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March 23, 1923 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1923-03-23

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- -



lie con-
med inj

ies to anI
the Diet.
in ion that
it could
he parlia-
.d the un-1
2-(By A.
I theex-'
Ito hold
i forces
res thatE
nor thek
will ever
nic slaves

"Coaches don't have to wear 1
'em", said "Steve" Farrell, Varj [
I sity track coach, last night in
commenting upon the report that-
neither he nor, Coach Moakley, of V(amopus and Track Team Main
I Cornell-expects to wear a Tuxedo 3 Features of First I
I at the Cornell dual meet tomor- Issue
row night. When "Steve" took
his team to Ithaca last year i IOTOGRAVURE MAGAZINE
j Coach Moakley had already fix- IS SECOND OF ITS KINDI
ed it so that both lie and Coach
I Farrell were spared "fixing up" A new publication will make its ap-x
and he is to have the same re- pearance on the campus today when
t ception awaiting him wlcn he the first issue of "The Michigan Op-;
I gets to Ann Arbor. tic" will be placed on sale. The Optic
is a 16 page rotogravure magazine, de-
voted entirely to pictures related to,
the campus and to events that have
f taken place here within the past!
month. The magazine will sell for
2 TO 0.9NI, I 10 cents. ,
0T A great portion of the first issue
will be devoted to pictures related to
track events. Photographs of the Cor-
A rV i 0iiCnell runners who will compete in the.
--ieet tomorrow are used, together with s
Smith's Orchestra of Kentucky C1os.s a number. of action pictures of the
ell to Furnish Michigan teani. The cover of the is-
Mlusicsue will be a full page reproduction of
Burt Burke, 23E, captain of the track
CORSAGES ARE TAB00 AT team, in a starting position.
ANNUAL SOPHOMORE VOR3AI The Optic will be sold in a manner
new to the campus. Salesmen w ill be
The 1925 Sophomore Prom will be' usedo snly to make change,tandcwiel
not press sales or peddle the copies
held beginning at 9 o'clock this ev- in any manner. A mailing service has
ening in the Union. The grand march been inaugurated whereby a buyer
of the annual formal will take place may give his name to the salesimanj
at 9:30 o'clock, and dancing will con- and a copy of the Optic will be mailed
toithout extra charge.
tiue until 2 oclocore than 50 photographs ill be
The luncheon of the evening is to combined in the formation of the first
be served in two sections owing to issue. Most of these are of campus af-
the limited capacity of the dinino fairs taken by Optic staff photograph-
rootp. One of these will be served a# ers duing the past month. Some view
of the campus from the top of the tow-
11:30 o'clock and the other at 12:15 rnfrtofhenwLtaybud-
Ier. in front of the new Literary build-
o'clock. There will be an intermis- ing are included. Pictures from such
sion for each of the luncheon periods syndicates as Underwood and Under-
Smith's orchestra of Lexington wood of Michigan graduates, and of'
wd at t ye Hop general affairs relating to Michigan
which played at this year's J-Hop are also used.
will furnish the mlisic at the ball. No The publication of the Optic will be
corsages are to be worn at the affair. a new thing in this section of the'
thougi roses will be given to the country as the only other college roto-
women guests at the luncheon. The gravure magazine that exists at pres-
ent is published at the University of
dance programs were given out at the California. The proces by which the
Union Wednesday and Thursday. Optic is made is actual rotogravure
A picture of the dancers will be tak- necessitating the sending of the ia-
en directly after the close of the grand terial to Buffalo fo.r the publishing.
march, which is to be led , by Irwin The Optic wuxs recently authorized
F. Deister, '25, chairman of the Prom by the Board in Control of Student
committee, and his partner, Martha Publications to publish three trial is-.
Irmscher of Fort Wayne, Ind. sues during the present school year.
Parking regulations for automobiles If these issues are succesful, the mag-I
on State street in the vicinity of the azine will be established as a regular
Union have been lifted for this even- campus publication next year. John.
Si.hs by theslocal police. Russell, '24, and Harvey Reed, '24E, are;
'Smith's orchestra will.play at a mat-managing editor and business manag-
inee dance from 2:30 to 5:30 o'clock er for the trial issues.
tomorrow afternoon at - the Union. #
Tickets, costing one dollar each, will
be procurable at the door. ;T TE Pir rMV TO A

Washington, March 2?-(By A.'.)-
Milo D. Campbell, of Coldwater, Michz-
igan, farmer member of the Federal
Reserve board died suddenly on the
golf links of the Columbia club here
today. Heart trouble was the cause
of his death. Until a few minutes be-
fore his death Mr. Campbell,'ho war
71 years old, appeared in the best of
Before he was named to the Feder-
al Reserve board, Mr. Campbell serv-
cd as chairman of the Michigan state
tax comnission, as a member of' the
state legislature,: as president .of th'
state board of prisons, as mayor of
Coldwater, and as United States Mar-
shall. He had been a practical working'
farmer all his life, h'lorvever, and un.
til he caye to Washington, personal-
ly maniged two farms near ColdVa-

Ten Faculty Members to Act as the
Judges in Annual Oratorical
Ten members of the faculty of the
University will act as judges in the
thirty-third annual Oratorical contest
which will be'held at 8 o'clock tonight
in the auditorium of University hall.
Regent ,Junius E. Beal will preside at
the contest.
Five students who have been chos-
en in the preliminary class contests,

The entire staff was present to
E extend their greetings and on { M U S I C A N D COST(
their behalf Dr. Reuben Peter- PREDOMINATE IN EFI
son of the Surgery departmentj
I presented him with a Knight of
I Columbus watch charm. I Poor Lighting Detracts From
of Annual Produc-
For the first time since the
ductioni19 years ago of the
Girls'flay as a campus prod
the show was opened to the .
public when "Jane Climbs a
tain" was presented before ar

Pat Scully, who has been con-
nected with the University hos-
pital for a longer time than any
,other man in the employ of the
University, celebrated his sixty-
eighth birthday yesterday. The
members of the staff of the hos-
pital, who have come to think of
Pat as sine qua non becaus'e of
his 44 years' connection with the
hospital, helped him celebrate by
holding a dinner in his honor.

i '

ter. in which 35 were originally enrolled,
rill compete for the honor of repre-
senting the tniversity it the annualj
Northern League Oratorical contest.
In addition, the winner of the contest
tnight will begiven the Paul Gray
testimonial of' $100 and the Chicago
Alumni medal. The person awardedI
se cond place i e pres p e d w ith
---- ~the Pau'l Gray testimonial of $50.
Charles R. Ashubee 'iil Gite ALetre Tee Judges will be Dean Edward}
It Natiural Siine Audlturium H. Kraus of the Summer Session,'
Th11S. Ai41-Af 0Prof. Edmund E. Day, Prof. I. Leo'
Sharfman, and Prof. Clare E. Griffin1
"J11USALEM TODAY" SL1JJECT . o the economics department, Prof.I
CHOSEN FOR FIRST TALK Thontas H. Reed of the political sci-
ence department, Prof. Edwin D.
Charles R. Ashbee, prominent 'Eng- Dickinson and Prof. Grover C. Gris-.
lish architect, will 'speak on "Jerusa- Imore of the Law school, Prof..William
lem Today," at 4:15 o'cloek this aft- A;Frayer of the history department,
ernoon in N.atural Science auditoriun. Prof. P. Brand Blanshard of the phi-
He will deliver a lecture on "Palestine losophy department, and George S.
and the Near East," at 4:15 o'cloc Lashe r of the rhetoric department.
Monday. Both lectures will be illbs-
trated by lantern' slides. Thy will .be . H. Skinner, '24, is to Open the
under the auspices of the Universi contest th an oration on "The Na-
:lecture Series. tional Shame", R. W. Brown, Spec.,
ctr sres;t Mr. A-will follow with the oration, "Amer-
A presen~t lMr.Ashbee. is c'i:c ial5aad-E.7 amd,'2,wl
viser under the British government atianiation", E.T. Ramsdell, '23, will
Jcrusalc a and is Superytising speak on '"Democracy in Industry",
whole plan of reconstruction .of that i Gerrit Demmink, '23, on "The Mind
city. He lectured in Ann Arbor about in Thrall", and K. F. Clardy, '25L, on
two years go i"America's Opportunity."
Born int Isleworth,'1863, his. Work
has been of a versatile nature. He has
fqunded several Einglish' socletie AA



d resistance will gc
firmly until France
French to haul coal I
heads will fail, min-
dd that they are de
ent France from ob-1
r coke and that Poln-
obtain his ends. }
y Party tickets will I
, tead of $6 as previ-
Since the new price
lieved adequate to'
penses of the dance.
applications for tick-
out on Tuesday and
Vormal dance is tol
at Barbour gymna-

Varsily Organization to Visit Five ence composed mostly of me
Cities on Spring Vacation night at the Whitney theatre.
Tour Music and costumes are the
dominating features of this
SEVENTY IMEIN WILI, P.A TI(I- play. The musical numbers are
PEVE N TTE iLLPARICI- a decidedly pleasing melody
while none are outstanding a
hits, all were well received at tl
Five cities throughout the state will formance last night. "Excuse:
be visited by the Varsity Band' on its "professor" chorus, and "Me, Y'
annual Spring concert tour, which You", the doll chorus both in th
will begin April 9 and last until act and "Pa of My Heart" in tr
April 14, according to an announce- ond act proved most popular.
ment made last night. The cities "Skeleton" chorus as the finale
where the band will play are Bay opening act 'was also clever.
City, Muskegon, Grand Rapids, Kala- chorus girls, of course, were
iazoo, and 'Lansing.'better in their parts than the
More than 70mein will be inlude who were of a rather feminine
in th n70mking thewripmThids Cast honors in "Jane Cli
in the party making the trip. This Mountain" must be equally t
number Includes GO members of the among Shirley Salisbury, who h
band, the managers, a number of spe- leading role as Jane, a colleg
cial solo performers, andthe directors. Frieda Wishropp, a nurse
Three special cars have (been char- Health service which was the sc
tered' to accommodate the party. the first act, Mary Fair, as D
Solo numbers for the tour have Black, assistant director of the
been arranged. They will include service and Marian Taylor, as
Frank Ryan, Jr., S. of) A., a vocal ar- aunt.
tist; Burton Hyde, '25M, who will give Margaret Treanor, who toc
seevral numbrs on his marimba- part of a college professor, an
phone; a saxophone sextette; and eline McGurk, as a Varsity che
Harry S. Gould, '23, with a groupo er, both merit considerable ere
special dance numbers, the skillful way in which they p
sAimn t nroughuterstated their characters.
Alumni throughout the state have 'The show as a whole'is 'goy
co-operated with the officials of the. though' the action dragged tli
band to a great extent in enabling out the play. The plot and lin
them to make the trip. The concerts quite original and the setting
will be followed in several of the ci- takes a local scene in the open
ties by special dances and entertain- and the Rocky mountains in tl
ments under the auspices of the alum- ond is unusual. Despite poor
ni associations of the localities. A ing on the first night of the ;
five piece dance orchestra is accom-: impr'ovement has been made,
panying the band to co-operate in this feet detracting considerably fr
form of entertainment, finish of the production. Nerve
Captain 'Wilfred Wilson. will accom- among several menibers of th
pany the band as director and will wa ls otcabe
have charge of the presentation of all
concerts. All arrangements for the
trip have been made by Carlton ES J'UP
Pierce, '24M,. manager. UIII W~

each representing a different ield of
work. iIe fonuded the Guild of 'land-
icraft, the London 'Burvey committee,
and the Essex House press,'.'for Which
he designed the Prayerbook for Iing
Edward VII. He teas activey engag-
ed .for a time in extensive church.re-
storation and repair work.
Publications both of'a technical and
of a literary nature have engaged his
attention.' Ile has written various
works on architecture in its social as-
pects and several books of poems iad
"belles'' lettres." He was a sociated
with the same group as Bertrand Rus-
sell and G. E. Moore while at Cam-
bridge, where Mr. Ashbee received his

mes Culture Of Mind
rs "rh ofd . r IA



M .A. at.king's College. lie is.also a"
iirnr fellow Of the Royal Institute *of Brit-
Nish Architects.
. T ~,l. .t" .. « A ..:. - fif.. X . :l.,.._..1

I ilieq presented ' three one-act
1)1y9 before w small audience last
night in the Mimes theatre. -All three
were exceptionally. well staged and;
The first was the least 'impressive
of the lot; it was a comedy, "All
Oimmed Up", by C. F. Gribble. Wheth-
er throukh the fault of the actors or
of the author, the play failed to make !
any great Impression. When the play-
was finished,. the audience was leftf
rather up in the air; the point of the i
pl'ay, if it. had one, was not success-
fully brought out. The actors did all
thop could' do; they played their roles
convincingly enough, but as there was
apparently no' point to the plot, of
Scoursethe audience couldn't possibly
see it.
"The Glittering Gate," by Lord Dun-
sany, was very well presented by
Clayton Seagears,. '23, and Lauren
Stokesberry, '24 S of M. It was rather
a disappointment to the audience that
two such nice burglars as Jim and
Bill should find nothing behind the,
gate of Heaven after jimmying their
way in. An effective setting added to,
the, general impressiveness of the
t play.
4dward Parnall, '25, and :Charley

A;K ki1

he sake of painting
t young people of
re taught to avoid
ands in the instruc-
in the improvement
faculties," said Lo-
culttor, on his re-
Arbor. "It is no
pean artists find
cities monotonfous.
artistic effort made
d out that even the
the counry advo-
'ind training at a
d ,he acclaimed this
ialble situation". He
e expect to produce
vie with those of
Iild is not taughti
ake with his hands'
artistically beauti-
be a tendency in
and colleges to.
appreciation of art;
has not, it cannot
ough." When ques-
the advisability of
ctice of the art of
:is and universities,
ed himself to be
of teaching more
orts of educational
ed Miasterpiece
n sculptor 'h i re-
a statue on the Mid-
Ih.icago, which has
itics as a sculptural
Taft calls this work
Time". In speaking
n for this piece of
vagrant line or two
a once made a great
me. The poet says:
-on say? Ah, no,

ft1 I rt 1 n . l~e rlc Wile at Ann Arbor, Mr)n. Aslibee w i
PROGRAM TO START, MARCH 28;t stay at home of Prof. R. X. Wenley
and children in endless procession, LECTURE
ever impelled by the winds of des- IS 1U'A
tiny in the inexorable lock-step of the EWednesday,TMarch28, will mark theS
ages. Theirs the 'fateful forward
movement' which has not ceased since opening of the twenty-eighth annual H yS u ' I
time began. But in that crowded con- meeting of the Michigan Academy of'
course how few detach themselves Sciences, Arts and Letters in Ann, "Insects 'are much.'better fitted for
from the greyness of the dusky car- Arbor. Business meetings of the va life on the earth,' said Dr.L. Q.
avan; low few there are who even rious sections of the academy will Howard, eminent entomoloist of the
lift their heads! Here an over-taxed take up much of the time during the department of agriculture,..Washing-f
body fllsand a place is vacant for 'ton, D. C., in his talk last night inf
a moment; there a strong man turns three days of the meeting. The pub- the Natural Science auditorium, I
to the silent, shrouded reviewer and lie is invited to attend all the discus- "than is the human species. And ex-
with lifted arms utters the cry of sions. cepting bacteria they are our most
the old-time gladiators: 'Hail Caesar, Prof. William B. Scott of Princeton dangerous rivals for existance."
we who go to our death salute thee!' university, one of the foremost paleon- Dr. Howard told of the work being
-and presses forward". tologists in the United States, will carried on by the bureau of ento-
Aspires to More Work on Midway speak on'"Evidences of Evolution", mology, of which he is the head,
The statue itself at the University at 4:15 o'clock next Friday in 1ill against such pests as the cotton boll
of Chicago shows the procession pars- auditoriuni weevil, the European :cornborer and
ing in review before the great in- Sectional meetings will be held in many othe' -insect ravi'ser".'
movable figure of Time,. Father Time agriculture, botany, economics, geol-. A third lecture will be given by
is represented by a rugged, mysterious g chology, sani- Dr. How'ard at 4:15 o'clock this after-
1saeapaetl eieiga hogogy adgorpy scooy
shae apparently reviewing a throng tary and medical sciences, and zoolo- noon in room 214 o the Natural Sci-
of hastenin people combined in gy. The complete program may be once building. His topic willr be "Ec-
series of waves. An warrior on horse-obtained from Prof. Carl D. LaRue onomic Entonology". He'will be the
back flanked by banners and dancing of the botany department. guest of members of the zoology de-
figures, forms the center of the com- partment' at a luncheon in the Natural
position, Which fades off at the ends Slight Colds Prevalent on Campus Science building and at dinner. in the;
into creeping ifancy or the bent and "After several weeks of compara-' Union today.
withered figures of age. While the tive freedom, colds and light throat in-
tragic note is not lacking there is afections have 'laid a new siege on the BANQUET TO HONOR.
suggestion of joyous onward move- campus," Dr. Floyd M. Allen of the;
nment in this procession and of the Health service said yesterday. 34 CO R N E L L M E N
splendor and pageantry which life "Fully 75 per cent of the cases
has achieved since that first day of handled by the Health service are Thirty-four Cornell trackmen, who
creation, which the Fountain cele- cases of colds. Few are considered! are to conpete tomorrow evening
brates. serious however," Dr. Allen said. Ihere with te Wolveriens, will be glv-
Mr. Taft sometime hopes to con- en a formal reception directly follow-
C struct another statue at the opposite ing the meet at the Union under the
end of the Midway calling it the direction of the Union- reception de-
"Fountain of Creatibn" and also has Infested Wit h ugs partment. Three officials of the East-
hopes to build three , bridges over ibern track team are also to be guests
a canal which extends along the Mid- at the reception, as are the Varsity
way having them represent the Bridge Green, purple, grey, red and trackmen. and officials.
of Sciences, the Bride of Arts and the s then there arc The Cornell trackmen will arrive in
! colorless oe;te hr r
.Bridge of Religions. Along the road- those that are quiet and rest- Ann Arbor at 8:35 o'clock tomorrow
ways upon either side of the canal ful; others that disturb the morning, and are to be met at the
would stand statues of the world's peace with the roar of their pro- train by reception committee meta-
greatest idealists, ranged at half gross, yet they are all of the ' bers. They are to be entertained at
I hi ock intprvn.lg mnd trantaa sne neo four wheel variety and still re- I f ntipn duirIng th1 dnv



"ORIGIN OF HUMAN TYPES":MILL In the interest of the
DE SUBJECT OF FIRST the international Near
ADDRESS mnovement, Dr. Andrew M.
W;,,hington representati'
Dr. Charles Rupert Stockard, pro- movement, spoke last ni
fessor of anatomy at the Cornell med- auditorium on the subject,
ir l A llo na dn no ?nm c ~_ a itrum mi he ub c,

Livingstone, '25, were the outstandingn
nerformers in the last play, "Release".
by Edward H. Smith. These men car-

ried off their emotional roles, with I . iat 1odea±Iu one ofJtheimost e ni- Conditions".
.<aeand, auans which iee nent biologists in the country, zwill
an ease naturalness never r Dr. Brodie emphrq3ized the
faltered for an instant. a H uar les n The igun people of today are not well
S J ' of Humian Types and the Inifluenceastw'u'isbngdn£0
. of Internal Secretions", at 8 o'cioek as to wh't is being done for
Monday evening in the Natural Science 000 homeless and fatherless
DOD S .auditorium under' the auspices of th.-! of Armenia by the Near Ea
Having set too high a standard in zoology department. I society.
their previous presentations Dodos He will deliver two other lectures: Dr. Brodie told amazini
last night were unable to come up to which will be of a technical nature connected with the condition
it in their offerings last night at the and are intended primarily for special orphans. in face of all tha
Dodo playshop The work was good. students, at 4:15 o'clock Monday and done for them, an average o:
but it was lacking in that something Tuesday afternoons in room 214 of drn die every day.
which meat forer en-the Natural Science building. The top- Havi'ng just completed
Iments such great successes. ics, for these two lectures will b, h'uhteNa at r
Cynthia Mallory in the first number "Modificatios o te Devlpm t th0 tvnhe near ast, Dr.
two exhibition dances, showed that Rate and tie Structural.Response"inrwtravelint in this coun
she was unaccustonied to the stageI and "The Oestrous Cycle as a Means interest ote relief work
Her dances were too studied and lies- of Analyzing Structural Changes".
itabt. After a few moire public ex- Dr. Stockard's chief scientific re-
hitbitions she might fill a"return bill searches include many investigations LATLE CI!I I
with more enthusiastic response fromi of morphological subjects, experiment-
audience.'' is x ept tal production of monstrosities suchr r
All of the settings were eceptionah- as cyclopean monsters, studies of ?!e
ly good. In the first drama, "Etude growth of tissues, the regeneration ofLXrUJJLU OUIL T
Emitonale", by Dorian Snyder, '25, an lost parts in animals, origin and dc-
author's studio was represented quite velopment of blood, and the influence m of the financec
successfully. The acting did not do it of alcohol and other apaesthetics on of the state senate and the
justice. the development of animals. He will means committee of the hou
A. D- Conkey's "Aftermath scored confine his lectures largely to his own pected to arrive in Ann I
heaviest last night. A strikin ustreet observations andainvestigations mrnorning, for their survey o
scene was beautifully laid outside aI Besides being a member' of several versity building program.
church door, with the light stream- foreign scientific societies Dr. Stock- They will make a tour of
ing out from the wondrously colored ard is ,a fellow of the American As-' similar to that taken by th
windows. Ray Alexander, '24, took sociation for the Advancement of' tors here last week. The rep
the part of an ex-soldier street-walk- Science, fellow of the New York Zoo-' they will make, it is exp
er extremely well. In this play C. logical society and the New York Aca-
J. Dresbach, '24, showed unusual pol- dey of Medicine, and is a have eiht when the Uni
} is an stae pesene. ecoy ofBledcin, an isa memlber propriation bill cmsh
iS and stage presence.' of the American association for can- Legislature, cones
"Oh, It's You!" penned by Prof. E. cer research. He has been a fre-
S. Everett, of the rhetoric department: nnaent contributor to both Americant -'-


efore me a pic-
dily transform-
'k of sculpture.
g-like fiure of

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