the! Bronk, at 2888-R.t bt Rummage sales held at the house in production because it dealt with col- previous years have been very success- lege material, thereby keeping the un- ful, and the demand has exceeded the ique flavor of college life instead of supply. It is. hoped that more coop- attempting to challenge professional oration will be tendered this year by productions. college women than in previous ones. The charm with which the mom- sidering the fact that in the case of the latter production there is a much larger field from which to chose the talent and also more money to cover the cost of staging the production. Marian Miller, Dean Hamilton said, deserves to be especially commended for the delightfully artistic manner in which she gives the lMexlican sol( dance in the second act. Madeline Mc- Gurk, as varsity cheer leader, and Constance Smith and Catharine Riggs as the twin internes also deserve much credit for the effectiveness with whieb they give their parts, in Miss Ilamil- ton's estimation. MASQUES PLAY FOR LEAGUE NEXT WEEK ed out in a play called "My Lady Dreams." This play is to be' given by Group two of Masques on March 30 in Sarah Caswell Angell hall at the Women's League, party. Those who will have parts are: La- dy, Isabel Waterworth; Marie, Lu- cille Walker; Little old lady, 'Louise Barley; other woman, Cornelia Shep- herd; children, Beatrice Champion and Esther Welty. Rhea Schlaack. '24, will direct the play. We Call For and Dellver CLEANING & PRESSING Fine Custom Tailoring 802 S. STATE 385-W b'U IlL Ar.7 . Gon Ripon sted of n tean UCSiILions prone, sit- were used in the college, while the f ten women each. 11 made the follow- I Alving, '26, 143; '24, 141; Anna 'Mida Abbott, '24, 4; Marion Lawless,I Huff, '26, 130; Alice Leodadya Powska, 'e B. White, 122. "i ,r r p t .I " I. ' i may be procured at the offEice of the assistant dean of women in Larbour gymnasium. PLANRUMMGE 5SALE A T TE THAEATE RS I Screen-Today1 Arcade - "Kingdom Within Film follies; Century comedy.- Majestic-Seymour Simons and Ten Syncopated Serenaders; Betty Compston in "The White Flower;" comedy. Orpheum - 'Confidence," with Herbert Rawlinson; Paul Par- rot in. "Bowled Over." ( Wuerth-Ben Turpin in "The Shriek of Araby;" comedy, "Single Handed;" Pathe news. Stage-This Week Garrick (Detroit)-"The Spring- time of Youth," a musical com- edy. Shubert - Michigan (Detroit) - Bonstelle company in "Span- ish Love." Whitney - Junior Girls' play, "Jane Climbs a Mountain." Try a Classified Ad-it pays.-Adv. bers of the various choruses dance, the spontaneity with which the lines are given by the caste, and the general coherence of the play are the cle- ments which make this year's Junior1 Girls' play a decided success, accord- i Lv. A. A. 8:00 Ar. Tol. 10:35 Cars Leave r~~v , C~~J ing- to Miss Hamilton. What would you do if you had the In comparing the Junior Girls' play choice between a career and marriage? with the Michigan Opera the dean said Again what would you do if marriage that the Junior Girls' play of this year would make your career? It is o is a greater achievement in many re- question that is ever being discussed spects than the Opera, especially con- and overdone yet it is cleverly work- rALR Ne kpefor Easter .............. ..............................l#f.~f. 3in's Daughters Raise Funds Teach Sick Kiddies to Annouine Engagement f The engagemeit of Ida Maude Buell, '25, of Big Rapids, Mich., to Ken- neth Thompson, '24L, of Youngstown, Ohio, has been announced at the Kap- pa Alpha Theta house. If that check didn't come, let "Jim- mWi' sell something for you to .tide Last year the King's Daughters of Ann Arbor employed a teacher to in- struct those children in University ,Hospital who were missing school on account if illness. Because of the' success of the plan, the same teacher Nwas employed this year, with the re-! sult that the children are not forced to fall back in their studies when they return to school. The teacher's salary, is paid by the King's Daughters, who raise the necessary sum through ba- zaars, rummage sales and other activ- ities. This year, the organization will A fur piece will give a final touch to your Easter costume. And, at the low prices it will pay you to come and make your selection now. An 'assort- ment of summer furs of every description has just been completed and awaits your inspection. Fur Chokers as Low as $5 ng is growing the classifleds F -. puRl ; .. 0I ,i .{ : ' : 1' aiyiiau u ... u. i . . 6~~'ZWERLING BDG. ANN ARBOIR.MICH. ;,. 1.1 ra '1 I .l. illI fiy4.. Y The new 91.Come andseehem We've never had such variety and quality as these new Society Brand Styles for Spring. Every suit and top- coat the last word in correct style, tailoring and fabric- There's something to please every taste. Darnock Topcoats, suits of Berkley Stripes,Persian Cords,RainbowStripes. They're all Society Brand-for smart- ness and individuality there's not much one could add to that Here the man who buys his clothes care- fully will find exactly what he wants. They're all clothes you'll be proud to wear, clothes of long-run economy and satisfaction.That's why we offer them. Come in and see them while our stock is complete.You will enjoy seeing them, and we will enjo 'showing them. M '*IYfliif 11 W O1 MY1 1 01 20% .DISCOUNT SALE i i j 3 1 i I i 4 Two ays-nmFriday and Saturday teres All the new colors and styles in plain slip overs in importedmo- hair. Fancy button front with plain back and sleeve. Black' Lingerie Beautiful assortment of gifts for .June Brides. Gowns with real Irish or filet-stepins and slips to 9 I match. N and Navy silk Tuxedos. Every- thing one needs from the plain sensible looking sweater to the dressy dress ones. Ne gligees and Pullman Robes, also costume slips in crepe de chine-satin-silk and mercerized. HI SPIA ; Itl Mou up $5.00 Up fl Waists If 3 (' i f I Splendid assortment of sizes and styles-dimities in hair line and wider stripe. Round and V-necks. A few voiles with real filet and all hand rnade-$OO up. I A~ovelIy Inaec c14 P Chains, Soutoirs, Ear Rings and all the little accessories a4 well dressed voman. that go to I w -Jane Sing leton TODAY TOMORROW w~~ A 4. r "W AL I& Ar dI nI- dN £.7'